How to Relieve Sinus Pressure: 10 Natural Home Remedies

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: November 28, 2022

How to Relieve Sinus Pressure: 10 Natural Home Remedies

This article is an outlook on remedies for sinus infections.

What is Sinus Infection?

The swelling of sinus tissue signals the presence of a sinus infection. Mucus accumulates as a result and there is pain and discomfort. The air-filled cavities in the face's bones known as sinuses make up the upper portion of the respiratory system. From the nose toward the throat, these pockets extend. Anything that prevents drainage of the sinus could result in a sinus infection. Viruses are responsible for nine out of ten sinus infections in adults, including the common cold, hay fever, exposure to allergens, nonallergic rhinitis, and changes in air pressure.

If a person experiences an allergic response or an infection, their sinus lining may enlarge. Tension around the nose, cheekbones, and area above the eyes might result from swelling. Uncomfortable sinus pressure may result from infections or allergies. By blowing your nose, you can lessen this symptom.

Sinusitis affects about 31 million people in the United States, and over $1 billion is spent annually on drugs to treat it. You can attempt several low-cost, efficient home cures for sinus infections, though. Both acute and chronic infections may be present. Acute infections often disappear in two to three weeks, while chronic sinusitis can persist for up to 12 weeks. Your sinuses are located in four key regions of your face, coupled in pairs: maxillary, in your cheekbones sphenoid, behind your eyes, and down the back of your head maxillary, in your forehead ethmoid, between your eyes, and across your nose

What Are The Symptoms Of Sinus Infection?

The following are typical sinusitis symptoms:

  • Nostril obstruction loss of smell.
  • Nasal mucus pouring down the throat
  • Green nasal discharge sensitivity around the eyes or on the nose's bridge
  • Forehead or temple ache that ranges in intensity
  • Cough, weariness, fever, poor breath, or an off-putting aftertastecough

What Sensation Does Sinus Pressure Cause?

You can feel pressure or pain everywhere in the sinus area, not just in your head. Which sinuses are impacted determines where you feel pain.  Pressure can reach the teeth in front and the back of the head, although it is most frequently felt above and around the eyes, nose, and cheeks. These places will frequently be touch-sensitive. You may occasionally have weariness or discomfort in your top jaw in addition to a sinus headache. The cheeks, nose, or forehead may become red and swollen.

You could experience facial pressure and believe it is just caused by a cold or allergies. However, you might also have stiffness in your forehead and the area around your eyes. There's a chance it's not just the cold. It could be caused by sinusitis, a medical disease. The most frequent sinus issue is sinusitis. Sinusitis is a condition in which the normally air-filled cavities (sinuses) in our heads become fluid-filled. Rhinosinusitis, where rhino refers to the nose, is another name for this. The name comes from the fact that sinusitis almost invariably also involves swelling of the tissues inside the nose.

What Leads to Sinus Issues?

Sinus issues, also known as sinusitis, are brought on by swelling of the tissue lining of the air-filled spaces (sinuses) in the head. Bacterial, fungi, or viruses may be the culprits behind the swelling.  These specific circumstances can lead to this: immune system deterioration brought on by medication or disease. Allergies, notably those brought on by seasonal variations and those resulting from mould, are a type of fungus.  Nasal polyps are tissue growths in the nose. The nasal septum, a conspicuous elevation on the bridge of your nose, can shift more to one side and result in obstruction. Nasal septum deviation is the medical term for this. Due to the prevalent colon, one can get sinus, Infants who use pacifiers or bottles while lying down are prone. People who smoke daily or have tobacco products are more prone to sinus.

Home Remedies

There are a lot of home remedies one can try to treat sinus also known as sinusitis. Here are 10 Natural home remedies you can incorporate to relieve sinus pressure-


Warming and moisturising your nasal passageways is one of the best at-home treatments for sinus infections. Steam helps to relax the nasal tissue and offers the impression that your sinuses have been slightly cleared up. Dry sinuses and dry air can raise sinus pressure, which can result in headaches and excruciating discomfort. Steam helps to moisturise your sinus passages, add moisture to the air, and thin out the mucus that may have grown thicker over time. The nasal passageways can be opened using steam to assist reduce sinus pressure.

People can easily perform steam inhalation at home. Lean over so that the face is squarely over the water after boiling water has been poured into a sizable basin. You may also add a few drops of essential oils. Chamomile or lavender essential oils will soothe you down while eucalyptus oil can assist open your nose. Breathe through your nostrils while wearing a towel over your head. Directly breathing over a steaming kettle or boiling pot of water is not advised. Skin can burn from the steam.

Inhale the steam from a hot shower to lower the pressure. A humidifier can be used as an additional long-term remedy. Instead of boiling water, one can simply turn on the shower. Steam may easily fill a room after a hot bath or shower. A person's sinus passages become moister when they breathe in this steam, which also helps to hydrate the surrounding air. The additional moisture might reduce sinusitis and thin mucus, making it simpler to clean the sinuses.


The drying up of your sinus passages and an increase in facial pressure can both be caused by dehydration. If you're feeling under the weather, drink more water throughout the day. Your sinus obstructions will be lessened by fluid intake. Keeping the body hydrated is crucial whenever someone is ill. Maintaining proper hydration might help to keep the nasal passages' mucous membranes wet and functioning properly. Saliva keeps the lips, nose, and eyes wet and aids in food digestion. This avoids damage and friction. Water consumption also maintains the mouth healthy. It can also prevent tooth decay when substituted for sugary beverages. The body's various organs receive oxygen from the blood, which contains more than 90% water. Increasing your water intake is a fantastic home remedy. because drinking more water thins the mucus. Try to stay away from alcohol and caffeine and drink only water or juice. You can retain fluids through different foods and beverages in addition to water. These include: soup broths, Ice cubes, water-based tea, fruits and vegetables

Sodium Flush

A saline or sodium wash is a typical remedy for sinus irritation and congestion. The salt in saline spray aids in boosting nasal moisture and easing sinus pressure. Drugstores sell saline spray, or you can prepare your own. Saline solution nasal irrigation can help lessen nasal discomfort and inflammation. Nasal irrigation is essentially a technique for clearing blocked sinus passages of bacteria and mucus using a saltwater solution

Lavage, nasal douche, and nasal wash are further words for this. Some individuals refer to it as a neti pot, one of the well-known tools used to introduce water. Individuals rinse their noses with neti pots, which relieve sinus pressure and keep the mucous membranes wet. The gadget has a long spout and the appearance of a tiny pot. Pollen, germs, and other particles should be flushed out by the water flowing from one nostril to the other. This procedure should be repeated on both nostrils.

It is crucial that people utilise sterilised or distilled water instead of tap water, which may be purchased at a drugstore. Another option is to boil water and let it cool. Making a saline solution at home is simple using sterilised water, salt, and baking soda. Add the following ingredients together:

  • A quarter of a pint of pure water
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda

One nostril at a time, people can inhale this through their nose from cupped palms. A solution can also be injected into the nostrils using a syringe.


Many factors contribute to how sleep can reduce sinus pressure. To aid in the body's healing and hasten recovery, rest is crucial. Second, as we sleep, the body makes extra white blood cells. These cells are crucial for getting rid of viruses or bacteria that can be irritating the sinuses and increase nasal pressure.

Sleeping while propped up may be more pleasant for someone with sinus pressure. To do this, they can add additional cushions to the upper back or behind the head. Sleeping with your head elevated may facilitate mucus drainage from the sinuses and nasal passages, keeping a stuffy nose from disturbing your sleep. However, lying flat could result in more pressure and mucus buildup. A restful night's sleep might aid in the body's recovery.

Your brain is prompted by a sleep to release chemicals that promote tissue growth. Additionally, while you're at rest, your body can manufacture more white blood cells, which are crucial for fighting off bacteria and viruses. Avoid overstimulating activities or alcoholic beverages right before rest. Your recovery period will go more quickly, and you'll feel more rejuvenated if you give your body time to relax.


Your face, neck, and head may feel tense due to your sinus pressure. This pressure can be reduced through biofeedback therapy, a complementary therapy which shows you how to control your physical functions. This therapy, which combines breathing exercises and meditation to promote relaxation and lessen discomfort, is effective in treating headaches. Yoga, pilates, meditation, and other relaxation methods can ease sinus infection pain and pressure. A supported yoga pose with your head lifted will help you feel better without placing too much pressure on your sinuses if you are suffering from a sinus infection.

Yoga Pose: Supported Reclined Cobbler To Relieve Sinus Pressure

  • Lie on your bed or the floor with a bolster or blanket rolled up under your back.
  • To make this position more comfortable, lay yoga blocks or rolled towels beneath your knees while you bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together.
  • Your arms should be at your sides relaxed. Stay here as long as it's convenient.
  • Rolling off the bolster or blanket and onto your side will allow you to exit the pose. Press your hands firmly into the ground to sit back up.

Consume More Fruits And Vegetables

Strong antioxidants like quercetin, a naturally occurring plant substance present in anything from onion and apples to green tea and red wine, are present in fruits and vegetables. It is an antioxidant, like many plant-based compounds. Quercetin has also been discovered to stabilise the body's histamine-releasing cells, which are responsible for sinus issues by causing mucus secretion. There are various advantages of pineapple for sinusitis.

The results of the clinical experiment demonstrate eating pineapples can help reduce nasal irritation and nasal inflammation, as well as make breathing easier. These attributes are all helpful in treating sinusitis problems. As a result, pineapples can be used as a home cure simply by being consumed as a fruit or as fruit juice.

As well as using or adding ginger to your diet helps relieve sinus pressure. Ginger is an antioxidant and can reduce inflammation. Its advantages for sinus issues may be due to this. Due to its ability to reduce inflammation, ginger, coupled with green tea, can be quite helpful for allergies and sinusitis. So you can benefit from it, simply can add ginger to your green tea and consume it.

Put An End To Dairy Products

Dairy products contain casein and whey proteins, which in certain people might cause allergies and excessive mucus production. If you frequently get sinusitis, consider giving up all dairy to see if that helps. There are many delectable dairy alternatives, including cashew, almond, hemp, and oat milk products. Microbial growth and congestion are frequently brought on by dairy and related products. If you've previously experienced sinus infections, stay away from dairy. Additionally, make an effort to stay away from processed sugar, which promotes inflammation and raises mucus production. Aside from fruits like bananas, which can aggravate congestion, other items to stay away from include tomatoes (which contain histamines), chocolate, cheese, gluten, and dairy products.


To relieve pain or medical symptoms, acupressure involves applying pressure to particular spots on the body. Acupressure may alleviate some symptoms, but scientists are unsure if it relieves symptoms. Many people assert that acupressure can treat sinus issues, various cases of flu, and colds. Acupressure can be practised at home or by visiting a professional. The traditional Chinese method is thought to boost the body's fluid circulation, reduce inflammation, boost the immune system, and aid the body in healing itself. Acupuncture has been shown in studies to reduce the signs of nasal and sinus congestion.

Oil and Turmeric

Cod liver oil was investigated in a study as a potential treatment for rhinosinusitis, and the outcomes were encouraging. The majority of trial participants experienced a reduction in hospitalisations as well as an improvement in sinusitis symptoms. However, additional research is required, particularly in China and India, to better understand the medicinal benefits of many plants. It possesses several biological constituents that give it the ability to reduce inflammation and function as an antioxidant. As well as using turmeric has many applications, and treating sinusitis is just one of them. Turmeric is used in Ayurveda to treat sinusitis, colds, coughs, and runny noses.  Allergies can trigger sinusitis, but turmeric powder can lessen this risk. Hence, you can add in milk to make it turmeric milk and drink it.

A few herbs and oils are employed for sinusitis relief. Nasiyam, another name for these oils, are utilised as nasal drops. It is advantageous to treat sinusitis using the flower extract of thumba popularly named in Tamil, also known as Gophaa in Hindi. You can inhale them by adding a few drops to your nose. Nasal drops made from dried ginger oil can be used to treat sinusitis.

Chamomile Tea Inhalation

Due to its strong soothing effects, chamomile inhalation is a fantastic home treatment for sinus infections. Its vapour helps warm and moisturise the respiratory passages, relieving discomfort brought on by sinusitis. Both adults and children can use this. Even if a child has inhaled before, it is still advisable for them to do it with an adult present because there is a significant danger of burns. One bunch of chamomile flowers is required as well as water approximately 1.5 to 2 litres, add the chamomile flowers to the boiling water. After letting it soak for 5 to 10 minutes, cover the saucepan with a towel. Put the towel over your head and breathe in the mist. You ought to breathe for about 10-15 minutes.

Issues to Avoid

With time, the symptoms of sinus pressure can be lessened and breathing can become easier thanks to these home remedies. However, a person must avoid doing anything that could hinder their recuperation. These consist of: Inhaling dry air: Dry air, such as that found in saunas, can irritate the sinuses and delay healing.

Chemical inhalation: On an average day, nasal irritation might be caused by cleaning products like chlorine and bleach. Those who already have irritated sinuses may find that they make them worse.

Blowing too forcefully: If someone's sinuses feel blocked up, they may try to blow their nose to try and get some of the mucus out. People should be careful not to blow too forcefully. A lot of pressure can hurt and perhaps make the situation worse.

Flying while ill: After flying, it's not unusual for people to suffer elevated sinus pressure. After landing, the majority of sinus pressure from flying will subside within a few hours. But because their sinuses are already inflamed, a person with an upper respiratory illness or sinus infection who flies may experience much greater sinus pressure during the journey. It is advised to change the flight till the infection clears.


Gaining relief from sinusitis can feel like a prize because it can be extremely uncomfortable. It is an enlargement of the sinuses' inner lining and may be brought on by allergies, colds, coughs, nasal polyps, or a deviated nasal septum. People might develop sinus infections for a variety of reasons. Seasonal changes, sun exposure, colds, hay fever, allergies, eating too many sweets and dairy, etc. could all be contributing factors. Avoid those situations if you notice a pattern of ones that always make you sick with a sinus infection. Similar to other illnesses, prevention is preferable to treatment. You can experiment with some at-home treatments, such as using neti pots, pineapples, extra rest, water, and all the previously listed methods.

Symptoms of sinus pressure can be uncomfortable and painful. Alternative home remedies can help you heal faster in addition to employing conventional therapy approaches like decongestants and painkillers. After a week, if the symptoms of sinus pressure persist or start to get worse, you should contact a doctor. This can indicate a more serious infection that has to be treated with antibiotics.

You can attempt a few natural sinus treatments at home, such as inhaling steam, eating pineapples, getting more rest, staying hydrated, using neti pots, and all the other things described above. These Handmade treatments and preventative measures won't completely cure you of sinusitis for good, but they will help you get rid of the current infection. When inhaling steam, be sure to take the necessary precautions to guard against burns because prolonged will result in serious burns. Take plenty of rest and drink a lot of water while using any of the home cures described above. Recurrent sinus infections can be caused by a variety of conditions, including allergies, fungal infections, polyps in the nose, and nasal growths.



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