6 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Lemons

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: January 11, 2023

6 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Lemons

The citrus fruit known as a lemon grows on a lemon tree all year long. They are employed as a cleansing agent as well as in the form of juice, pulp, pickles, and other foods. Due to their high vitamin, mineral, antioxidant, phytonutrient, and dietary fiber content, lemons provide several advantages for both health and attractiveness.

Lemons contain significant amounts of vitamin C, a vital antioxidant that helps maintain your immune system. These antioxidants manage the consequences of free radicals that harm your cells. Lemons, also known as Citrus limon, are the most consumed citrus fruit in the world. In addition to being a great source of citric acid, lemons are also loaded with several antioxidants.

Additionally useful for decreasing and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels is vitamin C. One of the risk factors for developing a variety of heart and circulatory system issues is high cholesterol levels. The veins grow stiff and constricted when there is an excess of cholesterol in the body. To prevent this hazardous cholesterol buildup, excess cholesterol can be effectively broken down by lemon juice.

The blood arteries are kept flexible and free of cholesterol accumulation by lemon juice. Additionally, it has a high potassium content, which is crucial for controlling the heartbeat. Magnesium, which is also present in lemon juice, aids with cardiac regulation. These two minerals work in tandem to keep the pressure in a healthy range.

Injurious blood clots that develop inside blood arteries are less likely to occur with the aid of vitamin C. Blood flow is constrained when a blood clot forms, which decreases the volume of blood that can pass. As a result, the organism is virtually deprived of oxygen. A blood clot also raises the possibility of a stroke, heart attack, and pulmonary embolism, in which the clot has entered the lung.

Lemons have numerous health benefits, including improving general well-being. Some people also find that lemons assist to preserve attractive skin. Watch how your skin changes over time if you try drinking lemon water every morning. Many people discover that hydrating more and including lemon can help to improve the glow and texture of their skin.

Maintain Heart Health

The vitamin C in lemons is really good. The amount of vitamin C in one lemon is around 31 milligrams or 51% of the recommended daily allowance (RDI). The risk of heart disease and stroke is lower when you consume fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C, according to research.

Thoughts about vitamin C's heart-healthy benefits are widespread, not only in that supplement. Additionally, several heart disease risk factors may be considerably reduced by the fiber and plant components in lemons. As an illustration, one study found that consuming 24 grams of citrus fiber extract daily for a month decreased total blood cholesterol levels.

Hesperidin and diosmin are two plant substances that can be found in lemons and have been shown to decrease cholesterol. Lemons are a great source of heart-healthy vitamin C as well as several other advantageous plant components that may help decrease cholesterol.

Lemon is beneficial to our hearts since the dietary fibers in it lower LDL cholesterol and lessen the chance of various cardiovascular issues like heart attacks and coronary artery disease, among others. The cardiovascular system is guarded against damage caused by free radicals by vitamin C and other antioxidant molecules like phytonutrients. Lemon's potassium controls excessive blood pressure, which is a major contributor to cardiovascular issues.

According to an American Heart Association study, women who regularly consume citrus fruits may see a reduction in their risk of having an ischemic stroke of up to 19%. Our cardiovascular health also benefits from other minerals found in lemons, such as zinc, iron, magnesium, manganese, and copper.

According to studies, mother nature gave us this little, tart, and refreshing fruit as a present to guard our hearts. Lemon protects the heart by lowering the risk factors that lead to heart disorders, such as:

  • High blood pressure: Lemon juice eases pressure on the inner lining of arteries and promotes smooth blood flow throughout the body. In addition, you can cut back on your salt intake by substituting fresh lemon juice for salt when preparing meals.
  • Modified lipid profile – Along with a low-fat diet, adding lemon juice to food preparations or drinking lemon water helps to prevent the body from storing fat and cholesterol. Lemons include vitamin C, which also reduces LDL oxidation and keeps the arteries from being blocked.

Aid in Weight Control

There are a few hypotheses as to why lemons are frequently touted as a food for weight loss.

One widely accepted hypothesis states that the soluble pectin fiber in them expands in your stomach and prolongs your feeling of fullness. However, not many individuals consume lemons whole. Lemon juice drinks won't increase fullness in the same manner as pectin-containing beverages since lemon juice lacks pectin.

According to a different notion, using hot water with lemon can aid in weight loss. However, drinking water is known to momentarily increase the number of calories you burn, so it's possible that the water itself, not the lemon, is aiding in weight reduction.

Lemon has only 29 calories per 100 grams, which helps with weight loss. Compared to other fruits, the likelihood of overeating is reduced because it is not a fruit that we often eat leisurely. Lemons are a good source of dietary fiber, which helps with weight loss by satiety and by reducing the temptation to overeat. Our metabolism is boosted by lemon by encouraging the stomach's digestive fluids. Because we burn calories more quickly when our metabolism is higher, we can lose weight. As soon as you get up, drink some lemon-honey water to help you lose weight. To avoid unfavorable consequences, don't add too much honey.

According to other theories, lemons' plant-based components may help people lose weight. Research indicates that there are numerous ways in which plant compounds present in lemon extracts may aid to prevent or limit weight gain. In one trial, rats fed an obese diet that included lemon polyphenols extracted from the peel were given the supplements. They developed less body fat and weight gain as compared to other mice.

Warm water with lemon and honey is recommended to help with weight loss in the morning. While that might or might not be effective for you, a study on mice found that the polyphenols in it can prevent the body from gaining weight and storing fat. This might be advantageous for lemon juice beverages that aid in weight loss in people.

LHJF, or lemon honey juice fasting, is another option that can help people lose weight naturally. Researchers have demonstrated that short-term LHJF may aid in lowering total serum triglycerides, body weight, and fat mass in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine.

Avoid Kidney Stones

You already understand the agonizing discomfort associated with trying to clear a kidney stone if you've ever had one. However, you might not need to worry if consuming lemons regularly is a part of your diet. Citrate, which is abundant in lemons and is known to help prevent kidney stones naturally, has been shown to have these beneficial effects. According to research in the journal Urology, patients who underwent lemonade therapy—four ounces of lemon juice mixed with two liters of water every day and little to no sugar—had a reduced incidence of kidney stones than those who did not undergo the therapy. Lemonade therapy as an alternate kidney stone removal method is advised by researchers due to its many advantages.

Kidney stones are little lumps that form when waste products crystallise and build up in your kidneys. They are fairly common, and people who receive them frequently do so once again. Citric acid may aid in kidney stone prevention by increasing urine volume and pH, which creates an environment that is less favourable for kidney stone formation. A modest 1/2 cup (4 ounces or 125 ml) of lemon juice each day for people who currently have stones may be enough to help prevent the development of new ones.

Some studies claim that lemonade can help avoid kidney stones, however the evidence is ambiguous. Other studies have not shown any effects. Therefore, further investigation is necessary to ascertain whether lemon juice affects kidney stone formation.

Citric acid content per liter is higher in fresh fruit and lemon juice concentrate than it is in grapefruit juice and orange juice concentrate. Research published in the Journal of Endourology supports this.

Another study backed up the idea that the high citric acid content of the fruit can assist raise urinary citrate levels by more than a factor of two without affecting the overall volume of the urine. Due to this, hypocitraturia calcium nephrolithiasis can be treated as a secondary condition with lemonade therapy (urinary stones formed due to low citrate consumption).

Studies done at the American Urological Association show that lemonade or lemon juice helps prevent kidney stones from developing by producing urinary citrate, which inhibits the growth of crystals.

Nephrolithiasis, or kidney stones, is a somewhat frequent illness. Lemons contain citric acid, which prevents the urine from becoming overly acidic and hence reduces kidney stone formation. Additionally, it stops the growth of mineral crystals into kidney stones. To prevent and treat kidney stones, it is, therefore, effective to include fruits like lemon, which is a great source of citric acid. According to a fascinating study, half a cup of lemon juice has an amount of citrate each day that is equivalent to the amount found in a typical daily dose of citrate drugs. Therefore, consuming lemon juice can help prevent kidney stone formation.

Reduce the Risk of Anemia

Anemia due to iron deficiency is rather typical. It happens when your diet isn't providing you with adequate iron. Although lemons do contain some iron, they mainly prevent anemia by enhancing your body's absorption of iron from plant-based diets.

Heme iron, which comes from meat, poultry, and fish, is very easily absorbed by your gut; non-heme iron, on the other hand, is not as easily absorbed. However, taking vitamin C and citric acid can enhance this absorption.

Lemons may prevent anemia by ensuring that you absorb the most iron from your diet because they are rich in vitamin C and citric acid. Lemons provide citric acid and vitamin C, which facilitates the absorption of non-heme iron from plants. This might stop anemia.

Hesperidin, a lemon antioxidant, can protect against atherosclerosis by bolstering blood vessels (clogging of the arteries due to the deposition of fats). Chronic blood vessel inflammation is lessened by the antioxidant diosmin. Since they contain citric acid, preventing kidney stone development may be possible by increasing urine volume.

Pre-menopausal women are more likely to get anemia, which is typically brought on by an iron deficit. Despite having little iron, lemons are a good source of vitamin C and citric acid, which can help other foods' iron absorption. It is for this reason that they must be a part of an anemia patient's diet.

Cancer Risk Be Reduced

Vitamin C, vitamin A, phytonutrients, polyphenols, and flavonoids are just a few of the important components found in lemons that act as antioxidants and reduce the incidence of numerous malignancies, including colon, stomach, and lung cancer. Lemons also protect our cells and tissues from oxidative damage.

Unstable ions called free radicals damage nearby molecules through oxidative redox reactions by stabilizing by grabbing electrons from them.

The prevention of several malignancies may be aided by a balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables.

According to some observational studies, people who eat the most citrus fruit had a lower risk of cancer, but other researchers have found no connection.

In test-tube studies, numerous compounds derived from lemons have been demonstrated to kill cancer cells. However, they might not affect the human body in the same way. Researchers need to do more studies to support the hypothesis that plant compounds found in lemons, such as limonene and naringenin, may have anticancer characteristics

Another study made use of the same plant substances present in lemons and mandarins, beta-cryptoxanthin and hesperidin, in the pulp from mandarins. According to the study, these compounds slowed the development of cancerous tumors in mice's tongues, lungs, and colons.

It should be noted that the research team used a very high dose of the chemicals, much higher than what you would get from eating lemons or oranges. Although some plant compounds present in lemons and other citrus fruits may have anticancer potential, there is no good data to back up the idea that lemons can treat cancer in people.There is no solid evidence to support the claim that lemons can treat cancer in people, although some plant chemicals found in lemons and other citrus fruits may have anticancer potential. In experiments on animals, several plant compounds present in lemons were revealed to be cancer-preventive.

In terms of a connection between lemons and preventing cancer, studies have concentrated on how isolated chemicals from lemons influence cancer cells in the laboratory. The Plants study found that the active chemicals can both cause apoptosis, or cell death, in some cells, and limit the growth of some cancer cells and tumors.

Two of the most prevalent and extensively studied antioxidant substances found in lemons and other citrus fruits are naringin and hesperidin. They provide anti-cancer properties for prostate, breast, stomach, liver, cervix, pancreatic, and colon cancer cells, according to a study published in November 2016 in Nutrients.

Strengthening Digestive Health

10% of the weight of a lemon is made up of carbohydrates, primarily soluble fiber, and simple sugars.

Lemons contain the majority of their fiber in pectin, a soluble fiber with numerous health advantages. Sugar and carbohydrate digestion can be slowed down by soluble fiber, which can also benefit gut health. These impacts may lower blood sugar levels. Lemons contain fiber, but you must consume the pulp to benefit from it. The advantages of fiber are lost by those who consume lemon juice without the fiber present in the pulp. Ingestive health may be enhanced by the soluble fiber in lemons. In contrast, you should consume the lemon's pulp as well as its juice.

Lemon's dietary fibers, which are natural laxatives that help with bowel movement and stool removal as well as relieve constipation and other gastrointestinal issues like indigestion, gas, bloating, and indigestion, among others, improve our digestive health.

Lemon's phytonutrients, polyphenols, and flavonoids, among other pertinent chemicals, protect the gastrointestinal system from free radical damage and lower the chance of developing many malignancies, including colon, stomach, intestinal, abdominal, and pancreatic cancers.

Numerous stomach issues can be treated at home with lemons. It may be beneficial to regularly consume lemon water if you experience certain digestive issues. Among the digestive health advantages of lemons are:

  • the control of indigestion or acid reflux
  • decreasing nauseousness and vomiting
  • improving waste removal can lessen the chance of constipation

Lemon juice has acids that aid in the digestion of food in the stomach. For your body to get the most nutrients from all of the meals you eat, digestion must be efficient.

Remember that if you have certain stomach problems, lemon may be detrimental to you. Citrus fruits, for instance, can cause issues like stomach ulcers due to their acidity. In light of this, the majority of medical professionals advise against eating lemons if you have ulcers.

Various Ways to Include Lemon in Your Diet

  • Salad Dressing: Use lemon juice to make a nutritious salad dressing at home. Lemon juice gives the salad a bright, tangy flavor. Make careful to consume the salad right away.
  • Lemon Tea: Having a cup of lemon tea can help with digestion and reduce bloating and flatulence. Include 2 glasses of lemon tea each day in your diet.
  • Add some freshly squeezed lemon juice to soups and curries. To improve the flavor of Indian dishes, lemon chunks are frequently served with them at Indian restaurants.
  • Desserts with a lemon base: Add some zest to your dessert menu with these delectable lemon recipes for lemon tart, lemon pie, lemon cakes, and lemon bars.
  • Lemon Marmalade: Spread some lemon marmalade on your bread with hot butter.
  • Desserts that are Cool and Refreshing: On a hot summer day, lemon treats are the ideal approach to cool down your body. Lemon gelato, lemon yogurt, lemon ice cream, and lemon parfait are a few options.
  • Consume Plenty of Lemonade: Making your lemonade is a terrific way to provide your body with vitamin C. This cool drink is ideal for sipping on a nice sunny day.


Lemon is the finest remedy for you if your issue is bad breath. Lemon juice's acidic content neutralizes the smell and gives you a fresher tongue. Reach for lemon if you are out of gum and mints. Lemon water is really trendy these days. Some people prefer lemon water to coffee or tea to start their days, and it is regularly served in restaurants.

Adding lemon juice to water may seem beneficial, but lemons are unquestionably great for increasing the citrus flavor of dishes and beverages.

As shown in this article, it is pretty clear that lemon has many advantages to adding lemon to your diet or putting lemon juice in your water. Drinking lemon water before meals may aid in promoting and improving digestion. This is because the citric acid in lemon juice has been demonstrated to increase gastric acid secretion, a digestive fluid produced in the stomach that enables your body to break down and digest food, the majority of the proof for the health advantages of lemon water is anecdotal.

Iron is better absorbed by the body when lemon juice is added to foods that are high in iron. Thus, increasing your consumption of foods high in iron is not the only treatment for anemia caused by iron deficiency. For improved iron bioavailability, add lemon juice to these foods as well.

People with cardiovascular problems, excessive cholesterol, and hypertension can benefit greatly from the lemon as a food item. The amount of LDL cholesterol is decreased, its oxidation is stopped, and the development of clogs in the arteries is inhibited. As a result, drinking fresh lime water without added sugar is a great way to maintain heart health.


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