Zinc: Benefits, Deficiency, Food Sources, Side Effects, and More

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: July 14, 2022

Zinc: Benefits, Deficiency, Food Sources, Side Effects, and More

Let's learn everything about Zinc, its Benefits, Deficiency, Food Sources, and Side Effects with this complete guide.

What Is Zinc?

Zinc is an essential trace mineral. Even though our system requires very small amounts of this nutrient, it performs miracles. Zinc that is used on the surface or topically is called Zinc oxide. This form of Zinc is generally present in ointments, paste, and several skin products. It is important to be noted that Zinc is the second most abundant mineral, just next to Iron. The defensive function of Zinc is quite popular. It assists in the growth of cells. The mineral is significant for the proliferation of cells. Sadly, studies show that nearly two billion of the world's population suffer from deficiency of Zinc. Acquiring knowledge about Zinc is important to get to know its significance and its disadvantages. Therefore, let us proceed.

Benefits of Zinc

Diverse Usage

Zinc is a unique mineral that one can find in every single cell. It comes in second place in abundance, just after another popular mineral, Iron. According to an article in the Journal of Nutrients, the body of an adult comprises nearly 1.5 to 2.5 grams of Zinc. Some of the significant sources of this nutrient are all sorts of meat, especially red meat. Healthline reports that 3.4 ounces of beef have approximately 4.8 mg of the magic mineral. When it comes to metabolism functioning, Zinc comes into the main picture. It plays a great role in activating over 300 Enzymes that are required for digestion, functioning of nerves, etc. The Food and Nutrition Board made a landmark recommendation to the National Research Council of the United States of America on the year, 1974. It stated that the Recommended Dietary Intake for Zinc should amount to 15 mg per day, both for men and women. Zinc is essential for the smell and taste of the Enzyme. Carbonic anhydrase (CA) present in Zinc is necessary for this cause. The most important among these diverse functions is Zinc's control of the growth of cells and their division. Therefore, it is imperative for Zinc intake in moderate amounts to maintain a healthy balance of all these needs. If not taken in proper amounts, the deficiency of this trace mineral might lead to severe consequences

Required Dosage of Zinc in Your Breakfast 

Breakfast, the meal that starts our day provides us with fresh energy. Zinc provides it through the medium of cereals. Even if the foods are not provided with natural Zinc, synthetic forms are made available in them. One can also make use of supplements of Zinc such as Galzin, which is abundant with approximately 50 mg of Zinc. It is generally used as a medication for Wilson's disease, which is an inherited disorder. Zinc is quite capable of reducing the toxicity caused by the huge levels of Copper caused due to this disorder. Zinc is also very much prevalent in nasal sprays and other medications for treating colds. Since a 1984 study, as stated in an article in Mayo Clinic, Zinc is said to have healing properties concerning cold symptoms. Zinc shields the nasal passage from Rhinovirus, which is the reason for causing the common cold. As per recent research highlighted in Mayo Clinic that syrups and lozenges with Zinc content decreased the duration of the cold by a day. Zinc is also required for several other processes in your system as DNA synthesis, protein synthesis, etc. Thus, the breakfast that contains Zinc can zip up all these problems in one go!

Immunity Booster

Strengthening the immune system is yet another job that Zinc performs diligently. Oxidative stress, which leads to tissue damage, is consequently reduced by the intake of Zinc potions or foods rich in Zinc. The response of immune cells is hampered if Zinc is insufficient in the body. In addition, supplements of Zinc are proven by various studies to accelerate the immune response in old people too. This fact is verified by an article in Immunity and Ageing. A study in Healthline also shows that the common cold is decreased up to 33% with the intake of Zinc-rich supplies. 

Adieu to Diseases Afflicting Old Age

Zinc makes old age bearable. Diseases like pneumonia, and age-related macular degeneration(AMD) are brought into control due to the usage of Zinc dosages. The trial conducted by AREDS stated that antioxidants, when combined with Zinc, reduce the risk of this eye disease that leads to a loss of vision. Zinc also helps to improve the functions of natural killer cells and T-cells that shield the immune system from several infections. Psychological functioning is improved with the intake of Zinc every day. A study showcased an intake of 45mg of this mineral to reduce the chances of any infection in older people by nearly 66%. Antioxidant functions are very evident in Zinc supplements. Zinc, when taken along with required amounts of vitamin E and beta-carotene, proved to reduce the loss of vision. 80 mg of Zinc is required for this case as per studies. 

Acne Controller

Controlling acne is among the several advantages of this unique element, Zinc. According to research, acne problems is one of the most common skin diseases that is stated to affect nearly 9.4% of the world's population. People simply hate it. Hence, Zinc comes to the rescue. Oral as well as topical/surface treatments with Zinc can help with this situation. Zinc has anti-inflammatory functions, which are popular for decreasing the production of the bacteria called P. acnes. It also helps reduce the amount of oil secreted by the glands that ultimately lead to pimples. BioMed Research International proves that people with a low quantity of Zinc in their systems are prone to acne troubles. Hence, a great initiative to reduce this problem is to take in the right amount of Zinc for healthy skin. 

Risk of Cancer Is Minimized

Zinc is rich in NF-kappa B, a protein complex that handles the DNA transcription and survival of cells. Therefore, supplements of Zinc are recommended to be taken to decrease angiogenesis and the production of cytokines, a sort of protein that assists the immune system. This helps in reducing the chances of being afflicted with Cancer. In research mentioned in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 45 mg of Zinc every day reduces inflammatory problems. This proved to be much more beneficial than the usage of Placebos. 

 A Natural Band-Aid to Wounds

Zinc is pretty amazing when it comes to the healing of wounds. It is very commonly used in medications that are present in hospitals for the treatment of ulcers, burns, and other injuries. Synthesis of collagen, a form of protein that assists in the process of healing wounds is done diligently by Zinc. The synthesis of this protein helps pull in Fibroblasts that aid in the formation of fresh collagen to the wound. When would healing process is prolonged, one should consider using Zinc supplements that would help in this case. A study highlighted in the National Library of Medicine stated that among 60 people afflicted with foot ulcers, the ones who used 200 mg of Zinc every day noticed a significant decrease in the size of the ulcer. The benefit of Zinc, even in this accord, is better than the Placebo groups. Therefore, raise your intake of Zinc and remain fit. 

What Can the Deficiency of Zinc Cause?

  • The deficiency of Zinc in the body is not nice. When there is an insufficient presence of Zinc in the system, one suffers from several diseases, most of which can be quite fatal. It is to be taken into account that serum zinc is not a dependable biomarker for detecting the status of Zinc in the body. The deficiency of Zinc is evident when acne appears, and the skin faces medical conditions such as Xerosis or dry skin, Eczema, and Alopecia, a problem related to baldness. According to a report in Medicine, deficiency of Zin is also related to other problems such as lack of sexual maturity, diarrhea, and behavioral issues. 
  •  The deficiency of Zinc is most common in developing countries of Asia and Africa, where the food consumed is very low in these essential nutrients necessary for health and growth. The National Library of Medicine has reported deaths of nearly 450,000 children under the age of five due to deficiency of this needed element, Zinc.
  •  The category of the population that suffers from this deficiency includes people facing gastrointestinal problems, breastfeeding women, people afflicted with anemia of cells, anorexic people, people who consume alcohol, etc. 

Two serious diseases related to the shortage of Zinc include:

Sickle Cell

A zinc-rich diet such as Oysters, Gingerroot, Brazil nuts, Rye, whole wheat, etc. proves to help reduce this condition.

  • One might face severe pain in the joints
  • Feelings of dizziness, and fatigue is concentrated
  • Presence of blood in the urine

Wilson's Disease

Low Copper meals, which are sufficient in Zinc content, are meant to prevent this disease. Foods such as Beef, chicken, pork, oatmeal have good quantities of Zinc.

  • Fatigue
  • Discoloration of eyes, known as Kaiser-Fleischer
  • Fluid Development in limbs

Some Unique Food Sources for Zinc


Legumes are a great source of Zinc for vegans. Lentils, and chickpeas supply goof quantities of Zinc. An article in Self Nutrition Data provides that cooked lentils consist of nearly 12% of the DV or. Phytates, a sort of acid evident in Legumes, help in absorbing Zinc and different minerals. These meals are excellent in their fibre content and can be added to light dishes like soup, salads, and stews, whatever you wish! The National Library of Medicine states that the Bioavailability of the mineral can be accelerated if the plants containing it are heated, soaked, and fermented as required.


Seeds are quality Zinc providers. Seeds like Hemp, Squash, and sesame have Zinc in plenty. It is recommendable to consume three tablespoons of Hempseeds, which would provide nearly 31% of Zinc for men and 41% for women. Seeds are also a rich supplier of vitamins, fibre, good fats, which, when consumed along with the present quantities of Zinc can lead to miracles. You can get the benefits of reduced blood pressure and cholesterol if you start making use of this diet. You might add these seeds with your favourite food intakes, such as yoghurts, soups, etc. 

Dairy Products

Cheese and milk are outstanding when it comes to the question of Zinc supply. They consist of good amounts of Zinc that are bioavailable or are easily absorbed by your system. Cheddar cheese of 100 grams has nearly 27% of the DV (Dairy Value). Dairy meals are abundant with other nutrients as well, such as Calcium, protein, and Vitamin D, which are great for bone health. So, don't think and grab a glass of milk or a cube of cheese and reap the benefits of the miracle mineral, Zinc. 

Whole Grains

Wheat, rice, and oats are whole grains. They are a core source of Zinc. Nevertheless, reports have shown that Phytates or Phytic acid present in these plant sources attach to Zinc and decrease its absorption process. One should keep these in mind and consider having whole grains, for it is also a source of fibre, Magnesium, Iron, and Selenium. The perks of its consumption include reduction of obesity, heart diseases, and diabetes. 


Nuts are excellent containers of Zinc. Almonds, peanuts, and cashews are some nuts that one can rely on for reaping the benefits of Zinc. Good amounts of fiber, minerals, and vitamins are also present in nuts which make their consumption worth it. Cashews, especially, are a fine source of Zinc. 1 ounce of this nut has approximately 15% of DV. These snacks are also reputed to have decreased chances of cancer, cardiac problems, diabetes. A study presented in the National Library of Medicine showed that people who consumed nuts lived longer than the ones who did not. So grab yourself a pack of nuts and relish its taste and advantages.


Coming to non-veg meals. Oysters, a sort of shellfish, are imbued with high quantities of Zinc. 6 mid-sized Oysters supply nearly 32 mg of Zinc. Other types of shellfishes like the Alaskan crab has approximately 7.5 mg of Zinc per 100 grams. Shellfishes of smaller variety like mussels and shrimps also are decent sources of this required mineral. However, shellfish might pose a threat to pregnant women if not cooked well for it can lead to food poisoning. Otherwise, make yourself a dish of shellfish and enjoy the benefits of Zinc.


Another wholesome food for the non-veg population, abundant in Zinc is meat. Red meat especially is a fine source of Zinc. Meat provides a good amount of calories to the diet, 10 grams of fat, and 20 grams of protein as well. Significant nutrients like creatine, B vitamins, and iron are also abundant in this source. Along with the presence of Zinc, these prove to be magic nutrients. However, one should see the limit of consumption of this meal for high consumption of red meat might lead to the risk of diseases concerning the heart. This is reported by the National Library of Medicine. Nevertheless, if one consumes a moderate amount of this food and adds this up to other sources of food rich in Zinc, such as vegetables and fruits, there is no need to panic.

Side Effects Related to Zinc

Zinc has got issues too. Like every other mineral, Zinc has got its drawbacks too. Zinc is necessary for such a variety of purposes but can we ignore the side effects? No. So, let us get acquainted with some of the well-known side effects of this trace mineral.


One of the most common side effects caused by Zinc is Nausea. This happens due to the toxicity of Zinc. Studies showed that even though Zinc may help in decreasing the symptoms of the common cold, it drags with it side effects that include nausea. An article in the National Library of Medicine confirms this. Doses of Zinc of more than 225 mg prove to be harmful and can lead to vomiting. A report showed that a dosage of 570 mg of Zinc caused nausea accompanied by vomiting just 30 minutes later. Even though vomiting might rid one of the toxicity, it is not likely to prevent the chances of other complications. In these cases, seeking a doctor's help is most advisable.


Diarrhea is one of the most common side effects of Zinc consumption. In a study mentioned in PubMed, Zinc led to stomach pain accompanied by Diarrhea in 40% of the participants in the research. Consumption of Zinc-rich foods in high quantities also leads to Gastrointestinal bleeding. A case study showed that people faced bleeding in the intestine after consuming nearly 220 mg of Zinc sulfate every day for two times to treat acne.

Flu Based Side Effects 

Consuming great amounts of Zinc than the required UL may lead to flue-based problems like cough, headache, fatigue, chills, etc. One needs to consult with a doctor to prevent Zinc toxicity. The patient needs to provide a proper account of his/her dietary history to make the diagnosing process easier. 

Affects Your Taste 

Zinc is significant for assisting your taste buds. Hypogeusia is a disease that is caused due to deficiency of Zinc. It negatively affects a person's ability to taste. However, when excess quantities of Zinc are taken it also affects taste in a bad way. It leads to a metallic taste in the mouth. If the dozes of Zinc are above the needed UL, which is 40 mg every day, adverse effects are observed. Therefore, care needs to be taken in this matter.

Chances of Infections

It is reported that excessive Zinc intake deteriorates the immune system's functioning as per a study depicted in PubMed Central. This is generally the side effect of neutropenia where one has very low amounts of neutrophils in the bloodstream. A study highlighted that 11 men were affected with a weak immunity after ingesting 150 mg of Zinc for six weeks. Large concentrations of Zinc also tend to decrease the functioning of T cells in the body, which plays a significant part in the destruction of unwanted pathogens.

Some Closing Comments

The subject of Zinc is very vast. It is necessary to know about the minerals that play such an important role in our everyday lives. Zinc is one such mineral that provides us with great advantages as well as disadvantages. It is necessary to know both to make use of the element properly. Zinc acts play major roles as an acne controller, wound healer, cancer reducer and the list goes on. It also has a variety of side effects that are caused due to high intake of Zinc. However, a moderate intake of Zinc is to be maintained to avoid such problems. One can depend on a large variety of diets to supply the body with Zinc. Some great food sources are red meat, legumes, nuts, and whole wheat. One should not exceed the required amount of Tolerable Upper Intake Level(UL)without the recommendation of a doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions Related to Zinc

What benefits can women have due to Zinc consumption?

Zinc plays a significant role in the regulation of women's cycles. The ovarian follicles are well nourished when Zinc is present in the right amounts in a woman's body. Zinc also helps in decreasing the level of androgens as well as increases it. If someone suffers from Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) she might require Zinc to decrease testosterone. 

How does Zinc help one sexually?

Zinc is great for the production of sex hormones like prolactin and testosterone. It also helps in the formation of the main constituent in prostatic liquid, which is an enzyme called prostate-specific antigen(PSA).  

What is the dosage of Zinc for elderly people?

Research says that 11 mg of Zinc is required for males, and 8 mg of dosage for females is recommended. The older population generally has a low quantity of levels of Zinc. 30 mg of Zinc every day is required to increase the levels of serum zinc. An article in McKnights provides these facts.




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