Can You Get Your Period and Still Be Pregnant?

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: February 20, 2023

Can You Get Your Period and Still Be Pregnant?

This is a common question that comes in the mind of pregnant women. Let us read this article and get a response to our queries.

When an egg is released from the ovary during ovulation, fertilisation takes place when a sperm attaches to it. In the uterus, where implantation takes place, the fertilised egg descends. Pregnancy arises from an effective implantation. Pregnancy lasts 40 weeks on average when it is full-term. Pregnancy outcomes can be impacted by a variety of circumstances. A woman's chances of having a healthy pregnancy and giving birth to a healthy child are higher if she receives a prenatal diagnosis and care early on.

Changes in the body's hormone levels cause periods to occur. Chemical messengers, hormones are. Estrogen and progesterone, two feminine hormones, are released by the ovaries. These hormones induce the uterine lining, also known as the womb lining, to thicken. The lining has developed to the point where a fertilised egg can adhere and begin to develop. The lining deteriorates and bleeds in the absence of a fertilised egg. The same procedure then repeats itself. The lining typically builds up, then degrades, over the course of roughly a month. Because of this, most girls and women experience their periods once every month.

The most typical early indicator of pregnancy is a missed period. If you are in your reproductive years and more than a week has gone by without the normal start of a menstrual cycle, you may be pregnant. If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, this symptom, though, may be deceiving.

Hormone changes occur throughout both your period and pregnancy. It's natural to question if you can anticipate to have your period—or anything similar—while you're pregnant because each occurrence has the potential to present its own special set of difficulties.

A quarter to a third of pregnant women will experience little bleeding. These may occur due to a number of conditions, such as implantation haemorrhage, cervical problems, placenta abnormalities, ectopic pregnancies, and miscarriages. Generally speaking, getting your period when pregnant is not possible. A tiny proportion of women may experience longer-than-normal periods and perhaps ongoing bleeding while ovulating concurrently. You might technically be pregnant while on your period if this happens. But since you would only be a few days or so along in your pregnancy, you wouldn't ordinarily know at this point.

It is impossible to get a period when pregnant, despite all of the assertions that are made. Instead, "spotting," which is typically light pink or dark brown in colour, could occur during the early stages of pregnancy. Generally speaking, if there is enough bleeding to fill a pad or tampon, you are probably not pregnant. Seek medical attention if you are bleeding a lot after a positive pregnancy test.

In place of an egg becoming fertilised, you get your period about once a month. Once a month, the ovary releases eggs. The unfertilized egg exits the uterus through the vagina when it is not fertilised. Bleeding during a "typical" menstruation frequently begins light, then intensifies and turns a darker crimson. Near the end of the cycle, it also becomes lighter in both colour and quantity. Menstruation and pregnancy should be easily distinguished from one another because you don't experience periods while you're pregnant. However, it isn't always so clear-cut.

Although bleeding is a warning indicator, it need not be a terrible thing. Many women who have spotting in the first trimester go on to deliver healthy infants. If you bleed when pregnant, it's likely due to something other than your monthly period. After all, you only get periods when you are not pregnant. Find out the various forms of bleeding that can occur during pregnancy and when you should contact your OB-GYN.

Reasons Why Women Bleed During The First Trimester

Between 15 and 25% of women develop stretch marks in the first trimester. Several of the causes include:

  • Surgical site bleeding
  • Modifications to the cervix infection
  • Pregnancy of molars (abnormal mass fertilises instead of a fetus)
  • Ectopic conception (a pregnancy outside of the uterus)
  • Early indications of miscarriage

Implantation Bleeding

This occurs at the beginning of pregnancy. You have probably not taken a pregnancy test by this stage. This type of bleeding typically occurs around the time that your period is due when the fertilised egg implants into the uterus. Even though implant bleeding often only involves light to moderate spotting, it can occasionally be confused with a menstruation.

You could also start spotting right after delivery due to cervical changes. This usually isn't a cause for alarm unless there is an infection.

Other Factors

Infections are another sort of early bleeding that may signify a medical emergency.

  • ectopic conception
  • Miscarriage during a molar pregnancy
  • These could also come with:
  • severe stomach discomfort or cramps
  • back ache
  • loss of consciousness or faintness
  • fatigue
  • shoulders hurt
  • fever
  • alterations in vaginal discharge
  • vomiting and nausea that won't stop

In contrast to spotting, the bleeding is also much thicker. It resembles a period more than usual.

Factors that lead to bleeding in the second and third trimesters

Medical treatment is frequently needed if bleeding continues through the first trimester. Call your doctor right away to schedule an emergency appointment whether your second or third trimester bleeding is light or severe, with or without any additional symptoms. Typical reasons for bleeding later in pregnancy include:

  • cervical dilation, term labour, or preterm labour
  • miscarriage
  • Uterine rupture caused by placenta previa placental abruption (rare)
  • previa vasa (rare)

Preterm Labour

Any birth that occurs prior to 37 weeks is referred to here. Some people suffer period-like symptoms and a lot of mucus discharge before to premature labour. In order to assist the foetus in moving down, cervical dilatation and uterine contractions typically take place, which can cause bleeding and a significant amount of vaginal discharge. Back pain, stomach cramps, modifications in vaginal discharge, and a feeling of vaginal pressure are some more symptoms.

Preterm labour also results in contractions, though you could also experience cramping. Backache is another symptom of premature labour that may occur.

A pressure-like feeling in the vagina changes in the discharge.

Previa Placenta

When the placenta is deposited low in the uterus and closely next to or covering the cervix, this occurs. There are several types of bleeding, but no other symptoms. Labor and delivery may be hampered by placenta previa.

There are various other reasons to why a women can bleed during her course of pregnancy. Other common causes and reasons leading to bleeding-

Abrupt placentation

The last few months of pregnancy are when this happens most frequently. When the placenta separates from the uterus, there is typically significant bleeding and perhaps excruciating cramping. Placental abruption risk may be increased by certain medical disorders, such as high blood pressure.

Sexual activity

Most women can continue having sex when they are pregnant, barring medical advice, of course. Due to the heightened sensitivity of the cervical and vaginal tissues during this period, having sex during mid- and late pregnancy may result in minor spotting or light blood.

Rupture of the uterus

A uterine rupture occurs when the uterus's muscle separates or tears. This can result in uncontrolled bleeding. People who have previously had a caesarean delivery tend to experience it more frequently. This particular tear, however uncommon, develops along the uterus's old scar lines.

Many of the disorders that develop in the latter stages of pregnancy result in bleeding and other symptoms resembling a period. But these aren't truly menstruation.

Ectopic pregnancy

Another indication of an ectopic pregnancy is first-trimester bleeding (when the foetus starts to grow outside of the uterus, usually in a fallopian tube). An ectopic pregnancy may cause varying amounts of bleeding.  Doctors and study say that it's also linked to unilateral pain, wooziness, or lightheadedness. If you have bleeding and any symptoms, such as dizziness or sharp discomfort, get medical help right away because ectopic pregnancy can be fatal if left untreated.

It's possible to confuse implantation bleeding for a mild menstruation.

Additionally, a lot of pregnant women confuse implantation bleeding with their menstruation. In the same situation as previously, if you frequently have a light period and experienced spotting on day 23, you may have thought that the spotting was the start of your period a day or two early. Although each woman's bleeding is different, implantation bleeding is almost never accompanied by a heavy flow.

It's possible to experience what appears to be a period while pregnant if conception happens near to menstruation or if progesterone levels are low.

If you have a short cycle or don't ovulate in the middle of your cycle, conception might not happen until just a few days before your period is due. Consider the scenario when you consistently follow a 26-day cycle. You probably won't ovulate until day 13 or so. Even if fertilisation took place that day, it would still take the fertilised egg six to twelve days to travel to and implant in the lining of your uterus.

Progesterone, the hormone that keeps your uterine lining in place, wouldn't continue to be produced by your body according to this timeframe until about day 20 to day 25 of your cycle. The time between implantation and the anticipated menstruation could be as small as one day.

You can experience what seems to be a lighter period than usual if those hormone levels are insufficient, such as in cases of low progesterone from luteal phase deficiency or had already started to fall. Even what appears to be a completely typical period could happen to you. In that instance, it is possible to go the entire eight weeks of pregnancy without experiencing even the slightest pregnancy-related symptoms.

The most frequent kind of bleeding that pregnant women mistake for a menstruation is this kind of bleeding, often known as "break through haemorrhage." In the first month of pregnancy, break-through bleeding is typical, but if hormone levels remain low, it could last beyond the first trimester.

It's crucial to keep in mind that any bleeding that occurs after the initial bleed won't happen in a regular, predictable pattern like a period. It would bleed inconsistently and at different rates. It's quite improbable that multiple regular bleeding episodes, whether they are light or irregular for you or not, are due to pregnancy.

It is a good idea to let your healthcare physician know about break through bleeding since it may be a sign of low progesterone. Actually, it is important to analyse any bleeding during pregnancy. A wonderful technique to identify such a circumstance is by taking your body temperature regularly. A rise in temperature indicates ovulation, and high temperatures that persist for 16 days can be an indication of pregnancy, whether or not there is period-like bleeding.

When Should I Be Concerned If I Bleed While Pregnant?

The following are some significant circumstances when you should be concerned about bleeding while pregnant:

  • If you are bleeding a lot or if you are experiencing excruciating stomach discomfort along with the bleeding.
  • If you've fallen or received another trauma and you're bleeding.
  • If you have a history of losses or other difficulties in past pregnancies and you are bleeding.
  • if you are bleeding and at least two trimesters into your pregnancy.

It is advised to see a healthcare provider right away if you are bleeding while in pain and are pregnant or suspect you might be.

What Brings On Bleeding While Pregnant?

The bleeding that many pregnant women experience during this time can be mistaken for menstruation. The various causes of vaginal bleeding during pregnancy should be understood. If you believe your bleeding warrants further investigation, tell your doctor right away. The following are some potential causes of bleeding: Implantation Bleeding. This happens when the uterus receives the fertilised egg.

  • Ectopic pregnancy. A fertilised egg implants in a different site in place of the uterus, which is a potentially fatal occurrence. However, pain on the right or left side of your lower abdomen, dizziness, and lightheadedness are frequently present together with bleeding, regardless of how severe it may be.
  • Miscarriage. An unplanned termination of a pregnancy without carrying it to term is referred to as a miscarriage or threatening miscarriage. A miscarriage results in bleeding that could have significant blood clots in it. The uterus of a woman will also cramp.
  • Sometimes during your pregnancy, you can have some light spotting with brown or light pink blood. Usually, there is relatively little bleeding. Cervical discomfort or infection may be to blame for this. If the bleeding starts to become more severe, consult your doctor right away.

Why Are You Unable To Get Periods While You Are Expecting?

As a result of your egg not being fertilised by sperm, a genuine period is blood loss that happens at the end of a menstrual cycle. At the end of the month, hormone levels decline when an egg is not fertilised. These hormones control the release of the egg into your fallopian tubes and make your womb lining thicken. In what we usually refer to as a period, your uterine lining then sheds and disintegrates.

If you are pregnant, an egg has already undergone fertilisation and is developing into an embryo inside the uterine lining. You no longer have a period since your uterine lining is no longer being expelled at the end of each month. A missed menstruation is one of the early indicators of pregnancy because of this.

Can You Get Pregnant While Having A Period?

Contrary to popular belief, it is impossible to have a period when pregnant, however some women may suffer irregular vaginal bleeding. Only when there isn't a pregnancy can menstruation occur.

Your ovary releases an egg each month so that the sperm can fertilise it. This is known as ovulation. Before a fertilised egg is implanted, the uterine lining thickens in preparation for pregnancy. The uterine lining and the egg are both expelled via the vagina as menstrual blood if an egg is not fertilised and implanted.

So, is it possible to get your period when pregnant? The quick response is no. You won't receive your monthly period when pregnant since you don't ovulate, which is the release of an egg. After giving birth, you'll either get your period back in weeks or months (the length of time depends on whether you're breastfeeding), and once you're back in the swing of your monthly cycle.

Why Is It Theoretically Impossible To Get A Period When Pregnant?

Your body starts getting ready for pregnancy throughout the month. It accomplishes this by uterine lining, or endometrium, growth. This lining helps to sustain the fertilised egg in the very first weeks of pregnancy if you become pregnant. Your body gets rid of the endometrium through your period if you are not able to get pregnant. As a result, it is impossible to be pregnant and have a period since pregnancy prevents the endometrium from being shed.

When Should You Visit Your Doctor?

Given that getting your period is impossible while pregnant, it's crucial to pay attention to any bleeding you do encounter at this time. Light bleeding or spotting during the first trimester is typically normal, but if it occurs together with other symptoms, it may be a sign of something more serious, so it's crucial to consult a doctor right once. These signs consist of:

  • cramps and discomfort
  • dizziness or fainting
  • excessive bleeding or passing clots
  • severe abdominal and pelvic discomfort

Visit your doctor right away if your bleeding is bright red in colour and substantial enough to soak through a pad. An ectopic pregnancy may be indicated by pelvic pain and vaginal bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy. Consult a medical professional right away if you have any suspicions.

We wish to dispel some misconceptions about periods and pregnancy that have been the subject of much discussion. When pregnant, is it possible to have a period? No. It is not possible to have a genuine period when pregnant because it ends as your body begins to produce hCG, often known as the pregnancy hormone.

Although it's mostly normal, some women may suffer spotting or mild bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy. The fertilised egg implants in the uterine lining when this bleeding, also known as implantation bleeding, takes place.

A more serious condition, such as an ectopic pregnancy, an infection, a miscarriage, a molar pregnancy, a subchorionic haemorrhage, or cervical abnormalities, may be indicated by first trimester bleeding that also includes other symptoms (including pain or dizziness). It's crucial to get quick medical assistance if you are concerned and believe there may be an underlying cause for the bleeding, as many of these disorders constitute medical emergencies.

Additionally, bleeding is possible in the middle and later stages of pregnancy. A medical emergency like preterm or term labour, placenta previa, placental abruption, or uterine rupture may be the cause of this uncommon bleeding. Even though the bleeding is typically relatively light, having sexual activity during the later phases can nonetheless result in it.

Be careful to consult your healthcare practitioner immediately away if you suffer bleeding along with symptoms including cramps, pain, fainting or dizziness, passing clots or excessive bleeding, and excruciating pain in your pelvic and stomach.


Your period cannot come while you are pregnant. In the first trimester, though, you can encounter sensations comparable to those of a period. These consist of:

  • uterine bleeding (light and short term)
  • light cramping weariness agitation
  • a lower back aches

The distinction is that your body is using these symptoms as part of its natural pregnancy preparation. Seek immediate medical attention if any of the aforementioned symptoms are severe or persistent, you are in your second or third trimester of pregnancy, or both apply.

Not having a period when pregnant does not mean a woman is bleeding. Periodic changes in the body during pregnancy might occasionally cause bleeding. It might be challenging to determine whether bleeding is a sign of a medical emergency or not. A health problem that has to be treated may be indicated by persistent bleeding. A pregnant woman should seek advice from a healthcare provider if she develops bleeding.

If you are still getting your period, you cannot be pregnant. About 25 to 35 percent of pregnant women will experience vaginal bleeding throughout the first three months of their pregnancy. The most frequent cause of first-trimester bleeding in women is implantation bleeding. Due to placenta issues, bleeding happens in the second half of pregnancy. Regular periods are not possible while pregnant. It's improbable that you are pregnant if you experience regular bleeding that lasts between 3 and 7 days throughout your period. However, you can find out if you're pregnant by telling your doctor or using a pregnancy test.



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