Blind Pimple Under the Skin: 10 Ways to Treat It

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: July 30, 2022

Blind Pimple Under the Skin: 10 Ways to Treat It

Blind pimples or you can say cystic acne, are deep inside your skin. They may be large or small in size. It is painful or nearly visible. Sometimes it's hard to see and recognize, but you don't need to worry. You will understand all your treatment and precautions from this article. Let's get started! 

What Are Blind Pimples?

Acne is a skin disease that actually consists of blemishes that occur on your face, on your skin, on your chest, on your shoulder, and also on your back. It is a very common factor which you may experience in your teenage and also affect adulthood as well. Your body depends upon the subcacious gland which is present under your skin. 

Blind pimples are acne that develops under the skin's surface. The pimple is inside the surface of the skin, so it isn't always noticeable, but it is painful, or that area might be red or slightly inflamed. Blind pimples are caused by cysts or Nodules which are underneath the skin. They differ from the whiteheads and blackheads, which develop closure to the surface and are lump-like. Blind pimples don't have any heads, so, you might have to soften or pop them. In some cases, you may be able to coax and open it to form at the head of the pimple. 

What Is The Actual Cause Of Blind Pimples?

Blind pimples are developed by the secretion of sebum(oil), bacteria, and dirt in the skin. You may experience some of them when your skin becomes oily and dirt from the outside. The end result of this is a painful lump that is under your skin that doesn't have a head as other types of pines have! 

These glands i.e., sebum secreted oily substances which is coated all over your skin and hair follicles. They help not to dry out your skin. They travel sebum through the pores and surface of your hair follicles in a routine manner. They shed the skin cells that sebum carries out of your body. 


Your skin has an oily substance, Sebum. When it starts producing extra sebum and dead skin cells in that area, they stick together and clog the pores. The result after that is skin blemishes. Then bacteria which is present normally in a small amount on your skin, find a way in the sebum and in the clogged pores, Which leads to inflammation depending upon the location of the affected area. 


Suppose you are facing inflammation acne, which may appear on the skin as whiteheads and blackheads. Whiteheads: actually, which are clogged follicles closed off from the air. Blackheads: actually when clogged follicles turn a darker colour when it is exposed to air pustules. 

4 Grades Of Acne

Acne is divided into four rates with increasing severity of the lesions. 

Grade 1

Include Commodores angus papules being raised lesions less than one centimetre.

Grade 2

Acne includes whiteheads, also known as pas tools which are small pus-filled acne that we are commonly known as whiteheads.

Grade 3

Agnese when you start developing a few nodules along with whiteheads, not religions are more than one centimetre and are solid red raised lesions with active information. 

Grade 4

When you get the uglier looking type of acne and these are the noodles and assists inflammation is marked and there will be a lot of papules and pursues over the face plus, scarring is permanent in this grade, so by now you would have probably put yourself in grade one grade two or grade 4 depending upon the acne. 

Medical Treatment 

Yes, I will be talking about topical medicines you can apply to your face, hygiene and oral medicines, and when and how you should take them. And a lot more and then in the end. We will also discuss some of the best lifestyle changes you can make and add home remedies that you can apply, which will give you the best results for your acne.

Retinoid Cream And Acetic Acid Face Wash

The treatment depends on the severity of the agony, and that is why I introduced you to these various grades of acne, as different grades of acne have different treatment options. Let's start with the basics, so if you have grade one acne.

Your basic treatment options are only topical medications that you can apply to your face. I recommend a simple topical retinoid cream and acetic acid face wash to be applied twice daily at night. Application of any cream is more beneficial as it gives the green more time and space to absorb deeply into your skin retinoids normalize the cell cycle of the cardinal sites and also do a host of other things that are beneficial for a person.

Gel, Creams And Lotions

 Who has acne on the face? The most commonly used cream is the one that adapts in the concentration of 0.1 to 0.3. This is applied twice daily on the face. It comes in gels, creams, and lotions for you to do strong. From the day you start the application, you will see the results in a few weeks.

Cell Italic Acid Face Wash

Cell italic acid face wash is important as it helps to peel off the top layer of dead cells on your face. It also reduces the stickiness of individual cells with each other in common extraction. As a result, unwanted material gets removed. 

Home Remedies 

Get some of the best lifestyle changes at home remedies that you can do, and that will help you to decrease the severity of your acne and reduce the number of outbreaks. If you're taking medicines for acne, lifestyle changes will definitely improve your results from the medication. 

First, one of them is your diet. Directly look at some of the food that worsens the acne and or causes new outbreaks from the daily products. 


  1. skimmed milk,
  2.  spicy food, and 
  3. fast food,
  4.  The way protein powder defines sugars 
  5. carbonated soft drinks. 

They all cause acne, or they can exaggerate your already existing acne, avoid these foods in your diet and find a good replacement. 

Now let's talk about some of the powerful home remedies for treating mild to moderate acne at home. Conventional acne treatments can be expensive and often have undesirable side effects like dryness, redness, or irritation. This has prompted many people to look into how to cure acne naturally at home the Internet is filled with suggestions. 

Let's Look At Five Of These Home Remedies For Acne That Are Backed By Science

Apple Cider Vinegar 

Applying apple cider vinegar to your face. Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting apple cider or the unfiltered juice from pressed apples like other vinegar. It is known for its ability to fight many types of bacteria and viruses. Apple cider vinegar contains several organic assets that have shown to kill preparing beginning acnes. It contains lactic acid and ansak scenic acid, which are known to suppress inflammation caused by this bacteria and also help to dry up the excess oil that causes acne in the first place.

How To Use The mix?

One part of apple cider vinegar and three parts of water use more water for sensitive skin. After cleaning, gently apply the mixture to the skin using a cotton ball and let it sit for 520 minutes and then rinse with water and pat dry repeat this process one to two times per week as needed. It is important to note that applying apple cider vinegar to your skin can cause burns an irritation so it will always be used in small amounts and diluted with water.

Zinc Supplement

Zinc is really good for the skin. It's an essential nutrient that helps in your growth factor, Production, Metabolism, and also for immune function. Natural studies have found that natural treatments of acne find out that the people who suffer from acne have low levels of zinc in their blood compared to the others who have clear skin. And that is why taking zinc orally is really effective during acne problems.

In one study, 48 Agri patients were given origin supplements three times per day after eight weeks 38 patients experienced an 8200% reduction in the optimal dosage of zinc for acne has not been established, but several studies have shown a significant reduction in agony using 30 to 45MG of elemental zinc per day.

Honey and Cinnamon

 A Honey and Cinnamon mask study has found that applying antioxidants to the skin is more effective at reducing acne than Benz oil peroxide. Honey and cinnamon also have the ability to fight bacteria and reduce information which are two factors that trigger acne. 

How To Make A Honey And Cinnamon Mask?

You just have to mix two tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon together to form a paste. After cleaning, apply the mask to the face and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse the mask off completely and pat your face dry.

Fish Oil Supplement

A Fish oil supplement omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly healthy fats that offer a multitude of health benefits. Research shows that most people who eat a standard western diet don't get enough of them. Fish oil contains two main types of omega-3 fatty acids.


Exfoliating regularly is the process of removing the top layer of dead skin cells, and it can be achieved mechanically by using a brush or scrub to physically remove the cells alternatively.

It can be removed chemically by applying an asset that dissolves them. Improve acne by removing the cells that clog up the course. It is also believed to make acne treatment for the skin more effective by allowing them to penetrate deeper. Once the topmost layer of skin is removed, you can get the ultimate guide to remove acne by becoming a member of the sun. 


Ice is really an effective home remedy for your acne problem, which helps to fade acne scars by soothing inflamed skin. It reduces your redness. To use this method, wrap an ice cube in a clean and soft cloth or a piece of paper. Or you can take a towel also. Hold it against the scarred skin for a minute or two.

Tea Tree Oil

The antibacterial properties of tea tree oil will help kill bacteria that cause temples and prevent further outbreaks. It will also quicken the healing process. Tea tree oil works while penetrating deep in the skin of opening clogged courts. It's important to always dilute tea tree oil before applying it to your skin. Like with one part of tea tree oil, mix dip cotton in water in nine parts. Apply it to a blind pimple. Leave it on for 10 minutes, and then wash the skin with lukewarm water. Apply a light moisturizer. Repeat this process three times a day. Note if you have sensitive skin, you can dilute the tea tree oil with aloe Vera gel instead of water. 

Other Factors Which Develops Acne

There are many other factors that also determine whether you will develop acne or not. Some of them are clearly known, and some of them are still being researched. For example, stress, oily and unhealthy foods, dairy products, skipping meals, cosmetics are some of the well-known exaggerating factors to cause acne. 

Include food allergies that can include allergies to delete drugs Irene Newton or biotin underlying health problems can also cause acne these include thyroid problems PCOS diabetes digestive imbalances and metabolic issues but some factors are still debatable or questionable as many factors are considered to be a cause of acne, but most of them are not scientifically proven.


Among the most widespread skin diseases is acne. Acne affects up to 50 million people in the United States at any given moment. Acne comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, and sorts. It usually appears on the face, although it can also appear on the neck, back, shoulders, and chest. There are many types of acne, each with its own appearance:

Blackheads are open at the top and form on the skin's surface. The pore appears black because of visible dirt and clogged pores inside it. Whiteheads form in the deeper skin layers. They're closed at the top and packed with pus, giving them a white appearance. Pus is a viscous mixture of bacteria and white blood cells.

Papules are larger, harder, and pink or red in colour. When you touch the lumps, they can be painful. Pustules are pus-filled lumps that are red and inflammatory. Hard lumps that grow deep within the skin are known as nodules. Cysts are a type of cyst that is big, squishy, and filled with pus.

Pimples can leave black stains on the skin as they dissipate. Acne scars can sometimes be permanent, especially if you repeatedly pick or push at your skin.

A boil is a red bulge on the outside that is bloated and red. It gradually fills with pus and grows in size. Boils are most common on the face, neck, underarms, buttocks, and thighs, where you sweat or where your garments rub against your skin.

Several boils can create a carbuncle when they cluster together. 


The greatest strategy to avoid blind pimples is to improve your skincare and hygiene routines. Though poor hygiene does not cause cystic acne, wearing sweaty clothes or failing to wash your face can irritate your blind pimples. Keep in mind the following:

  • Wash your face twice a day and shower after a workout or a hot day
  • Be kind to yourself. Look for non-comedogenic and alcohol-free products
  • Scrub and wash in circular strokes with your fingertips
  • Touching, scratching, picking, or squeezing pimples is not a good idea
  • If you do, your skin will take longer to heal, and you'll be more prone to acquire acne scars
  • Wear sun protection such as sunscreen, hats, and clothing

Oral Treatment

Your dermatologist may consider oral medication if your cystic acne is severe and not responding to topical treatments. Antibiotic-containing tablets Antibiotics are used to kill bacteria on the skin from the inside out. The most common types are as follows:


Hormonal therapy is used to treat a number of ailments, including Cleocin (such as Cleocin) and E-Mycin (such as E-Mycin) (such as E-Mycin). For acne-prone women, hormonal treatment is commonly recommended. Your primary care physician or dermatologist may recommend oral contraceptives if you aren't already using them. Another typical hormonal treatment option is spironolactone, a synthetic steroidal androgen receptor blocker.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Best Way To Get Rid Of A Subterranean Pimple?

Therapies at Home

  1. Don't squeeze or pop the bottle.
  2.  Blind pimples can't be popped since they're too deep beneath the skin.
  3. Use a benzoyl peroxide-based product.
  4.  Under the skin, benzoyl peroxide destroys microorganisms.
  5. Apply a warm compress to the affected area. 
  6. Warm compresses can be used to relieve discomfort.
  7. Put on an acne patch.
  8. Apply tea tree oil to the affected area.
  9. Apply raw honey to the affected area.

Do Blind Pimples Come To A Head?

A blind pimple is also known as cyst acne. It is a pimple that lives beneath the surface of the skin, and it doesn't come to a head. It is often from some redness or painful bump beneath the skin. Trapped oil substances cause blind pimples beneath the skin. 

Will A Blind Pimple Disappear On Its Own?

While it may appear that leaving it alone will just make it worse, blind pimples that are left alone often disappear on their own. "A blind pimple will typically resolve on its own if left alone, but it requires a strong will not pick at it!" According to Dr. Squire.

What Are The Causes Of Large Subterranean Pimples?

Cystic acne develops when clogged pores loaded with oil and dead skin burst beneath the surface of the skin (hence the name: underground pimple), causing irritation to spread into the surrounding tissue.

Is It Possible To Pierce A Blind Pimple With A Needle?

With the tip of the needle, gently prick only the very top of the whitehead. Do so at an angle parallel to the skin's surface. Don't go too far, or you'll draw blood. If it aches, you're either probing too hard or the pimple isn't ready to be treated yet.

When Should I Be Concerned About A Lump On My Body?

Anyone who is concerned about a hard bump under their skin should seek medical advice. A cyst or enlarged lymph node is frequently the cause of hard bumps. People should seek medical help if they observe any changes in the size or appearance of a lump under their skin.

What Exactly Are The Pea-sized Bumps Beneath My Skin?

Cysts on the skin- Cysts are a type of skin growth that can form anywhere on the body. They have the texture of big peas under the skin. Cysts can form as a result of infection, obstruction of sebaceous glands (oil glands), or the presence of foreign materials in the body.



The conclusion of this article is you need to take off your skin the proper way. When you are going outside, you need to wash your face three times a day. I hope this article may help you out if any of you are facing any type of symptoms. You can go through the above-mentioned treatments. 



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