What Causes a Stuffy Nose?

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: January 16, 2023

What Causes a Stuffy Nose?

A chilly wind, a runny nose, and the holidays define winter. As colder weather is on its way, we've stocked up on warm attire and tasty treats. There is one constant during the winter holiday season, from Christmas to Holi: the cold. This stuffy nose of ours. The question is, why does this happen? The most common complaints were regarding people's inability to breathe through their nostrils because of blockage and their frequent headaches.

About Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion, often known as a stuffy nose, occurs when the nasal and internal tissues swell because of the buildup of extra fluid and blood vessels. The presence of this illness raises the risk of discomfort, inflammation, and mucus generation. This causes the sick person to have difficulty breathing through their nose.

Congestion in the nose usually clears up within just a few days, however, congestion that extends for a week or longer could be an indication of an infection in the nose or sinuses.

  • A cold, allergies, or a displaced septum are typical factors in cases of nighttime nasal congestion. Many individuals prefer a drug-free alternative, and you may have already tried under cold and allergy remedies without success.
  • Allergic nasal congestion is a problem for millions of individuals, especially at night. Nasal allergies are becoming more common, affecting up to 30% of the adult population.
  • Between two and four colds a year is the normal for adults, but six to ten are common in youngsters. Inflammation from a cold may induce a stuffy nose, which can make it difficult to sleep.

Signs of Nasal Congestion

Here are some reasons why you might have a stuffy nose

  • Sneezing all the time
  • Fever of minor intensity
  • Coughing due to sore throat
  • Minor bodily pains
  • Migraine and sinus headaches

All of the above-mentioned indications are typical of the common cold. Since nasal congestion is a common symptom of the cold or flu.

Possible reasons for nasal congestion:

  • Severe sinuses
  • Alcohol allergies
  • The typical cold
  • Excessive usage of antibiotic nasal spray
  • Dry air
  • Expanded swollen tonsils
  • The food, particularly the spicier meals
  • A foreign object was found in the nostril.
  • Nasal tumors
  • Asthma
  • Pregnancy
  • Sleep problems
  • Stress
  • Disorders of the thyroid
  • Tobacco smoke

Causes of Nasal Congestion

Any factor that affects the tissue inside the windpipe has the possibility of creating a blockage in the nose. Congestion of the nose is often caused by allergic reactions or illnesses such as the common cold, the flu virus, or sinuses.

Congestion of the nose may be brought on by conditions such as rhinitis.

There are two different kinds of rhinitis:

  1. Allergic rhinitis, sometimes known as hay fever,
  2. Non-allergic rhinitis.

 Symptoms of rhinitis include a stuffy nose, a runny nose, sneezing, and irritation of the throat and nasal passages. Rhinitis may also be linked with a fever. Inflammation is the root cause of the vast majority of rhinitis symptoms, and as a result of the effects, patients may experience discomfort in their eyes, ear, or throat.

Allergic Rhinitis 

Allergic rhinitis is swelling of the nasal passages brought on by pollutants including pollen, dust, fungus, or fur of animals. One out of every five people worldwide suffers from this condition, making it extremely widespread.

Inhaling allergens in the form of very small particles might bring on symptoms of allergic rhinitis. The following is a list of the airborne allergens that are responsible for the majority of cases of rhinitis.

Causes of Allergic Rhinitis

  • House dust: House dust is a combination of shed skin cells, hair, and fibers from clothes, germs, and dust mites, pieces of dead bugs, sand particles, pollen, and small flecks of plastic. 
  • Pollen & spores: Seed plants generate pollen grains, whereas ferns, grasses, herbs, and fungi all produce spores. During fertilization, they are created in vast quantities and then spread by the environment and other animals.
  • Animals: Many individuals have discovered that they have an intolerance to insects or animals. Some of us may have wondered how it could be possible for someone to be allergic to animals. But the truth is that people aren't allergic to the animal itself; rather, it's the animal's saliva, hair, urine, or dead cells that cause the reaction.

Which kind of therapy you get for allergic rhinitis depends on the intensity of the symptoms. In most cases, the goal of treatment is to get rid of symptoms like sneezing and a stuffy or runny nose. The majority of the time, you could even deal with the signs of slight allergic rhinitis by yourself.

Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis

The procedure of frequently cleaning the nasal passages with a salt-water solution to eliminate any irritants that may have developed there is referred to as nasal douching, which is another name for nasal irrigation. It is possible to achieve this result by applying either a solution that you have made at home or one that you have combined using sachets of ingredients purchased from a pharmacy.

Reducing the Effects of Allergic Rhinitis

  • Preventing yourself first from allergens that cause allergic rhinitis is a necessary step in the prevention of this condition.
  • In all honesty, doing this isn't always the easiest thing to do. Even the cleanest house may have dust mites, pollens, and spores, which are known to provoke severe responses in those who suffer from asthma and allergies.
  • People may prevent themselves from the effects of these factors by wearing protective gear such as masks and gloves if they feel it essential to do so.
  • When cleaning the house, traveling to locations without roadways developments, or spending a lot of time in the surroundings of any sort of industrial facility, you should always wear a mask.
  • Sanitizer is an essential item to have with you at all times if you want to maintain the cleanliness and freshness of your hands.
  • The menus that are provided in hotel rooms are the unclean and least sanitary objects that are offered, so after placing your order, you should be sure to clean your hands with some kind of hand sanitizer or paper soap.
  • Make sure to use extractor fans and open the windows open when bathing and cooking to keep the house dry and avoid the spreading of damp air.
  • Dry clothes outside, don't leave them in moist cupboards
  • Don't stuff your closets to the fullest with clothing to prevent moisture and dampness in your house.

Nonallergic Rhinitis

Nonallergic rhinitis is inflammation creates swelling in the nasal tissues, which in turn causes excess fluid to build up in the nose, which is what causes nonallergic rhinitis to arise. There is a connection between this inflammation and environmental variables, and possibly even infections.

Inflammation of the tissues in the nose may result in a range of indications, involving sneezing, stuffy nose, mucus, and leak from the sinuses. On-allergic rhinitis, commonly known as vasomotor rhinitis, is a kind of rhinitis.

In contrast to instances of allergic rhinitis, the precise reason why this illness occurs is unknown. You may be experiencing symptoms merely because allergens are impacting your nasal canals.

Although vasomotor rhinitis can affect anyone, people over the age of 20 are more likely to be diagnosed with it. The majority of diagnosed instances are seen in people who are between the ages of 30 and 60. Those who are born into the feminine gender, including women, are at an increased risk.

Most cases of nonallergic rhinitis may be traced back to external factors. Some of these are more frequent at the office, but others are more widespread in people's homes.

Causes of Non-Allergic Rhinitis

  • Vehicle emissions
  • Chlorine
  • Cleansing Products 
  • Cleansing Products 
  • Glues
  • Cosmetics 
  • Detergents 
  • Hairsprays 
  • Cosmetics 
  • The Sulphates of Alloys
  • Perfume
  • Air quality
  • Floor hardwood

Treatment of Non Allergic Rhinitis

Nonallergic rhinitis has no specially formulated treatment options. Many individuals improve themselves by trying to make environmental and medications adjustments. Avoiding fragrances or other potential triggers might be all that's needed to cure your disease.

If you can't avoid your symptoms' source, your doctor may recommend an over-the-counter drug or prescribe something stronger. Some examples of such drugs are:

  • Congestion relief using decongestant nasal sprays.
  • Nasal sprays containing antihistamines, to soothe nasal irritation.
  • To stop your nose from running, try using an anticholinergic nasal spray.

Reducing The Effects Of Non-allergic Rhinitis

If you suffer from nonallergic rhinitis, you may take steps to ease your symptoms and avoid future attacks.

  • Get away from whatever provoke you. Avoiding the things that you know bring on or enhance your symptoms may help a great deal.
  • Be careful not to overdo it with the nasal decongestants. Long-term use of these drugs, even for a short period, may have a negative impact on your health.
  • Obtain effective medical care. Getting medical help is a must if the prescribed therapy isn't helping. Modifications recommended by your doctor may help you have less or no symptoms at all.
  • Humidify. If you feel that the air where you study or rest is excessively dry, purchasing a humidifier may be beneficial to you. Humidifiers require routine servicing, so be certain to keep it in accordance with the instructions.
  •  If you have a stuffy nose, having a hot shower and allowing the steam to enter your lungs can help clear your brain and remove the mucus that is stuck in your nose.
  • Take some fluids. It will be simpler for you to blow your nose if you drink more fluids, such as water, juice, and tea that does not include caffeine. This will help thin the mucus that is in your nose. Put the coffee and the energy drinks to the side.
  • Even without a sink, alcohol-based hand rubs may be used to clean hands. A minimum 60% alcohol improves efficiency. Apply a proper hand hygiene gently and massage your hands, fingers, and wrists until dry. These rubs may be used regularly and keep their effectiveness. Hand rubs are available as a liquid or single-use wipes in small, portable sizes. Whenever feasible, wash unclean hands with soap and water.

Provokers of Non-Allergic Rhinitis

Surroundings Prospect.

External conditions include any change in one's surroundings that has the potential to have an effect on the body and the senses. This condition is also classified as non-allergic includes,

  • Cooler weather
  • The pollution of the air with toxic chemicals.
  • The use of perfume or cologne.
  • Tobacco smoke.
  • Off-gassing from fresh paint.
  • Spicy flavors.
  • Anxiety.


As was mentioned before, several medications used to treat high blood pressure or anxiety have the potential to make this swelling severe. Aside from this, there are a variety of drugs that might have such a significant impact or cause the nasal obstruction.

  • Nasal decongestant sprays when they are used excessively,
  • Medications that are used to treat high blood pressure.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs).
  • Hormone-based drugs, such as oral contraceptives and the like.
  • Pharmaceuticals for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED).
  • Antidepressants.
  • Sleeping pills.

Hormonal Fluctuation

A hormonal imbalance occurs when one or more hormones — the body's chemical messengers — are in excess or deficiency. It is a wide word that includes several hormone-related disorders. These signals instruct your body on what to do and when. In this it also includes,

  • Menopause.
  • Puberty.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Digestion.
  • Growing and developing.
  • Sexual purpose.
  • Reproduction.
  • Sleeping pattern.
  • Mood.

Some people may experience bodily effects from even minor changes. Researchers have found that some women have severe abdominal pain and tight muscles, leading to dizziness and difficulty breathing, during their periods.

Sinusitis: Temporary Vs. Permanent

Inflammation of the tissues in the nasal passages is the root cause of congestion in the nose. In other cases, a stuffy nose will clear up on its own; for instance, if the inflammation and swelling were caused by a common cold, they would go after the cold had come to an end. If nasal congestion prevents regular discharge from the sinuses, a condition known as sinusitis may occur. Sinusitis is an infection of the sinuses.

A severe case of sinusitis ought to be well on its own in less than eight weeks' time. Chronic sinusitis often continues for more than eight weeks, making it a much more protracted condition than acute sinusitis.

Sinusitis is a condition that may be either acute or chronic, and its symptoms can be difficult to distinguish between them. The open portions of the skull that may be found just behind the nose, in the forehead, and in the area immediately below the eyes are known as the sinuses. Mucus is often produced by the sinuses, which are filled with air, as a means of efficiently filtering the air that you breathe and maintaining the cleanliness of the nose passages and airways.

If you have a stuffy nose but aren't really creating any mucus, you may have a physical anomaly like nasal polyps or a deviated septum.

People often say they can't breathe through their nose on one side. When allergies or infections are to blame, it is not uncommon for the affected nostril to change places. If the issue is due to a blocked nose or deviated septum, it will always be the same nostril.

Causes of Acute Or Chronic Sinusitis

Both acute and chronic sinusitis may have a variety of reasons, some of which are distinct from one another while others have similarities. For example, bacteria and viruses may cause sinus infections to have either an acute or chronic course, and both types of infection can be caused by the same germ. Sinusitis may also be brought on by infections caused by viruses or fungi rather than bacteria in rare cases.

On the other hand, chronic sinusitis is often brought on not by an infectious agent but rather by a blockage in the nasal passages. Having a stuffy nose is now one of the major reasons of snoring, adding to the list of headaches and aches and pains throughout the body.

According to the findings of a new research, snoring is not brought on by resting on one's back, drinking alcohol before going to bed, being overweight, or being older. Stuffiness in the nasal passages is one of the most frequent cause of snore.

Discover that what occurring in your nose and throat at bedtime.

  • Your regular breathing pattern marks the beginning of sleep. Normal breathing includes a silent inflow of air via the nasal passages and out the mouth.
  • The muscles in your airway become loose and partly close up as you sleep. While you sleep, your airway may become partly blocked because your throat and tongue muscles relax.
  • The snoring noise is produced by vibrations brought on by the partial obstruction. The sound of snoring is produced when air flows through a closed airway and vibrates the soft palate and uvula at the back of the throat.
  • Intensive stiffness and shaking may result from nasal congestion. It's possible that nasal congestion might be contributing to your snoring by blocking your airway. It may cause a previously peaceful sleeper to start snoring, and snoring is more likely in those with nasal congestion.

Congestion that extends over time among kids

A runny nose is a common childhood complaint, and unfortunately, this stereotype is frequently correct. Children may have difficulty expressing their symptoms, making it more challenging for doctors to establish a correct diagnosis. The child's breath and any signs of uneasiness should be closely monitored.

Mucus may build up in a child's nose because their nasal passageways are narrower and have not finished developing, making it more challenging for the mucus to flow. Even while nasal sprays and irrigation may benefit some kids, the majority of them will grow the problem by the time they reach adulthood. Fever is a warning sign that something is wrong and should be checked out by a doctor right away.

Blockage of the nasal passages caused by pregnancy

One of the most common symptoms of pregnancy is a sudden and continuous obstruction in the nasal passages. Those who have this symptom often report that, in addition to being a little bit bothersome, it also comes as something of an unexpected to them.

In despite the fact that it could look like you're coming down with a cold, full with sneezing and a runny nose, the symptoms may never really appear. It is possible that these symptoms might be explained by raised levels of these hormones estrogen, which is related with increased mucus swelling.

Although the pain will often go away shortly after birth of the baby, after the mother's hormone levels have returned to their normal levels, this may not be of much comfort at the moment.

In the meanwhile, you may try numerous remedies for a stuffy nose that you can do at home, such as taking a hot shower with a lot of steam or using a saline nasal spray.In addition to some of the treatments that your physician has prescribed for you, there are also certain things that you may perform on your own at home. These include the following:

Always Have A Level Head

 If you lay down in a horizontal position, it is more difficult for gravity to fulfil its function, which is to clean mucus from your nasal passages. If you have a habit of waking up with a congested nose in the morning, sleeping with your head raised while you sleep could be able to assist.

Find Out What Triggers Your Allergic Reaction

Whether you are aware of the factors that aggravate your symptoms, you may make an effort to steer clear of those factors and check to see if your condition improves as a result. If you suffer from a severe allergic reaction the easiest method to alleviate the symptoms is to stay away from it as much as possible.

Reduce Your Consumption Of Wheat And Dairy

Even if you don't have an allergy to dairy and wheat, you should cut down on how much of each you consume. If someone has a stuffy nose, they will almost always feel better if they remove the foods and drinks listed above from their diet. This is true even if the stuffy nose is caused by something temporary, such as a cold or the flu.

Herbal Nasal Sprays

Herbal sprays, on the other hand, do not interfere with the mucous lining's natural protective function, so they may be used for a much longer period of time. This allows them to be more effective. One such product is the A.Vogel Sin force Nasal Spray, which has active ingredients such as fresh extracts of chamomile, peppermint, and eucalyptus and may be used continuously for up to 30 days.


Many things may obstruct your nose. Their immune systems go into overdrive, causing runny noses, itchy eyes, and watery eyes. Smoke, paint fumes, stress, adolescence, and pregnancy may cause stuffy noses. Nasal congestion may make you feel miserable for a few days. If you've had a runny nose for 10 days, see a doctor. They'll also provide recommendations on how to cope with your stuffy nose and breathing problems.





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