Left Brain vs. Right Brain: What's the Difference?

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: July 29, 2022

Left Brain vs. Right Brain: What's the Difference?

This detailed article discusses the difference between the left and right brains.

What Is A Brain?

The brain is a complex organ that controls thought, memory, emotions, touch, motor skills, vision, breathing, temperature, appetite and all the processes that govern our body. The brain and spinal cord comprise the central nervous system or CNS. The job of the brain is to send and receive electrical and chemical signals in the body. There are various processes taking place inside the body. Different signals control them, and the brain understands them. Some make you happy; some make you sad. Some messages are stored inside the brain, while others are transmitted through the spinal cord and throughout the sensory network to distant edges. To do this, the central nervous system relies on millions of neurons (nerve cells). 

The brain is the most complex organ of the human body. More than 100 billion sensors are present in it that create connections called synapses.

The brain is made up of many specialized areas that work together:

  • The cortex is the outer layer of brain cells. Voluntary thinking and movement begin in the cortex.
  • The trunk of the brain is located between the spine and the rest of the brain. Basic activities such as breathing and sleeping are controlled here.
  • The basal ganglia are a group of structures in the centre of the brain. The basal ganglia link messages between many other areas of the brain.
  • The cerebellum is below and behind the brain. The cerebellum is responsible for coordination and balance.

The brain is also divided into several lobes:

  • Front labels are responsible for problem-solving and judgment, and engine performance.
  • The parietal lobes control hearing, handwriting, and posture.
  • Temporary writing is involved in memory and hearing.
  • The occipital lobes contain the visual processing system of the brain.

The brain is the mass of nerve tissue in the front part of an organism. The brain integrates sensory information and directs motor responses; in vertebrates, it is also a learning centre. The human brain weighs about three pounds [1.4 kg] (3 pounds) and is made up of trillions of cells called neurons. The interaction of neurons, known as synapses, enables electrical and chemical messages to be transmitted from one neuron to the next in the brain, a process that is fundamental to basic and vital functions in learning, memory and thought, and other brain functions.

In low-vertebrae, the brain is tubular and resembles the first stage of brain development in vertebrates. It consists of three distinct regions: the posterior brain, the medial brain, and the anterior brain. Although the brains of higher vertebrates have undergone major changes during embryonic development, these three regions are still visible.

The hindbrain is made up of medulla oblongata and ponies. The medulla transmits signals between the spinal cord and the upper parts of the brain; it also regulates independent functions such as heart rate and breathing. The pons are partially composed of tracts that connect the spinal cord with high brain levels and contain clusters of cells that transmit information from the cerebrum to the cerebellum.

The midbrain, the upper part of which is derived from the optic lobes, is the main centre for the integration of nerves in fish and oceans. It also involves a combination of reptiles and birds. In mammals, the midbrain is greatly reduced, acting primarily as a link between the hindbrain and the frontal lobe.

It is connected to the medulla, the pons, and the midbrain through large bundles of cerebellum fibres. Being too large for humans, this “little brain” regulates balance and coordination by producing smooth, systematic movements of muscle groups.

The forebrain comprises the cerebral hemispheres and the brainstem, which contains the thalamus and hypothalamus. The thalamus is the main centre of transmission between the medulla and the brain; The hypothalamus is an important centre for controlling sex drive, pleasure, pain, hunger, thirst, blood pressure, body temperature, and other visceral functions. The hypothalamus produces hormones that control the release of the anterior pituitary gland and produces oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone, which are stored and secreted by the posterior pituitary gland.

The cerebrum, originally acting as part of the olfactory lobes, is involved in the complex functions of the human brain. In humans and other advanced vertebrates, the brain grows over the entire brain, forming a grey (wrinkled) grey layer. The degree of convolution depends in part on body size. Small mammals (e.g., small deer, marmoset) usually have a smooth brain, and large mammals (e.g., whale, elephant, dolphin) are usually very convolute.

The cerebral hemispheres are separated by a deep groove, a longitudinal cerebral fissure. Beneath this crack, there are several nerve endings, called the corpus callosum, which provide a link between the hemispheres. The left hemisphere controls the right part of the body, and vice versa, due to the contraction of the nerve fibres in the medulla or, gradually, in the spinal cord. Although the right and left hemispheres are mirror images of each other in many ways, there are important functional differences. For most people, for example, speech control centres are located in the left hemisphere, while local control areas are located in the right-hand section.

How Is The Left Brain Different From The Right Brain?

It is still true that the tongue is turned to the left and the emotions are to the right. It is also true that the brain lobes have certain functions. But there is no evidence that the human left or right brain is stronger than the other. It's all about neural communication. When you hear sensory input, process, and take action, the neurons in your brain light up with activity. All these activities require different parts of the brain, but since they are part of the same neural network, some areas of the brain have stronger connections than others. The complex world is equal to the complex brain. Millions of brain scans are not black and white, so there is no clear-cut point for everything. Our brains often combine stimuli from one place to another using these sensory mechanisms. While the temporary lobe dominates your ability to hear music, many parts of the brain are used when you have an emotional response to music, incorporating the rhythm of the music, and following the music.

While the two hemispheres have their domains, they do not have as much influence on personality as originally thought. You may not be able to refer to yourself as a left or right brain, but personality traits are still a unique part of your brain. According to the left brain, the right brain dominance theory, the right side of the brain is much better at expressive and creative functions. Other skills known to be associated with the right side of the brain include: Face recognition, Expressing emotions; Creating music; Emotional learning; Delightful color; Using imagination; If it is accurate; Composing.

The left side of the brain is considered to be an expert in functions that include thinking, language, and analytical thinking. The left mind is defined as the best: Language; Reasonable; Critical thinking; Numbers; Consultation.

Difference Between The Left And The Right Brain

Properties Left Brain Right Brain
Association Linear and Analytical thought Creative thought and emotions
Lobes Frontal lobe is small, and the occipital lobe has more mass The frontal lobe has more mass, and the occipital lobe is small
Situation Little more towards the back Little more towards the front
Speciality Thinking, language, and analytical thinking Expressive and creative functions
Processing Logical processing Global processing
The Body Controls the right side of the body Controls the left side of the body

What Is The Left Brain?

People with a left-brain should be intelligent, analytical, and approachable, while right-minded people should be creative, orderly, and creative. But this theory of the left brain / right brain is contradicted by a large, two-year study by researchers at the University of Utah. In other words, it is not true that the most intelligent people use the left side of the brain and that the most intelligent people use the right. Everyone uses both parts of the brain. However, the vague ideas related to having a left or right brain persist and continue to arouse curiosity. The left hemisphere of the brain processes information by analysis and sequence. It is focused on speech and is responsible for language. Processes from detail to the whole image. The functions of the left hemisphere include pattern alignment and pattern identification as well as creating techniques. The left hemisphere controls the right muscles of the body.

Analysts who are rational and observant are said to dominate the left brain, that is, use the left side of the brain more than the right side. Basic aspects of left-brain thinking include comprehension, analysis, sequence, line thinking, mathematics, language, facts, word thinking, song recall, and counting. When problems arise, people with a left-brain often break things down and make informed, sensible decisions. Typical jobs include being a lawyer, judge, or banker.

To understand this better, let us take an example of a child: Our brain consists of two sides or hemispheres. Children with behavioural, educational, social, or other challenges often have an imbalance when using too much of one side of the brain. This causes one side of the brain to become stronger, and the other to slow down and weaken. The left hemisphere of the brain controls the reading and processing of information. Left-minded children often reevaluate their thinking and often do well academically. They may be better able to memorize large amounts of data, have a greater vocabulary, and concentrate on details. If your child's left hemisphere controls are in control, you will see it reflecting certain features at home. For example, she may prefer to keep the same routine, such as eating breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Children with a left-brain also appreciate directions and often follow directions well.

One of the most notable features of the left brain is the organized chamber. If you rarely tell your child to vomit, they may have upper left hemisphere controls. While this may be helpful at home, you may find that many children with a left-brain do not have much emotion or love. Instead, they tend to think logically, and according to Funderstanding, they may prefer to spend time alone. Parents are not the only people who may notice features of the left brain in children. Teachers are often aware of the factors, based on the behaviour of left-handed children in school. The good news is that according to Psychology Today, schools tend to care for children with left-handed brains as most classes require good analytical skills. Children with a strong left brain and immature right brain may succeed in these areas:

  • Science
  • Details
  • Memorization
  • Setting goals
  • Study guides
  • Statistics

Many of these children prefer to study on their own, so make sure your child has a quiet place to do homework. In addition, since most children with left-handed brains tend to do well with lists, make it easy for your child to make as many lists as possible, providing a whiteboard, writing board, paper, and stationery. Not only will your lad be grateful for the help, but he or she will likely be more successful at school and home.

What Is The Right Brain?

The human brain is divided into two distinct cerebral hemispheres connected by a corpus callosum. Hemispheres show a strong pattern of balance on both sides and function. For example, structurally, the lateral sulcus is usually longer in the left hemisphere than in the right hemisphere, and in practice, Broca's and Wernicke's areas are located in the left cerebral hemisphere in about 95% of right-handed people, but about 70% left. Nobel laureate and Nobel laureate Roger Sperry have been instrumental in the study of lateralization and function in various brains. The right hemisphere of the brain processes information in an accurate way. It focuses on the material and is responsible for attention. Processes from every image to detail. The functions of the right hemisphere include spatial vision and visual acuity in conditions. The right hemisphere controls the muscles on the left side of the body. People with damage to the right hemisphere of the brain often have difficulty with visual acuity and posture, for example, getting an idea of ​​how far away an object is from or close to the body. They tend to ignore the left side of the body, and they cannot see things on the left. These people are often seduced and make poor decisions. They also have less time for attention, and their ability to read, process, or learn new things is reduced. Intelligent, artistic, and open-minded people are said to dominate the right brain, and the right side of their brain dominates the most. The basic elements of right-brain thinking include creativity, thought, perfect thinking, comprehension, art, rhythm, non-verbal, emotional, visual perception, song recognition, and daydreaming. When solving problems, people with a right brain often rely on the information or "intestinal response." Typical activities include politics, acting, and athletics.

Modern educational programs are designed especially for children with a left-brain, who like to plan, plan, work alone, and solve problems logically. Brainwashed students may find it difficult to adjust to schooling and often need help to cope with the challenges of school life. You may find that your mentally retarded child has difficulty memorizing lists or tables, has difficulty understanding oral instructions, has difficulty writing, is unable to concentrate on one activity for a long time, and generally does not enjoy school. Dyslexia is common among children who control the right mind. Because the child may often find it difficult to grasp facts about emotional symptoms such as repetitions or rhymes, a good idea is to provide visual cues such as emotionally charged visual objects or objects such as blocks or coloured counters. For example, when teaching the letters of the alphabet or words, combine the letter or word in a small cartoon so that your child can remember the whole picture. Use the same number strategy, bring colours and pictures to play with. Working in groups is ideal for children with a weak left brain as they tend to tackle art projects and often come up with inspiring and original ideas. They respond well to visual effects on PowerPoint and enjoy music, videos, and dancing as learning aids. Imitation is enjoyed by the right-wingers, as they prefer to be in the middle of the action rather than listening to the lesson.

Left Brain VS Right Brain

  • Although no one has a left brain or a right brain only unless the hemisphere is damaged or removed, it is very interesting to see how people test. Extensive generalizations are made in popular psychology about specific functions on one side or the other. The brain receives messages through five senses: touch, smell, sight, taste, and hearing. Scientists continue to study the fact that either side often controls certain mental functions, thus being sidelined. The left side of your brain controls the right side of your body and vice versa. Both sides of the brain control the different functions of the body. Each side of the brain is different from the other side because its functions are unique in a unique way.
  • Brain anatomy is very interesting, with a certain difference between the right and left sides. The part of the brain called the lateral sulcus is usually longer in the left hemisphere than in the right centre, but scientists do not always see any difference in function. When one area of ​​the brain is damaged, its functions can sometimes be overlooked in another area of ​​the brain. This is a very different brain function.
  • The left side of the space is represented primarily in the right hemisphere, and vice versa. This means that the left side of your brain controls your right hand, and what you see in your left view area is reflected behind the right side of your cerebral cortex. This is a fact that some coaches hold that they can use to justify the design process. Participate in the left side of your body, they say, and you will enter your creative food brain. But there are few theories that such an explanation hides, many of which are untrue.
  • Sometimes people point to left-handed people, saying that they are more likely to do creative work than those who use their right hand, and this may be because their right hemisphere rules them. But if you use the left hand, about 20 percent of your right hemisphere will probably be your dominant hemisphere. There is also a 20% chance that both of your hemispheres contain language activity. As for the rest, they still have a 50% –60% chance that most of their language work is on the left side. So, as you can see, even in language, it is undoubtedly the star of lateralization, the story is not as accurate as we would like it to be.
  • People with the left-most dominant brain tend to be more intelligent and better at science and math than those with the right brain. Common theory suggests that the left brain is required for additional cognitive skills such as language and mathematical learning, while the right brain is required for creative tasks such as art, and for connecting with others at the emotional level. But patients with damage to the right hemisphere may show a deficiency in prosody: They have difficulty distinguishing and expressing fluctuations in speech.


From the left or right brain dominance, each side of the brain controls different types of thinking. Additionally, it is said that people prefer one type of thinking over another. For example, a person with a "left brain" is often said to have intelligence, analysis, and purpose. A person with a "right brain" is said to be intelligent, considerate, and intelligent. In psychology, the theory is based on combining brain functions. The brain consists of two hemispheres, each performing several roles. Both sides of the brain communicate directly with each other through the corpus callosum. The left hemisphere controls the right muscles of the body, while the right hemisphere controls the left. This is why injuries to the left side of the brain, for example, may affect the right side of the body.




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