16 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: February 17, 2023

16 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Here are some tips to help you get relieved from stress and anxiety.


Any change that puts physical, mental, or psychological strain on a person is considered stressful. Your body's reaction to anything that demands focus or action is stress. Everyone goes through periods of stress. However, how you handle stress significantly impacts your general well-being.

You'll become stress-resistant after you learn how to handle stress.

It takes some getting used to working from home, being unemployed for a while, home-schooling your children, and not being in direct contact with other family members, friends, or co-workers. It can be difficult for us to adjust to lifestyle changes like these, manage our fear of being sick, and worry about those close to us who may be especially vulnerable. For those suffering from mental illnesses, they might be very challenging. ​​


Anxiety is a typical response to stress, and it can be helpful in some circumstances. It can warn us about potential threats and assist with planning and attention. When anxiety disorders are present, there is excessive dread or anxiety as opposed to the usual feelings of apprehension or anxiety. Nearly 30% of adults experience an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives, making it the most prevalent of all mental disorders. However, there are a variety of efficient therapies for anxiety disorders. Most persons who receive treatment can live regular, fulfilling lives.

Ways To Relieve Stress And Anxiety

By Maintaining A Daily Routine

Many people are compelled to stay at home due to social limitations brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Making the most of our time and avoiding boredom is possible with a regular schedule. Set aside time for routine jobs, exercise, quality time with family and friends, regular meals, working from home, and other leisure pursuits.

Adequate Sleep

We should get at least 8 hours of sleep each night for our bodies and minds. Our bodies are rejuvenated, repaired, and the effects of stress are reversed by rest.

You can sleep better by practicing proper sleep hygiene:

  • Be dependable. Put your alarm at the same time every morning, including the weekends, and go to bed at the same time.
  • Make sure your bedroom is peaceful, dark, cosy, and silent.
  • Remove all electrical devices from the bedroom, including TVs, computers, and smartphones.
  • Limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol before going to bed.
  • Take a workout. Being active throughout the day can make it easier for you to sleep at night.

By Connecting With Others

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted work, employment, family life, finances, and education. Different people will react differently to these circumstances. The impacts may not have much of an effect on some people's mental health. Others may experience varying degrees of distress as a result. All age groups, including adolescents, can attest to this.

There are some mental health issues that, in some people, are brought on by or made worse by such situations, and they require quick attention. Anxiety and depression are two illnesses that demand psychological or medical treatment. Therefore, it's critical to recognize these illnesses' similar symptoms as soon as possible. We also need to be aware that some of these symptoms are comparable to stress-related symptoms. These, however, are more enduring, cause more anguish, and frequently impact a person's day-to-day functioning, including their ability to work and learn.

Many people are excluded from social interactions and not able to see their loved ones due to COVID-19 social limitations. Maintain communication with loved ones and friends using various tools, such as video calls, phone calls, etc., while observing social standards around physical separation. Our mental health depends on keeping in touch with our loved ones.

Eating Healthy Food

Our health can be impacted by what we eat and drink. Maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for disease prevention or recovery. Consume food in moderation and at regular intervals. Take in adequate liquids. Remember to eat plenty of fresh produce.

Exercise Regularly

The COVID-19 pandemic limitations mean that many people cannot engage in regular outdoor physical activity. However, we can perform numerous physical exercises at home, including pushups, planks, skipping, stair climbing, and treadmill use.

Minimizing News Feeds

Overusing social media, television, and other electronic devices can make you mentally exhausted and confused. Spend less time on social media and television.

Pay attention to recommendations and advice from reliable sources like the WHO website, local and national TV, and radio.

Reducing Screen Time

Tablets, computers, and smartphones are commonplace items in the daily lives of many individuals. While these devices are frequently helpful, tension can result from using them excessively. Excessive smartphone use has been linked in numerous studies to stress levels that are more significant and mental health problems.

When people spend too much time in front of screens, their psychological well-being suffers, and their stress levels rise. Additionally, viewing a device before bed may increase stress levels and make it more difficult to fall asleep.

Take Supplements

Numerous vitamins and minerals significantly impact your body's ability to regulate stress and mood. A vitamin deficiency may affect your mental health and ability to handle stress. Furthermore, some evidence suggests that certain nutritional supplements may help to decrease blood pressure and improve mood. For instance, if you are under a lot of stress, your magnesium levels may fall.

This mineral is crucial for how your body reacts to stress, so you must make enough of it daily. Magnesium supplements have been demonstrated to reduce stress in those prone to it. 300 mg of this mineral daily was found to significantly lower stress levels in an 8-week research including 264 individuals with low magnesium levels. This magnesium dosage had substantially better results when vitamin B6 was given. Some research suggests that supplements like Rhodiola, ashwagandha, B vitamins, and L-theanine may also help people feel less worried. However, not everyone will benefit from or feel comfortable using dietary supplements. If you wish to use supplements to lower your stress, go to a doctor first.

Spend Time With Family And Friends

You may benefit from the social support of friends and family to help you deal with stress and get through difficult situations. According to a study conducted on 163 Latinx college students, loneliness, depressive symptoms, and perceived stress are all related to lower levels of support from friends, family, and romantic partners.

Your social support system's capacity affects your overall mental health. If you're feeling lonely and don't have any friends or family to turn to, social support groups can help. Consider getting involved with a club, a sports team, or a cause that is important to you by volunteering.

Limit Your Caffeine Consumption

Your central nervous system is stimulated by caffeine in coffee, tea, chocolate, and energy drinks. Overeating could make anxiety symptoms worse and make them more intense. Additionally, excessive use may interfere with your ability to sleep. Consequently, stress and anxiety symptoms could worsen.

The maximum amount of caffeine that each person can tolerate varies. Consider reducing your caffeine intake by substituting decaffeinated herbal tea or water for coffee or energy drinks if it makes you jittery or anxious.

Although numerous studies demonstrate the health benefits of coffee when consumed in moderation, limiting daily caffeine intake to 400 mg or 4-5 cups (0.9-1.2 L) of coffee is advised. It's crucial to consider your personal tolerance because those sensitive to caffeine may suffer heightened anxiety and tension even after eating considerably less caffeine than this.

Set Limits And Get Practice Saying No

You can manage specific pressures, but not all of them. You might experience more stress and have less time for self-care if you overcommit. You can feel less stressed and protect your mental health by taking charge of your personal life.

Saying "no" more frequently could be one strategy for accomplishing this. Remember that if you often take on more than you can manage, this is important to avoid feeling overworked.

You can reduce your stress levels by being selective with what you take and refusing requests that might unnecessarily increase your burden. Setting boundaries is another intelligent way to protect your well-being, especially from those who make you feel stressed out. This might be accomplished by simply asking a friend or member of the family not to drop by unexpectedly or by rescheduling regular plans with a troublesome individual.

Learn To Stop Delaying Tasks

Another method to manage stress is keeping track of your priorities and avoiding procrastination. Your productivity could improve if you work hard to make up lost time, leaving you with little time to make up lost time. Pressure from this may have a detrimental impact on your health and ability to sleep.

Procrastination and elevated stress levels were connected in a Chinese study of 140 medical students. The study also linked delayed stress reactivity and procrastination to more unfavorable parenting practices, including punishment and rejection.

If you procrastinate a lot, getting into the habit of making a prioritized to-do list might be helpful. After establishing reasonable deadlines, go through the list one by one. Allow yourself uninterrupted time to do the tasks that must be completed today. Multitasking or switching between things can be stressful in and of itself.

Take A Yoga Class

Yoga has gained popularity as a form of exercise and stress reduction for people of all ages. While there are many different types of yoga, they all aim to bring the body and the mind together by raising body and breath awareness.

Yoga has been shown in numerous studies to aid with stress management and the signs of anxiety and depression. Additionally, it may support psychological health. These advantages appear connected to how your neurological system and stress response are affected. Yoga has been shown to increase levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid, a neurotransmitter that is low in those who suffer from mood disorders, while decreasing cortisol, blood pressure, and heart rate.

Practice Mindfulness

"Mindfulness" refers to techniques that keep you focused on the present. Both mindfulness meditation and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), a subset of cognitive behavioral therapy, are methods for reducing stress using mindfulness.

Consistently meditating, even for short durations, may improve your mood and lessen the signs of stress and worry. Numerous books, apps, and websites can teach you the fundamentals of meditation if you want to try it. There may be MBCT-focused therapists in your region.

Practice Deep Breathing

Your sympathetic nervous system is activated by mental stress, putting your body into a fight-or-flight response. Stress hormones cause physical symptoms like a faster heartbeat, shallower breathing, and constricted blood vessels during this reaction. The parasympathetic nerve system, which regulates the relaxation response, may be activated with deep breathing exercises.

Diaphragmatic breathing, abdominal breathing, belly breathing, and timed respiration are all examples of deep breathing exercises. The purpose of deep breathing is to slow down and deepen your breathing by concentrating your mind on it. Your tummy rises, and your lungs fully expand while taking a deep breath through your nose. This lowers your heart rate and makes you feel calmer.

Spend Time With Nature

More time spent outside could lower stress. Studies have shown that being in nature and spending time in green areas like parks and forests are excellent strategies for managing stress. A review of 14 studies found that college-aged people could benefit from as little as 10 minutes in a natural setting to enhance psychological and physiological indicators of mental well-being, such as perceived stress and happiness.

While camping and hiking are great options, some people prefer to avoid them or require access. Even if you live in a metropolis, you can search find green spaces like neighbourhood parks, arboretums, and botanical gardens.


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