Turmeric and Black Pepper: A Powerful Combination

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: August 02, 2022

Turmeric and Black Pepper: A Powerful Combination

Be it cough, cold, fever, stomach pain or you are hurt, Indian mothers have a great all-in-one solution, "Turmeric milk". If you have ever lived in an Indian household, your mother, at least once, must have forced you to drink turmeric milk. Whenever asked why their answers would always be that it is healthy, it can heal wounds. Even if you get a cut wound, you can apply some turmeric powder to stop the bleeding. Turmeric is said to have antiseptic abilities. 

Spices, which are used to give flavour to food, can also help you combat various health problems. Some spices in your kitchen have medicinal properties and provide health advantages. Turmeric is one of the most often used spices in Indian cuisine. This fantastic spice has numerous medicinal qualities. Ayurveda also recommends turmeric for naturally combating different health concerns. Black pepper, on the other hand, is a common spice that has a variety of health benefits. Turmeric and black pepper, when combined, can provide some unexpected medical effects. Let us see how.

Turmeric, a tall plant grown in Asia and Central America, is called the golden spice. The curry gets its yellow colour from turmeric, and it has been used in traditional Indian medicine to cure various ailments for thousands of years. Its use is supported by research, and it is beneficial to your health.

Because it has been used and studied by nutritionists and scientists for years, fresh turmeric has long been connected with various health advantages. They go out the window unless you're taking your turmeric with a surprise and necessary complement. We'll teach you how to absorb the turmeric better by increasing curcumin absorption and bioavailability with the help of one crucial component.

So, what exactly is this enigmatic chemical we're discussing?

The flavour of back pepper comes from a chemical compound called Piperine. Often known as black pepper extract, Piperine complements turmeric by improving the body's access to all of its micronutrients. Involving turmeric and black pepper in your diet or consuming supplements can provide several health benefits. Let's look at some science behind how these two nutritional powerhouses function, why they are a good match for your health, and how to include them in your daily routine.

Key Active Ingredients

A study in recent years has confirmed turmeric's therapeutic effects. While most people think of black pepper as merely a condiment, it also has health benefits. Turmeric and black pepper include active compounds that aid in anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and disease-fighting properties.

  • Curcumin in Turmeric: Curcuminoids are the active ingredients in turmeric. Curcumin is the most dynamic and appears to be the most critical component.
  • Curcumin, as a polyphenol, provides several health benefits. It contains anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties and is a powerful antioxidant.
  • On the other hand, curcumin has some drawbacks, one of which is that it is poorly absorbed in the body.
  • Piperine in black pepper: Piperine, a bioactive chemical found in black pepper, is an alkaloid similar to capsaicin, the active ingredient in chilli powder and cayenne pepper.
  • Piperine contains anti-inflammatory qualities and has been shown to aid with nausea, migraines, and poor digestion.
  • However, its potential to increase curcumin absorption may be its most significant advantage.

Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Curcumin is the most important of numerous substances with therapeutic effects found in turmeric.

  • Curcumin is an excellent antioxidant that aids in preventing oxidative damage and boosts the body's natural antioxidant enzymes.
  • It is significant since oxidative damage is thought to be a substantial factor in the ageing process and the development of many illnesses.
  • Curcumin is also anti-inflammatory, to the point where it rivals the efficacy of some anti-inflammatory medications.
  • Curcumin is connected to many health advantages, which is not surprising given that long-term, low-level inflammation has a substantial role in practically every chronic Western illness.

Health Benefits Of Black Pepper

Black pepper's health benefits go beyond its use in turmeric supplements, where it is already highly beneficial for absorption.

  • Piperine has been discovered to help with digestion, among other things, and has a long list of other health advantages.
  • Black pepper's health benefits don't end there. Because of its high piperine content, it is said to be a powerful antioxidant, assisting in the fight against and possibly preventing cell damage caused by free radicals.
  • Black pepper improves gut health by increasing the beneficial bacteria in the gut. Improved immune function and mood have been related to increased helpful bacteria in the gut.

Piperine Boosts Curcumin Absorption

Piperine enhances membrane fluidity in your gut (specifically your intestines), making vitamin absorption more straightforward. Adding a dash of black pepper to your meal will help you absorb more iron, zinc, and calcium from your meals and improve curcumin absorption and bioavailability. Turmeric's curcumin, however, is poorly absorbed into the bloodstream. As a result, you may be missing out on its health benefits. But adding black pepper can help. Adding the Piperine in black pepper to the curcumin in turmeric has increased curcumin absorption by up to 2,000%.

According to one study, adding 20 mg of Piperine to 2 grams of curcumin improved its absorption significantly.

There are two theories about how this may work right now.

  • One, Piperine aids curcumin's passage past the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream.
  • Second, it may inhibit the liver's curcumin breakdown, resulting in higher blood levels.

As a result, mixing curcumin with Piperine boosts its health potential.

The Combination Boosts Health Benefits

While curcumin and Piperine have individual health benefits, they work much better together.

Fights Inflammation And Helps Reduce Pain

Curcumin, a component of turmeric, has potent anti-inflammatory actions.

  • Several studies have found the same potency as some anti-inflammatory medicines but without harmful side effects.
  • Studies also show turmeric helps prevent and treat arthritis, a joint inflammation and pain disease.
  • Curcumin's anti-inflammatory qualities are frequently commended for its ability to alleviate pain and discomfort.
  • Anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic effects have also been discovered in Piperine. It works by desensitising a specific pain receptor in your body, which might help you feel less uncomfortable.
  • Curcumin and Piperine, when combined, are a potent anti-inflammatory combo that can help relieve pain and suffering.

May Help Prevents Cancer

Curcumin has the potential to treat and prevent cancer.

  • At the molecular level, test-tube studies suggest that it can slow cancer growth, development, and spread. It may also aid in the demise of cancer cells.
  • Piperine appears to play a role in the death of specific cancer cells, which may lower your chance of tumour formation. At the same time, other research suggests it may also impede cell proliferation.
  • Curcumin and Piperine, both alone and in combination, were found to stop breast stem cells from self-renewing in one study. It is significant since it is through this process that breast cancer develops.
  • Curcumin and Piperine have been shown to have anti-cancer properties in several trials, including prostate, pancreatic, colorectal, and other malignancies.

Aids In Digestion

Turmeric has been used in Indian medicine to aid digestion for thousands of years. 

  • Modern research supports its use, which shows that it can help minimise gastrointestinal spasms and flatulence.
  • Piperine has been demonstrated to increase the activity of digestive enzymes in the gut, which aids in the faster and easier digestion of meals.
  • Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory effects of turmeric and Piperine may help with digestion by lowering gut inflammation.

Fights Off Obesity

If you ask a holistic health fanatic, they'll tell you that a combination of black pepper, turmeric and ginger in warm water first thing in the morning boosts their metabolism. To make it more bearable, they may add a dash of lime.

Safety and Dosage

  • Curcumin and Piperine are generally thought to be harmless. There are no recognised guidelines for their consumption and no known maximum permissible dose.
  • Some people may have side effects such as nausea, headaches, and skin rashes after taking large doses of curcumin. As a result, following the dosage directions on the supplement's packaging is crucial.
  • According to the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives, an acceptable dietary intake of curcumin is 1.4 mg per pound (3 mg/kg) of body weight per day or around 245 mg for a 175-pound (80-kg) individual (JECFA).
  • Because curcumin is fat-soluble, it may be better absorbed if consumed with fat.
  • Curcumin is best used as a supplement with Piperine to benefit from its therapeutic properties.
  • Turmeric and black pepper are widely used in Indian tea, and they're frequently combined with olive oil, coconut oil, honey, and ginger.

How to Use?

This combo should not be consumed in enormous quantities. Only use a small amount. You may use it in various dishes, drinks, and smoothies. It is also great on salads and scrambled eggs.

Raise your hand if you sprinkle pepper on your food or use it in your cooking. That is what we thought. it is no surprise that it is known as the "King of Spices." Let's look at how to get Piperine in your food and turmeric and black pepper supplements, and then you may choose which method you like.

Piperine in Peppercorn

The alkaloid piperine is thought to make up between 2% and 7% of black pepper, though this varies depending on where you get your pepper. Pronounce it ten times faster! Before it is dried down into the peppercorns, we know the concentration can be changed by some factors, including climate, growing conditions, and the provenance of the peppercorns.

So, how much black pepper extract do you need to acquire enough curcumin? Le u's see the science behind it.

Black Pepper Extract In Diet

In one study, Piperine, or black pepper extract, inhibited glucuronidation, a metabolic process. This process breaks down the molecules in your meals and drinks into more water-soluble components, making it easier to flush them into your urine. Glucuronidation essentially makes it easy for the body to disintegrate and wash away molecules without them being absorbed into the body. It doesn't distinguish between good and harmful components to absorb.

Black pepper increases curcumin absorption and bioavailability by weakening the glucuronidation process. According to the same study, the human equivalent of ingesting the correct amount of black pepper extract to prevent glucuronidation is roughly two tablespoons of black pepper!

How To Make The Best Use Of Turmeric/black Pepper Intake?

Turmeric can be consumed in various forms. That includes drinking it as a tea, eating dishes, and taking supplements containing the active component curcumin. Here are some ways how to get the most out of your turmeric:

  • The addition of black pepper: Curcumin's bioavailability is increased by adding black pepper or Piperine, meaning more is available and absorbed where you need it most.
  • Adding a pinch of turmeric to your meal can boost its anti-inflammatory properties throughout the day!
  • Turmeric Tea: This is the perfect moment if you've never tried herbal teas before. Turmeric tea is another simple way to get some curcumin into your system, and because it's hot, it'll be absorbed more quickly! If you like, you can drink it as a soothing bedtime drink.
  • Drink lots of water: Water aids digestion and could help absorb curcumin into the body.
  • Vitamins and Minerals Supplements: Supplements are a good option if you don't want to make significant dietary changes or want a quick way to improve your turmeric and black pepper intake.

Who Should Avoid Turmeric Use?

A modest amount of turmeric used in cooking is completely safe. People who use turmeric as a supplement in the form of a gel or tablet should be cautious. Turmeric has several active alkaloids. As a result, those with the conditions listed below should avoid it or use it with caution:

  • Gallbladder ailments: Turmeric's potential to promote bile output can aggravate gallbladder disorders. Avoid using turmeric supplements if you have gallstones or a bile duct obstruction.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD): Turmeric might aggravate stomach issues like GERD. People with GERD should watch their symptoms if they consume turmeric.
  • Bleeding disorders: Turmeric reduces blood coagulation, putting patients with bleeding disorders at risk of bruising and bleeding. It is especially critical for people who take blood thinners by injection.
  • Infertility: Turmeric has been linked to male infertility because:
    • It may reduce their testosterone levels.
  • And restrict the sperm movement.
    • As a result, men attempting to conceive should use turmeric with caution.
  • Surgery: Because of the danger of bleeding before and after surgery, turmeric should be stopped two weeks before surgery. Turmeric helps to prevent blood clots from forming.
  • Diabetes: Curcumin, a substance found in turmeric, may help people with diabetes lower their blood sugar levels. As a result, doctors warn people with diabetes to be cautious since curcumin has the potential to reduce blood sugar levels substantially.
  • Iron deficiency: Turmeric in high doses might prevent the body from absorbing iron. As a result, iron deficient persons should consume turmeric with caution.
  • Hormone-sensitive disorders like ovarian cancer, breast cancer, uterine cancer, uterine fibroids, and endometriosis: Turmeric's curcumin has estrogen-like properties. Although some research supports the use of turmeric in hormone-sensitive disorders, others are sceptical. If you have any hormone-sensitive conditions, you should use turmeric with caution until more evidence becomes available.
  • Liver ailments: Turmeric has been linked to liver damage, particularly in liver disease patients. If you have liver problems, avoid using turmeric pills.
  • Heart arrhythmia: A man who ingested 1,500 grams of turmeric each day died of an irregular heart rhythm, according to one source.
  • Pregnancy: Turmeric stimulates the uterus and may cause the menstrual period to begin in pregnant women. As a result, turmeric pills should be avoided by pregnant women. 

Turmeric and black pepper both contain the chemicals curcumin and Piperine, which have health advantages. Piperine boosts curcumin absorption by up to 2,000% in the body. Therefore combining the spices amplifies their effects.

They may help reduce inflammation and improve digestion, especially when taken as a supplement. If you want to get the most out of the benefits of turmeric and black pepper, try combining the two spices. On their own, turmeric and black pepper are potent, aromatic spices. Both have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which may aid in relieving or preventing inflammatory disorders and reducing free radical damage.

Turmeric and black pepper become much more vital when mixed. Piperine, the principal active element in black pepper, aids in absorbing curcumin, the golden spice's active constituent.

You can cook with turmeric and black pepper, but taking a turmeric pill with added black pepper or Piperine will likely provide more anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. Purchase a high-quality supplement that has undergone third-party testing for safety, and follow the dosage instructions on the bottle.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Black Pepper Required For Turmeric To Be Effective?

Turmeric does not require black pepper to be effective, but it can benefit. Piperine, a molecule found in black pepper, inhibits the metabolic breakdown of turmeric components in the intestines and liver. The bioavailability of turmeric is substantially improved with just 1/20 teaspoon or more of black pepper, and turmeric's advantages are further enhanced.

How Much Black Pepper Should I Use When Mixing Turmeric?

However, 1/4 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper to 1 teaspoon of Tumeric powder is a decent rule of thumb. For a ratio, this comes out to about 1:4. This proportion will change based on the freshness of your components and the application.

When Is The Ideal Time To Take Turmeric?

Most people find that taking turmeric in the morning to kick-start their day or before bed to counteract inflammation from the day's activities works well. Curcumin absorption is increased when turmeric is taken with healthy fats; thus, we recommend taking it with a meal.

What Are The Benefits Of Drinking Turmeric And Black Pepper Water?

To lose weight and enhance metabolism, combine turmeric, black pepper, and ginger in warm water in the morning. When turmeric and black pepper are mixed, they can aid in the fight against excessive cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes.

What Happens If You Use Turmeric Regularly?

You might be minimising your risk of cancer later in life if you take turmeric every day. Curcumin, turmeric's most potent element, may be able to reduce one's risk of acquiring numerous types of cancer, making turmeric one of the healthiest spices available.

What Are Turmeric's Disadvantages?

Turmeric does not usually have any adverse side effects, although it can cause stomach trouble, nausea, dizziness, or diarrhoea in some people. According to one report, a guy who took substantial doses of turmeric, over 1500 mg twice daily, developed a deadly irregular cardiac rhythm.

How Much Turmeric Should You Take Daily?

While it is good to eat turmeric regularly, you should be cautious when taking it as a supplement because it will likely have more curcumin. Curcumin is found in small amounts in turmeric spices, but pills can contain up to 95 per cent curcumin. A daily intake of no more than 1.4 milligrams of curcumin per pound (0-3 mg/kg) of body weight is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Most turmeric supplements prescribe 500 milligrams each day.

However, because no single dose works for everyone, you should see your doctor before taking turmeric or curcumin-containing herbal supplements. The appropriate dosage for you will be determined by your overall health, existing medical conditions, and the reason you are taking the supplement.

Is Turmeric Good For Lowering Cholesterol?

According to a review of controlled trials, turmeric or its key component curcumin can lower total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol.

Can Turmeric Help You Lose Abdominal Fat?

Turmeric tea helps boost bile production in the stomach when consumed regularly. It is a digestive juice that aids in fat emulsion and metabolism. This procedure makes this spice an excellent weight-loss aid.

How Much Black Pepper Extract Should You Consume?

In one study, Piperine, or black pepper extract, inhibited the metabolic process known as glucuronidation. This process breaks down the molecules in your food and beverages into more water-soluble components, allowing your body to dispose of them more quickly through your urine.

Glucuronidation essentially makes it easy for the body to disintegrate and wash away molecules without them being absorbed, and it makes no distinction between good and harmful components to absorb. Black pepper increases curcumin absorption and bioavailability by weakening the glucuronidation process.




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