How Much Protein Does One Egg Contain?

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: May 26, 2022

How Much Protein Does One Egg Contain?

In this article, we are providing details on the amount of protein and its sources, especially eggs because there is nothing better than eggs for protein. 

Protein is an all-important nutrient that boosts the immunity system & promotes strong muscles. Not only this, protein is beneficial for the heart & makes healthy for the tissues of the lungs. One can understand the importance of this compound as our body detoxifies with the help of proteins. From maintaining the PH level of the body to reducing stress, we all need proteins.  

It has found in our skin, hair, bones, and blood cells. Chemicals such as hormones and enzymes found in our body also contain proteins & their prime function is to improve the immune system and make us energetic. But due to many reasons such as growing age, incorrect eating habits, or an unhealthy diet, there is a lack of protein & in such conditions we need a protein-rich diet.

Whenever we talk about protein, the first thing that comes to our mind is the egg. The egg is one of the best protein sources, or we can also say egg means protein. Doctors and detentions also advise you to add eggs to your platter. Many food items contain protein, and egg is one of them.

But it is also to be taken in a limited amount. Apart from this, vitamins A, B12, D, and E are also abundant. These are all the nutrients that make eggs essential for us. 

People include a protein-rich diet in their life, but they do not know how much protein should take in a day. Otherwise, it may be an excess or a deficiency. Recently, a study by the Indian Market Research Bureau has found that the amount of protein has become much less than the requirement in the diet. Sometimes the amount of protein increases so much that the risk of increasing uric acid can also increase. In such a situation, it is essential to have a ratio. Somehow, it is also your responsibility to ensure that you keep the amount of protein in your diet. 

Today let's detail the amount of protein and its sources, especially eggs because there is nothing better than eggs for protein. 

The Amount of Protein in the Egg Depends on Its Size. The Following Is an Example: 

  • A Small egg: A small egg is about 3 grams in weight and contains 4.9 grams of protein.
  • A Medium egg: If you consume a medium-sized egg every day, 44 grams, it means 5. 5 grams of protein you are getting. 
  • A Large egg: An egg of 50 grams, which we can count as a large egg, has about 6.3 grams of protein.
  • An Extra-large egg: An extra-large egg which is 56 grams can contain up to 7.0 grams of protein.
  • A Jumbo egg: By eating a jumbo egg, which is 63 grams in weight, the protein requirement of up to 7.9. 

So in this way, as the size of the egg increases, the amount of protein also increases. Each egg contains about 13% protein. The relationship between eggs and proteins can understand from the above data. So you can consume it according to your need. But it is not confirmed how many eggs we should eat in a day. Every person is different from others, so it depends on the body; how many eggs will be healthy. According to research, a healthy person can eat seven eggs in a week, & if you do not have any problem, you can also eat three eggs in a day.

An egg is indeed rich in nutrients and beneficial for the body, but it does not mean that it should consume excessively. 

Now the question is how much protein is there in the white part of the egg? A little less protein is in the portion than in the egg yolk. About 16 grams of protein is available in the yolk of an egg per 100 grams, while 11 grams in its white part. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, if you include one egg daily in your diet, you are meeting about 5% of the amount of protein in your body.

Protein is essential for the muscles in our body & its consumption strengthens our muscles & strengthens immunity by strengthening the tissue. Protein will improve tissues & distribute enzymes that help strengthen hemoglobin & metabolism; & helps in oxygen to the tissues present in our body. Although the amount of protein in an egg doesn't depend on the size, it also matters which organism the egg is.

Do You Know That There Are Ten Types of Eggs in the World, Which We Can Eat and Make Healthy? Let's Take a Look at This in Detail.

Chicken Egg: At the top of the range of eggs come the chicken eggs, a common type that you will easily find in any market or shop & it also has two types- white & brown, both have the same nutritional value, rich in protein, calcium, and zinc.

It has believed that an egg contains 75 calories but 7 grams of high-quality protein & apart from this, there are also 5 grams of fat and 1.6 grams of saturated fat. Vitamins, iron, minerals, carotenoids, lutein, and zeaxanthin make it a powerhouse of nutrition; these nutrients are enough to fight diseases and keep you healthy. 

Quail Egg: You must have eaten chicken eggs a lot, but have you ever tasted quail eggs? A quail is a grey-brown bird whose egg shape is similar to a chicken's egg and has brown spots on it. Its eggs consume in many countries including Japan, Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela. Protein is one of the essential nutrients for the human body and is not a particle in the case of quill eggs. One quail egg contains 1 gram of protein. Other benefits of these eggs are as follows:

  • Advantageous for eyes: Quail eggs are rich in vitamin A, which improves your vision. Vitamin A is also known to have antioxidant properties that protect the eyes from damage.
  • Better for brain functioning: Since it is a good source of vitamin A, it helps modulate neurogenesis, nerve health, and synaptic plasticity in the brain.
  • Control over Cholesterol: Quail eggs contain fatty acids that help control cholesterol. 
  • Rich in protein: If you want to eat protein, include the quail egg in your diet because it is rich in protein & talking about the taste, it is like a chicken egg.
  • Best for Liver: These eggs have hepatoprotective properties, which means; they are beneficial for liver health & these eggs prevent damage to the liver by stabilizing LP, ALT, and TP levels, and act as degeneration of liver tissue. 
  • Lower blood sugar is beneficial for kidneys: One of the risks for diabetic patients is kidney failure. Diabetic patients must consume them. Consuming it every day can help lower blood sugar and reduce the risk of kidney failure. 

Duck egg: The yolk in a duck egg is slightly heavier than a chicken egg & it's also high in fat & protein. You will be surprised to know that one duck egg contains 9 grams of protein. Rich in goodness, it helps build muscles, supports mental health, boosting skin health. Duck egg has a higher amount of egg yolk, so if you are suffering from heart disease, eat only three eggs in a week.

Caviar: Caviar is a fish egg. It is attractive, but its silky texture is shiny like pearls. The fishy test gives a different test to the tongue. It tastes better with baked potatoes. It is also called Roh, named after the Russian fisherman. A 1-ounce or 28 grams serving of caviar provides seven grams of protein. Omega 3 fatty acids present in it prevent blood clotting. It has also considered good for brain health. In addition, selenium salt has also been found to be an antioxidant with vitamin E, reduces the risk of free radical damage, and protects cells. Selenium is also best for our immune system and healthy thyroid function.

Goose Egg: Goose eggs are double in size of chicken eggs. If you take 100 grams of a goose egg, you meet the requirement of 185 kcal protein. In addition to protein in the Gus egg, iron, omega-3, fats & vitamins A, B, and Folate have also considered good sources of vitamin D.

Turkey Eggs: Turkish eggs are rare and unusual on our table because most cases, people raise turkey for meat, which is hardly available in the market. Although, the eggs of these birds are nutritious, valuable, taste like chicken eggs, and are also effective for health. We are talking about protein; an egg contains proteins up to 13.7 grams, which has almost double a chicken egg & its benefits are as follows:

  • The protective functions of the body will increase.
  • Nails, teeth, and hair follicles will be strong.
  • Turkish eggs should add to the diet of children less than one year of age, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis because it also contains vitamin D.
  • It uses to reduce existing protein weight and strengthen muscles.
  • Consumption of eggs regularly provides nutrients vitamins A, D, B2, E, B4, Iodine, Iron, Zinc, Calcium, etc.
  • The nervous system and brain activity are also quite suitable for average.

Emu Eggs: Emu is a flightless bird-like Ostrich like Australia found in Australia. Emu eggs are large, in appearance like Avocado & in terms of weight and volume; there is an emu egg equal to about 10 to 12 eggs. 15. 58 % protein in an egg of emu, & it says that its value is also more expensive than other animal's eggs. This egg is lower in the case of vitamins but higher in selenium, magnesium, iodine & iron & not wrong to calculate it with chicken egg in properties because it also has 4 essential amino acids that help the body be healthy.

Hilsa Eggs: Hilsa is a fish species & its eggs are valuable, including 15. 62% protein, 14 & there is 23% fat, which is very useful from a health point of view.

Bantam Eggs: Bantam Chicken is a miniature version of regular chicken Bantam eggs are half of the Standard Eggs & if these chicks are bantam in size, the protein will be below; one bantam egg contains 4 grams of proteins. S

So in this way, you can find out which eggs are suitable for your health and how much amount; you should consume. All of them have the strength to keep you healthy.

Do Eggs Also Contain Lean Protein?   

Lean protein, protein is the source that contains saturated fat low & due to which calories are also low. Lean protein is more beneficial than non-lean protein because it has low saturated fat that keeps your heart healthy. According to FDA, any food which is a good source of lean protein should contain less than 10 grams of fat, saturated fat up to 7.5 grams, and less than 95 mg of cholesterol.

The serving size for an egg is 55 grams, equal to an extra size egg. 5.3 grams of fat in an extra-large size egg, 1. 8 grams of saturated fat and 207 mg are cholesterol. Now technically, according to the FDA, a whole egg does not meet the definition of Lean protein mentioned. But this does not mean the lean protein is not there at all. All cholesterol and fat found in eggs are in egg yolk. On the other hand, egg white contains no fat and is also rich in protein. If you consume zero cholesterol, i.e., only egg white, it can be a good source of Lean Protein. 

Everyone knows what the egg means for health because it has excess protein. So people who go to the gym regularly consume eggs. Consuming egg regularly causes bones and muscles to form well. Egg-obtained protein is necessary for your body. You know how many prints are in raw eggs; now find out how much protein is there in different forms of eggs. So let's take a look at it too:

  • If you are boiling 100 grams of eggs, it contains about 13 grams of protein.
  • You get protein up to 11 grams by making an omelet from 100 grams of eggs.
  • About 6.7 grams of protein can obtain from 100 grams of fried egg.

Ways to Eat Eggs

Many people eat eggs by cooking, while health-conscious people like to eat raw. There are many ways to eat eggs, but not necessarily all of these are good. So let's know which way to make eggs are correct and why:

  • Eat cooked eggs: Eating eggs is considered the safest by cooking well & the egg cooked in this way is easily digestible. According to the study, raw eggs contain 51 % protein while up to 91 % in cooked eggs. Temperature causes a variety of structural changes in the protein & it is available in different parts of row eggs, and their texture is such that they mix. Whereas, when eggs have cooked at high temperatures; this different protein structure breaks down, and all the proteins mix & egg protein can easily be digestive. Eggs are also a good source of Biotins & which is a nutrient that regulates fat, sugar, and metabolism. Raw eggs also contain avidin protein, which does not allow biotin & cooking eggs converts avidin into biotin.
  • High temperature is harmful: Although eggs should eat after cooking, cooking at a high temperature destroys many nutrients. Studies claim that cooking eggs for a long time reduces their vitamin A by about 17 -20%. Microwaving, frying, or boiling can reduce its antioxidants by 6 to 18%. 

However, early cooking at high temperatures retains some of the nutrients in the egg. Another research suggests that baking eggs for 40 minutes reduce vitamin D deficiency by 61%.

One large egg contains about 212mg of cholesterol & when egg yolks have cooked at high temperatures, this existing cholesterol converts into oxysterols, and many people do not know that it is harmful to the heart. For making eggs healthy, it is necessary to pay attention to some cooking things:

  • If you consume eggs for weight loss, boil and eat them. It has fewer calories than fried, scrambled, or omelet.
  • You can also prepare a combination of vegetables with eggs. Its consumption is healthy by making a salad with vegetables.
  • To cook eggs at high temperatures, choose oil that is stable even at high temperatures and does not oxidize, e.g. sunflower oil may be a better option for pen frying. If using coconut or olive oil, do not keep the temperature above 410°F and 350°F respectively.

The Bottom Line

Everyone knows that eating eggs is beneficial for health. The egg is also considered a good source of protein & helps to repair and strengthen the muscles. Eggs are good for health as well as taste. Whenever we talk about diet, the first thing that comes to mind is eggs. This is a food item that people include in breakfast; by making a boil or omelet.

But for good health, it is necessary to consume protein in proper quantity. Therefore make sure how much protein is in an egg and how much your body needs. The amount of protein in an egg depends on many factors, like sizes, types, or ways of consumption. Keeping all these things in mind, you can consume eggs. 

But in cooking eggs, we need to pay attention to some things like temperature, cooking oil, etc. Otherwise, it may also have side effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many eggs should we have in a day?

According to science, 3 whole eggs should eat daily for good health. If you live in a hot region, then 4-5 eggs are enough, but if you live in a cold place, you should eat 5 to 7 eggs. If you do heavy workouts, then you can eat 10 eggs. 

Which part of the egg contains protein?

Some people believe that there is more protein in the egg yolk and some in the white part. A whole egg contains about seven grams of protein, of which 4 grams in the white and 3 grams in the yolk.

Why is it important to eat eggs?

Some of the benefits of eating eggs are as follows:

  • Good source of Iron: Eggs provide iron in sufficient quantity, which provides blood supply and also gets rid of many diseases.
  • Weight loss: The higher benefit of eating eggs is reducing weight because there is a lot of protein in eggs, which takes a long time to digest, & your stomach remains full, & hunger is also less.
  • Helpful for muscles: Eggs use to build muscles because proteins help build the muscles.
  • Beneficial for hair: If you have to remove the problem of bubble breakage and or graying of hair, you can also apply raw egg on the head because egg protein also makes the hair healthy.
  • For strong bones: Regular consumption of eggs also strengthens bones because phosphorus, vitamin D, and calcium make bones strong.                                

What could be better than eggs for protein?

  • Chicken: If you are allergic to eggs, you can eat chicken. It is a versatile and protein-rich diet. Half a cup of cooked chicken contains 22 grams of protein, much more than an egg. Chicken also tastes good and can be made with many things.
  • Cottage cheese: Cottage cheese or cottage cheese is a diet rich in protein. You can also opt for cottage cheese if eggs are unavailable. It is high in protein and low in calories and is also an effortlessly available food. It is also cheaper than other sources of protein. Almost, 14 grams of protein in 1 ounce is more than an egg.
  • Cheese: Due to the variety of cheeses, it is wrong to call pizza unhealthy. One ounce of mozzarella cheese contains 6.4 grams of protein. This cheese is rich in protein, vitamins, calcium, and healthy fats.
  • Lentils: If you are a vegetarian, nothing is a better protein source for you than lentils. All kinds of fillings like rajma, black gram, etc., filled with prints. The good thing is that even after cooking. It retains vitamins and antioxidants. One cup of boiled lentils contains 7.3 grams of protein. It has a glycemic index that controls blood sugar.


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