How Long Does Weed (Marijuana) Stay in Your System?

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: July 29, 2022

How Long Does Weed (Marijuana) Stay in Your System?

Usually, weed or Marijuana, also known as cannabis, can be detected in bodily fluids between 1 and 30 days after the last use. It can be detected in the hair and its follicles for up to three months or 120 days, especially if cannabis is used on a daily basis. How much Marijuana you smoke, ingest, and how often you do it will affect the detection window. Higher doses and frequent use are generally associated with longer detection windows. Cannabis can be detected for up to six months after its last use. Continue reading to learn about the detection windows of Marijuana in urine, blood and saliva.


Although the effects of Marijuana are quickly fading, the drug can still be detected in the body for several weeks or even longer. Depending on how often and how much Marijuana a person has used, the amount of time that active ingredients and other breakdown products remain in the body can vary from a few hours up to 90 days. While there are many states that have medical marijuana laws, recreational marijuana use for adults over 21 years old is legal in several states. 

Although medical Marijuana has not been approved by the FDA for any medical indication yet, it is commonly prescribed for chronic pain, nausea and multiple sclerosis (HIV), multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, and irritable intestinal syndrome (IBS).

Is It Detectable By Drug Testing For How Long?

One of the most abundant components in Marijuana is a chemical substance called THC, which stands for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Drug tests can measure THC and its byproducts or metabolites. These metabolites are still present in your body long after the effects of Marijuana have subsided. The amount of Marijuana you smoke or consume and the type of drug test used will determine how long it is detectable in your body. The most commonly used way of the method of using it and drug testing is urine testing. Although detection windows can vary, the 2017 review suggested that urine may detect Marijuana for the following time periods after last use.

  • Single-use: 3 Days
  • Moderate use (4x per week): 5-7 days
  • Chronic use (daily), 10 to 15 days
  • Chronic heavy use (multiple times daily): More than 30 days

Marijuana metabolites can bind to fat molecules within your body, making them fat-soluble. It can take some time for the metabolites to get out of your system, especially if there are more fat molecules in your body. Most blood tests detect Marijuana use within the past 2 to 12 hours. It can be detected up to 30 days after the last use in cases of heavy Marijuana use. It is more difficult to detect if you are using it frequently.

Marijuana is also known by the names marijuana, pot, or Marijuana. It is a drug that is made from the Cannabis Sativa plants. The plant contains a chemical called tetrahydrocannabinol, which gives you a high when it is ingested, smoked, or vaporized.

According to UK statistics, almost 30% of those aged 16-59 have tried Marijuana at least once in their lives. The effects of THC can cause feelings of tranquillity, relaxation, and calmness that can lead to people wanting to continue using the drug. You may develop a negative addiction to THC if you continue to use it. You might detect urine up to 90 days after taking the drug. This depends on several factors such as:

How To Test For Marijuana In Your System?

How you consumed cannabis (e.g., The method you used to consume the Marijuana (e.g., smoking or ingestion after it has been baked or added to food). How much Marijuana have you used? There are many factors that affect your body.

Saliva Testing

Saliva testing is a fast way to detect Marijuana use. 2020 Review found that THC could still be detected in the saliva of frequent smokers 72 hours the following use. THC can be detected in the oral fluid of frequent smokers longer than in blood following acute use.

Smoking and smoking can cause Marijuana to enter your saliva. It is only possible for a metabolite to be present in saliva after the Marijuana has been consumed or smoked. Oral fluid can be used to test roadsides in jurisdictions where Marijuana is not allowed.

Hair Testing

The hair follicle test can be used to determine drug use for up 90 days. Cannabinoids are absorbed into the hair follicles through small blood vessels and the sweat that surrounds the hair shaft. A 1.5-inch segment of hair taken near the scalp, which grows at approximately 0.5 inches per year, can give you a window into the use of Marijuana in the last three months.

There are many factors that influence the length of time that this chemical remains in the body or how long it continues to show up in drug tests. These factors include:

  • How much body fat does someone has
  • How often do they use the drug
  • How much someone smokes
  • The drug test's sensitivity

In just a few hours, drugs such as alcohol can disappear completely from the body. In comparison, weed lingers much longer. Because of the way THC is metabolized in the body, this difference can be explained. THC is a lipid-soluble compound. THC binds to fat in your body. This increases the time required to get rid of it completely.

Is There Any Way To Make It More Efficient?

There is not much you can do that will speed up the time it takes for THC metabolites in your system to leave. Your body will need time to eliminate THC once it has entered your system. Although exercise, healthy eating, and staying hydrated can help, it is not likely to make a significant difference. You can find Marijuana detox kits and remedies online. Most require you to drink a lot of fluid to dilute your urine. Then, you can use herbal supplements like creatinine and vitamin B12 to mask any dilution.

These kits are not reliable, and excessive water intake can lead to serious health problems or even death.

What Is The Average Time It Takes To Feel The Effects?

The effects of Marijuana are almost immediately after you have smoked it. It may take up to three hours for the effects to peak after the Marijuana has been ingested. THC, which is the main psychoactive component of Marijuana, causes a "high." Alternate senses include

  • the sense of time
  • Changes in mood
  • Problem-solving and thinking are difficult
  • Memory impairment
  • High doses can cause hallucinations and delusions.
  • The following are some other short-term effects:
  • Inability to focus
  • Increased appetite
  • Problems with coordination
  • Sleepiness
  • Restlessness
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Dry eyes and mouth
  • There is confusion
  • Feeling sick or faint
  • Anxiety or paranoia

High doses of Marijuana can sometimes cause psychosis, hallucinations, or delusions in rare cases.

Additional effects may be experienced if you smoke or inhale Marijuana on a regular basis. Although the results of studies have not been conclusive, some users may be at greater risk for developing cancer.

  • Cognitive impairments
  • Memory impairment
  • learning impairments
  • Cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart disease are all possible.
  • Bronchitis and other respiratory diseases, including lung infections and bronchitis, can be fatal.
  • Depression and anxiety are mood disorders.
  • Hallucinations and psychosis
  • There's a higher chance of your baby developing brain problems or birth defects if you smoke weed or Marijuana while pregnant or nursing.

The Window For Marijuana Detection

There are many averages for the time it takes to detect Marijuana in tests. A 2017 study estimated that a single Marijuana cigarette can be detected within a window of 3 days. This study also emphasized that detection windows can vary depending on how much a person has smoked.

It was evident:

  • Tests may detect Marijuana smoking for three days in the case of someone who has never smoked it before.
  • The detection window for someone who smokes Marijuana three to four times per week is between 5-7 days.
  • Tests may detect Marijuana in the system of people who smoke Marijuana once per day or more.
  • The type of test performed will also affect the detection window. These are the general estimates for different Marijuana tests:
  • The urine test can detect Marijuana for around 3-30 days after use.
  • The detection of Marijuana in saliva can be done within 24 hours. Some saliva tests can detect cannabis or Marijuana up to 72 hours after use.
  • The most sensitive test, hair tests, detect THC up to 90 days after application. These tests test the oil in your skin that is transferred to your hair and may sometimes show false positives.
  • The possibility exists that a person could come in contact with THC users and test positive for THC on a hair test.
  • THC can be detected in blood tests for only 3-4 hours.

What Amount Of Marijuana Do You Need To Have In Order To Pass A Drug Test?

THC can be detected in relatively small amounts by drug tests. However, the THC content of a particular Marijuana cigarette can vary. Unfortunately, there is not enough research to determine how much Marijuana a person needs to smoke in order for a drug test to pass. Numerous studies have shown that regular users of Marijuana are more likely than those who use it less often to fail drug tests. The Journal of Clinical Chemistry published a 2012 study that examined cannabis users who smoked a single cigarette containing 6.8% THC.

The highest levels of THC in urine were found between 0.6 and 7.4 hours after smoking. Researchers used a sensitive urine test to detect THC in urine from frequent users at 100 percent and infrequent users at 60 to 100 percent.

A 2017 study reported on hair samples taken from 136 cannabis users. The results showed that the majority of them had used cannabis in a heavy, light, or non-existent manner. Researchers cut hair into 1-cm sections for the study to determine if there was any exposure more than a month before. A total of 77% of heavy users and 39% of light users had positive hair tests. False positives in hair tests for non-users were rare, with only 77 percent of heavy users reporting positive results.

Factors That Can Influence Detection

There are many factors that influence the results of a Marijuana test, including:

Check your Sensitivity

Tests that are more sensitive can detect smaller amounts of Marijuana. Blood, urine, saliva, and hair are all possible tests.

THC Dose

THC is what Marijuana drug tests are looking for. The amount of THC, a person, has consumed is important. THC's effects are cumulative. This means that someone who smokes multiple times per day has a higher THC dosage than someone who only smokes one. They are therefore more likely to be positive.

It is also important to know the strength of each THC dose. A person can't reliably measure the strength of Marijuana without sensitive laboratory equipment. It is not possible to measure how high a person feels because many factors other than THC dosage can increase or decrease this feeling.

Body Fat

Because fat stores Marijuana, those with more body fat may be slower to metabolize it than someone with less. BMI (body mass index) is one method to measure body fat. But, because weight and BMI increase with muscle mass, it is not an exact measure of body fat.


Females typically have more body fat than males. This could mean that females might be slower to metabolize cannabis.


THC levels in the body can be increased by dehydration. Although drinking plenty of water won't affect drug tests in any significant way, severe dehydration could.


The body's ability to metabolize THC will not be affected by exercise. However, it might be beneficial to exercise before taking a drug test. The effects of exercising on a stationary bicycle for 35 minutes were evaluated in a small study of regular Marijuana users. Results showed that THC levels increased statistically significantly in those who exercised on a stationary bike for 35 minutes prior to drug testing. This suggests that exercising right before the test could increase the chance of positive results.

Researchers believe that fat cells may release THC through exercise. According to their findings, those with a higher BMI experienced greater THC levels.


To make a drug test negative, the body must remove THC from the system and any metabolic chemicals that are linked to THC. THC is usually eliminated faster in people with faster metabolisms than those with slower ones.

How To Get Marijuana Out Of Your System?

Employers often have a workplace policy regarding drug testing that includes routine and random drug testing of all job applicants as well as drug testing of current employees. You will most likely fail a urine test if you have recently smoked pot and are being required to submit to a quick test for employment purposes. This is especially true if you use Marijuana regularly or heavily. You can pass the test by quitting smoking or ingesting Marijuana or other cannabis products.

While there are many ways to get around a drug test for Marijuana, some of these tips have been proven to be urban legends. These are just a few of the questionable methods.

You Should Wash Your System

This involves drinking lots of liquids, urinating many times before the test, and then taking vitamin B-12 to colour the urine. This may reduce the amount of THC in your urine, but it won't completely eliminate THC metabolites. People may also exercise before the test. However, this can backfire depending on the test. According to one study published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence, it can release THC from fat into your blood.

Use Drug Screening Agents

Many companies sell herbal teas and substances that claim to "cleanse" the body of any trace of Marijuana. It is not clear that any of these products work. Most of these must be used for a long time so that the body can naturally eliminate THC.

Tampering with the Test

This is when you add something to your urine to make it contaminated. Some people have claimed to have added Visine, bleach, or salt to their urine samples. However, the lab can easily detect these items.

Signs and Symptoms of Overdose

Because the lethal dose of Marijuana is much higher than the effective, it is difficult to overdose. There have been very few cases of marijuana overdose. An overdose occurs when someone you know has consumed too much Marijuana. However, it doesn't necessarily mean that Marijuana isn't dangerous.

Both psychological distress and impairment of judgment can cause psychosis. These can lead to dangerous behaviours that could harm you or someone else. THC toxicity can occur in small amounts, but it is not common.

Some symptoms include:

  • Heart arrhythmias
  • Paranoia or psychosis (or exacerbation of pre-existing mental conditions)
  • Seizures
  • Uncontrollable vomiting

It is important to understand the concept of "set" and "setting". People who take too much Marijuana may experience sensory overload. It is important to reduce the stimulation in their environment. Certain people are more sensitive to Marijuana than others.

Get Help

A prescription may be required for medical Marijuana. You might also want to use marijuana edibles or weed in other states that have legalized recreational Marijuana. It is common to believe that Marijuana cannot cause physical dependence. There is also the possibility of developing psychological dependence.

You may feel withdrawal symptoms if you stop using Marijuana after heavy or regular use. You may experience withdrawal symptoms if you stop using Marijuana.

  • Change in your appetite
  • After eating, nausea or cramps
  • Want to satisfy your cravings?
  • Digestion problems
  • Headaches
  • Mood swings
  • Sleep disruption
  • Weight loss
  • Weight loss

You may have a substance abuse disorder if you are unable to handle withdrawal symptoms without relapsing. Don't be afraid to seek professional help from a mental healthcare professional. Therapists can help you understand why you are using Marijuana. You can also get help from therapists to understand how Marijuana is impacting your life and create a plan to stop using if it's the right decision for you.

How to get Marijuana out Faster?

There are two options that will work. They are to lower the THC content and increase metabolism. Proper hydration is important to prevent drug tests from showing excessively high THC levels. If your test results are between positive and negative, it is possible to increase your chances of getting a positive result by being dehydrated.

There are no proven methods to increase metabolism. Although exercise may help increase THC metabolism, too close to a test could result in a positive result. The most important factor is how long it took from the last exposure to the testing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Average Length Of Thc's Stay In Your Body?

THC metabolites can be detected in the body anywhere from 1 to 30 days after the last usage. Even after abstinence, regular Marijuana users might have higher THC levels.

What Is The Maximum Time Marijuana Can Stay In Your Urine?

According to a 2017 study, Marijuana can be detected in urine up to seven days after the last use if it is used moderately (4 times per week). THC metabolites can be detected in urine after prolonged heavy use.

What Is The Average Time That Marijuana Stays In Your Blood?

THC metabolites can still be detected in the blood after chronic daily Marijuana use for up to 30 days. A urine test will reveal if there is a trace of Marijuana in the system. According to a 2017 study, a person who had used Marijuana once before may get a positive urine test up to three days after the last use.

If There Is No Drug Test, Will Your Urine Show Marijuana?

No. Only urine tests that detect THC metabolites in the urine will prove Marijuana use.

How Long Does It Take For Cannabis To Be Detoxed?

It all depends on how often you use it. It is possible to have a positive urine test for THC metabolites after a long period of heavy use.


It is impossible to predict how long it will take for a person to process Marijuana and get rid of it. People can test their own systems for Marijuana by conducting home tests. Marijuana should be gone or very low in concentration for most people within 30 days. It may take up to 10 days for Marijuana to disappear from the body, even if you are a regular user.



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