Prunes and Prune Juice: Health Benefits and Nutrition

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: January 05, 2023

Prunes and Prune Juice: Health Benefits and Nutrition

In this article, you will look at the health advantages and nutritional value of prune juice. We also discuss recent research on this tasty dried fruit and how people might include more prunes in their diet.

Juice is a convenient way to acquire the health benefits of several fruits or vegetables in a single serving. Juice is simple to make or purchase, healthful, and easy to eat. Juices come in a variety of flavours and contain various antioxidants and vitamins that your body might need to stay healthy. One sort of juice that is good for your health is prune juice.

What are Prunes?

Prunes are dried plums, usually European plums referred to as prunus domestica. By drawing the water out of these dried prunes, prune juice is created. They have a reputation for being laxative. Many people experiment with eating or drinking prunes to relieve constipation. Researchers are currently looking into how prunes affect several facets of health.

There are numerous varieties of plums, and they differ in taste, texture, and colour. Prunes are technically any dried plum, but the term is most frequently used to refer to the dried form of the common European plum Prunus domestica. Prunus americana and Prunus salicina are two further common varieties of plum. The majority of the world's production of prunes is produced by these three varieties of plum when combined.

These all are freestone plums, which makes it simple to get the pit out of the fruit. The prune will remain intact throughout the drying and storing process, thanks to this simple method. The best method to consume these tasty, healthy fruits is by drinking prune juice.

Prunes are a nutritional powerhouse that can offer you a wide range of health advantages when included to your daily diet. 240 kcal, 2.18 grammes of protein, 7.1 grammes of fibre, and roughly 63.88 grammes of carbs are present in a 100-gram serving of prunes, according to the United States Department of Agriculture.

What is Prune Juice?

Prunes, also known as dried plums (Prunus domestica), are the source of prune juice, and these fruits are also farmed for their fresh variations. But more than a thousand different varieties of plums are grown especially to be dried and used as prunes. Plums keep all of their nutrients as they start to dry, but they also contain more sorbitol, a specific active component. Prunes are very popular in the form of juice since they taste well and have a longer shelf life.

Usually, additional water is added to this juice to dilute it and create a tangy, energising beverage. Because of some of their unique health advantages, prunes have frequently been considered only for constipation issues, but they actually contain a wide variety of nutrients in addition to their soluble and insoluble fibre.

This juice is simple to create and contains considerable amounts of nutrients such as iron, copper. fructose, potassium, manganese, sorbitol, and several types of antioxidants. Due to its outstanding results, prune juice is now being included in more and more people's health regimens despite the long-standing stigma that it is only for older generations.

Nutritional Profile Of Prune Juice

Prunes have a good nutritional profile in addition to a number of potential health advantages. The following is what one cup of prune juice, or 256 grammes (g) as per the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) contains:

  • 2.6 g of dietary fiber
  • 207.97 g of water
  • 31 milligrams (mg) of calcium
  • 64 mg of phosphorus
  • no cholesterol or trans fats
  • 8.7 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin K

Prunes are a source of several crucial nutrients, such as:

  • Vitamin A
  • B Vitamins
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron

Prunes contain a lot of potassium as well, thus they can aid in preserving a healthy potassium-to-sodium ratio. Maintaining this equilibrium is crucial for preventing cardiovascular problems.

The fibre content in a prune is increased throughout the drying process that turns it into one. Prune fibre is soluble to a degree of about 60%.

Benefits Of Prune Juice

When you were young, your grandmother may have given you a glass of prune juice to calm an upset stomach. Not just this, there are numerous additional possible health advantages of prune juice. Here are some crucial factual benefits concerning this naturally sweet juice,

It Helps A Person Poop.

Having trouble going potty? You can get moving by drinking around half a cup of prune juice. It also benefits children. There are a few causes for this.

Prunes that are whole are high in fibre. While most of the fibre in those prunes is lost during the juicing process, some of it is retained. That fibre facilitates the movement of food through the digestive tract and out the other end of the body. 

Sorbitol is a form of sugar alcohol that is present in nature, and it can be found in prune juice. Because it naturally attracts water into your digestive tract, sorbitol can't be entirely fermented or digested or fermented by the bacteria present in the intestines. By facilitating smooth bowel movements, it functions as a natural laxative and aids in removing constipation.

Dihydrophenylisatin is also present in prune juice. When the prunes are heated to create the juice, it leads to its production. This substance also functions as a natural laxative.

It Reduces The Risks Of Haemorrhoids.

You can also be less likely to get haemorrhoids if you experience less constipation. A haemorrhoid develops when a vein in the rectum or anus swells. When you have to exert too much effort to relieve yourself, this can happen. You may feel bleeding in addition to discomforting to intolerable pain from a haemorrhoid.

How is prune juice beneficial? You're more likely to have regular and a more softer stool session int he washroom if you use sorbitol to keep things flowing. As a result, you are less inclined to exert yourself when using the restroom. A happy butt, a happy poop.

It Might Help Lower The Risks Of High Blood Pressure.

Potassium, a mineral that the body needs for many different processes, is present in large quantities in prune juice. It aids in the contraction of muscles, the preservation of regular blood pressure, and the maintenance of normal fluid levels in cells.

Studies generally indicate that foods high in potassium help persons with hypertension lower their blood pressure. According to a 2010 study, those who regularly drank prune juice or consumed prunes had lower risk of developing hypertension and a lower blood pressure.

It Helps In The Reduction Of Cholesterol Levels.

Prune juice may also improve your heart health by decreasing your cholesterol. That chemical has the potential to cause atherosclerosis (condition concerning with narrow arteries caused as a result of plaque build-up). Because it is more difficult for sufficient blood to flow through these channels as a result of atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, or heart failure might result.

The fact that prunes contain certain antioxidants that might help lower LDL cholesterol is mentioned by researchers even though they are not entirely sure why prune juice may have this effect. Also appearing to be important is soluble fibre.

It Is Rich In Iron.

Iron is essential for maintaining healthy blood, and prune juice is a good source of it. In actuality, 3 milligrammes of iron are present in just half a cup of prune juice. That is almost 17% of the adult daily recommended amount set by the FDA.

Hemoglobin, a substance in blood that delivers oxygen from your lungs across all of the body, is made possible by iron, which is a mineral. The most prevalent form of anaemia, which is a condition when your body lacks sufficient healthy red blood cells, can be avoided by getting enough iron daily.

It Is Good For The Bones.

Boron is a mineral found in prunes that the body utilizes to create and maintain healthy bones. In fact, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis are two bone disorders that are treated using this mineral.

For instance, a 2016 study on animals discovered that prunes lessen the impact of radiation on bone marrow. That might aid in preventing the loss of bone mass. Prunes may be able to stop postmenopausal women from losing bone density, according to two further studies published in 2016 and 2017.

Boron is beneficial for more than just your bones. In addition, it helps your body in various ways, such as with wound healing, reducing inflammation, and improving magnesium absorption.

It Might Help You Lose Weight.

Prunes and prune juice are frequently chosen snacks by those who are trying to lose weight. Because prune juice contains fibre, it can make you feel more satisfied. You might be able to eat less calories as a result and still feel full.

Additionally, prune juice has a low glycemic index, which makes it less likely to result in an increase in blood sugar levels. It tastes so sweet, how is it possible to have a low glycemic index? Its high sorbitol content is to blame for that. The glucose is absorbed more slowly by your body as a result.

It Is Present With Various Antioxidants That Help Fight Inflammation.

Free radical is a result of the natural activities of the body.  Oxidative stress can result from the accumulation of these free radicals. Your DNA can be harmed by that kind of stress, which also raises your risk of developing certain health issues (such as diabetes, cancer, and heart diseases). 

You need antioxidants because of this. They aid in the neutralisation of free radicals, minimising the harm they cause to your body and maintaining your health in the process. Antioxidants found in abundance in prune juice can help reduce inflammation and shield your cells from cellular deterioration.

Prunes, in particular, appear to contain anthocyanins, which is an active antioxidant which might lower your chance of developing some malignancies.

Prune Juice Has A Lot Of Vitamins.

Several essential vitamins for your health can be found in prune juice, such as:

  • Vitamin B (keeps the nervous system, brain, and immune system healthy)
  • Niacin aka Vitamin B3 (supports skin, nervous system, and digestive system)
  • Vitamin C (helps growth, repair, and development of all body tissues)
  • Vitamin K (crucial for blood clotting)
  • Calcium (helps build strong bones)

Phosphorus, magnesium, copper, and manganese are among the other minerals it includes.

It Might Be Beneficial For The Liver

People with liver conditions, such as hepatitis and jaundice, were traditionally given prune juice. There is some evidence to suggest that this use may be beneficial. For instance, a 2010 study discovered that prune juice may help lower some dangerous substances in the blood that are caused by issues with the functioning of the liver.

It Proves To Be Helpful For Your Colon.

A cancer that can be aggressive and challenging to identify is colon cancer. However, the antioxidants present in prune juice might help lower your risk of contracting this illness.

To determine whether this can actually make a difference, we need to conduct much more research, but preliminary results are quite intriguing. Taking prune juice as an example, a 2012 study found that it may help reduce colorectal cancer and constipation.

Risks Associated With The Consumption Of Prune Juice

Prune juice has a lot of sugar and is very calorie-dense, so people who are thinking about include it in their diet should be conscious of this.

An individual may consume too much sugar if they drink too much juice. Excessive consumption of sugar can have negative effects on overall health, raise the chance of developing diabetes, and undo the positive effects of prune juice on blood pressure.

Potential Side Effects Of Prune Juice

There are some possible potential downsides of drinking prune juice. Here are some things to be wary of:

  • It Can Worsen Several Heart Conditions

The symptoms of some illnesses could worsen when consumed as prune juice. In particular, if you suffer from ulcerative colitis or an overactive bladder, consult your doctor to ensure that the consumption of prune juice is safe for you.

  • It Can Cause Digestive Discomfort

Prune juice may cause you to feel bloated or gassy because it contains sorbitol and fibre. It might even result in diarrhoea. For this reason, it is crucial to gradually incorporate prune juice into your diet and to stay away from it if you currently have diarrhoea.

  • It Can Cause Unwanted Weight Gain

Prune juice may aid in weight loss, but excessive consumption may have the opposite effect. If a person is trying to lose or maintain a healthy body weight, it's recommended to eat it in moderation because it has a lot of calories.

  • It Can Cause Allergies

Prunes contain a trace of histamine, which implies that certain people may develop allergies to them. If a person is allergic to prunes, he should consider avoiding the consumption of prune juice.

  • It Can Cause Dehydration And Diarrhea

Both sorbitol and dietary fibre, which are both substances that might have a laxative effect on the body, are present in large quantities in prune juice. While some people consume this beverage intentionally for those emptying effects, consuming too much dietary fibre might result in excessive gas, bloating, and diarrhoea. Dehydration, which is associated with that potential adverse effect, can occur extremely fast if you are having symptoms of diarrhoea.

  • It Can Lead To Diabetes

Before adding prune juice to the mix, check with your doctor if a person is currently using medication to lower blood sugar.

  • Presence of Carcinogens

When prunes are dried, acrylamide, a chemical that is both neurotoxic and carcinogenic, is produced. Although the juice has far lower or detectable levels of acrylamide than potato chips and fries, it is nevertheless concerning for those who have high levels of oxidative stress, such as smokers, or who are at a high risk of developing various cancers.

Particularly when combined with other vitamins, dietary supplements, or pharmaceuticals, some vitamins might have undesirable side effects. A few vitamins can also make current medical issues worse. Before ingesting any vitamins for the treatment of constipation, consult your doctor. If any side effects occur, let them know.

People For Whom Vitamins Might Not Be Safe

When taken in the recommended amount, vitamins are generally safe for most people. However, certain people may need to forgo particular vitamins. Some supplements can also make constipation worse. Before starting a new vitamin or increasing the usual dosage, as with all OTC supplements, see your doctor. A doctor and pharmacist can assist a person in developing a vitamin regimen that is both safe and effective.

The following people may not benefit from or be safe after taking vitamins:

  • Infants And Newly Born Babies

Before administering any sort of constipation treatment, which includes vitamins or other supplements, to a baby, consult with a professional paediatrician.

  • People Suffering From Gastrointestinal Conditions

The effectiveness of vitamins and other over-the-counter remedies may be compromised if a person has a history of digestive problems.

  • People Suffering From Chronic Illnesses Or Diseases

Inform your healthcare provider if you feel constipation or if you are suffering from a persistent medical problem. It can be a side effect of your illness or medication. It can also be a sign of something more serious.

You might experience worsening health effects from taking particular vitamins in some circumstances. As you may be taking supplements and drugs to treat your health, some vitamins might also interact with those substances.

How To Make Prune Juice?

In the juice or organic sections of most supermarkets, a person can easily find pure prune juice. Prune juice is also something you can create at home.

Prunes should be soaked for 20 minutes in water to make homemade prune juice. Blend the prunes that have been soaked in water along with a little extra water. If a person likes, he can also consider adding more sugar and lemon juice. However, bear in mind that prunes are naturally sweet, so you don't need to add much. The pulp can then be strained out or left in to add more fibre.

Here are a few quick ways to incorporate prunes into your diet:

  • Eat it alone as a snack
  • Add them to a savory stew
  • Mix them with nuts, dark chocolate chips, and dried fruits such as apricots for a healthy and nutritious trail mix
  • Add them to a baked good
  • Blend prunes or use its juice to make smoothies or drinks
  • Add it to your breakfast oatmeal
  • Eat pureed prunes to make prune jam or prune butter

Contrary to popular belief, incorporating prunes in your diet can be considerably simpler and more enjoyable. Make sure you gradually raise your fibre intake and get enough water for the greatest outcomes.


A lot of people are fully cognizant of the fact that eating or drinking prunes can help with constipation. Prunes, however, may also offer additional health advantages, such as reducing the risk of hypertension and promoting weight loss by raising satiety. Prunes are a delicious snack that people can eat on their own or in a variety of meals.

A person should consult their doctor if they have persistent constipation that fails to improve with dietary or lifestyle modifications. For constipation, a variety of treatments are available.

Especially if a person consumes it in moderation, prune juice has several health advantages. It can improve the health of his bones and heart and helps relieve constipation. It contains a wealth of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Any risk associated with any medical disorder might also be reduced.

Too much of a good thing, though, can be harmful. Some people can have diarrhoea, stomach pain, or gas as a result of the high sorbitol concentration. Anyone can experience constipation. Most of the time, it will go away within a few days. It could take 3-5 days before you start to feel better if you choose to use any of these vitamins as a therapy option.

If you still don't feel better, try a stimulant laxative or speak with your doctor about additional possibilities. Chronic constipation can cause issues such as tears in the rectal tissue or haemorrhoids in rare situations.



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