How Much Water Should You Drink Per Day?

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: February 14, 2023

How Much Water Should You Drink Per Day?

How much water you should consume each day is a subject of intense debate.

Eight 8-ounce glasses, which equates to around 2 litres or half a gallon, are the typical daily recommendation from health experts. The 88 rule refers to this and is fairly simple to recall. Although you may not be thirsty, some experts contend that you should drink water continuously throughout the day. This depends on the individual, as it does with most things. How much water you require ultimately depends on a variety of factors, both internal and external.

Your individual needs for water vary from person to person and are based on a variety of factors. The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine have made the following general recommendations for adults:

  • 11.5 cups (2.7 litres) for women each day
  • Men should drink 15.5 cups (3.7 litres) each day.

Water, alcoholic beverages, juices, and other fluids from food are all included in this. On average, the food you eat provides 20% of your daily water needs.

You could require more water than some people do. The amount of water you require also relies on:

  • In hot, humid, or dry climates, you will require extra water.
  • If you reside in the mountains or at a high altitude, you will also require more water.
  • You might lose more water through increased urine if you consume a lot of coffee and other caffeinated beverages.
  • If you consume a lot of salty, hot, or sweet items in your diet, you should probably also drink more water.
  • If you don't consume a lot of hydrating meals that are high in water, such as fresh or cooked fruits and vegetables, you may need to drink more water.
  • The time of year or temperature. Due to perspiration, you can require more water in warmer months than in colder ones.
  • The surroundings. You might become more thirsty more quickly if you spend more time outside in the heat or in a heated environment.
  • Your level of activity. You'll need more water than someone who sits at a desk if you're active during the day, or if you walk around or stand up a lot. You will need to drink more to replace the water you lose if you exercise or engage in any strenuous activity.
  • Your wellbeing. You should consume more water if you are sick, have a fever, lose fluids through vomiting, or have diarrhoea. You will also require more water if you have a medical condition like diabetes. Diuretics are one kind of drug that might cause water loss in patients.
  • A nursing or pregnant woman. You must consume more water to stay hydrated if you are pregnant or nursing. After all, your body is performing the tasks for two or more.

The four to six cup rule is for persons who are generally healthy. If you have certain medical conditions, such as thyroid illness or kidney, liver, or heart issues, or if you're taking medications that cause you to retain water, like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), opiate pain relievers, and some antidepressants, you could consume too much water.

If you fall into that category, how much water should you consume each day? There is no universal solution. Water intake is very important and crucial for each living being, including humans, and the quantity also matters, so if you do not know or if you are unsure about it, you can ask your doctor. Be a healthy or weak person, and everyone needs water, mainly in times when you are working out or playing out on a sunny day when you are sweating in huge amounts.

Advice On How To Stay Hydrated

You can stay hydrated without just drinking water. All liquids that include water help you meet your daily requirements. It's also a fallacy that drinking alcohol or caffeinated beverages dehydrates you since they induce you to urinate. They do, however overall, the water from these drinks makes a net positive contribution to the total amount of fluid consumed during the day.

Water is still preferable for a variety of factors, of course. It's important to keep in mind that drinking sugary beverages can cause weight gain and inflammation, which can raise your risk of contracting diseases like diabetes. You may have jitters or have trouble sleeping if you consume too much caffeine. Additionally, women should only have one drink per day, while males should only have 1-2 drinks per day.

Drink water steadily all day long to prevent dehydration. A simple approach to accomplish this is to consume alcohol at each meal, as well as socially or when taking medication.

Advantages Of Water Consumption

Every system in the body needs water to function properly. The 6-Week Health Plan from the Harvard Medical School Special Health Report Eating points out that water performs a number of crucial functions, including:

  • Delivering nutrients and oxygen to your cells.
  • It also helps with digestion, prevents constipation, normalises blood pressure, cushions joints, safeguards organs and tissues, controls body temperature, and maintains electrolyte (sodium) balance.
  • You're staying hydrated if you're providing your body with the fluids it needs to perform those functions.
  • You run the risk of dehydration if you don't consume enough water each day.
  • Weakness, low blood pressure, light-headedness, confusion, and dark urine are all warning indications of dehydration.

What Are The Advantages Of Water For Health?

Water makes up between 50% and 70% of your body weight and is the primary chemical in your body. Water is essential for your body to survive. Your body's organs, cells, and tissues all require water to function properly. For instance, water.

Maintains a normal body temperature, eliminates wastes through urination, sweating, and bowel motions, lubricates and cushions joints, and shields delicate tissues. Dehydration, a condition that happens when your body doesn't have enough water to perform regular processes, can result from a lack of water. Dehydration, even mild dehydration, can wear you out and sap your energy.

Does Drinking Water Impact How Well The Brain And Body Function?

Many people assert that your energy levels and brain function start to decline if you don't stay hydrated throughout the day. According to one study in women, a fluid loss of 1.36 percent during exercise reduced mood and focus and increased headache frequency.

Another Chinese study that followed 12 university-aged men discovered that going 36 hours without drinking water had an impact on fatigue, concentration and focus, response time, and short-term memory. Physical performance can be impacted by even minor dehydration. A clinical research on older, healthy males found that their muscle strength, power, and endurance were all decreased by just a 1% loss of body water.

Even while losing 1% of one's body weight may not seem like much, the water that is lost is substantial. If you don't drink enough water and are sweating profusely or in a hot environment, this typically occurs. Your physical and mental performance may suffer as a result of mild dehydration brought on by exercise or heat.

Does Consuming A Lot Of Water Aid In Weight Loss?

There are numerous suggestions that increasing your water intake may help you lose weight by boosting your metabolism and decreasing your appetite. A study found a correlation between increased water consumption and lower body weight and body composition scores. Chronic dehydration was linked to obesity, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease, according to another evaluation of research.

A thermogenic reaction, or a quicker metabolism, was thought to enhance energy expenditure by roughly 23 calories per day when consuming 68 ounces (2 litres) in a single day, according to researchers in an earlier study. Although the sum was small, it had the potential to grow over time. Water consumption 30 minutes prior to meals can also help you consume less calories overall. This might occur as a result of the body's propensity to confuse hunger with thirst.

According to one study, participants who drank 17 ounces (500 mL) of water before every meal over the course of 12 weeks lost 44% more weight than those who didn't. Overall, it would appear that drinking enough water, especially before to meals, could help you better control your appetite and maintain a healthy body weight, especially when accompanied with a balanced eating regimen. Drinking water about a half hour before each meal can help you eat less calories by causing small, transient boosts in metabolism. Some persons may lose weight as a result of one of these impacts.

Does Drinking More Water Assist To Avoid Health Issues?

Your body must have adequate water to function properly overall. Increased water consumption may also help with the following health issues:

  • Constipation. Constipation is a relatively widespread issue that can be alleviated by drinking more water.
  • Infections of the urinary tract. Increased water intake, according to recent studies, may aid in reducing the risk of bladder and urinary tract infections.
  • Renal stones. High fluid consumption was found to reduce the risk of kidney stones, although further research is required.
  • Hydration of skin. Studies have shown that drinking more water improves skin hydration, but further study is required to determine how it affects acne and how clearer the skin becomes.

Do Liquids Other Water Qualify As Liquids?

Remember that caffeine-containing beverages like tea and coffee might cause the body to generate urine more quickly. Water, milk, sugar-free beverages, and caffeine-free beverages all count. Fruit juice and smoothies also count, but you should only consume a combined 150ml of these each day because they include "free" sugars, which we are advised to consume less of.

Meals like soup, ice cream, jelly, and fruits and vegetables with a high water content, like melon, courgettes, and cucumbers, are just a few examples of how many foods we consume help us drink more water.

Does Drinking Water Make You Feel More Energetic?

Energy levels can be significantly influenced by water. Dehydration is associated with increased fatigue, sluggishness, and lethargy. Your cells will continue to perform properly and you'll have more energy if you stay hydrated. It is actually one of the methods that is most frequently advised for swiftly increasing energy levels.

How Can I Tell Whether I'm Getting Enough To Drink?

If any of the following apply to you:

  • You rarely experience thirst
  • You have clear or pale-yellow urine.

You can get assistance from your doctor or nutritionist in figuring out how much water you should drink each day.

Make water your preferred beverage to avoid dehydration and to ensure that your body receives the fluids it requires. A glass of water should be consumed:

  • Before, during, and after each meal.
  • Prior to, during, and after physical activity.

Should Excessive Water Consumption Be A Concern?

For adults who are healthy and well-fed, drinking too much water rarely poses an issue. In an effort to avoid being dehydrated when engaging in prolonged or strenuous exercise, athletes may occasionally overhydrate themselves. Your kidneys can't get rid of extra water when you consume too much of it. Your blood loses some of its salt content. Hyponatremia is what this is, and it may be fatal.

Is Drinking Water The Only Way To Keep Hydrated?

No. You don't have to fill all of your fluid requirements with water. A sizeable percentage is also provided by what you consume. For instance, a lot of fruits and vegetables, such watermelon and spinach, are virtually entirely composed of water.

Additionally, water makes up the majority of liquids including milk, juice, and herbal teas. Even caffeinated beverages, like soda and coffee, can help you meet your daily water requirements. Avoid sugar-sweetened beverages, though. Regular soda, energy drinks, sports drinks, and other sweet beverages frequently have a lot of added sugar, which could result in an excess of calories.



Through movements like sweating and peeing, your body constantly uses and loses fluids. When your body expels more water or fluid than it is consuming, dehydration results.

Dehydration can cause a variety of symptoms, from excessive thirst to weariness. Additionally, you might notice your urine is black or that you are not urinating as frequently.

Children's signs of dehydration

  • a lack of tears when weeping
  • a dry mouth and tongue
  • less wet diapers than usual.

Dehydration can result in mood swings, difficulty thinking clearly, and confusion.

  • Kidney stones
  • Constipation
  • Fever
  • Shock

By consuming more water and other liquids, you can relieve mild dehydration. If your dehydration is severe, you might need hospital care. Until your symptoms go gone, your doctor will probably administer fluids and salts intravenously (IV).


Additionally, consuming too much water could be harmful to your health. The extra water you consume when you drink too much will dilute the electrolytes in your blood. As your sodium levels drop, a condition known as hyponatremia may result.

These signs include:

  • Disorientation
  • Headache
  • Exhaustion
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Irritability
  • Weakness, cramping, or muscle spasms
  • Seizures
  • Coma

Water intoxication hyponatremia is the term used to describe hyponatremia brought on by excessive water consumption. Hyponatremia by drinking too much water is unusual. Children and others with smaller frames are more likely to develop this illness. The same goes for physically active persons who drink a lot of water quickly, such marathon runners.

Consider consuming a sports drink that contains sodium and other electrolytes to help replace the electrolytes you lose through perspiration if you are at danger from drinking excessive amounts of water for exercise.

Recommendations for getting enough water

  • By sipping water whenever you're thirsty and with meals, you might be able to reach your daily water intake goal. Check out these recommendations for increasing your water intake if you need more help:
  • Try to always have a water bottle with you, whether you're in the workplace, at the gym, or even driving. Water bottles can be found on Amazon in good numbers.
  • Put fluids first. You don't need to only consume plain water to be hydrated. Milk, tea, and broth are additional excellent sources of hydration.
  • Avoid sugary drinks. Soda, juice, and wine all include a lot of calories even while they can provide you with fluids. Water is still the better option almost often.
  • Instead of getting a second beverage when you go out to eat, opt to drink water. By cutting the number of calories in your meal, you can also save some money.
  • Infuse your water with some flavour by adding freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice.
  • If you're working out hard, you might want to consider consuming an electrolyte-containing sports drink to help replenish the ones you lose through perspiration. Sports drinks can be purchased.

What Actual Amount Of Water Do You Need?

You should, at the bare minimum, be consuming enough water each day to keep your body healthy and prevent any signs of dehydration. Given that it changes depending on your physique, degree of activity, nutrition, environment, and other factors, there is no universally applicable figure.

In general, doctors advise that you drink a minimum of 6 glasses of water every day, but most individuals should be drinking more than that. Urination is a simple sign. The colour of your urine should be yellow or clear, and you should pee quite frequently. Dehydration can cause urine to become darker or stinky, and you should normally drink extra water to remedy this.

Suggested Intake Divided By Age

Although there isn't a set amount of fluid that should be consumed according to age, several trends do appear among healthy people engaging in moderate activity in a temperate climate. The typical water consumption for people of various ages is shown in the sections that follow.


Infants under the age of six months are not advised to drink plain water, according to experts. According to the CDC, infants older than 6 months who require more hydration on hot days can sip water from a bottle. But breast milk or formula should be their main source of liquids and calories.

Those under the age of 12 months

In the following circumstances, adults over 12 months old should encourage their children to drink water: (for example, after brushing their teeth and before, during, and after playtime at school)

  • in warm weather
  • as an alternative to sugary beverages and juices

One glass of juice per day is the recommended daily allowance for kids. Schools should provide water fountains or other amenities, and parents are urged to keep a pitcher on hand to promote healthy water consumption habits.

19 to 30 Year Old Adults

For the majority of persons between the ages of 19 and 30 years old, the daily sufficient intakes of total water from all sources are as follows:

  • 3.7 litres (or roughly 130 fl oz) for men
  • Women should consume 2.7 litres (or 95 fl oz).

Those who are expecting may require an additional 0.3 litres of fluid (10 fl oz). Breastfeeding mothers will require an additional 0.7 to 1.1 litres of fluid (23–37 fl oz).

Ageing Adults

  • Dehydration in older persons may be a danger due to medical disorders, drugs, muscle loss, kidney function decline, and other factors.
  • It has been discovered that older persons who drink enough water experience fewer falls and less constipation and decreased likelihood of bladder cancer in men.

Your body may be special, but it still needs water. The most crucial beverage you can have in your life is water. A vital component of leading a healthy lifestyle is drinking water. If you don't consume enough water, you'll become dehydrated and experience a variety of symptoms like lethargy, headaches, a compromised immune system, and dry skin.

Depending on a person's age, size, activities, and temperature, they may require different amounts of water. The eight-by-eight rule may be outmoded and unnecessarily simplistic, despite the fact that many people still adhere to it. The body is extraordinarily good at keeping its water balance, and by making individuals thirsty, it encourages them to drink more. Those who engage in strenuous exercise or work outside in hot weather may need to drink more water. Additionally, foods high in water content like fruits and vegetables can provide them with fluids.



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