20 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Nausea

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: January 15, 2023

20 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Nausea

Most individuals are familiar with the feeling of nausea. It can occur in a variety of circumstances, including pregnancy and travel, and is never pleasant. Medication to treat nausea can ease symptoms. But these drugs frequently come with unwanted side effects, such as sleepiness. Some individuals could favor looking into all-natural nausea treatments.

What Is Nausea?

Everyone dreads the symptom of nausea. You've probably felt that way at least once, possibly when reading a book in a moving car or perhaps after consuming something that didn't sit well with you. According to the Cleveland Clinic, "nausea" is the term used to describe the queasy sensation in your stomach that suggests you might have to vomit.

What Causes Nausea?

There are several reasons why someone could feel queasy, including chemotherapy, morning sickness, stomach infections, hangovers, and motion sickness. Whatever the cause of your current nausea, you will need a nausea remedy that you can trust to start working quickly.

Stress, anxiety, illnesses, motion sickness, and many more things can all make you feel sick. Temporary nausea is another frequent but usually unimportant side effect. A person who feels nauseated may feel as though they need to throw up. Although not usually, those who are nauseated occasionally vomit.

What Can Cause Nausea?

Various factors cause nausea. Several typical causes are as follows:

  • Worry or tension
  • Feeling dizzy
  • Pregnancy
  • Phobias
  • Migraine
  • Viruses that cause food poisonings, such as the norovirus or the flu (stomach flu)
  • GI conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Difficulties with the inner ear, such as labyrinthitis or vestibular neuritis
  • Caused by specific drugs, such as hormonal contraceptives or beta-blockers
  • Thyroid conditions
  • Eating problems

The most frequent causes of nausea are more thoroughly explained in the sections that follow.

Nausea Due To Infections

Nausea can be brought on by several infections, including:

Stomach Flu Or Food Poisoning

One of the most frequent causes of nausea is gastrointestinal diseases, such as those brought on by viruses or food poisoning. Some signs could be:

  • nausea
  • stomach cramps or aches
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea

When a person consumes food or beverages that are contaminated with a bacterium like Salmonella or Escherichia coli, a virus, or a toxin, they develop food poisoning. Close contact with a sick person can spread other gastrointestinal viruses like norovirus or rotavirus.

Most of the time, these infections resolve themselves at home. Dehydration can be avoided by consuming enough fluids and electrolytes, especially in young infants.

Covid-19 And The Flu

The flu and COVID-19 are two more viral infections that can cause nausea. The signs and symptoms of COVID-19 include.

  • cold or fever
  • loss of smell or taste
  • bodily aches, a blocked or runny nose, and a cough
  • sore throat
  • nausea
  • diarrhea

According to a 2021 review, 79% of the 6,335 COVID-19 patients reported feeling nauseous. Many of these symptoms can also be present in flu patients. Children who have the flu tend to experience nausea more frequently than adults, though both ages can. It is crucial to follow local standards if someone exhibits any symptoms that could indicate COVID-19 because the illness's symptoms are comparable to the flu's and can differ from person to person.

Gastrointestinal Diseases

Numerous digestive issues can cause nausea, including

  • Gastritis: Stomach ulcers can develop as a result of stomach inflammation brought on by stomach acid or the bacteria H. pylori.
  • Gastroparesis: This condition causes the stomach to empty far more slowly than it ought to. This is a regular occurrence among diabetics and is typically brought on by particular drugs or nerve injuries.
  • Chronic acid reflux and indigestion are brought on by gastroesophageal reflux disease.
  • IBS: This condition results in diarrhea or constipation as well as stomach cramps.
  • An autoimmune disorder called celiac disease manif9ests symptoms when exposed to gluten.
  • Gallstones are just one example of the disorders that affect the gallbladder.
  • Pancreatic disorders: These include ailments like pancreatitis.

Mental Health Issues

There are strong ties between physical and mental well-being. Constipation and nausea are common digestive complaints in people with mental health issues. In a similar vein, stress can make existing stomach problems worse. An anxiety disorder may be present in those who experience stress, anxiety, or panic regularly. Among the signs of anxiousness are:

  • fast heartbeat and nausea
  • shallow or rapid breathing
  • feeling of coughing
  • Sweatin
  • Lightheadedness
  • stiff muscles

Panic attacks and, in some situations, fainting can also be brought on by extreme anxiety. For instance, nausea, drowsiness, and loss of consciousness may occur in those who have a fear of blood or needles. Vasovagal syncope is the medical term given by doctors for this condition. Additionally, some people can develop a fear of actual vomiting and sickness. Emetophobia is the term used by doctors to describe this condition.

Inner Ear Disorders

The vestibular system, which is located in the inner ear, aids in maintaining balance and orienting the body about its environment. This system's shortcomings may result in vertigo or dizziness, which in turn triggers nausea. The following circumstances could lead to this:

  • Motion sickness: when the brain receives conflicting signals of movement, it can result in motion sickness. This frequently occurs when traveling by land, air, or sea.
  • Labyrinthitis: A possible side effect of a cold or the flu is labyrinthitis, an infection of the inner ear.
  • Vestibular neuritis: This condition develops when the inner ear nerve becomes irritated.
  • Meniere's illness: Can result in severe and sudden spells of dizziness.

Hormonal Disorder

Nausea can also be brought on by changes in hormone levels, such as those brought on by endocrine disorders, hormonal contraception, or pregnancy.


One typical pregnancy symptom is nausea. Even though it can happen at any time, it is frequently referred to as morning sickness. Additionally, it could appear gradually or quickly. When pregnant, nausea might occur around certain meals or scents, as well as during times of hunger. After 14 weeks, morning sickness typically becomes better. To treat morning sickness and vomiting during pregnancy, doctors could recommend vitamin B6 or doxylamine.

Thyroid Problems

Hormones that influence the body's metabolism are under the thyroid gland's control. Having an underactive or hyperactive thyroid might make you sick.

The signs of hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid, include

  • nervousness
  • fatigue or weakened muscles
  • irritability
  • heat intolerance trouble sleeping shaky hands
  • increased heart rate and frequency of bowel motions
  • weight reduction and a struggle to put on weight

The signs of hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid, consist ;

  • worn-out appearance, swollen eyes, and weight increase make it tough to lose weight
  • despair, dry skin, and hair, intolerance to the cold, and constipation
  • reduced heart rate

Medication is frequently used by doctors to address these illnesses, but one of its negative effects is nausea.

Neurological Disorders

Modifications to the nerve system and brain can produce nausea in a variety of ways. Scientists are still working to completely comprehend each one of them. Migraine is one of the neurological disorders that cause nausea most frequently.

Adverse Effects Of Medication

Many drugs, such as: can cause nausea as a side effect.

  • antibiotics
  • antidepressants
  • OTC painkillers like aspirin or ibuprofen
  • Specific supplements like iron, narcotics
  • Chemotherapy

Drugs alter the body's and brain's chemical processes to produce their desired effects. For instance, medicines that work on neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine can aggravate or relieve sensations of nausea and vomiting since these substances can affect them.

Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Nausea

Symptom relief is possible with the aid of anti-nausea drugs. The negative effects of these drugs, however, which frequently include drowsiness, are not uncommon. Natural nausea treatments may be preferred by some people.

Here are 20 natural treatments for nausea that you can try at home. These natural solutions are beneficial. But remember that if your nausea won't go away, you can't eat, or you can't stop vomiting, you should always call your doctor.

Baking Soda

Baking soda, commonly known as sodium bicarbonate, lowers the stomach's acidity to assist in combat nausea. It is a conventional but rarely used treatment for nausea and upset stomach. 8 ounces of warm water should be mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda before consumption. A high dosage of baking soda can be poisonous, so be careful not to overdo it when adding it to the water.


Apples are a great source of fiber, which assists your body in eliminating toxins. These poisons could make you feel sick. Additionally, the fiber slows down digestion, which may help calm your stomach. Precautions should be taken to avoid consuming too much fiber, which may make you feel much worse. One entire apple, 8 ounces of apple juice, or a cup of applesauce should be your only options.

People who were experiencing chemotherapy-related nausea were the topic of one research investigation in 2021. In comparison to the control group, the group that ingested apple syrup felt less queasy.

Drinking Water

Staying hydrated might help you make up for any fluids lost through vomiting and diarrhea if you are experiencing stomach issues. Drink calming teas or fizzy beverages in little doses. However, if you feel bloated, it is advisable to forego the carbonation. For more electrolytes, you might also want to try consuming a sports drink like Gatorade, but be aware that the added sugar may cause stomach discomfort. Juice that has been diluted delivers more water and less sugar, therefore it is another excellent choice.

Avoid "energy" beverages or sports drinks that include caffeine.

Saltine Crackers

If you're feeling queasy, and bland, simple snacks like saltine crackers are a wise choice. The stomach is not further irritated since they pass through it quickly. Any comparable salty, dry food may be helpful to ease nausea.

Keep in mind that eating frequently in little portions will be gentler on your stomach. You can try other straightforward things like applesauce,  bananas, rice, or toast if you don't have any crackers on hand.


Scientific research has shown that peppermint can help calm an upset stomach and is a common home cure for nausea. The active component in peppermint, and menthol, aids in calming cramps and nausea by relaxing the belly. Take a sip of peppermint tea or inhale some peppermint essential oil.

According to a 2021 study, nausea can be treated with merely the smell of peppermint oil applied to the nose three times per day.

Small, Gradual Meals

Avoid filling your stomach up with too much food too soon if you are feeling sick to your stomach. Eat slowly and start with small, straightforward meals. The movement, stretching, and bloating of your stomach from eating too much can make you feel sick once more. Even if you are hungry, hold off on eating more until you have observed how the meal has settled. When you are sick, try not to skip meals.

Loose Clothing

Wearing restrictive clothing might restrict your stomach and exacerbate nausea. If you are in a warm location or are wearing tight clothing, you may feel warmer, which might exacerbate nausea. This is why wearing looser clothing helps alleviate tension and motion sickness.

Choose comfortable, loose-fitting attire to maximize your comfort.


To get rid of nausea, try acupressure. Pressure must be applied to specific body parts to do this. It embodies a branch of conventional Chinese medicine.

Pressure point P-6 is one instance of a pressure point that you can apply to help alleviate motion sickness (Neiguan). This is situated directly below the palm of your hand on your wrist. To find two tendons in this region, use three fingers or your thumb on the opposite hand. To reduce nausea, apply little pressure here.

An anti-nausea bracelet that individuals frequently wear while pregnant or on boats has a significant acupressure component. It's referred to as a sea band.

An Ice Chip

Make sure you are continuing to stay as hydrated as you can even if your nausea is making it difficult for you to consume liquids or you have started to vomit as well. Let the ice chunks in your mouth gently melt as one method of achieving this. Due to the cool temperature, this may be easier on your stomach and may also make you feel more energetic.

If you want even more taste, you could also use frozen juice chips.

Clean Air

Breathing deeply when outside can make you feel better. Frequently, being in a stuffy or enclosed space makes nausea worse. As you are able, try cracking a window or taking a short stroll outside. You may find that changing your environment will help you avoid feeling sick. Be cautious to breathe slowly and move slowly.

Eat Less Greasy, Hot Food

Eat less oily, fatty, and spicy food. These are more difficult to digest and can further upset your stomach. You need foods that your stomach can digest while you're feeling queasy. Avoid foods with dairy, fried, excessive sweetness, high levels of spice, or strong flavors. Maintain a bland diet consisting of toast, crackers, and lots of liquids.


If you're feeling queasy, try sucking on a popsicle. Any dessert that is firm or made of gelatin might release flavors into your mouth that can ease nausea. Try candies with mint or lemon flavors, for instance. If you have nausea as well as mouth sores, stay away from tart sweets.


If you only think about your nausea, it can get worse and you might feel more stressed. Try diverting your attention off your nausea by engaging in easy, wholesome activities that make you feel wonderful.

Try the following things:

  • listening to soothing music
  • watching a TV show you enjoy
  • interacting with others

Avoiding Strong Food Odors

Some individuals discover that the smell of cooking or freshly prepared food worsens their nausea. It might help if you can get someone else to make the food for you. If this isn't possible, try preparing cold or room temperature items, using prepared goods from the freezer, or both.

Sitting Straight

You might wish to lie down if you're feeling queasy for solace. Your symptoms get worse as a result of this though. While sitting upright keeps stomach contents lower in your abdomen, lying flat on your back can encourage stomach acid to rise. The best position is to be upright, but if lying down is necessary, raise your torso with extra pillows. Additionally, experts advise that you can calm an upset stomach more quickly by lying on your left side.

Taking a Rest

When nausea attacks, trying to push through them can make them worse and last longer. Allow your body to relax for a while so that your stomach can settle. A stomach virus or food poisoning might occasionally take a few days to leave your system. Resting and staying away from hectic or stressful situations will help you recover if you are experiencing nausea.

After every meal, resting might help digestion and lessen nausea.

Consuming Ginger

A traditional anti-nausea cure is ginger ale, however this only works if the soda includes ginger. An analysis published in 2016 examined ginger's anti-nausea effects. According to the review, it helped those who frequently experience nausea, such as pregnant women and chemotherapy patients.

Choose natural ginger products including powdered ginger, raw ginger root, ginger tea, and ginger candies.

Consuming Lemons

Nausea can also be relieved by lemons and lemon water. In your stomach, the neutralizing acids in lemon produce bicarbonate chemicals that help settle an upset stomach. Drink a glass of warm water that has been mixed with lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Your brain is diverted from sickness by the tart flavor. Sniffing a lemon might help if you can't stand lemon in your beverage.


Stress can either cause nausea or exacerbate it. You can calm your stomach and diaphragm by attempting a relaxation technique like meditation. During meditation, paying attention to your breath may help you to forget about any stomach issues. Take deep breaths and concentrate on how your nose feels as air enters and exits.

By visualizing yourself in a tranquil setting, such as your preferred vacation site, you can even utilize visualization to help prevent nausea.

Supplements with Vitamin B6

If you're pregnant and would rather not use anti-nausea medication, vitamin B6 is an alternate option. Numerous studies show that taking doses of vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, can effectively lessen morning sickness when pregnant. Because of this, many experts advise using vitamin B6 tablets to prevent mild morning sickness during pregnancy.

Speak to a Doctor

A person might think about talking to a doctor to find out the cause if they frequently feel sick with no apparent cause. Meeting with a therapist could be beneficial if the cause is psychological. Emergencies with nausea are rare. A person may require emergency assistance if it also coexists with signs of a serious ailment or follows an injury. If someone feels nauseous you should  call 911 following a recent head injury, neck stiffness, abrupt headache, headache, fever, and vomiting

The early signs of a heart attack might occasionally include nausea. Females are more likely to suffer from this since they can have less overt heart attack symptoms. Ask for immediate assistance if someone exhibits the following signs:

  • Breathing difficulties
  • Discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, or jaw
  • Lightheadedness
  • Pain in the center of the chest that feels like it's squeezing or pressing on you
  • Dry heat


Stress, anxiety, illnesses, motion sickness, and several other factors can all lead to nausea. Temporary nausea is another frequent but usually unimportant side effect.

Remaining hydrated, maintaining a straight posture, and experimenting with particular foods like lemon and ginger are all effective nausea remedies. Additionally, foods that are extremely fatty or spicy should be avoided. These might worsen your nausea. Other methods can aid with nausea relief, like getting some fresh air, practicing meditation, or finding other distractions.

However, if your nausea persists for more than a few days or you discover that you cannot swallow any drinks, you should consult a doctor.



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