10 Evidence-Based Benefits of Green Tea

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: July 25, 2023

10 Evidence-Based Benefits of Green Tea

Green Tea is a trending drink now-a-days. Let us read this article to understand its benefits.

Green tea has long been praised for its health advantages. According to studies, green tea may benefit skin health, aid in weight loss, and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. According to popular belief, one of the world's healthiest beverages is green tea. It's packed with antioxidants, which provide a wide range of health advantages, such as:

  • Enhanced mental performance
  • Shredding of fat
  • The prevention of cancer
  • Weight loss
  • Reducing the risk of developing heart disease

The camellia Sinensis plant makes all varieties of tea, including your typical cup of builders. The emerald green hue produced when brewing these raw, unfermented leaves gives green tea its name. The extract from green tea, which will be much heavier than your typical cup at home, is used in many studies on the beverage. In the world, tea is consumed more than water, according to a survey from the International Institute for Sustainable Development. One of the least processed varieties of tea is green tea, which is prepared from unoxidized leaves. It has the highest concentration of antioxidants and advantageous polyphenols as a result.

Like all other non-herbal teas, green tea is produced from the leaves of the Camellia sinesis plant. Green tea, on the other hand, is less processed than black and oolong (wulong) teas since it is produced utilising a steam-dry technique. Green tea is regarded to be particularly high in minerals and antioxidants due to its careful processing methods, which may have several positive health effects. In reality, green tea has been used in Chinese and Japanese medicine for centuries, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH).

Green tea's polyphenol content, particularly flavanols and flavonols, which account for 30% of the dry weight of fresh leaves, is primarily responsible for its health-promoting properties. Because the extract also contains additional antioxidant components, it is more stable than pure epigallocatechin gallate, one of the primary components of green tea. Generally speaking, herbal medications are complex mixes of many substances that frequently work in concert to produce their full therapeutic impact.

In contrast to Western medications, however, comparatively few herbal treatments have had their efficacy shown through organised clinical trials. Yet out of all of these, green tea drinking has been linked to the greatest impact on human health


In the seventeenth century, India delivered the first green tea to Japan. Around 2.5 million tonnes of tea leaves are reportedly produced globally each year, 20% of which are green teas that are primarily eaten in Asia, some regions of North Africa, the United States, and Europe. It has long been recognised that drinking tea, particularly green tea, is beneficial for human health. Black tea and green tea go via various manufacturing processes. Freshly collected leaves are steamed as soon as possible to prevent fermentation, creating a dry, dependable green tea.

The enzymes that degrade the colour pigments in the leaves are destroyed during the steaming procedure, which enables the tea to retain its green colour during the subsequent rolling and drying procedures. These procedures maintain the health-promoting qualities of natural polyphenols. The polyphenol chemicals (catechins) in green tea are dimerized to generate a variety of theaflavins as it is fermented to Oolong and then to black tea, hence these teas may have various biological functions.


Green tea has a complicated chemical makeup. The amino acids (1-4% dry weight); carbohydrates (5-7% dry weight) such as cellulose, pectins, glucose, fructose, and sucrose; minerals and trace elements (5% dry weight (aldehydes, alcohols, esters, lactones, hydrocarbons).

Numerous studies have assessed the quantities of minerals in tea leaves and their infusions due to the significant importance of their presence in the beverage. On average, 3-4% of the methylxanthines—alkaloids including caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline—are found in fresh leaves. Additionally, phenolic acids like gallic acids and distinctive amino acids like theanine are present.

There are numerous varieties and styles of green tea, including Single tea bags, loose-leaf tea, and quick powder green tea supplements, available in bottles and sweetened with sugar or artificial sweetness.

The top 10 evidence-based health benefits of green tea are as follows.

Improves Mental Function

Although the amount of caffeine in green tea is lower than that of coffee, it still contains a variety of natural enhancers that may help people stay awake and focused. Green tea also contains L-theanine, an amino acid which has a calming effect by raising the levels of GABA, dopamine, and serotonin in the brain, which are molecules that improve mood. The advantageous polyphenols in green tea might also lessen how quickly the brain ages. By inhibiting the inhibitory neurotransmitter adenosine, caffeine has an impact on the brain. In doing so, it boosts the neurotransmitter levels like both dopamine and norepinephrine as well as the firing of neurons. Caffeine has often been demonstrated to enhance a variety of brain functions, including mood, alertness, reaction time, and memory.

Green tea contains additional brain-boosting ingredients besides caffeine, though. Additionally, it has L-theanine, an amino acid that can pass through the blood-brain barrier. The inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA's activity is increased by L-theanine, which has anti-anxiety properties. Additionally, it boosts the brain's generation of alpha waves and dopamine. According to studies, caffeine and L-theanine may work in concert. This indicates that the two together can enhance brain function in a very potent way. Green tea may offer you a very much gentler and different type of buzzing than coffee because it contains L-theanine and only a modest amount of caffeine.

When compared to coffee, many people claim that when they drink green tea, they are far more productive. The NCCIH lists mental alertness as one of the most well-liked benefits of green tea. The caffeine in green tea is responsible for this immediate effect. The central nervous system is stimulated by caffeine, which might have negative effects if eaten in big quantities. However, green tea's low caffeine content wakes you up without giving you the jitters and anxiety that higher-caffeine goods like coffee can.

According to certain studies, green tea may improve one's working memory and other cognitive abilities. Green tea may have promise in the treatment of cognitive deficits linked to neuropsychiatric disorders like dementia, according to the double-blind volunteer trial.

A meta-analysis from 2016 Observational studies links regular tea consumption to a lower risk of cognitive impairment and moderate cognitive impairment.

Burning Fat And Losing Weight

Green tea is probably included in the list of ingredients for any supplement that claims to burn fat. This is because studies show green tea can raise metabolic rate and promote fat burning. In research with 10 healthy males, consuming green tea extract led to a 4% increase in calories burnt. Green tea extract boosted fat oxidation by 17% in a different study involving 12 healthy males when compared to those receiving a placebo. The benefits may vary from person to person and depending on how the study was designed, as some studies on green tea have not found any boost in metabolism.

The ability of caffeine to release fatty acids from adipose tissue and provide them for use as energy may also contribute to an improvement in physical performance.  According to two distinct review studies, caffeine may improve physical performance by 11–12%. According to the NCCIH, there is insufficient evidence to conclusively show that consuming green tea would result in weight loss in overweight or obese individuals. However, studies on green tea extract suggest it might be beneficial. According to one such study, caffeine in green tea may facilitate thermogenesis, a process that accelerates calorie burning, and may reduce appetite.

There is research on green tea, but it doesn't entail steeping a tea bag in your cup; instead, it uses a more concentrated extract. When trying to lose weight, adding green tea to your diet won't be effective if you are also eating a high-calorie diet. Despite having certain fat-burning properties, green tea cannot compensate for a poor diet by burning enough fat. Additionally, the Mayo Clinic notes that consuming green tea that has been manufactured with extra sweets may hinder weight loss efforts.  A study of numerous research revealed that caffeine and the catechins in green tea may both play a part in boosting energy metabolism, which could result in weight loss.

An additional meta-analysis of numerous potential weight loss pathways caused by tea polyphenols revealed that rather than being the product of caffeine alone, catechins and caffeine created weight loss effects. However, it is unlikely that consuming green tea will have any clinically significant effects on weight loss. Green tea extracts with incredibly high catechin concentrations were employed in the majority of studies that demonstrated modest effects on metabolism.

Cancer Prevention

Some malignancies may be less likely to develop as a result of antioxidants. Unchecked cell development is the root of cancer. It's one of the main causes of death worldwide.  According to research, oxidative damage can cause chronic inflammation, which in turn can result in chronic diseases like cancer. Antioxidants can aid in the prevention of oxidative damage.  Strong antioxidants can be found in great quantities in green tea.  Green tea components have been linked in research to a lower risk of cancer, including ovarian cancer. Breast cancer is one of the most frequent malignancies in women, and a thorough assessment of observational research revealed that women who drank the greenest tea had a roughly 20–30% decreased risk of acquiring breast cancer.

Men who drank green tea had a decreased risk of developing advanced prostate cancer, and intestinal cancer. A review of 29 research revealed that green tea drinkers had a 42% lower risk of colorectal cancer. Numerous observational studies suggest that people who consume green tea are less likely to acquire several cancers, but more reliable research is required to substantiate these findings.

Avoid putting milk in your tea if you want to gain the maximum health advantages. According to certain research, it may lessen some teas' antioxidant content. Some cancer rates tend to be reduced in nations with significant green tea use. Several cancer rates are typically lower in nations with considerable green tea consumption. Green tea use, however, does not consistently lessen the risk of cancer, according to human research.

Prevent The Ageing Of The Brain

Green tea not only enhances brain function temporarily, but it may help shield your brain from damage as you become older. Alzheimer's disease is the most frequent cause of dementia in older persons and a common neurodegenerative illness. The brain's dopamine-producing neurons die in Parkinson's disease, another frequent neurodegenerative illness. In vitro and animal models, the catechin chemicals in green tea have been shown in numerous studies to have a range of protective actions on neurons, perhaps reducing the incidence of dementia. Colon-available green tea extract (CAGTE), a component of green tea, was studied to determine how it influenced a crucial protein in Alzheimer's disease.

The experiments used differentiated PC12 cells as a model for neuron cells and CAGTE to represent green tea polyphenols that may be available after upper gastrointestinal digestion. The scientists discovered that at high concentrations, CAGTE was able to shield the cells from the potentially harmful beta-amyloid peptides and free radicals that may contribute to the onset of Alzheimer's disease. The concentration they employed, though, was much higher than what a person's body could hold. Other studies have suggested that green tea may help treat skin disorders, including acne, by lowering inflammation, as well as preventing dental cavities, stress, and chronic fatigue.

Aid In The Prevention Of Cardiovascular Disease

The top causes of death globally are cardiovascular diseases, which include heart disease and stroke. Studies suggest that green tea may reduce several of the major risk factors for these conditions, including lowering levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and total cholesterol. Green tea also boosts the blood's antioxidant capacity, preventing oxidation, one of the risk factors for heart disease, from happening to LDL particles. Given its favourable effects on risk variables, it may not come as a surprise that green tea drinkers have a 31% decreased risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. 

Drinking green tea has been linked to a lower mortality rate from cardiovascular disease. This was experimented on over 40,000 Japanese subjects between the age group of 40 and 79. They were observed for 11 years starting from 1994. It was concluded that drinking green tea reduced the risk of developing cardiovascular and ischemic disorders.

Green Tea May Lower Blood Sugar Levels In Type 2 Diabetics

Insulin resistance, a disease where the cells, muscles, and liver are unable to efficiently absorb glucose to power the body, causes type 2 diabetics to have high blood sugar (hyperglycemia). The American Diabetes Association states that poorly controlled diabetes can raise the risk of complications like heart disease, neuropathy (nerve damage), amputations, and eye issues.

Green tea, however, may assist in lowering insulin resistance when incorporated into a healthy type 2 diabetes diet, per a study printed in the Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences in September 2014. Participants in the trial who drank 150 millilitres of green or sour tea three times daily for four weeks experienced benefits. Studies on the connection between green tea and diabetes have produced mixed results.

Some research has revealed that those who drink green tea have a lower chance of developing type 2 diabetes than those who don't. One analysisTrusted Source of 17 randomised control studies discovered a link between drinking green tea and lower fasting blood sugar and insulin levels.Green tea consumption as part of a Mediterranean-style diet was also linked in a 2017 review of dietary polyphenol studies to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. Other research, however, has found no connection at all between drinking tea and diabetes. It seems sense that drinking green tea could extend your life because some of its components may help prevent cancer and heart disease.

Could Prolong Your Life

It seems sensible that drinking green tea could extend your life because some of its components may help prevent cancer and heart disease. Researchers looked at 40,530 Japanese adults for 11 years in one study. Five or more cups of green tea per day or more were associated with a significant reduction in mortality during the study period. Death from all causes is 12% lower for men and 23% lower for women. Heart disease death is 22% lower for men and 31% lower for women. stroke mortality is 42% lower in women and 35% lower in males.

In another research with 14,001 older Japanese participants, it was discovered that those who drank the greenest tea were 76% less likely to pass away during the study's 6-year period

Maintains Skin Health

It is unclear whether the benefit of green tea on skin health would be seen in people, however, mice exposed to green tea polyphenols in drinking water demonstrated greater skin cell healing following UV ray damage in a preliminary study published in Cancer Prevention Research in February 2010. Eczema and other skin problems may also be treated with green tea. Additionally, it was shown that green tea's polyphenols may aid persons with excess weight or obesity to minimize their chance of developing heart disease by lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammation, and improving epithelial function.

Researchers found that topical application of solutions containing tea extracts improved anti-inflammatory effects. They also discovered that the skin's microcirculation in the damaged areas had improved. It is yet unclear whether the same benefit would be seen in people, however, mice exposed to green tea polyphenols in drinking water demonstrated greater skin cell healing following UV ray damage in a preliminary study published in Cancer Prevention Research in February 2010. Eczema and other skin problems may also be treated with green tea.

Additionally, it was shown that green tea's polyphenols may aid persons with excess weight or obesity to minimize their chance of developing heart disease by lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammation, and improving epithelial function.

The Symptoms Of Rheumatoid Arthritis May Be Lessened By Green Tea.

In a study that appeared in The Journal of Nutrition, rats that were given green tea extract in their water and then given the autoimmune condition rheumatoid arthritis (RA) showed less severe symptoms than rats that received only plain water. The researchers highlight that green tea extract may be beneficial when used in conjunction with traditional RA treatment, but more human trials are required. It is too soon to say whether the same results would be observed in humans, but research in a review article published in 2011 in Arthritis Research & Therapy indicated a comparable anti-inflammatory benefit in rats with osteoarthritis. You may choose green tea with confidence knowing exactly what is in your cup.

Nutritional Punch

Green tea contains caffeine, an alkaloid that has stimulatory properties for the nervous system.

L-theanine is an amino acid that may assist improve mental attention. Fluoride is a mineral that supports tooth enamel strength. In contrast to other forms of tea, green tea has a high concentration of substances called catechins. The epigallocatechin-3-gallate catechin is the most prominent (EGCG). Green tea is more than just a drink to keep you hydrated. A variety of beneficial chemicals from the green tea plant are added to the finished beverage. Inflammation is reduced and cancer is helped by the natural substances called polyphenols, which are abundant in tea.

EGCG, or epigallocatechin-3-gallate, is a catechin found in green tea (EGCG). Natural antioxidants called catechins aid in preventing cell damage and other benefits

By lowering the body's production of free radicals, these chemicals can shield molecules and cells from oxidative harm. These free radicals contribute to ageing and a variety of illnesses. Among the most potent ingredients in green tea is EGCG. Its efficacy in treating different disorders has been studied in research. It seems to be among the key ingredients in green tea that provides it with its therapeutic qualities.

Additionally, green tea contains trace levels of healthy nutrients. Try to select a higher-quality variety of green tea because some lower-quality versions may be too fluoridated. However, even if you select a lesser-quality brand, the advantages still exceed the risks.


Numerous potential health advantages of green tea exist. You might want to think about incorporating green tea into your daily life to improve your health, help you lose weight, and reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases. Natural substances called tannins are present in green tea. Due to these chemicals' interference with iron absorption, it is advisable to avoid drinking tea with meals that contain a lot of iron and wait at least an hour before brewing a cup. Numerous "health" products contain small amounts of green tea due to its advantageous properties.



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