5 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Tips, and More

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: July 29, 2022

5 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Tips, and More

During the 5th week of pregnancy, the changes that take place in the body are very subtle, and the growth of the baby is quite changing and growing at a rapid rate, along with many structures starting to take shape. At this stage of development, the cells differentiate or multiply, taking up specific functions. When a woman is five weeks pregnant, she is known to have entered the embryonic stage, where the major organs or the development of different body parts takes place. Due to the hormonal change, a pregnant woman can feel certain changes or symptoms inside her body as well. One might also experience a sudden change in their emotions, such as being ecstatic or worrying about many things. One can even suffer from menstrual alike cramps such as lower back pain, which is completely normal at this stage. To get relief from such symptoms, one can get themself a break by soaking in a warm bath, taking a nap, listening to some peaceful music, etc. This article shall deal with the symptoms of a five-week pregnant woman and some tips on coping with their situation.  

5 Weeks Pregnancy Symptoms 

Pregnancy symptoms are one-of-a-kind and unexpected. Two people can have successful pregnancies without experiencing any of the same symptoms. Similarly, one may have gastrointestinal discomfort in their first pregnancy but no morning sickness in subsequent pregnancies. Many of the pregnant symptoms women encounter are caused by rapidly growing levels of the hormones human chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone. Some of the common symptoms that a five weeks pregnant woman undergoes are described as:

  1. Excessive Secretion of Saliva: one of the most common symptoms during five weeks of pregnancy is the secretion of excessive saliva inside the mouth. During the first trimester, many women notice that saliva accumulates in their mouths, sometimes to the point of preventing them from speaking. Excess saliva is commonly related to morning sickness and should stop by the second trimester, albeit it is more of a distraction than a health problem. Morning sickness is typically intense enough to be dangerous, but some women do suffer from a condition known as hyperemesis gravidarum, which may necessitate medical attention. As with most symptoms in pregnancy, the hormones are to blame for this secretion of excessive saliva. Other causes may include heartburn and irritants like smoke, toxins, and some medical conditions. An average person produces around 60 ounces of saliva in a day, but during pregnancy, this amount goes up. Some of the reasons for this hyper-salivation are nausea or fatigue, taking medicines, heartburn, oral infection, hormonal changes, maternal anxiety, irritants or chemicals, and so on. Excessive secretion of saliva also has some health benefits like helping in quick digestion, lubricating the mouth, providing a natural defence against bacteria, etc. There are also several remedies to get rid of this excess secretion of saliva. Some of these are: rinsing the mouth using a mouthwash frequently, chewing sugar-free gums, munching on dry food items, keeping oneself hydrated, spitting out excessive saliva if one is not able to swallow food, eating a balanced diet, and so on.
  2. Tender Breasts: tender and saggy breasts are very common during pregnancy. However, during the first five weeks, one's breasts could feel sore and swollen. The levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the body are affected by pregnancy. These hormones are essential for many of the modifications women may see and play a key role in preparing the breasts for breastfeeding. These changes will culminate in the creation of colostrum, which is the precursor to breast milk and the baby's first nutrition after birth. As the pregnancy advances, one's nipples may get bigger and darker. One may also detect little goosebumps or pimple-like white patches on the areola. These are known as Montgomery's tubercles, and they are quite natural. However, some women experience relatively minor or no signs of breast changes when pregnant. It is advisable not to be concerned if one is facing such a symptom because it has nothing to do with a successful pregnancy. One can also talk to their doctor or the midwife about it and can take up a breast examination to be sure.
  3. Mood Swings: Physical pressures, exhaustion, alterations in metabolic activities, and the chemicals estrogen and progesterone can all induce mood swings during pregnancy. The changes in the hormones can also lead to impact one's neurotransmitter level, which is the brain cells or the chemicals that govern our mood. Mood swings are common during the first trimester, which lasts up to 6 to 10 weeks of pregnancy, as women prepare themselves for birth. It's normal to experience a range of emotions from day to day, including exhilaration, despair, worry, terror, and tiredness. During the first trimester, anxiety about miscarriage may also occur in pregnant women. Other such mood swings are anxiety related to proper and balanced eating. Drinking enough water and exercising sufficiently is also prevalent. Mood swings are also related to a feeling of anger, low self-esteem, and concern about body image. Since every woman differs from the other in the case of growing, one might struggle with seeing other women pregnant who are bigger or smaller than them and might end up comparing their bodies with those other women. Some of the precautions that can be taken to deal with severe mood swings are: speaking out one's feelings, taking out some time to understand oneself, keeping one's mind relaxed and away from thoughts, getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, avoiding online searches for every single symptom, joining online or community mom groups, consulting a mental health professional if the necessity arises and so on.
  4. Cravings and Aversions to Food: the hormonal change during pregnancy can lead women to different cravings and aversions to food. Cravings might also happen because of the body's extra work to quickly produce a lot more blood. One might feel a sudden urge or need to munch on their favourite food item. Cravings begin in the first trimester for the majority of women, increase in the second, and diminish in the third. In reality, many women experience one appetite for a day or two, another for another day or two, and so on. Most women crave foods like sweets, cake, ice cream, candy, pizza, fast food, sour cream, etc. Apart from cravings, pregnant women also develop aversions to food. It is something that can create the opposite of what is craving. Food aversions create unusual feelings, such as if a pregnant woman gets the smell of raw meat or fish, she might start nauseating or even feel uncomfortable, which may lead to vomiting. Some cravings like alcohol or other drugs might be dangerous for the woman; hence, in such a situation, it is advised that she see the doctor and talk about it to keep herself and the baby safe and sound.
  5. Frequent Urination: when a woman is five weeks pregnant, the kidney, along with the stomach and the uterus, increases. It's caused by an increase in the hormones progesterone and human chorionic gonadotropin. The body's hormones enhance blood flow to one's pelvic region. It puts pressure on the bladder, which may cause one to feel the need to go to the toilet more frequently. One may go to the bathroom sometimes but pee very little, if at all. Some women may also experience urinary leakages at times which are caused when they laugh, sneeze, cough, or exercise. It is also important to keep in mind that sometimes this frequent urination may lead to Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Suppose a pregnant woman undergoes symptoms like pain when urinating, red or concentrated urination, urine that has a foul smell, a burning sensation in the vaginal areas while peeing etc. In that case, it is of utmost necessity that she consults the doctor immediately and undergo tests like urinalysis, bladder stress test, or an ultrasound to know if she has any bacterial infections. This can also be treated with several homemade remedies like drinking enough water, keeping a journal of one's writing down the number of times they have used the bathroom, avoiding caffeine, performing kegel exercises at home, etc. Pregnancy can undoubtedly lead to more urinary urges, and even sometimes, it can create uncontrollable urination, which is normal in most situations; however, if this continues even after the 6 or 7 weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to take the help of the doctor.
  6. Constipation: during pregnancy, there is an increase in the progesterone hormone, which causes the body's muscles to relax. It also affects the intestine, which slows the process of digestion. Slower digestion ultimately can lead to constipation. Too much consumption of iron tablets during pregnancy can also lead to constipation. About 16 to 39% of people get constipated at some point during pregnancy. Another reason for constipation may also be due to the growth of the foetus. A growing foetus can make the uterus heavy, thereby putting extra pressure on the stomach, which makes it harder for the waste to get excreted out of the body. Sometimes, the changing lifestyle and diet can also cause constipation in pregnant women during the first trimester. The quantity of fluids one consumes each day, as well as how much exercise one undertakes, all contribute to constipation. Most pregnant women do not consume enough fibers, drink enough water, or exercise enough to assist their intestinal tract to get waste out of the body. However, there are endless options pregnant women can follow to get rid of constipation during the first trimester of pregnancy. For instance: trying to break up meal intake into small portions can help women to fight pregnancy constipation. Because this would help the stomach to digest food quickly by transferring food to the intestine smoothly. When a woman is pregnant, it's normal that she moves less. Pregnancy can place tension on the pelvic region and joints, making it difficult to move about. However, if one is constipated, sitting is not healthy. The garbage simply lies there. It is then advisable to talk with one's healthcare professional about safe workouts that can help one to deal with constipation. Sometimes, drinking less amount of water can also be the reason causing constipation in pregnant women during the first five weeks. Hence, they should be able to drink enough amount of water per day to deal with constipation. Even beverages like tea, warm water, and juices without added sugar can help in loosening stools in pregnant women. 
  7. Vaginal Discharge: Almost all pregnant women experience increased vaginal discharge. This is fairly typical and occurs for a variety of reasons. During pregnancy, the cervix and vaginal walls soften, and discharge rises to assist prevent infections from spreading from the vagina to the womb. Increased progesterone levels might also cause women to create extra fluid. As the pregnancy progresses, the baby's head may press against the cervix, resulting in increased vaginal discharge. However, abnormal vaginal discharge may also lead to raising concerns in pregnant women. Signs such as yellow, green, or grey color discharge, accompanied by red itching or swelling, can cause infection, and it is then necessary that the pregnant women consult their midwife or doctor because this can sometimes lead to miscarriage or problems with the placenta. When in doubt, it's always preferable to be safe and see a doctor. Women should take note of when the changes in their vaginal discharge began and any distinguishing features. This will assist the doctor in determining whether the discharge is the reason for worry. Yeast infections are frequent in pregnant women. If one gets a yeast infection while pregnant, doctors may advise one to use a vaginal cream or suppository. Wearing loose cotton underwear, adding yoghurt and other fermented foods to one's diet to promote good bacteria, drying one's genitals after washing, swimming, or exercising, and so on can help avoid such infections or rashes during pregnancy and even in general.
  8. Light-Headedness: when someone feels dizzy or might faint right away, then it is termed light-headedness. It can be accompanied by blurred vision and loss of body balance. The major cause of dizziness during pregnancy is increased hormone levels, which causes the blood vessels to relax and enlarge. This increases blood flow to the baby while slowing the return of blood in the veins to oneself. This causes blood pressure to drop below normal, reducing blood supply to the brain and briefly producing dizziness. Low blood sugar levels might also induce dizziness as one's body adjusts to changes in metabolism. While light-headedness is not always caused for alarm, it can occasionally suggest an underlying medical issue and increase a pregnant woman's risk of falling. In most cases, light-headedness may be caused due to dehydration or insufficient fluid intake. It can drop the blood pressure and let the person faint and fall. Light-headedness may be accompanied by nausea and dizziness. Dizziness is the feeling of being unbalanced or unsteady. It's often caused by problems with the inner ear, brain, heart, or the use of certain medications. However, this feeling can be reduced by following some precautions such as: slowly rising from a sleeping or lying position, not standing for too long, wearing loose and comfortable clothes, avoiding hot baths, low-salt diets, drinking sugary liquids, practicing balance therapy, regularly eating in small portions and so on. Suppose a pregnant woman feels severe dizziness accompanied by vaginal bleeding or pain in the lower abdomen. In that case, it is advisory that she be immediately reported to the healthcare professionals because it could be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, a low-lying placenta, or placental abruption. 

Pregnancy Tips and More

Some tips that can be followed for a healthy and successful pregnancy are as follows:

  1. Consuming Healthy Foods: Healthy eating is especially crucial for pregnant women. Developing a healthy baby in the womb requires nutrition. Consuming plenty of colourful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, calcium-rich meals, and low-saturated-fat foods can lead one to a successful pregnancy.
  2. Prenatal Vitamins Should be Taken: Folic acid-rich prenatal supplements may reduce the risk of some birth abnormalities. Many prenatal supplements now include the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. According to a 2012 study, these nutrients can aid in the correct development of a baby's brain and eyes. They can also aid with breast milk nourishment.
  3. Regular Exercise: Regular exercise boosts one's chances of having a vaginal birth and helps women handle typical pregnancy pain and discomfort. Postpartum healing might also benefit from exercise. 
  4. Avoiding Alcohol and Smoking Habits: during pregnancy advisory is to limit the alcohol intake because this might affect the baby's brain or spinal development. Likewise, smoking is also not good for both the mother and the baby because it increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, premature birth, or can even lead to a miscarriage. Hence, alcohol and smoking should be eliminated during pregnancy.
  5. Self-Education: Due to bodily changes throughout pregnancy, one may want explanation and comfort to help oneself cope with a wide range of symptoms. One of the most critical pieces of pregnancy care advice is to ensure that the information a pregnant woman gets is accurate and evidence-based. Understanding one's pregnancy rights and protections include female genital mutilation, screening for one's baby's issues, site of delivery and labour, pain treatment during labour, nursing, infant care, and newborn diagnostics. Learning about red flag symptoms includes extreme aches and pains, excessive vaginal bleeding, high fever, persistent vomiting, sudden chest tightness, and so on. One can also seek counsel from a maternity doctor if any of these situations take place.
  6. Getting Enough Sleep: Getting enough sleep is critical throughout pregnancy. Most women likely feel more tired than normal. And as the baby grows, it will be more difficult to find a relaxing and comfortable position. As the pregnancy advances, lying on either side with both knees bent is considered to be the most comfortable posture. It also helps the heart function simpler by preventing the baby's heaviness from placing strain on the big blood veins that transport blood to and from the heart, as well as the feet and legs. Some physicians expressly advise pregnant women to sleep on their left side. Lying on the left side improves blood circulation to the womb and the baby.
  7. Preparing Oneself for Birth and When to Announce Pregnancy: announcing pregnancy and preparing oneself for birth can both be a happy and exciting moment for every parent-to-be. The risk of miscarriage is at the peak during the third trimester, and most women wait up to this point to announce their pregnancy. However, preparing oneself to announce it completely depends upon the social situation, the wish, the culture, the background, family support, moral and mental balance, and so on. The friends and the family of the parents-to-be understand their mental and emotional state and help them in this crucial moment to take decisions. They should also extend their full support in this regard and make them feel at home in different situations. However, during pregnancy, one must take some time before announcing it publicly and get themselves ready for birth after announcing it. 


Thus, from the above discussion, it is seen that the 5th week of pregnancy or the first trimester is the most dramatic stage due to the rapid physical, mental, and emotional change that a woman undergoes. The decision to take care of oneself as well as the baby will directly lead to impact the other factors that happen during a child-birth. It is also important that during the 5th week of pregnancy, a woman does not take unnecessary stress and keep herself busy with positive thoughts in mind. She should also consume a healthy and balanced diet and drink an ample amount of water to avoid getting light-headedness and fatigue. A good amount of sleep is also necessary for a pregnant woman to keep her mind and body in control. Relying upon physical exercises can also lead to a healthy and successful pregnancy in women. See a doctor if the necessity arises to make the best choices for a healthy delivery.




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