Dust Mite Bites: Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention, and More

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: July 14, 2022

Dust Mite Bites: Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention, and More

Dust is universal, and each one of us is exposed to dust. However, some of us might sneeze, cough or wheeze as we come in contact with dust. It might be because of dust allergies or another notorious creature, dust mite! In many cases, it can also cause conductivities, which causes serious redness in the eyes and itchiness. And in some people, dust exposure might flair up the eczema conditions. To your surprise, a single gram of dust might have hundreds or more dust mites. You might not see them with naked eyes, but they secretly live with you on your beds, mattresses, shoes, or pillows all the time and cause serious allergic conditions for some. 

This article will educate us on what exactly dust mites are and the allergic symptoms caused by them. We will also know about the treatments and ways to prevent them.

What Is A Dust Mite?

Many people have a common idea that they are allergic to dust, but most of them usually have problems with dust mites. They are allergic to them, which leads to rashes occurring on the skin and allergic reactions. Dust mites neither bite nor feed on human blood. They usually consume skin flakes that are dead and wither from humans and animals. It is actually a myth that dust mites usually feed on humans. Dust might are tiny eight-legged creatures that are typically too small to be visible to the naked eye. 

Dust constitutes particles of skin, the fur of animals, and outside dirt. It contains feces and rotten decomposed dust mite bodies. They are so minute that they eventually become airborne and, when inhaled, can cause an allergic reaction.

Dust mites are nearly related to ticks and spiders, and they are quite minute to view from a microscope. Dust mites usually live and grow in sultry and humid temperatures. Stuffing, padding, and upholstering create a favorable environment for the dust mites. Dust mites usually never bite, and skin rashes and allergies are often caused when we vigorously or excessively itch it. They are mostly discoverable in pillows, carpets, furniture, rugs, etc. Dust mites do not survive in areas with very less humidity.

Symptoms Of Dust Mite Bites

If one has more dust mite bites or frequent bites, the more severe and grave the symptoms will be. People who usually have a small or a hair breadth's contact with dust mites can develop severe problems. The most frequent and common symptoms of dust mite bites are :

  • Rashes on the skin caused due to itching
  • Running eyes
  • Running nose
  • Reddened nose
  • Sneezing and coughing
  • Red skin patches

Sometimes dust mite bites often lead to asthmatic conditions, which include short breathing, coughing, and a weird feeling and lumping of the chest. Dust mites usually cause the contraction of the nasal pathways causing aches in the chest and breathing problems which further alleviate asthma.

Causes Of Dust Mite Bites

Dust mites which are the most common species of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, multiply and grow under humid conditions. They mostly live on dust and clothing and are usually found in homes and motels. They reside in very unhygienic and dusty areas and are not cleaned regularly. Exposure to dust mites usually occurs when a person comes in contact with a pillow while sleeping the below. This is usually a less harmful exposure to dust mites and does not usually cause grave effects. 

Sometimes, dust mites can accelerate the formation of :

  • Proteins that are immune include antibodies, interleukins, and interferons.
  • Cells that are immune such as T cells and eosinophils.

These cells and proteins deteriorate the conditions of those having asthma and allergies. Touching the dust mites causes skin allergies as well as inhaling them can cause skin allergies and reactions. Some researchers have concluded that contact with dust mites can increase the risk of asthma in young children who have a hereditary genetic condition to this reaction.

Unlike bedbugs, dust mites are usually not visible to the bare eyes.

Types Of Mites

  • Clover mites –Clover mites have a large range of colors like brown, red, and green. When pressed and killed, they leave behind a red spot and lay a number of eggs when they enter or reside in a place. They do not bite or cause any health issues, but they remain in bulks- in thousands.

They migrate and roam around to settle during winters and during the other seasons- during summer, fall and spring.

  • House dust mites –Dust mites are microscopic organisms that cannot be viewed with a bare eye. They are often intermingled with the other dust particles, and when the dust sweeps in the air, the dust mites might be included in them.

When inhaled, they cause allergies and reactions. They are often found in couches, pillows, and carpets. The causes are rashes, asthma problems, and allergies.

  • Itch mites – Itch mites are very small. They consume insects, and they bite humans and animals.

Itch mites usually stay on hay, grass, and straw and leave and attack their prey when they come closer to them. Itch mites cannot live in houses and indoor places. Their bites cannot be instantly felt, but after some hours, red spots appear.

  • Chiggers –Chiggers bite both humans and animals. If, while exhaling, they sense carbon dioxide, they prey on our skin and bite.

They don't feed or extract, but they have a unique characteristic of releasing saliva that digests the skin, which absorbs and dissolves it upon exposure to the skin. The chigger bite will inflame and cause reddening spots.

Diagnosis Of Dust Mite Bites

If one is having or experiencing shortness of breath or chest pain, or a rash that lasts for more than 3 4 days, then it should be examined by a medical professional. Sometimes, acknowledge the dust mite bite allergy as other indicators, and factors like plants, pet animals, and some odors can give rise to allergies. 

History or Physical Examination

The medical examiner will undertake some physical tests and will come up with conclusions regarding the gravity and the duration of the bites allergy and what provokes the same symptoms. The nasal pathways and the areas of the throat should be properly examined. The lungs should also be under examination. People with asthma experience some whining sounds that are audible by using a stethoscope. When someone comes in contact with the allergen, the PFT test, also known as the Pulmonary Function Testing, should be done.

Allergy Testing

Skin examinations and testing should be done as skin is commonly exposed to allergens and other toxins that harm the skin. Blood tests of the people should also be carried out to examine the number of IgE antibodies. These allergy tests can sometimes further alleviate more allergies. That is why these tests should be performed with utter care and proper medical supervision.

Differential Diagnoses

The allergies caused due to dust mites, bed bugs, and scabies might be confusing sometimes. But some things distinguish the allergies. Dust mites rashes are more often quite allergic in nature. They are often caused by the accumulation of dust mites near the bedclothes and mattress, while scabies occurs when a person comes in contact with the other.

In the case of dust mite rashes, the rashes are quite fine and reddened, while in the case of scabies, the rashes are quite scaly. Dust mites have respiratory disorders, which include wheezing and coughing.

Treatment Of Dust Mite Bites

Dust mites should be cleaned at home. The house should be cleaned properly in order to remove the presence of dust mites. It also includes reducing the waste content and lessening the accumulated debris in the respective areas. The doctors should recommend Benadryl (diphenhydramine) and Flonase (fluticasone) to count on the allergens and reduce the systematic effect of the inflammatory property of the allergens, thus reducing the soreness.

Fexofenadine (Allegra Allergy), Cetrizine (Zyrtec), and Loratadine (Claritin) are syrups that relieve coughing, wheezing, sneezing, and itching in children. Nasal spray antihistamines such as azelastine (Astelin) and olopatadine (Patanase) help in reducing the effects caused by the dust mite bites. Calamine lotion can relieve the soreness caused due to dust mite allergies, but they are ineffective in reducing the inflammatory properties of the allergens.

Asthma patients can use medications like corticosteroid, which improves the functioning of the immune system towards the allergens. The steroids reduce and lessen the body's immune reaction. Such steroids are Propionate (Flonase Allergy Relief), ciclesonide (Omnaris), and mometasone furoate (Nasonex) are quite effective.

Vitamin D maintains the immune system's effectiveness and can also help reduce allergic activities. Allergy shots should be induced to the medical healthcare professional can provide some necessary medications to reduce the itching effects caused by the dust mites. Some of the medications are listed below :

  • To relieve the itching in noses and avoid running and watery nose and eyes, antihistamines can be very effective.
  • Allergic reactions are often blocked when a person consumes corticosteroids which provide instant relief.
  • Cromolyn sodium nose spray composed of histamine and leukotrienes is also effective in lessening the impact of the dust mite bites.
  • Leukotriene antagonists are tablets that reduce the soreness of the dust mite bites by stopping some immune system chemicals. Tablets such as montelukast (Singulair) should be consumed to reduce the effect of the dust mite bites. However, some side effects of these tablets induce depression and anxiety and cause respiration problems, severe headaches, and mood and behavior changes.
  • Decongestant tablets and some fluids also reduce the effects of dust mite bites. They help to reduce the swelling areas around the nasal cavity and help in easy breathing and inhaling. Oral tablets should not be consumed by those with high blood pressure or people who are affected by cardiovascular ailments. Decongestant tablets can aggravate and worsen the situation for men with broad prostate glands.
  • Dust mite sublingual immunotherapy, in which pills are constituting of filtered and refined protein of dust mites are kept under the tongue, decreasing the effectiveness, soreness, and allergic reactions caused due to dust mite bites.
  • A hot foamy bath and rubbing and cleansing the skin with a towel or a washcloth to escape from the dust mites can usually help.
  • An uniquely designed squeeze bottle can be used to clean, flush and squeeze out the aligned mucus accumulated near the nose, which is caused due to irritations of the dust mite bites. The sinuses can be filtered by preparing a saline solution with the use of filtered water without dust and pollutants. Boiled or filtered water should be used to prepare the saline solution. This is known as nasal irrigation, and the irrigation device should be properly cleaned after every use and should be dried under the air.

Prevention Of Dust Mite Bites

The following steps should be taken to prevent the dust mites-

  • Airtight mattresses and pillows should be cleaned properly.
  • Synthetic pillows should be used. Synthetic prevents or blocks the entry of dust mites by preventing their further growth and multiplication.
  • Washing the mattresses and the pillow covers in high-temperature water that is at least 130 F or 54.4 C to annihilate the mites. Then the mattresses and the covers should be cleaned, washed and air dried to remove the allergy particles. The items which are not washed should be freezer for a day to kill the dust mites, but this method is not effective in removing the allergens.
  • There should be non-humid conditions to keep away the dust allergens. There should be the use of air conditioners and coolers to keep the allergens and mites away.
  • The bedcovers that accumulate dust very easily should be avoided. They should not be bought under any circumstances. 
  • A damp cleaner or an oiled wipe should be used for cleaning the floors. The dust, therefore, cannot resettle or become airborne.
  • Stuffed softies, which can be washed and clean, should be bought.
  • Ostentatious furniture removes the dust that was accumulated on the surface but unfortunately, vacuums are not that effective in cleaning and removing the dust particles from the surface. A proper vacuum cleaner with a double-layered micro-filtered bag and particulate filter, which is highly efficient, should be used to decrease the accumulation of debris.
  • There should be fewer things accumulated in the house rooms in order to keep the dust mites away. The more books, things, clothes, and ornaments are there, the more they attract the dust mites.
  • Carpeting or putting mattresses helps in providing a suitable environment for the dust mites to reside. They retain moisture and allow the growth and the multiplication of the dust mites. Wood, tile or vinyl flooring should be done the prevention the growth of dust mites.
  • A filter or a cleaner with a minimum efficiency reporting value of 11 and 12 should be used to clean the dust. The filter must be changed once or twice every three months.

Preparing for the Appointment

If anybody undergoes continuous sneezing, wheezing and runny and watery eyes, and nose or allergy or asthma, one may undergo the supervision of a medical professional or practitioner.

  • A person experiencing allergy should write down the symptoms or what he/she has been facing.
  • The family history details of allergy should be included.
  • A list of all the previous medicines and forms of treatment should be included.
  • The person should ask the medical professional about the medications' details and side effects.
  • A list of questions that may help in possible diagnosis and treatment are :
  • What symptoms am I facing? And why?
  • Will I need medical supervision?
  • Which parts of my body are affected due to the allergens?
  • There are some side effects of the treatment due to my certain unavoidable medical conditions? Are there any alternatives?
  • What necessary precautions can I take at my home to reduce the growth of dust mites?
  • What sites are recommended for guidance and to receive any help when I come across the dust mites?

When did the person first experience the symptoms?

They must ask about the symptoms, understand how many times have occurred, and give treatments and medicines as per the observation.

How long do these symptoms last?

It is important to notice the intensity and for how long the symptoms have been going on. By doing so, the seriousness of the infection will be diagnosed and will make the treatment process smooth.

Where are these symptoms worst? At which place?

For some people, symptoms can get worse during the winter seasons due to dry climatic conditions, whereas for some, it gets worse during the summers. It is important to inform the doctor about the trigger points. The treatment gets easier, and you heal soon as well.

Are there any water problems at the person's place?

Water contamination is another reason for such infections. Hence, it is important to know in what conditions the patient is living and take the necessary steps to cure them. 

What kind of treatments are used, and how effective are they?

There are conditions where certain medicines do no good in healing the itching and allergic symptoms. The doctor must take of such conditions, keep track of what medicines the patient is taking, and then prescribe other medicines.

Are there any coolers or air conditioners at home?

Cooler and air conditions are a hub for dust and dust mites. It is very important to keep the air conditions and coolers clean to avoid such dust allergies or dust mite attacks. If in case it is not, and you face such allergies, make sure to tell the doctor. The doctor must also ensure to ask these things.

Are there any symptoms of asthma?

There can be many causes behind allergic reactions. The doctor must look for asthma symptoms like Tightness or pain in the chest, shortness of breath, and wheezing when exhaling in children. Other symptoms like difficulty in sleeping due to such conditions. A respiratory virus causing a cold or the flu aggravates coughing or wheezing episodes.


Dust mite allergies are sometimes harmful and sometimes not. They should be treated at an utter time. There are some actions you can take to avoid getting affected by dust mites so seriously. We learned the various ways to stay away from all this. You can minimize the humidity level indoors below 50%. Keep dust levels to a minimum, wash your sheets and covers every week, and dry them completely. You can also replace feature pillows with synthetic ones; use dust-proof covers on pillows and mattresses. If you have carpets flooring or have laid them for decorative purposes, vacuum cleans them once in 4 days to keep the house dust-free. Keep in mind to wear a makes while you do the entire house cleaning work, so you do not end up inhaling the dust. Remember to visit the doctor if you feel uneasy after being exposed to dust and not panic in such a situation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the ways to diagnose dust mite allergy or bites?

The doctors would mostly perform skin allergy tests to diagnose dust mite allergy or bite and then offers treatments. 

What are the treatments for dust-mite bites or allergies? 

The primary way to start the treatment is to make some changes in the environment, which definitely helps. There are some safe medications as well. There are conventional allergy injections to treat such allergic reactions. The FDA has also approved a sublingual immunotherapy pill; these pills are taken sublingually, which means under the tongue. They are approved for patients of 18 years and above, which can be taken at your own convenience. 




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