Apple Cider Vinegar Dosage: How Much Should You Drink per Day?

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: July 14, 2022

Apple Cider Vinegar Dosage: How Much Should You Drink per Day?

Firstly, let us get to know what is apple cider vinegar. It is a fermented apple puree. It has a lot of benefits that one might not even be aware of. The main ingredient it contains is acetic acid. But, along with it, the juice is abundant in several vitamins. Vitamin B and Vitamin C accelerate their beneficial properties.

Due to the presence of such useful components in it, the juice is medically relevant. It is used for a variety of reasons around the globe. But, its application should be in adequate amounts. You can use it as a home remedy for treating several issues related to health. 

It would help you to recover naturally due to its anti-microbial and antioxidant properties. If you want to reduce a bit of your weight, use it in your mayonnaise! Instead of using normal vinegar or lemon juice, add two spoons of this magic juice to it and observe the benefits. As long as you use it in small amounts, it can lead to a large number of advantages.

 So, stay tuned to know more about this ingredient!

Some Benefits of This Miracle Ingredient

Abundant in Useful Substances

The process by which this ingredient is formed is highly responsible for providing it the useful qualities. Apple Cider Vinegar is a double-processed juice. The Journal of Food Science describes and highly approves of this process of formation. Let us delve into it! 

Firstly, the smashed apples are mixed with yeast. This addition helps in the fermentation process. The sugar present in the apples is transformed into alcohol due to the reactive property of the yeast. 

Secondly, further, fermentation is done with the addition of bacteria. This second stage of fermentation turns the alcohol into acetic acid. Now, this is the component that is abundant in apple cider vinegar. This is what gives the ingredient the popular sour smell and taste. This acid is highly active in vinegar and provides it with beneficial functions.

 The National Library of Medicine states that vinegar consists of different varieties of micronutrients, polyphenols, and bioactive substances. These make the vinegar what it is. It imbues it with anti-microbial, antioxidative, antihypertensive, and anti-obesity properties. Different kinds of vinegar are made uniquely, but their properties are more or less similar. Acetic acid is present in 6% in apple cider vinegar. So, it is its main constitution. 

Presence of Mother: The Unique Bacteria

Let us get to know an interesting fact about apple cider vinegar. Organic vinegar from apples consists of a component called mother. Now, do not fret. The mother is not a human being; it is a bacterium. It is the bacteria that is added to ferment the alcohol to acetic acid in the second process. The bacteria are called so because it is the catalyst that gives birth to vinegar. Now, isn't that intriguing? The mother provides the product with a cloudy texture. So, many factories get this substance removed from apple cider vinegar. But, the removal of this substance does not add to any benefit. If it is added, it proves to be pretty healthy!

We simply cannot proceed without getting to know about this special bacterium. After all, it is the one that imbues the apple cider vinegar with perks! The mother bacteria have a lot of strains of helpful bacteria. These are called probiotics. These bacteria assist the proper functioning of your digestive tract. These help you to get the best out of your food. The majority of probiotics are present in the digestive tract. These bacteria help fight the bad bacteria and prevent you from illness. The benefits of the mother do not end here. It is also abundant in various sorts of enzymes. But, cooking the food destroys these helpful enzymes. So, the addition of apple cider vinegar in your food or salads would make up for the loss of this good bacteria. One can also consume apple cider vinegar in a raw state. One can mix it with warm water and have it. This would accelerate the health process and gift you with great blood sugar levels. 


The apple cider vinegar is not overloaded with vitamins. But, the ones that are present are quite enough. The small quantities of potassium in the vinegar help a lot. Potassium is a very helpful element. It keeps kidney stones away as well as helps to strengthen bones. It is the well-known enemy of Osteoporosis. Some good brands of this vinegar would also consist of antioxidants. Pectin, niacin, vitamin C, B1, and B2 are some of the important substances that which this liquid is abundant. So, why wait? Grab a bottle of this magic vinegar right now!

Control Blood Sugar? Get Yourself Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the best benefits of this vinegar is worth noting. It is greatly beneficial for helping people with type 2 diabetes. Now, what is type 2 diabetes? As the name suggests, this form of diabetes increases the blood glucose grade. This diabetes leads to several health problems like heart attack, diabetic retinopathy, etc.

 If your body is not able to form enough insulin, then the fat cells will not be able to utilize insulin. Initially, the pancreas makes up for the loss of insulin. But, if the insulin deficiency persists for a long period, then the bloodstream becomes loaded with sugar. This is the thing that is not wanted!

So, use apple cider vinegar to reduce this issue. The vinegar accelerates the sensitivity of insulin by 30%. If you add this ingredient to your high-carb food, it will benefit you by helping in the production of insulin. A study mentioned in the National Library of Medicine also states that intake of bread containing this special liquid reduced blood glucose by approximately 32%.

 Consuming 2-3 tablespoons of this vinegar before and after bedtime helps in reducing blood sugar in significant amounts. This is because apple cider vinegar consists of acetic acid. This assists in blocking the enzymes that digest starch. This leads to the digestion of small amounts of starch, reducing blood sugar levels. So, do not forget to add this magic mix to your vinaigrettes. It will help you to lead a relaxed life.

However, it is not recommendable to replace medical treatments with the dosage of apple cider vinegar. This is a piece of advice provided by The National Centers for Complementary and Integrative Health(NCCIH). So, you ought to follow it. Always consult your doctor before taking the dosage of this vinegar. But, if you are allowed to have it along with the medications, go ahead!

Shields from Bad Bacteria

Did you know that vinegar is highly popular for its disinfectant function? The website of Scientific Reports states that it assists in destroying pathogens and bacteria. It is not something new. People have been using it for a long time for various purposes. This ingredient helps to treat lice, ear infections, and nail fungus. The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates used this magic material for treating wounds. This is all because of its anti-bacterial properties which are mainly due to the presence of the good bacteria, the mother. 

Food Preservative

One cannot deny the use of this vinegar as an excellent food preservative. Do you know why? Because the acidic feature of acetic acid helps resist harmful bacteria like E. coli from spoiling your favorite dish. 

A Friend to Your Skin

If this vinegar is diluted, it might also help in getting rid of acne problems. Cutibacterium acnes lead to acne growth. Apple cider vinegar is reputed to have bacteria-destroying properties. So, if you apply this vinegar to your skin, it might also stop the growth of this bacteria. However, the dilution might reduce the concentration of the vinegar to an extent. Even though it is not a very well-approved method of getting rid of acne, one can give it a try. This is because the liquid in the diluted form will not do any harm. 

Along with acetic acid, vinegar is also rich in lactic acid. This is useful for reducing the scars produced by acne growth. So, get this ingredient diluted and reap its benefits!

Reduces The Problem of Acid Reflux

What is acid reflux? This problem has got several names. It is an issue in which the food pipelining is disturbed by the production of bile by the stomach. This is an unpleasant problem that nobody wishes to face. 

Acid reflux could be reduced if one makes use of apple cider vinegar. Even though the benefits are not proven in great detail, it is no harm in using it if it provides the needed relief. Gastroenterologist Maged Rizk states on the website of Cleveland Clinic that despite the lack of scientific research, one can use it for there is no chance of risk in it. 

However, it may react with certain medications. So, consulting your doctor before ingesting it would be useful for the product might react differently to the digestive systems of different people. 

Improves Skin Condition

Apple cider vinegar is greatly beneficial for your skin. It would be helpful for people suffering from Eczema. This is a very irritable skin condition where the skin becomes dry and itchy. 

The constitution of the skin is a little acidic. So, if we topically apply apple cider vinegar on the skin, it would help the skin to get hold of the natural pH. Apple cider vinegar would rebalance it and improve the layer of the skin. But, alkaline soaps would be harmful to the skin facing Eczema. 

Apple cider vinegar not only helps to rebalance the normal PH of the skin but, because of its anti-bacterial functions, does a lot more than it. Due to the antifungal and anti-bacterial features, it would also be beneficial to prevent skin issues related to Eczema. So, dilute this vinegar and apply it to your skin. It will do good without a doubt. 

But, for some, the reactions may alter. The Wiley Online Library states that the application of this vinegar did not help to improve the conditions of the skin. Its application increased irritation on the skin.

 So, it is advisable to consult a specialized doctor before applying vinegar to the skin. A dermatologist would best discern the condition of your skin and the dosage required to be applied. It is important to keep in mind to apply the vinegar in diluted form to avoid burns on the skin. 

Beneficial for Your Heart

Problems related to the heart lead to great discomfort. Serious complications might also lead to death.

You can have good heart health only when your blood is healthy. Apple cider vinegar helps in improving the quality of blood in your system. The fermented juice improves the sensitivity of insulin. More insulin is produced in the blood, which helps to manage the quantity of starch intake due to the consumption of high-carb meals.

 A splash of this product on your salad is greatly advisable for it will help you have a healthy diet. Acetic acid, amino acids, antioxidants, and potassium is also present in good amounts in this fluid. This would help in cleansing your blood and improve overall health. 

The website of states that research conducted at the University of Harvard highlighted a lesser chance of heart problems in women who consumed salad dressings mixed with apple cider vinegar. Animal studies also showed that the consumption of vinegar might help in controlling blood pressure and triglyceride degree. 

However, it is not a good idea to ignore your medications and be wholly dependent on the benefits of apple cider vinegar. These benefits do not have a very deep root in research. So, it is advisable to depend on your medications. But, if there are no complications posed to health due to this vinegar intake, you might consume it side by side with your medicine.

How Much Dosage of Apple Cider Vinegar is Recommendable?

Now, after we got to know the constitution and so many benefits of this vinegar, the next step that comes to your mind is how to use it? One should always keep in mind the required dosage for this vinegar. It is not advisable to gulp this vinegar in large amounts. Everything in excess has its dark side. So, let us get into the dosage part of this product!

It is advisable to consume apple cider vinegar in small amounts. Mix it with your Mayonnaise or splash it on your salad. The amount must be moderate. 1 or 2 tablespoons which are 16 to 30 ml of vinegar, when diluted with water, proves to be helpful. This dosage should be taken every day before and after meals. Even though research does not guarantee its benefits for all, it is health-friendly when consumed in moderation. So, why wait? Mix two tablespoons of this vinegar in warm water or tea and enjoy your evening delight! Those who indulge in fasting can have apple cider vinegar mixed with warm water to reduce hunger pangs. An empty stomach would accelerate the anti-oxidant functions of apple cider vinegar.

 If one consumes apple cider vinegar in great quantities, it would be disastrous. Consuming 7-8 ounces per day might lead to associated problems like osteoporosis and low potassium levels in the blood. Regular intake in large amounts might also pose problems to your teeth. The acidity of the vinegar might destroy tooth enamel. So, it is advisable to rinse your mouth after every dosage of the product. 

In case you feel uncomfortable after having apple cider vinegar, it is advisable to see a doctor immediately. Delay in treatment might enhance the problems of nausea associated with the overdosage of this vinegar. Some people might also have allergies due to apple cider vinegar consumption. So, it is best to consult a doctor to know your situation and avoid the ACV dosage.

However, if your system is fine with this intake, you can indulge in the habitual use of this product. Just one thing to keep in mind is not to consume this liquid directly. Diluting two tablespoons of vinegar with six tablespoons of water does the job. If one needs to lose weight, it is best to consume in the early morning when the stomach is empty. This also assists in preventing gas formation and the uneasy feeling of bloating. If you want to accelerate your sleep process, do give this liquid a try. Having two diluted tablespoons of this product helps one to ease the throat and relax the stomach. Plix ACV is a great effervescent that will help you to reap the benefits of this vinegar. All tablets in this product are infused with the goodness of 1 shot of the vinegar. One of the best perks that it offers is that it also helps in shielding your enamel. Unlike the juice of apple cider vinegar, it does not erode your teeth. So, go ahead and give it a try!

Some Side Effects of Apple CIder Vinegar

Yes, apple cider vinegar comes with side effects like everything else. So, knowing about it would help us avoid these problems associated with its dosage. 

These side effects take place only when the vinegar is consumed in great quantities. 

  • Apple cider vinegar decreases the rate at which food is emptied from the stomach. Slow digestion leads to several complications. Nutrients are absorbed in a delayed manner which could also increase the risk of gastroparesis. This side effect is more applicable in cases of diabetic patients.
  • Reports have stated that overconsumption of this vinegar would reduce the level of potassium in the blood as well as corrode bones. The website of health line states that a woman was hospitalized due to a low level of potassium in the bloodstream caused by the overconsumption of apple cider vinegar. She was diagnosed with osteoporosis. 
  • Generally, vinegar is considered to be an active caustic product. Apple cider vinegar is no exception. It is a well-known cause of threat burns. One of the reports mentioned on the website of health line stated that women experienced serious throat burn after ingesting an ACV tablet. Discomfort related to the throat lasted over 6 months. 
  • Unhealthy interactions with drugs: apple cider vinegar does not react well with certain drugs like Digoxin and specific diuretic medications. Diuretic drugs assist the system in the excretion of potassium. If one consumes apple cider vinegar alongside these medications, it would lead to a great fall in the potassium rate in your body. So, care needs to be taken regarding this. 
  • Skin burns and enamel erosion are the popular side effects of vinegar intake. The strong acidic nature of this vinegar is harmful to the teeth and skin. Acetic acid, the main constituent of apple cider vinegar is the main cause of these problems. After all, it provides the vinegar with an acidic property. The research mentioned in the National Library of Medicine stated that apple cider vinegar led to nearly 20% mineral dissolution after 4 hours. Even though the exact effects will not be applicable in the mouth as the saliva present shields the acidity of vinegar to an extent. But, the research shows the ill effects of overconsumption of vinegar which is to be avoided at all costs. 

 An Apple Cider Close Up

Now that we know about the several benefits of apple cider vinegar along with its dosage, it will not be difficult to make the most out of it. This fermented juice has a lot more in it than we can discern. But, the effects vary with people. Consulting the doctor helps the most. But, in normal cases, one can reap its ultimate benefits by using it in moderation. A great product that consists of the goodness of this vinegar is Plix ACV. You might have the tablets once you get approval from your doctor. 




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