Organs on Left Side of Your Body: From Head to Toe

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: July 29, 2022

Organs on Left Side of Your Body: From Head to Toe

The human body is mostly composed of trillions of cells, which are the basic unit of life. A tissue is a group of cells that have similar functions and are similar in their function. These tissues are combined to form organs, which then give rise to an organ system. What do we know about our bodies? Do you know how many organs there are?

Let's take a closer look at the various organs found in the human body.

What is an Organ?

Organs are made up of the same types of tissues. They are well-organized to perform certain functions in all living creatures, including animals, birds, and reptiles, as well as mammals, humans, and plants. Organ systems are made up of organs. Organs of this nature are microscopic in their structure. These organs include the brain, heart and lungs, liver, kidneys, and kidneys.

Anatomy is the study and study of human anatomy. Physiology studies the function of internal organs. Splanchnology is the study of visceral or gastrointestinal organs.

Different types of Organs in the Human Body

There are in total of seventy-eight main or primary organs in the human body. These organs function in harmony to create many organ systems. Five organs out of the 78 are vital to survival. These organs include the liver, heart, brain, kidneys and liver. Without medical intervention, death can occur if any of these organs cease to function for even a few seconds. Doctors recommend that we maintain a healthy system by eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, engaging in regular exercise, and making lifestyle changes to improve our health.

The Largest Organs in the Human Body

They are the longest organs of the human body based on their length and weight. These organs have many functions and are microscopic. There are ten major organs in your body. These include the skin and liver, brain, liver, brain, heart, kidneys, thyroid, spleen, pancreas, and thyroid. Below are details on a few of these organs.


The largest organ outside the body is the skin. It protects the body from outside elements and is a vital organ. It protects our internal organs against pathogens and, regulates body temperature, pH, and prevents dehydration. Additionally, it functions as our main sense organ. Both animals and humans use the skin to protect the environment from the outside. Our skin covers 19-20 square feet of our body. It is, therefore, the largest external organ in the human body.


The largest organ of the human body is the liver, which weighs 1.3 to 1.5 kilograms. The liver is generally found on the upper side, in the right part of the abdomen. It is unique among vertebrates. It is triangular and bilobed and has more than 500 functions. These include blood clotting and protecting against invading pathogens.

The Organs of the Body: What's the Left Side?


The brain is the control centre of the body. The brain is the primary or the heart of the central nervous system. It creates, sends, and processes nerve impulses, thoughts and emotions. The skull protects the brain from injury by enclosing it. Neurologists are doctors who study and treat the nervous system. They have discovered many parts of the brain over time. Some systems function in the same way as independent organs. The brain is composed of three major subparts: cerebrum and cerebellum. These areas contain key components that make up the central nervous system. They also include the spinal cord.

These are the major functions of the central nervous systems:

  • The medulla is the lowest portion of the brainstem. It controls the heart and lung function.
  • The pons is located above the brainstem medulla. This area controls eye and facial movements.
  • The spinal cord: Running from the base of your brain down to the middle of the back, it assists with automatic functions such as reflexes. It also sends messages between the brain and it.
  • The parietal lobe: Located in the middle part of the brain, it supports spatial reasoning and object identification. It is also responsible for interpreting touch signals and pain.
  • The largest part of our brain is the frontal lobe. It is involved in many conscious functions, such as personality and movement. It helps the brain to detect smells.
  • The occipital and lateral lobes: Located near the back of your brain, the occipital is responsible for interpreting vision signals.
  • The temporal and oblique lobes: These lobes are located on both sides of the brain. They play a vital role in speech, smell recognition, short-term memory, and other functions.
  • The right and left halves of the brain are known as the hemispheres. These two halves are connected by the corpus callosum.


It is the largest organ in the circulatory system and helps to deliver blood to the body. It works in conjunction with the lungs to increase oxygen levels and pump the oxygenated blood around the body. An electrical system is also found within the heart. The heart has an electrical system that regulates its rhythm. When the body requires more blood, like during intense exercise, the heart rate will increase. It drops during periods of rest.

There are four chambers in the heart. The two upper chambers of the heart are known as atria, and the ventricles are two lower chambers. The right atrium is where blood flows from the veins of your body and heart (except the lungs), and it then flows into your right ventricle. It then flows into the right atrium from the veins of the heart and body, where it reaches the lungs via the pulmonary arterial. The blood is then oxygenated by the lungs.

The oxygenated blood travels through the lungs through pulmonary veins, which lead back and join together to the left atrium and then the left ventricle. The heart pumps blood from there through an artery, which branches to distribute blood to other parts of the body (except the lungs).

There are four valves in the heart that control blood flow. These are the heart valves:

  • The tricuspid valve
  • The pulmonary valve
  • The mitral valve
  • The aortic valve


The heart and lungs work together to oxygenate the blood. They filter the air that a person inhales and then remove excess carbon dioxide to exchange for oxygen. The lungs are made up of several parts that help the body take in oxygen, filter it and then oxygenate it. These are:

  • The right and left bronchi. The trachea divides into these tubes. They extend into the lungs and have branches. These smaller bronchi are split into smaller tubes called bronchioles.
  • The alveoli: These are tiny air sacs located at the ends of the bronchioles. They act like balloons and expand when the person exhales while contracting when they exhale.
  • Blood vessels: The lungs carry many blood vessels from the heart to other parts of the body.

A person can survive without one lung if they have access to medical care. However, they will not be able to live without them. The diaphragm is a thick muscle band located under the lungs that helps the lungs expand or contract as a result of breathing.

Left Ear

The cartilage that makes up the ears is a shell-like material. Three parts make up an ear:

  • The outer ear and the ear canal
  • Middle ear
  • Inner ear

It does exactly what it says. The ear can detect vibrations in the air and distinguish pitch (how loud or soft a sound is). Pitch refers to the type of sound waves and frequency of sound waves, while volume refers to the intensity of the sound.

Left Eye

The eyes measure approximately 1 inch (or 2.5 cm) in diameter. The eye's components include:

  • Retina
  • Cornea
  • Iris
  • The ciliary body
  • Lens
  • sclera

It does exactly what it says. The optic nerve is a pathway that connects the eyes to the brain. It processes light from the environment and relays this information to the brain. The optic nerve, also known as the second cranial nervous system, is located at the back of the eye.

  • Different parts of your eye focus light onto your retina.
  • The retina is composed of rods and conical structures that allow the eye to see at different light levels. Rods, for example, help the eye to see in low-light situations.

Adrenal Gland

The small, triangular-shaped adrenal glands (also known as suprarenal or adrenal glands) are located above each of your kidneys. They are part of your endocrine systems and produce hormones that regulate many important bodily functions. Metabolism is how your body manages and transforms the energy you get from food.

  • Immune system.
  • Blood pressure
  • Stress response.
  • Sexual characteristics development.

The cortex (outer part) and the Medulla (inner portion) are the two main parts of your adrenal glands. Each part produces different hormones.

What does your adrenal gland do?

The following hormones are produced and released by your adrenal glands.

Cortisol: Cortisol, a glucocorticoid hormonal hormone, plays several key roles. It regulates your body's intake of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It helps regulate your blood sugar, reduce inflammation, and control your sleep-wake cycles. Cortisol is released by your adrenal glands during stress. This helps you get energy and help you deal with an emergency situation.

Aldosterone (or mineralocorticoid hormone): Aldosterone regulates blood pressure and levels of sodium, potassium, and other electrolytes in the blood. Aldosterone regulates your blood pH (how acidic/basic it is), by controlling the levels of electrolytes.

DHEA, androgenic steroids: These hormones have a weak biological impact. They are converted to estrogens in the ovaries and to male hormones in the testes. Although androgens are often referred to as male hormones in the media, the female body produces a few androgens naturally.

Noradrenaline and epinephrine (norepinephrine), also known as "fight or flight", are hormones that are commonly called catecholamines. Noradrenaline (epinephrine) and Adrenaline (norepinephrine) can increase your heart rate, heart force, and heart contraction force, and also increase blood flow to your brain and muscles. They also aid in glucose metabolism. They help maintain blood pressure by controlling the swelling of blood vessels (vasoconstriction). When you are in emotionally and physically stressful situations, these hormones are released by your adrenal glands.


The spleen, located in the upper left side of the abdomen to the left of the stomach, is an organ. Although the spleen's size and shape can vary between people, it is usually fist-shaped and approximately 4 inches in length. The rib cage protects the spleen, so you won't be able to feel it unless it is abnormally large.

Multiple roles play the spleen in supporting functions within the body. As part of the immune system, it acts as a filter for blood. The spleen is where old red blood cells and platelets are stored. The spleen is also used to fight bacteria that can cause meningitis and pneumonia.

Left Kidney

Two kidneys are located below your rib cage. They are located on either side of the spine, just below your lowest ribs. The kidneys are roughly the size of a fist and have a bean-shaped shape. The left kidney is usually slightly larger than the right.

Your kidneys filter out extra fluids and waste from your body and put them into the urine. They keep your blood's salt and mineral levels in balance. Your blood pressure and production of red blood cells are also controlled by hormones produced in the kidneys. The filtering system in your kidneys is complex. Each kidney contains approximately 1 million filters called nephrons. Each day, the kidneys filter approximately 200 litres of fluid.

Two parts make up each nephron: the renal corpuscle, which houses the glomerulus, and the tubule. Your blood is filtered by the glomerulus. The tubule filters your blood and removes any waste products. One kidney can perform the same job as two. One healthy kidney can allow you to live a normal lifestyle.


The stomach is a muscular organ that is located on the left side of the upper abdomen. The oesophagus feeds the stomach. The stomach receives food from the oesophagus when it reaches the end.

The stomach produces enzymes and acids that help digest food. The stomach is lined by ridges of muscle tissue, called rugae. The stomach muscles contract regularly, which churns food to improve digestion. The pyloric Sphincter, a muscular valve that allows food to move from the stomach into the small intestine, is called the pyloric sphincter.

How it Works?

One muscular tube runs from the mouth to reach the anus. This is the core of the entire digestive system. The stomach is a pouch-like, enlarged section of the digestive tube. It is located on the left-hand side of the upper abdominal and looks somewhat like a large comma with the bulge facing to the left. The shape and size of the stomach vary from person to person depending on factors such as how many calories they consume and their sex.

The digestive tube is located at the junction of the oesophagus with the stomach. It is normally kept closed by the muscles and diaphragm. These muscles contract when you swallow, and the lower end opens to allow food to reach the stomach. Acidic gastric juice could get into the oesophagus and cause inflammation or heartburn.

Near the opening, the stomach's upper left side curves upward towards the diaphragm. This is the fundus. This is where air enters the stomach during swallowing. The stomach is the largest portion of the body. Here food is churned into smaller pieces and mixed with acidic gastric juices and enzymes. The stomach's body narrows at the exit and forms the pyloric channel, where partially digested food can be passed to the small intestine.


The pancreas, a gland located deep below the stomach, is found in the abdomen. You will find the top of the pancreas in the curve of your small intestine (duodenum), on your right. Its purpose is to produce enzymes that aid in food processing in the small intestine. It helps digest fat, starch, and protein. Insulin and glucagon are also produced by your pancreas. These hormones regulate your blood sugar levels. These hormones are essential for proper fueling your body.


The majority of your liver is located on the right side. Only a small portion of your liver is located on the left. It is located just above your stomach and below your diaphragm. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, your liver is approximately as big as a football and averages 3 pounds in weight. 

The liver is an extremely hardworking organ. The liver plays an important role in:

  • Regulating metabolic functions
  • Energy generation
  • Conversion of substances
  • Eliminating toxins

The most important organ in the metabolic system is the liver. It is responsible for converting nutrients into usable substances, detoxifying certain substances, and filtering blood from the digestive tract via a vein before it joins the venous blood flow to other parts of your body. An artery is used to transport oxygenated blood to the liver.

The liver mass is located on the upper right side, just below the rib cage. Many roles are played by the liver in digestion and blood filtering, including:

  • producing bile
  • Helping the body remove toxic substances such as alcohol, drugs, and harmful metabolites
  • Regulating blood levels of important chemicals, such as amino acids
  • Making cholesterol
  • Remove some bacteria from your blood
  • Some immune factors
  • Eliminating bilirubin from the blood
  • Regulating blood clotting so that people don't bleed too often and don't develop blood clots

To deliver the bile to the small intestines, the liver works in partnership with the gallbladder. The liver pumps bile into the gallbladder. It stores the bile and then releases it when digestion is needed. Although a person can live with a portion of their liver, the liver is essential for our lives.

Left: Male and Female Reproductive Organs

Left Ovary

Each side of the uterus has one ovary. Each gland is approximately the same size as an almond. Ovulation is a natural process that occurs around once per month during the childbearing years. It releases an egg from your ovary and triggers ovulation. This usually occurs in the middle of the 28-day period. The egg is then transported into the fallopian tube and finally to the uterus.

A sperm fertilizes an egg to start a pregnancy. The hormones estrogen, progesterone, and progesterone are also produced by the ovaries.

Left Fallopian Tube

One fallopian tube (or womb) is located in the pelvis of the female body. The fallopian tube is located between the ovary & the uterus. It is also known as the uterine tube. The fallopian tube is the pathway that eggs use to travel from the egg ovary to the uterus. It's the place where the sperm meets and fertilizes the egg during conception.

Left Testis

The testes, also known as gonads or testicles, are found outside behind the penis and in a sac of skin called the scrotum. The testis is the singular teste. The shape of the testes is oval. Each testis measures 1.8 to 3 inches (3 to 5 cm) in length. The testes control the production of sperm and the androgen hormone testosterone.

Each testis is connected to the body via a thin tube. This takes the sperm through the urethra and allows it to be ejected.


Your body is a complex and intricate living system with many parts. Your left side houses important organs, both internal and externally. Each organ is a complex system that is made up of many smaller parts. Many organs depend on many other body parts. To properly breathe, for example, the lungs must function with the nose, mouth, and throat.

Because of the complexity of each organ, some doctors specialize in one organ or system. Pulmonologists, on the other hand, study the lungs while cardiologists deal with heart problems.

If you think that there is a problem with any of your organs or systems, it is a good idea to see a specialist.




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