Dry Cough: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Home Remedies

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: January 09, 2023

Dry Cough: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Home Remedies

Many things, including viruses and allergies, can produce a dry cough. Let's read this article to find out the symptoms, causes and treatment of dry cough.

What is Dry Cough?

Coughing is a reflex activity that clears mucus and irritation from your airways. Coughs can be either productive or nonproductive. Phlegm or mucus is produced during a vigorous cough, which removes it from the lungs. Phlegm or mucus is not produced by a dry cough, commonly referred to as an ineffective cough. A dry cough can be brought on by a variety of conditions, such as allergies or acid reflux. Sometimes there is no apparent cause. Whatever the source, a persistent dry cough can have a significant negative impact on your daily life, particularly if it only occurs at night.

Common Causes of Dry Cough


The disorder known as asthma causes your airways to enlarge and narrow. Coughs brought on by asthma can be productive or nonproductive, although they're usually the latter. Asthma symptoms include coughing, but it's not always the most noticeable one. But there is a form of asthma known as cough variant asthma, which has a persistent dry cough as one of its primary symptoms. Additional signs of influenza can include:

wheezing, coughing, or difficulty sleeping due to shortness of breath, chest tightness, or pain

episodes of coughing or wheezing. Long-acting medicines, such as inhaled corticosteroids, are frequently used to treat long-term asthma, including:

  • Bronchodilator inhalers like albuterol are among the short-acting drugs used to treat sporadic asthma attacks, along with fluticasone (Flonase, Flovent), triamcinolone (Azmacort), and budesonide (Pulmicort).
  • fluticasone (Flonase, Flovent) (Flonase, Flovent)
  • Triamcinolone budesonide (Azmacort) (Pulmicort)
  • Bronchodilator inhalers like albuterol are short-acting medicines used to treat sporadic asthma attacks (Proventil, Ventoline). These may also be included in a comprehensive therapy strategy.

The disease of the gastroesophageal reflux

Chronic acid reflux is a condition known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It takes place when your oesophagus, which joins your mouth to your stomach, experiences recurring reflux of stomach acid. Your oesophagus may become irritated by stomach acid, which may cause you to cough. Other GERD signs and symptoms include:

  • heartburn
  • chest pain, a lump in the back of the throat, regurgitation of meals or sour liquids, and a persistent painful throat
  • somewhat hoarse
  • having trouble swallowing

Most GERD sufferers find relief by altering their lifestyles and taking over-the-counter (OTC) acid reducers such (as Prilosec) and lansoprazole (Prevacid).GERD and acid reflux may both be treated with some natural therapies.

Nasal Post-Drip

The term "postnasal drip" describes additional mucus that drips down your throat. The mucous membranes in your nose react by creating more mucus than usual when you have cold or seasonal allergies. This mucus is watery and runny, in contrast to healthy mucus, and it easily drips down the back of your throat.The nerves at the back of your throat may become irritated by postnasal drip, causing you to cough. Other postnasal drip signs and symptoms include:

a lump at the back of the throat, difficulty swallowing, a runny nose, and coughing caused by postnasal drip will determine the appropriate course of treatment. Usually, allergies, bacterial infections, or viruses are to blame. Whatever the root cause, steaming from a hot shower or teapot can assist to clean your sinuses. Additional mucus can be eliminated with the aid of a neti pot or saline nasal spray.

Viral Contamination

Your short-term symptoms from catching one of the several viruses that cause the common cold often last less than a week. However, it's not unusual for a cough to persist for a while after your other symptoms have subsided. These coughs following colds are typically dry and last for up to two months. They typically come from airway irritation since they are frequently extremely sensitive following a Viral infection or seasonal flu treatment for this kind of cough can be challenging and frequently takes time and patience. Try utilising zinc lozenges and warm beverages to calm your throat instead of coughing, which simply makes your airways more irritated. Your airways may be able to heal if you cough less as a result of this.

A higher respiratory infection

A virus or bacteria known as an acute upper respiratory infection (URI) can affect your nasal, throat, pharynx, larynx, and bronchi.URIs include, in addition to the common cold.

The following list of URI symptoms is typical:


runny nose, stuffy nose, and sneezing. Cough suppressants and expectorants can be used to treat coughing which is a symptom of a URI.


Your immune system will attack a foreign substance when it believes it to be harmful to your body, such as pollen. Allergy symptoms like coughing are brought on by this. Plant pollen is the cause of seasonal allergies, usually referred to as hay fever or allergic rhinitis. More than 19 million people worldwide suffer from these kinds of allergies. In addition to coughing, symptoms can include a runny nose and itchy or watery eyes. As long as you are exposed to the allergen, seasonal allergy symptoms may continue to manifest. You should consult a doctor if over-the-counter allergy drugs don't help your symptoms.

COVID-19 and Chronic Cough

A dry cough is one of the most prevalent early signs of COVID-19. 60 to 70 per cent of people experience this. According to a 2020 Chinese study, the majority of COVID-19 patients started coughing one day after contracting the infection. About 19 days passed while I had the cough. Additional typical COVID-19 signs include:

  • tiredness, pains, and fever
  • headache
  • unwell throat
  • If you experience a persistent cough or other symptoms, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises getting tested for COVID-19 as away.

Less Frequent Causes of Dry Cough

Irritants in the Environment

Your airways can become irritated by a variety of airborne contaminants, such as smoke, pollution, dust, mould, and pollen. Concerns can also arise from chemical particles like nitric oxide or sulphur dioxide. Some people may experience a dry cough from even clean air that is too dry or chilly. Use a humidifier to provide moisture to the air in your home if you live in a dry area.

ACE Blockers

Prescription medications known as ACE inhibitors, like enalapril (Vasotec) and lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril), are used to treat a number of disorders, including high blood pressure. Chronic dry cough is among the most typical adverse effects of ACE inhibitors. A dry cough is reported by about 20% of ACE inhibitor users, according to a reliable source.

Coughing Fit

Pertussis, sometimes known as whooping cough, is a highly contagious illness that results in a persistent dry cough. When you breathe in, a high-pitched "whoop" sound is made. In the beginning, it's simple to mistake it for a cold, but soon it leads to uncontrollable coughing episodes. The majority of kids are now immunised against whooping cough, a disease that used to affect children often. These days, teens and adults with lowered immunity as well as small children who haven't had time to finish their vaccines are more likely to contract it.

Lung Collapsed

A pneumothorax, commonly referred to as a collapsed lung, occurs when your lung unexpectedly deflates. It may occur by itself or as a result of a chest injury. People with underlying pulmonary disease are more likely to have it. A collapsed lung can also produce acute heart problems and shortness of breath in addition to a dry cough.

Lung Cancer

Even though it's unlikely, lung cancer can occasionally be indicated by a persistent dry cough.

Lung cancer-related coughs typically persist and can evolve. For instance, your cough may change in sound or become more uncomfortable.

  • Additional signs of lung cancer could be coughing up blood, even a little bit, shortness of breath, chest pain, wheezing, and hoarseness.
  • unaccounted-for weight loss
  • Consult a physician if any of these concerns are present along with your dry cough. If you smoke or have a history of lung cancer in your family, this is extremely crucial.

Heart Attack

Heart failure occurs when the heart muscle is unable to pump blood as efficiently as it should. It occurs more frequently in persons with illnesses including coronary disease and high blood pressure, which can make your heart less capable of adequately pumping blood. One indicator of heart failure is a dry cough. However, it can also result in a cough that discharges frothy, pink or white mucus. Other signs of heart failure include abrupt or severe shortness of

  • breath, extreme weariness, and weakness.
  • quick or erratic heartbeat swollen ankles, feet, and legs
  • nausea or an absence of appetite
  • abdominal enlargement
  • fluid accumulation
  • difficulty concentrating
  • Fibrosis pulmonary idiopathic
  • The uncommon condition The tissues in your lungs become rigid and scarred due to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), which makes breathing difficult IPF symptoms other than shortness of breath can include a persistent cough, tiredness, and weight loss.

IPF advances slowly. Although there is no known cure yet, it can be managed with drugs and vasodilators to improve breathing and lessen lung inflammation. A lung biopsy may be required as the last stage of treatment.

Home Treatments for Dry Cough

Treatment for dry coughs might be challenging. A vicious cycle arises when your airways become too sensitive and are readily aggravated by coughing. Whatever the cause of your cough, there are several things you can take to get some relief. Try:

  • Using throat lozenges to soothe and moisturise inflamed throat tissue by sucking
  • adding honey to a hot beverage to ease irritation in the throat tissue taking over-the-counter cough suppressants such as dextromethorphan (Robitussin) to inhibit your cough reflex
  • You can also give these natural cough cures a shot. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to dry cough solutions at home. Before you locate the one that works for you, you might need to experiment with a few.

Additionally, not all of these treatments have been thoroughly investigated and proved efficient. Additionally, certain treatments are not suitable for infants or kids.


Honey can be used to treat daytime and overnight dry coughing in adults and children 1 year of age and older. Honey's antimicrobial qualities make it a good throat coater. A 2007 study indicated that honey was more effective than the cough suppressant dextromethorphan at reducing bothersome overnight coughing in kids. Honey can be consumed by a spoonful several times per day or mixed with hot tea or water. One should never give honey to a child under 1-year-old to prevent infant botulism as it is a rare problem that can happen to infants.


Curcumin, a substance found in turmeric, may be anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial. Additionally, it might be helpful for a number of ailments, such as a dry cough.

Black Pepper

It enhances the bloodstream absorption of curcumin. One teaspoon of turmeric and one-eighth of a teaspoon of black pepper can be added to a beverage, such as a beverage or juice. One can also prepare tea for themselves. In Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric has long been used to treat bronchitis, asthma, and upper respiratory illnesses. You can purchase turmeric as a pill or as a spice.


Ginger has been demonstrated to strengthen the immune system and lessen pain and discomfort. Many teas use ginger as an ingredient. Ginger root can also be used to prepare tea by steeping the chopped or peeled root in warm water. It might be even more effective for dry coughs if you add honey to it. To treat a dry cough, ginger root can alternatively be chewed or taken as a capsule.

Marshmallow Root

One kind of herb is marshmallow root. To relieve a dry cough, it is a component of cough syrup and lozenges. A study using a survey works well to soothe the throat and lessen the irritation brought on by a dry cough. Additionally, marshmallow root can have antimicrobial qualities.


Menthol, a component of peppermint, soothes throat nerve endings that become irritated when you cough. This might ease the pain and lessen the impulse to cough. Additionally, peppermint has been discovered to contain antiviral and antibacterial properties, which aid to relieve congestion. There are various methods for taking peppermint. Several of these include savouring peppermint tea or nibbling on lozenges. To assist, try consuming peppermint tea before bed. As an aromatherapy treatment, peppermint essential oil is also an option.

Masala Chai

In recent years, Americans have grown to love the fragrance of chai. Chai is a popular remedy in India for ailments like dry cough and sore throat. Cloves and cardamom are only two of the anti-oxidant-rich components found in masala chai. Additionally, cloves might work well as an expectorant. Cinnamon, which has anti-inflammatory qualities, is also a component of chai tea.

Cayenne Pepper

It has been demonstrated that the chilli pepper ingredient capsaicin reduces persistent coughing. While cayenne pepper spicy sauce and warm water can be used to brew tea, capsaicin can also be ingested as a pill. One variety of chilli pepper is cayenne. Cayenne spicy sauce drops should be added. Taste as you go to ensure that you don't consume more than your body can tolerate in terms of heat. Chilli peppers can also be purchased whole and soaked in warm water. Children should not use therapies containing capsaicin.

Eucalyptus-infused Aromatherapy Is Another Option.

The use of essential oils for healing and calming purposes is known as aromatherapy. As a decongestant, eucalyptus essential oil may alleviate dry coughing. Use an inhaler, spritzer, or diffuser with eucalyptus. You can also put a few drops in a bowl of hot water and breathe in the steam. If your coughing keeps you up at night, you might find it more relaxing to scent your home with eucalyptus.

Employ a Humidifier.

Dried air can make a dry cough worse. The addition of moisture to the air via humidifiers can be therapeutic. Humidifiers are helpful for persistent postnasal drip because they facilitate sinus opening. If the air in your home is dry, running a humidifier in your bedroom while you sleep will help to lessen dry coughing.

Make Use Of An Air Cleaner

With the use of air purifiers, you can get rid of airborne irritants like smoke and dust in your house. They also lessen irritants like pollen and cat dander. Breathing in the fresh air can help lessen throat discomfort and the urge to cough, regardless of whether your cough is brought on by external contaminants or an underlying disease.

Use Salt Water To Gargle

Warm salt water gargles can help reduce the irritation and discomfort brought on by a dry cough. Salt Water also aids in the elimination of throat and mouth germs. Pour a big glass of warm water over 1 teaspoon of table salt to accomplish this. then spit out a few times each day.

Young children shouldn't use this dry cough cure since they might ingest the salt water. When you finish brushing your teeth and have a sore throat from coughing during the night, gargle with salt water to assist numb and calming the nerve endings in your throat.

Antitussive Cough Medicine

Antitussive cough medicines reduce the cough reflex, which is how they operate. They are especially helpful for dry coughs since they reduce the urge to cough. Some antitussives that are only available with a prescription contain codeine. Others are sold at retail outlets. These usually include active substances like menthol, camphor, or dextromethorphan.

Drops of Cough

Medicated lozenges called cough drops are used to lubricate and calm sore throat tissues. Their components and behaviours differ. Menthol is a numbing ingredient that certain cough drops contain and uses to lessen the desire to cough. Cough medicine that includes ginger or eucalyptus is also available.

Where to Purchase these Natural Cures

While you probably already have some of the home remedies listed above in your medicine cabinet, such as cinnamon or salt for rinses, you might still need to purchase others.

  • Teas and herbs
  • Supplements for masala chai include marshmallow root, turmeric, and peppermint.
  • Capsaicin, ginger, and turmeric essential oils
  • Eucalyptus oil and peppermint oil
  • household goods
  • humidifier
  • air cleaner
  • Other solutions
  • menthol lozenges
  • cough syrup
  • antacid cough medicine
  • spicy sauce with cayenne

When to Visit a Doctor?

Month-long dry coughs can be draining as well as bothersome. Usually, dry coughs go away on their own. Visit your doctor, though, if other symptoms are present along with your cough. These consist of:

  • inability to breathe or catch your breath
  • chest pain and wheeze
  • back pain chills fever
  • Additionally, if your cough gets worse or doesn't go away entirely in two months, consult a doctor.


As opposed to a moist or productive cough, a dry cough does not produce any mucus or phlegm. You could get a scratchy or tickling sensation in the back of the throat when you have a dry cough. The inflammation of respiratory tract nerves might result in a dry cough. Numerous factors, including allergens, illnesses, tobacco, dust, stomach acid, and nasal mucus, can cause this. Long-lasting dry coughs have a variety of causes. However, there are a number of at-home remedies that are quite helpful in treating coughs. A person should contact a doctor if their dry cough worsens, does not go away, or starts to produce blood or green mucus. Natural dry cough solutions are designed to provide momentary relief for minor illnesses. Asthma, allergies, and acid reflux. They must not be used to put off the identification or management of mild to severe coughs or persistent coughs. A healthcare professional can frequently identify the root cause of a persistent dry cough and recommend a therapy strategy to help your condition. A person should also visit a doctor if they notice any of the following symptoms together with a dry cough:

  • Wheezing and having a throat-sticking sensation
  • Breathing issues or shortness of breath swallowing issues
  • Additionally, if a cough persists for more than 8 weeks, it is essential to visit a doctor. It might be an indication of a disease that requires treatment.



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