Top 15 Calcium-rich Foods You Need to Add in It Your Diet

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: March 04, 2022

Top 15 Calcium-rich Foods You Need to Add in It Your Diet

Calcium is important nutrition required for the smooth running of the body. And it is always found in healthy foods. We all know that calcium is present in dairy food. But other than dairy products, certain food items contain a good amount of calcium. Let us explore them and try to explore the top 15 sources of calcium.

Why is Calcium Important?

Calcium is a mineral that is important for bone growth and health. It is also helpful in blood clotting, contraction in muscles helps to maintain normal heart and nerve functions. It is an essential part to maintain body rhythm. Generally, about 99 per cent of calcium is stored in the bones, and only 1 per cent of calcium is kept in blood to meet the daily needs. If sufficient daily need for calcium is not supplied through food, then needed calcium is taken from stored calcium in bones.

How Much Calcium Should We Take Every Day?

The daily need for calcium is though very small, but we need to ensure that it is provided to the body. Because in case of deficiency, it will be taken from bones that might cause a deficiency of calcium in bones. It ultimately weakens the bones. 

Generally, the normal need for calcium in girls between the age group 15s to 60 is 1000mg and in above 60 years is 1200mg. In men, everyday need above 15 to 60 years is 1000mg and above 60 years is 1200.

Some Good Sources of Calcium    

People have different choices of food. Some love to eat dairy products, some like to avoid them. Others are restricted from certain food items, while others can eat whatever they want. Here we are discussing different types of sources of calcium that will add a variety to your diet.

  • Milk 

Milk is known as one of the most important sources of calcium. Calcium present in milk is easy to absorb. Along with calcium, milk is also rich in other nutrients like protein, vitamins, and minerals that add a plus point to your health. Reports have shown that the person who takes dairy products is less likely to get heart problems. Other benefits of milk are that it is an important source of protein. Thus, fulfilling the daily need for protein.

About 240ml of whole milk contains 276 mg of calcium which is about 27 per cent of the daily calcium needed by the body. However, low-fat milk contains more calcium that is about 305mg in 240ml, about 30 per cent of daily needs. Milk is of different types. It was just about cow’s milk. Other milk like soy, almond, cashew, coconut milk is also rich in calcium. It is a good option if you don’t like to drink cow’s milk or healthcare providers have told you to do so. 

Bottom Line - Milk is an excellent source of calcium, vitamins, proteins, fats, and many more. It can fulfil up to 30 per cent of the daily need of the body. However, the amount of calcium depends on the type of milk. Coconut and oat milk contains the highest amount of calcium.

  • Cheese

Cheese is a dairy product but provides more calcium than milk. It is less in lactose, thus more in protein and other minerals like calcium. Parmesan cheese is most rich in calcium. Nearly 28 grams of parmesan cheese contains 242 mg of calcium which is about 24 per cent of the daily calcium needed. Other examples of hard cheese are Reggiano, Grana Padano, manchego, aged Gouda, Asiago, aged cheddar. Softer cheese tends to contain more fat resulting in less protein and calcium. For example, brie contains only 4 per cent of daily calcium needs. Another example of soft cheese is Brie, Camembert, cottage, feta, farmer, Gorgonzola, etc.

Regular intake of cheese or other dairy products helps in reducing the rate of various diseases. Reports have proved that dairy products are effective against heart diseases, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. However, remember that cheese has a high amount of saturated fat and calorie. Some cheese contains a high amount of sodium. It should be maintained for those who have been prohibited from eating sodium.

Bottom Line - Cheese is an amazing source of calcium. However, the amount of calcium is different in different cheeses. Hard cheese contains a comparatively higher amount of calcium than soft cheese. But cheese has saturated fat, calorie, and sodium that might be harmful to health.

  • Yogurt

The next name in milk products that contain a relatively higher amount of calcium is yogurt. It is a lightweight version of other milk products. It contains little amount of saturated fat and calorie, and a high amount of other nutrients like proteins, vitamins, phosphorus, fiber, calcium, etc. Yogurt is also rich in probiotics that promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut. Probiotics also promote immune function, heart health and enhance absorption of other nutrients. About 245 gm of yogurt contains 230 mg of calcium which is about 23 per cent of daily calcium needs.

However, low-fat yogurt can give calcium even more than this. It can be up to 305 mg or approx. 30 per cent of daily needs. In addition, it is also beneficial in heart health and type 2 diabetes.

Other yogurts like Greek yogurt are, however rich in protein instead of calcium. Plant-based yogurts are also less in calcium.

Bottom Line - Yogurt is an amazing source of protein, calcium, and other minerals. It is also lightweight and rich in probiotics. In simple terms, yogurt adds up to the overall health of the body. However, the type of yogurt also is a determining factor. Check nutritional value and type of yogurt before buying.

  • Tofu

Tofu has an exceptionally high amount of calcium. It can be up to 66 per cent of the daily need for calcium. We can say that tofu provides the highest amount of calcium. Tofu is prepared by soy milk that is rich in protein, calcium, and other minerals. However, tofu is prepared from plant material that naturally contains an anti-absorbent ingredient that creates a hindrance in the absorption of nutrients.

Often, it is recommended to eat tofu regularly. Also, it contains a higher number of calories and fat that can cause an adverse effect on health. It is an excellent option when its consumption is managed properly.

Bottom Line - Tofu is an exceptionally incredible source of calcium and protein. Prepared from soy milk, it adds a lot to the benefit of our health. Approx. 155 gm of tofu provides 66 per cent of the daily need for calcium.

  • White Beans

White beans are comparatively rich in calcium. It contains up to 69 mg calcium in 100g boiled white beans. Daily intake of white beans can be suggested up to 250 gm that can provide up to 172mg calcium which is 17 per cent of daily intake. Apart from white beans, cannellini beans, red kidney beans, and pinto beans are also good sources of calcium.

White beans are also a good source of proteins. They are rich in fiber. They help to decrease the level of bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes.

Bottom Line - White bean is a good source of calcium, protein, and fiber. It reduces the risk of type-2 diabetes and cholesterols. About 250 gm of white beans contain 172 mg of calcium which is about 17 percent of the daily requirement.

  • Seeds

Chia seeds are way too healthy. These are like a small box of several nutrients. Small seeds are known for several benefits. Like chia seeds help a lot in reducing weight. Also, it contains a large number of proteins and vitamins. For example, about 50gm of poppy seeds contain 625 mg of calcium which is about 62 per cent of daily needs.

1 oz or 28 gm of chia seeds provide approx. 170 mg of calcium which is 17 per cent of daily needs. It has other benefits as well. Chia seeds are known for omega-3 fatty acids. Sesame seeds can provide up to 7 per cent of daily calcium needs in 9 grams. Also, it is rich in other minerals like copper, iron, manganese, etc.

Other seeds like sunflower seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin, basil seeds, etc, are rich in calcium and other nutrients. These seeds are also known as a good source of protein.

Bottom Line - Seeds like sesame, chia, the poppy are amazing sources of calcium. These are like small bullets packed with several nutrients. Apart from calcium, these bullets are power generators of nutrients like protein, vitamins, and minerals.

  • Kale

Kale is an amazing source of high nutrients without adding much to your daily intake. It is known in between highly healthy foods. It is also rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that help in maintaining heart health. However, kale is rich in oxalate, which hinders the absorption of calcium in the body. Though kale is a good source of calcium, it cannot be fully absorbed by the body. Still, kale can provide up to 6 per cent of the daily need for calcium in one cup. Kale is also an amazing source of vitamins and minerals like vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, and many more. It can manage diabetes.

Bottom Line - Kale is an amazing source of nutrients like calcium, vitamins, iron, phosphorus, etc. However, it is also rich in oxalates, which hinders calcium absorption in the body.

  • Soy Milk

Soy milk is plant-based milk that works as an alternative and sometimes as a subsidiary part of cow milk. Soy milk is comparatively low in fat and calorie content but high in nutritional values. It contains the benefits of both milk and soybeans. Soy milk is rich in protein, calcium, and fiber. It comes in two or three varieties like plain soy milk, sweetened soy milk, and unsweetened soy milk. Different varieties have different values of nutrition. Plain soy milk contains 300mg calcium in 240 ml which is about 30 per cent of daily calcium needs. While sweetened soy milk contains 460 mg calcium in 240 ml of soy milk which is 46 per cent of daily calcium needs. Apart from calcium, soy milk is also rich in fat, carbohydrate, protein, vitamins, sodium, potassium. Research has proved that soy milk is more economical than the production of cow milk. Also, it is richer in nutritional value than cow milk.

Bottom Line - Soy milk is an amazing source of calcium. It is low in fat, has zero cholesterol, and has higher nutritional values as compared to cow milk. Also, it is more economical in production. Soy milk is also rich in protein, vitamins, fiber, etc.

  • Green Veggies

Green leafy veggies like collard greens are incredibly healthy options. They are rich in vitamins, iron, calcium, and other minerals. About 190 gm of collard leaves provide 268mg of calcium which is about 26 per cent of daily needs. Other green veggies also contain a good amount of calcium. But oxalate is a naturally occurring substance of green leafy veggies that hinders the absorption of calcium. Thus, even leaves are rich in calcium, and it is not absorbed in the body, hence gets wasted.

Collard leaves don’t contain oxalates in a higher amount, so they easily get absorbed in the body. This makes it an excellent option.

Bottom Line - Talking about green leafy veggies, options like collard leaves are an excellent example that can provide up to 26 per cent of the daily need of the body. It has low oxalates content thus, it easily gets absorbed in the body.

  • Fortified Food Products

Fortified food products are the best way to meet the body's daily need. These foods are fortified to add extra nutrients. Thus, it can give up to 100 per cent of the daily need for calcium and other nutrients to the body. Fortified food like cereal is rich in nutritional value. However, the body can’t absorb all the nutrients at a single time. Thus, distribute your intake in various periods of the day.

Grain-based fortified foods contain a comparatively higher amount of nutrients. That’s why a few food items like bread, puddings, crackers contain nutrients in higher amounts. Other fortified foods like soy milk, fruit juice, yogurt, salt are also good sources of various nutrients. Many food items like soy milk, yogurt, fruit juice are also good sources of calcium.

Bottom Line - Want to get an item that can provide the total amount of needed calcium, fortified foods are the best sources. Foods like cereal, soy milk, yogurt, fruit juice are excellent sources of calcium. These food items can fulfil the daily needs of the body. 

  • Sardines and Salmon

Sardines and salmon are known for their nutritional value. These are some of the healthiest saline food items. They contain a high amount of iodine, calcium, thanks to their calcium-rich edible bones. Also, they are rare to find, this makes them a luxury food item. These luxury foods are excellent sources of calcium and other nutrients. About 93gm of sardines can give up to 23 per cent of the daily need for calcium. Whereas about 85gm of salmon provide up to 19 per cent of the daily need for calcium.

Apart from this, sardines and salmon are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids and high-quality protein. These food items keep the skin, body, and brain in a healthy condition. However, kinds of seafood may contain mercury, but sardines have a very low amount. In addition, both sardines and salmon contain selenium that can reduce or even reverse the toxicity of mercury.

Bottom Line - Sardines and salmon are excellent sources of calcium, high-quality protein, omega-3 fatty acid, selenium, and other nutrients that keep the body healthy. 93gm of sardines provide 23 per cent of daily needed calcium, and 85 gm of salmon contains up to 19 per cent of the calcium.

  • Almonds

Almond is a rich source of high-quality nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Though it is high in fat, they are polyunsaturated. Almonds are small nutrient balls that pack up various things. About 1 cup or 23 pieces of almonds contain 68gm of calcium, approximately 6 per cent of daily needs. It is also rich in fiber which is about 3.5 gm per ounce. Apart from this, almonds are a good source of vitamin E that keeps the eye and hair healthy.

They also contain total and LDL cholesterol, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that helps to maintain body metabolism. It reduces the risk of heart diseases, high blood pressure, reduces body fat, etc. They are good sources of magnesium, manganese, iron, etc. they are simply a powerhouse.

Bottom Line - Almonds are known among the highly nutritious nuts. They contain protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese, and fiber. They also contain fat but very minimal. They reduce the risk of heart diseases, blood pressure, body fat, etc.

  • Dried Figs

Dried figs are comparatively high nutrient providers than other dried fruits. They are rich in potassium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin K, etc, that are important for bone health. 1.4 ounce or approx. 40gm of dried figs provide about 5 percent of the daily calcium needed by the body. Moreover, they are rich in antioxidants and fiber that help to maintain beauty and gut health. In addition, dried figs do not contain cholesterol, fat, or sodium. They help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and type-2 diabetes.

Bottom Line - Dried figs contain the highest amount of calcium in dry fruits. They have other benefits as well, such as they are rich in antioxidants and fiber. Apart, they prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and type-2 diabetes.

  • Edamame

Edamame is the unripe pod of soybeans. It is known for its nutritional value. Nearly, 1 cup or 160gm of edamame provides 97mg of calcium which is 9 per cent of daily intake. Edamame is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in folate, protein, vitamin K, vitamin C, calcium, and many other essential nutrients. Apart from this, it is also rich in potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc, fiber, energy, etc.

Edamame can be served in different ways, and different serving has different nutritional values. For example, boiled edamame contains the highest nutritional value, and sprouted raw edamame contains the lowest value of nutrients. It is gluten-free, cholesterol-free, and has low calories. This way, it adds to the nutritional value without adding to the gut.

Bottom Line - Edamame is a good source of high-quality nutrients like protein, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, fiber, vitamin K, vitamin C, etc. it gives approx. 9 per cent of the daily needs of the body.

  • Winter Squash

Wanna try something new in your diet that is also rich in calcium, let us try winter squash. It is sometimes considered as fruits and sometimes veggie. Doesn’t matter; it is rich in calcium in both cases. 1 cup or 116gm of winter squash provides up to 3 per cent of the daily need for calcium. Winter squash is a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, fiber, protein, magnesium, potassium, calcium, etc. It lowers the risk of heart diseases and stroke, some types of cancer, eye and stomach problems, sugar level, etc.

Reports have proved that winter squash helps prevent various chronic diseases. In some cultures, it is also used as a medicinal plant.

Bottom Line - Winter squash has plant and veggie as well as medicinal value. It is known to prevent several chronic diseases. It provides nearly 3 per cent of daily calcium needs.


Calcium is one of the most important minerals required for the body, though in a small amount. Even our teeth and bones are made of calcium. Our body should be regularly provided with the daily need for calcium. The deficiency of calcium might even cause weak teeth and bones. Certain food materials like milk and dairy products, tofu, salmon, figs, edamame, etc. are rich in calcium. Daily intake of required calcium makes sure that your body always is healthy.

Frequently asked questions

  • What if you Exceed the Daily Limit of Calcium Intake?

Excess of calcium in the blood is known as hypercalcemia. Generally, men should not take calcium more than 2,500 mg every day. This upper limit in 60+ people is 2,000mg. Excess of calcium in the body may result in kidney stones, prostate cancer, and constipation. If the amount of calcium is higher in the blood, then it may cause heart problems. Other symptoms of hypercalcemia are weakness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, shortness of breathing, etc.




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