How to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth: 7 Home Remedies

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: July 28, 2022

How to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth: 7 Home Remedies

You may notice gradual changes in the colour of your teeth. It is possible to develop a yellow hue. Your teeth may become darker or yellower as you age. As the outer enamel wears down, dentin becomes yellower. Dentin comes as the second layer of calcified tissue that lies beneath the outer enamel layer.

If you are looking to whiten your teeth, there are many options. If you don't use the products correctly or for too long, at-home whitening could cause damage to your teeth. Too much enamel can lead to sensitivity and increase the risk of developing cavities.

Yellow Tooth Remedies

Here are seven natural methods to remove yellow teeth. You might choose a few treatments you can use throughout the week. Although these suggestions don't have any scientific backing, anecdotal evidence has shown them to be effective. You can try different solutions until you find one that works for you.

Brushing Your Teeth

This is particularly important if you've had food or drinks that can cause tooth discolouration.

  • Red wine
  • Coffee
  • blueberries
  • beetroot

First, brush your teeth more regularly and correctly. After you've had foods and drinks that can cause yellowing, brush your teeth. After drinking acidic food or drinks, be careful about brushing your teeth. Too soon brushing can lead to enamel erosion.

Every day, brush your teeth at least twice daily for at most 2 minutes. Make sure to get into all cracks and crevices. You can protect your gums by gently brushing your teeth in a circular motion. You should daily brush your teeth carefully from the inside out. Brushing and flossing your teeth every day is very essential. 

A 2018 study found that whitening toothpaste can whiten your smile. The mild abrasives found in whitening toothpaste are gentle enough not to cause any harm, but they can scrub the teeth to remove staining. A toothbrush that is electric might be better at removing surface stains.

Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide

To remove plaque and bacteria, you can use a paste of hydrogen peroxide with baking soda.

Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to make a paste. Rinse your mouth with the paste after brushing it. You can also use the same ingredients to make a mouthwash. You can also combine baking soda with water.

Online ordering is possible for hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. In 2012, a study showed that baking soda and toothpaste with peroxide whitened the teeth and removed stains. They showed remarkable improvement after six weeks. A 2017 review of the research on toothpaste with baking soda found that they are safe for stain removal and can be used to whiten teeth. They can be used daily.

Coconut Oil Extraction

Some people believe coconut oil pulling can remove plaque and bacteria from the mouth. This can help whiten your teeth. Online, you can find high-quality organic oil that is free of harmful ingredients.

Mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of liquid coconut oil in your mouth for 10-30 minutes. Don't let the oil touch your throat. Avoid swallowing the oil as it could contain bacteria and toxins.

You should flush it down the drain or in a bag. It can block your drains. Drink a full glass of water after you have rinsed your mouth. Next, brush your teeth. There have not been any studies to prove that oil pulling can whiten your teeth.

A 2015 study found that oil pulling using sesame oil and sunflower oil could help reduce the severity of gingivitis due to plaque buildup. Oil pulling can be used to whiten teeth because plaque buildup can lead to yellowing. Further research is needed to assess the impact of coconut oil on oil-pulling.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the ingredients that can be used in small amounts or a few teaspoons to whiten your teeth. To make it as the mouthwash, mix some amount, like two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, with 6 ounces of water. Mix the mixture for 30 seconds. Rinse the solution with water, and then brush your teeth.

You can cause tooth damage by altering the hardness of the surface structure. It is best to use it sparingly and with care. These findings require more human research.

Peels of Orange, Lemon, and Banana

People believe that banana, orange, and lemon peels can whiten teeth. Citric acid, also known as d-limonene, is thought to whiten teeth. Gently rub the fruit peels onto your teeth for approximately 2 minutes. After completely rinsing your mouth, you should definitely go and brush your teeth. No scientific evidence supports the efficacy and safety of fruit peels for whitening teeth.

In 2010, a study was done to determine the effect of toothpaste containing 5% of d-limonene on teeth stained by tea or smoking. People used toothpaste containing d-limonene twice daily for four weeks to reduce the number of smoking stains. It did not remove long-standing tea stains and stains from smoking. Further research is required to determine if D-limonene can work on its own. A 2015 study showed that DIY bleaching with citric acid or strawberries was not effective. A 2017 study tested citric acid from four orange peels as a bleacher. They had different abilities in bleaching teeth, according to the results. The best results were achieved with the tangerine peel extract. This strategy is acidic, so be cautious. Acid can cause enamel to erode and wear away. If your teeth become sensitive, you should stop using the acid.

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal can be used to remove stains from teeth. Charcoal is highly absorbent and can be used to remove staining or pigments. It can also be used to eliminate bacteria and other toxic substances from your mouth. Activated charcoal is used in toothpaste that claims to whiten teeth.

You can place the activated carbon in a capsule onto your toothbrush. Gently brush your teeth for 2 minutes in small circular motions. Be careful with your gums, as this can be extremely abrasive. Next, rinse it out. Don't brush too hard. The charcoal can be applied directly to sensitive teeth to lessen the abrasiveness. You should leave it on for no less than 2 minutes.

Mix activated charcoal with a small amount of water to make a mouthwash. After two minutes, swirl the solution around and then spit it out. Rinse your mouth with water after using activated charcoal.

More scientific evidence is required to prove activated charcoal's effectiveness for teeth whitening. In a 2019 paper, charcoal toothpaste was found to whiten teeth in just four weeks. However, it is not as fast or as effective as other whitening toothpaste.

Research has shown that activated carbon can cause tooth decay and even damage tooth-coloured restorations. This can cause your teeth to appear yellower.

Too much enamel can reveal more yellowy dentin underneath. Avoid using toothpaste containing charcoal or charcoal-based toothpaste. There isn't enough evidence to prove their effectiveness and safety.

Fruits and Vegetables with a Higher Water Content Should be Consumed

Drinking high amounts of water from raw fruits and vegetables can help maintain healthy teeth. The water content in fruits and vegetables is thought to help clean your teeth and gums of plaque and bacteria, which can cause yellowing. Drinking crunchy vegetables and fruits after eating can increase saliva production. This will remove food particles from your teeth and any harmful acids.

While it is obvious that eating high-quality fruits and vegetables is good for your overall health as well as your dental health, there isn't much scientific evidence to support this claim. These healthy foods are safe to eat throughout the day. Although it did not investigate the effects of vitamin A on teeth whitening in the study, it was found that healthy teeth are associated with high plasma levels. Research has shown that vitamin C may help reduce yellowing due to plaque buildup. A 2012 study found that toothpaste containing bromelain extract (and papain) had significant stain removal. Papain is an enzyme found in papaya. Bromelain is found in pineapple.

Some More Tips

Clove Oil is an Excellent Oil-Pulling Method

Clove oil is an excellent ingredient for maintaining your oral health. Clove oil can be used for oil pulling and whitening your teeth. Coconut oil contains high-quality components such as Lauric acid. It's well-known for its ability to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria in the mouth. The yellowing of your teeth can be caused by plaque formation or other oral problems.

A study published in Nigerian Medical Journal suggests that oil pulling with clove oil can be used as an adjuvant to reduce plaque formation and plaque-induced gum diseases. In 2016, the Journal of Contemporary Dental Hygiene published an article that found edible oil pulling therapy is safe, natural, and doesn't cause side effects. You can use it as a home-care practice to maintain good oral hygiene.

  1. Take one tablespoon of good quality clove oils and place it in your mouth.
  2. Stir it for 15 to 20 seconds. Do not gargle.
  3. Eliminate the milky solution.
  4. Rinse your mouth with water.
  5. Brush your teeth.
  6. Do this every morning before you begin your day.

Holy Basil: Get the Benefits

Holy basil leaves can be bleached. They are also good for protecting your teeth from problems such as periodontitis (pyorrhea), an advanced form of periodontal disease. The Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry published results in 2014 that showed holy basil mouthwash was anti-plaque and effective against plaque-forming bacteria strains. It can be used to prevent plaque growth and offer prophylactic benefits.

  • Place a few of the holy basil leaves in the sun to dry them completely for a few hours. You can grind the dried leaves into a powder. You can use the powder together with regular toothpaste to brush your teeth.
  • A paste made from holy basil leaves and some olive oil can be used to clean your teeth.

Orange Peel is a Beneficial Food

This natural treatment is the best for whitening yellow teeth. The acidic nature of orange peel makes it an effective bleaching agent. This will reduce the yellow colour of your teeth. Limonene, which is found in orange peel, can also be used to remove staining from teeth. This is especially true for stains caused by smoking.

A study published in the American Journal of Dentistry found that toothpaste containing D-limonene dramatically reduced the appearance of tobacco stains on teeth. But, D-limonene by itself did not stop the formation of more nicotine stains.

  • You can rub a long orange peel strip on your teeth for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Rinse your mouth with lukewarm water.
  • You should repeat this process daily until you are satisfied with the results.

Take Apple

A crunchy apple can whiten your teeth. An Insisiva Dental Journal (2012) study found that apple juice can be used to whiten teeth enamels that have been stained by coffee solution. This could allow it to return back to its original colour after discolouration.

  • Eat one to two apples per week to get rid of yellow stains.
  • You should chew the entire apple. This will ensure that the acidic and fibrous nature of the fruit doesn't cause irritation to your teeth.

You can also eat raw carrots or cucumbers.

Toothbrush: Indian Lilac Twigs

To make your teeth brighter and whiter, you can use Indian lilac (also called Neem). Regular use of neem, which has antiseptic, astringent, and healing properties, can reduce bad breath, plaque, gingivitis, dental cavities, and other oral health problems. The Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry published findings in 2017 that neem contains isoprenoids such as Nimbin and Numbidin. These are antibacterial agents that prevent oral streptococci from adhering to the tooth surface. It also revealed a decrease in plaque and gingivitis, which was comparable to standard fluoridated dental products.

There are many ways to whiten your teeth with neem:

  • Use neem to brush your teeth daily. Simply chew the broken end of the twig until it becomes soft enough to brush your teeth.
  • Use the neem juice daily to clean your teeth. Allow the toothbrush to dry completely. Then, you can use a soft toothbrush to brush your teeth. Warm water is sufficient to rinse the toothbrush.
  • You can add a few drops to your regular toothpaste and brush your teeth.

Strawberries are an Excellent Source of Nutrients

Vitamin C is high in strawberries, which can help whiten your teeth. The Journal of Dentistry published a study in 2013 that showed strawberry juice had a positive effect on the whitening of coffee-stained teeth.

  • Grate a few strawberries to make a paste. Use the paste to lightly rub your teeth. For several weeks, the paste will take off any yellowish tints from your teeth.
  • Alternatively, you can mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder with one strawberry's pulp and apply the mixture directly to your teeth. Let it sit for a few minutes. Rinse your mouth with water. Brush your teeth with toothpaste to get rid of any residue.

Other Proven Methods Exist

There are natural ways to whiten your teeth and get rid of yellowing. However, there is no scientific evidence. There are some methods that have not been proven to work:

  • Kaolin clay. This method claims that clay can also be used to brush your teeth.
  • Fruit peels. You can whiten your teeth by rubbing lemon, orange, and banana peels on them.
  • Apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar does not whiten teeth. It can cause enamel to deteriorate and even increase tooth decay.

What Causes Yellow-Coloured Teeth?

Teeth can become yellow for many reasons. Teeth can become yellow at the following:

  • Certain drinks and foods, such as tea, coffee, red wine, blueberries, or tea, are prohibited.
  • Simple carbohydrates and sugar-rich diet
  • Tobacco smoking or chewing
  • Some medications and mouthwashes can cause side effects
  • Yellowing teeth can be caused by age, and older people are more likely to develop them.
  • Genetics
  • Trauma to the mouth
  • Fluoride excess
  • Poor oral hygiene and care are two of the main reasons for poor dental hygiene.
  • Dry mouth, insufficient saliva

Preventing Yellow-Coloured Teeth

These are some tips to prevent your pearly white smile from becoming yellow.

  • Brush your teeth twice daily. This is the most important aspect of routine dental care.
  • Floss your teeth at least once a day to remove plaque and other debris that your toothbrush can't reach.
  • Use an antibacterial mouthwash.
  • You can rinse your mouth with water, or drink caffeinated beverages, to remove food residues. This will prevent staining or decay.
  • Reduce your intake of coffee, tea, and other drinks that can stain teeth.
  • Visit your dentist for a dental cleaning every six months.
  • Tobacco smoking and chewing should be avoided. These behaviours can cause damage to your oral health. These habits can cause stained teeth, gum disease, and even oral cancer.

When is it Appropriate to See a Doctor for Medical Concerns?

If you have severely stained or stained teeth, consult your dentist. Your dentist should be consulted if your tooth colour is unusual or if you have other symptoms. Many people prefer professional treatment for yellowing teeth. These treatments can be expensive, time-consuming, and even dangerous.

Some toothpaste may contain dangerous ingredients such as triclosan, sodium lauryl sulfate, propylene glycol, microbeads, and diethanolamine. Many toothpaste products include artificial sweeteners such as aspartame. According to the American Dental Association, you should consult your dentist before bleaching your teeth. This is especially important for patients with multiple dental fillings or crowns as well as those with very dark stains.

Additional Tips

  • The toothpaste you choose will depend on your oral health.
  • It is crucial to select the best toothbrush and toothpaste. To clean your teeth effectively, you can use either an electric or manual toothbrush. You can choose which one you are most comfortable using.
  • No one can share your toothbrush.
  • Rinse your toothbrush after every use to prevent bacteria buildup.
  • Brush your tongue with your toothbrush to remove bacteria and bad breath.
  • Get a new toothbrush every three to four months.
  • Use a mouthwash to freshen your breath
  • After eating acidic foods, avoid brushing your teeth. This could cause enamel to weaken. Instead, rinse your mouth with water.
  • Good oral health is dependent on healthy eating habits.

What Is The Best Way To Whiten Your Teeth?

There are many factors that will affect how you whiten your teeth. These factors include your personal preferences, goals, and budget. These methods can be used for whitening your teeth.

How Can I Quickly Whiten My Teeth?

Many products can quickly whiten your teeth. These products contain peroxide that can be used at your dentist's office, home or office.

Is There A Substitute For Brushing Your Tooth?

Even if you floss or do oil pulling, brushing your teeth is essential. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), you should brush your teeth twice daily, for two minutes each time.

Are There Common Mistakes When Brushing Your Teeth?

According to the ADA, the most common mistakes when brushing teeth include brushing too hard, too fast, not brushing well, not brushing after meals, and not changing their toothbrushes often.

The Bottom Line

You have reached the end of our blog. We've covered all details about how to remove yellow teeth. There are many ways to whiten your teeth at home. All the home remedies and easy steps are discussed in complete detail. Hope this all has helped you to completely understand the process.

You should be careful not to damage your enamel or gums. This could cause sensitivity and cavities. By preventing stains from occurring, you can whiten your teeth. Regular checkups are a must to keep your mouth healthy. You might find a different way to solve your problem with your dentist.




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