20 Remedies to Get Rid of Headaches Naturally

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: July 25, 2023

20 Remedies to Get Rid of Headaches Naturally

Headache! A very common problem. Let us read about some remedies to treat our headache naturally.

The daily occurrence of headaches is a frequent condition that affects many people. They can interfere with your daily life because they can be anything from bothersome to downright intolerable. There are numerous forms of headaches, with tension headaches the most prevalent. While migraines are a mild-to-severe form of headache, cluster headaches are intense and occur in groups, or "clusters."

Several efficient, all-natural remedies are available in addition to the several drugs intended to relieve headache symptoms. 

Here are 20 efficient home cures for headaches that work.

Drink Water

Water is essential to consume because dehydration can result in headaches. Research has shown that tension headaches and migraines are frequently brought on by persistent dehydration. Fortunately, it has been found that most dehydrated patients considerably see a reduction in headache symptoms after consuming water within 30 minutes to 3 hours.

Dehydration can also make it difficult to concentrate and make you irritable, exacerbating your symptoms. Concentrate on consuming enough water throughout the day and eating meals high in water to help prevent headaches caused by dehydration.

Utilise Magnesium

Magnesium is a vital mineral required for various bodily processes, including nerve and blood sugar regulation. It is interesting to note that magnesium has been proven to be a safe, efficient headache treatment. Evidence suggests that those who frequently have migraine headaches have a higher prevalence of magnesium shortage than individuals who do not.

Studies show that a daily intake of 600 mg of magnesium citrate reduces the frequency and severity of migraine attacks. Starting with a lower dose is preferable when treating headache symptoms because magnesium supplements, such as diarrhoea, may adversely affect certain people's digestive systems.

Limit Alcohol

Most people may not get a headache after consuming an alcoholic beverage, but studies have shown that one-third of people with recurrent headaches can develop migraines. Numerous people have also reported experiencing stress and cluster headaches after drinking alcohol. It is a vasodilator, which opens blood vessels and promotes greater blood flow.

Some patients may experience headaches after vasodilation. In actuality, vasodilators like blood pressure medicines frequently cause headaches as a side effect. Alcohol also has a diuretic effect, which results in the body losing fluid and electrolytes through frequent urine. Dehydration brought on by this fluid loss might aggravate or bring on headaches.

Get Enough Sleep

Your health might suffer from sleep deprivation in numerous ways, and for some people, it can even cause headaches. One study, for instance, examined the frequency and intensity of headaches in people who slept fewer than six hours each night versus those who slept longer. It was shown that people who slept less frequently experienced more severe headaches.

Obtaining the proper amount of rest is crucial for individuals wanting to prevent headaches naturally since getting too much sleep has also been found to do so. Try aiming for the "sweet spot" of seven to nine hours per night for the most impact.

Avoid Consuming Histamine-Rich Foods

Histamine is a substance that occurs naturally in the body and impacts the nervous, immunological, and digestive systems. Additionally, it can be present in some foods, including smoked fish, cured meats, aged cheeses, fermented meals, beer, and wine.

According to studies, people sensitive to histamine may have migraines after taking it. Some individuals have enzymes that break down histamine improperly, which prevents them from excreting it correctly. People who frequently get headaches may find it helpful to exclude histamine-rich items from their diet.

Use Aromatic Compounds

Essential oils are liquids with a high concentration of aromatic components from various plants. They are frequently applied topically and have medicinal advantages, while you can take some orally. Lavender and peppermint essential oils are excellent for headache relief.

It has been demonstrated that rubbing peppermint essential oil on the temples will ease tension headache symptoms. On the other hand, when applied to the upper lip and inhaled, lavender oil is highly efficient at reducing migraine discomfort and related symptoms. Online shops sell lavender and peppermint oils.

Consider a B-Complex

A class of water-soluble micronutrients known as the vitamin B vitamins have a variety of vital functions in the body. For instance, they assist in the synthesis of neurotransmitters and the conversion of food into energy. Some B vitamins might be able to prevent headaches. The B vitamin supplements pyridoxine (B6), folate (B12), and riboflavin (B2) may lessen headache symptoms, according to numerous research.

B-complex vitamins are a secure, economical method of treating headache symptoms naturally because they contain all eight B vitamins. Regular B vitamins are considered safe because they are water-soluble, and any excess gets eliminated through urine. B vitamins are available online.

Utilise a Cold or hot Compress to Relieve Pain

Your headache symptoms can improve if you apply a cold compress. Applying cold or ice compresses to the neck, or head area can help ease headache symptoms by lowering inflammation, delaying nerve conduction, and restricting blood vessels. In one study involving 28 women, placing a cold gel pack on the head significantly reduced migraine discomfort.

Use an ice-filled waterproof bag and a soft towel to create a cold compress. Use the compress on your head, neck, or temples for headache treatment. A warm compress may also assist in relaxing the muscles and provide comfort in other circumstances, such as with a tension headache caused by too tight muscles. A heated towel is one inexpensive option for a warm compress. A lukewarm shower or bath may be able to produce the same results for people.

Think About Consuming Coenzyme Q1

The body naturally produces coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), which aids in converting food into energy and is a potent antioxidant. Studies suggest supplementing with CoQ10 may be a safe and effective strategy to relieve headaches. For instance, one study including 80 individuals found that supplementing 100 mg of CoQ10 daily decreased migraines' frequency, severity, and duration.

Taking three 100-mg doses of CoQ10 throughout the day helped reduce the incidence of headaches and migraine-related symptoms, including nausea, according to another study involving 42 patients who frequently suffered migraines. There are CoQ10 supplements for sale online.

Consider an Elimination Diet

According to studies, some people's headaches may be brought on by food intolerances. Try an elimination diet that eliminates the meals most associated with your headache symptoms to determine if a particular food contributes to your recurrent headaches.

Among migraine sufferers' the most popular dietary triggers are aged cheese, alcohol, chocolate, citrus fruits, and coffee. One small study found that a 12-week elimination diet reduced the frequency of migraine attacks. At the four-week point, these effects began.

Coffee Or Tea With Caffeine

Caffeine-containing drinks, such as tea or coffee, may help you feel better when you have a headache. The effects of caffeine on mood, attentiveness, and blood vessel constriction can all help with headache symptoms. Additionally, it aids in boosting the efficiency of common headache drugs like acetaminophen and ibuprofen. However, if a person routinely takes a lot of caffeine and then quits, caffeine withdrawal has also been found to result in headaches. As a result, those who experience headaches frequently should limit their coffee intake.

Consider Acupuncture

To stimulate specific body locations, tiny needles are inserted into the skin during acupuncture, a kind of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Numerous studies have shown a correlation between this practice and a decrease in headache symptoms. An assessment of 22 research with more than 4,400 participants found that acupuncture was just as effective at treating migraines as over-the-counter painkillers.

In another study, topiramate, an anticonvulsant medicine used to treat persistent headaches, as compared to acupuncture, was found to be less harmful and more effective. An excellent option to consider if you seek a natural remedy for chronic headaches is acupuncture.

Unwind with Yoga

Yoga is a fantastic technique to reduce pain, develop flexibility, relieve stress, and enhance your general quality of life. By practising yoga, you might even be able to lessen the severity and frequency of your headaches. One study examined the benefits of yoga therapy on 60 sufferers of recurrent migraines. Compared to individuals receiving only conventional care, those undergoing yoga therapy also experienced a more significant reduction in headache frequency and intensity.

According to a different study, those who practised yoga for three months had significantly lower headache frequency, severity, and related symptoms levels than those who did not.

Massage Pressure Spots

A headache may be lessened and tension in the head relieved by massaging particular pressure points. Many people act in this way automatically, such as stroking their necks or pinching the bridge of their noses, when they are under stress. These instincts might have some basis in reality. Many people discover that massaging their neck, jaw, or temples can ease tension and lessen a tension headache that results from being overly worried.

Try rubbing the area between your brows and the two points at the base of your brows on either side of your nose's bridge. Massage may assist release tension held in these areas, which may originate from the head or the eyes. A neck massage around the skull's base may also aid in de-stressing.

Skip The Strong Smells

Some people can get headaches from solid odours like those from cleaning supplies and perfumes. Strong scents, especially perfumes, frequently cause headaches, according to research involving 400 patients who either had migraines or tension headaches.

Osmophobia, or an oversensitivity to smells, is a typical symptom in those who suffer from recurrent headaches. If you believe you might be sensitive to smells, avoiding perfumes, cigarette smoke, and strongly scented meals may help lower your risk of migraines.

Analyse Herbal Remedies

Feverfew and butterbur are two herbs that may lessen headache symptoms. A blooming plant with anti-inflammatory qualities is called feverfew. According to several kinds of research, consuming supplements containing feverfew at levels of 50 to 150 mg daily may lessen the incidence of headaches. Other research, however, has not seen an advantage. Like feverfew, butterbur root is a perennial shrub native to Germany and contains anti-inflammatory properties. Butterbur extract, taken in doses of 50 to 150 mg, has been demonstrated in numerous studies to lessen headache symptoms in adults and children. If used in the recommended dosages, feverfew is usually regarded as safe. However, butterbur should be used carefully because its long-term effects are uncertain, and unpurified versions can harm the liver.

Prevent Using Nitrates And Nitrites

To keep foods like hot dogs, sausages, and bacon fresh, nitrates and nitrites are frequently added as food preservatives. Some people have been shown to get headaches after eating foods that contain them. Nitrites can make blood vessels enlarge, which can lead to headaches. To lessen your exposure to nitrites, cut back on the quantity of processed meat in your diet and use nitrate-free options whenever possible.

Take a Cup of Ginger Tea

Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory chemicals are only two of the numerous healthy ingredients in ginger root. One study on 100 chronic migraine sufferers found that sumatriptan, a standard headache medicine, and 250 mg ginger powder effectively reduced migraine discomfort.

Additionally, ginger lessens nausea and vomiting, two common side effects of severe headaches. You can create a potent tea with raw ginger root or take the ginger powder in pill form.

Take Up Exercise

Participating in physical exercise is one of the most straightforward strategies to lessen headache frequency and intensity. For instance, a 91-person study indicated that indoor cycling for 40 minutes three times a week reduced headache frequency more effectively than relaxing strategies.

Another sizable study with more than 92,000 participants revealed a direct link between a low level of physical exercise and a higher incidence of headaches. Although there are various strategies to raise your activity level, one of the simplest is – walking more during the day.

Reduce the Brightness

Some headache sufferers develop a sensitivity to light. A smartphone's intense light or even bright office lights may exacerbate symptoms. Resting in a dimly light or darkened space may be beneficial when treating headaches.

Use Medications Sparingly

Painkillers for all headaches are readily available on pharmacy shelves. To maximise benefit while minimising risk, adhere to the label's directions and the following advice:

  • Prefer liquids to tablets. It enters your body more quickly.
  • If you suffer from kidney or heart failure, stay away from ibuprofen and other NSAIDs.
  • Do not give aspirin to children under 18.
  • As soon as you start to hurt, take painkillers. If you take it sooner rather than later, you will probably be able to defeat it.
  • Ask your doctor what could be helpful if you feel ill to your stomach whenever you have a headache.
  • For guidance on how to avoid a rebound headache, which is pain that appears after taking analgesics for a few days, speak with your doctor.

Also, be careful to ask your doctor which headache symptoms you should not attempt to cure on your own.

What Kind Of Headache Is It?

There are numerous distinct types of headaches, and for some, a specific natural cure may be more effective than another. Typical types of headaches include:

  • Tension headache: The most common headache, tension headaches, frequently appear after a person has become overly agitated and their muscles have stiffened. The top and centre of the head experience pain, which may seem like a tight rubber band is wrapping around it.
  • Sinus headache: Pain behind the eyes and nose and a general feeling of congestion in the brain are symptoms of sinus headaches. When one is hungover, they experience a similar type of headache.
  • Cluster headaches: Cluster headaches can strike any time of the day, leaving a single place on the head with stabbing, acute pain.
  • Migraines: A throbbing pain behind the eyes that spreads and pulses throughout the head is typically the result of a migraine. The individual may also develop extreme sensitivity to light, noise, or movement.

Making Healthier Food Decisions To Manage A Headache

The Cleveland Clinic says most of the data on foods that cause headaches came from people describing their experiences. The historical and present research is undertaken in great numbers. The fact that every case is unique presents a problem for researchers. Avoiding foods known to cause headaches is the first step. Some meals may encourage a quicker recovery period.

Educating decisions might be easier if you know what to eat when your head hurts. The following are the most typical meals and beverages that have been claimed to relieve headaches:

  • Low sodium foods
  • A little coffee would help with a caffeine headache.
  • Fresh fruits, especially brightly coloured ones high in antioxidants
  • Almonds
  • Leafy greens

You should avoid foods high in salt, such as potato chips, processed foods, aged cheeses, smoked or dried salmon, cultured dairy products, and foods high in carbohydrates and sugar. Sometimes avoiding certain foods can help relieve headaches.

Be cautious when drinking as well! Certain beverages have been connected to headaches.

  • Dairy goods: Casein, a subset of phosphoproteins, account for 78.7% of the protein in milk. Some people may have a milk migraine or another sort of headache after consuming casein. Headaches have reportedly been linked to buttermilk, milk, and milk-based beverages. Some people drink whole milk because the protein and electrolytes help reduce headaches.
  • Alcohol: Alcohol can be found in beer, wine, champagne, mixed beverages, and more. A throbbing headache could result from alcohol's effects on the brain's chemical composition and blood vessels. The consequences are multiplied when alcohol is consumed, and not enough water is consumed. Red and white wines are the perfect combination for causing headaches because they include alcohol, tannins, and sugar. Champagne can also lead to dehydration by inhibiting the hormones that keep the body's fluid balance, like other alcoholic beverages, but the carbonation can exacerbate headaches. In carbonation, carbon dioxide competes with oxygen in the bloodstream, resulting in various symptoms like headaches, nausea, and dizziness.
  • Caffeine-based beverages: More beverages than most people are aware contain caffeine. It is well-known that you can find it in several soft drinks, coffee, and tea. Hot cocoa may cause headaches, as it is also in chocolate. You should avoid a cup of milk-based hot chocolate if you are prone to migraines. The presence of caffeine in meals like ice cream and breakfast cereals is not widely understood. If you drink numerous cups of coffee and eat cereal in the morning, you will consume a significant amount of caffeine.
  • Water: The remedy for headaches is water! To avoid dehydration, one of the leading causes of headaches, drink plenty of water. A simple glass of water can frequently provide headache relief.
  • Food and beverage supplements: Today's food and beverages contain a lot of additives. Flavourings improve food flavour, preservatives (such as nitrites) prolong shelf life, and sugar substitutes are used instead of natural sugar. Headaches can be brought on by numerous substances, including artificial sweeteners like aspartame.

Despite its decreased usage, monosodium glutamate (MSG) is still present in goods, including soy sauce, packaged foods, and meat tenderisers. Phenylalanine and nitrites are two more additives that might cause headaches.

When To Contact Your Physician

Seek immediate medical attention for:

  • A headache after suffering a head injury.
  • A headache accompanied by vertigo, difficulty speaking, confusion, or other neurological symptoms.
  • An unforeseen, excruciating headache.
  • A headache that persists even after taking painkillers.

People can try many natural and homemade methods to treat headaches without taking medicine. Some of these might be more effective depending on the type of headache. Finally, using an over-the-counter medication, such as ibuprofen (Advil), acetaminophen (Tylenol), or naproxen (Aleve), may provide relief for headaches that do not react to these treatments.

A headache that would not go away must not be disregarded. A persistent symptom can be an indication of a deeper problem. To identify and treat a problem, people may want to discuss a constant or terrible headache and other symptoms with a doctor. Finding natural and efficient treatment options is vital because recurrent headaches have a detrimental influence on many people. Natural, secure, and efficient methods to lessen headache symptoms include yoga, dietary changes, supplements, essential oils, and dietary changes. There are many natural and efficient ways to prevent and manage headaches if you seek a more holistic approach, even if standard methods like pharmaceuticals are frequently necessary.





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