10 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Grapefruit

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: March 19, 2022

10 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Grapefruit

Fruits are popular for their refreshing properties. Fruits provide the perfect service during hot, dry weather and help one enliven their mood. Grapefruit is one such unique category of fruit that never disappoints.

The exquisite fruit resides in tropical regions of the world. The Grapefruit generally belongs to the Rutaceae family of trees, a hybrid formed by the union of pomelo and sweet orange trees. Several types of Grapefruit trees are known worldwide. However, the ones' called the Ruby Red form the best variety for its richer quality. It is much healthier than the white Grapefruits for it contains powerful oxidants such as Lycopene that provides the fruit with a rich, bright red colour. Grapefruits share a similar taste with oranges, for it is a hybrid fruit, impressive with its combination of sweet and sour flavour. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations comments that The United States is the topmost exporter of this fruit and exports nearly 40% of the world's pristine Grapefruits. Other exporters of the fruit include South Africa, China, Turkey, and the Netherlands. 

Let Us View Certain Fact-Ensured Benefits of Grapefruit.

Your Calorie Manager

One of the greatest advantages that add up to the several benefits of Grapefruit is its low-calorie content. It is a storehouse of nutrients and provides a good quantity of fibre to your system. A medium grapefruit provides a sufficient amount of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Potassium, Thiamine, and proteins and has only 52 calories. Therefore, grapefruits are great for consumption if one is looking for a calorie-free addition to their diet. It is a great supplier of Beta-carotene, a form of carotenoid that provides the fruits with its bright pigment. The body converts this supplement into vitamin A that generally adds to benefit. Due to these advantages, the citrus fruit helps one in the process of fat-burning. Studies show that having half a grapefruit before any meal for 12 weeks helps one to lose weight healthily. Another research involving 91 obese patients found out that grapefruit improved their insulin sensitivity levels considerably. Improved insulin sensitivity levels help decrease insulin resistance and consequently lower chances of unwelcomed diseases like type 2 diabetes. 

Appetite Controller

Grapefruits are well known for Pectin, the name of its fibre content. A medium-sized grapefruit consists of 2 grams of fibre in it. Studies depict that fruits that are rich in fibre help produce a feeling of a filled stomach. The fibre content increases digestion time, delaying the time of emptying the stomach. This helps one to not consume food frequently, assisting in controlling the appetite. Therefore, The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 advises one to supply one-half of their diet with fruits. Problems related to constipation are eventually managed due to the intake of such a fibre-rich fruit. A diet with fibre also decreases the risk of forming hemorrhoids and the chances of colorectal cancer. Cholesterol is brought under control as the fibre supplied through Grapefruit helps drop low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Research conducted in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in 2006 mentions that a grapefruit per day helps in reducing the "bad" cholesterol degree. 

Boosts Up the Immunity

Grapefruit strengthens immunity. The presence of vitamin C in the fruit supplies one with the benefits of antioxidants. The ascorbic acid or vitamin C protects the immune system from a large variety of viral infections. This vitamin has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties and is loaded in large quantities in the Grapefruit, providing it with the essence of a powerhouse. Respiratory problems may also be helped due to the intake of this wondrous fruit. The presence of Zinc in Grapefruit further enhances the metabolism rate and helps in the faster healing of wounds. It also promotes the skin's health, which serves as a protective layer against infections. 

Gets Rid of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are formed when the urine has more waste compared to the amount of liquid. This eventually results in crystal formation that is loaded in the kidney. Grapefruit helps prevent the formation of these crystals that eventually lead to the formation of stones. Grapefruits are high in citric acid content that binds with calcium, helping pour out the body's waste. An article in the National Library of Medicine proves assures this fact. Grapefruits also promote the balance of Alkaline PH in the body, helps in accelerating weight loss, and improving the condition of the kidneys. The anti-inflammatory properties due to salicylic acid also help reduce body aches and act as a natural reliever of pain. A medium fruit is loaded with nearly 4 ounces of water, forming 88% of its weight. Due to the high water content in grapefruits, it assists in keeping the body hydrated and consequently helps the kidneys to function properly. Naturally, when the kidneys work fine, the body functions healthily. The best way to remain hydrated is by regular intake of water. However, fruits rich in water content helps immensely, and Grapefruit is the option one can opt for.

Checks Heart Health

According to a study conducted by the American Heart Association in 2012, stated that a diet rich in flavonoids decreases the chances of stroke in women. Grapefruits have a high content of flavonoids, especially Naringin. The magic fruit helps people suffering from Atherosclerosis by assisting in the improvement of cholesterol levels. Grapefruit also helps improve blood pressure. It is a great source of Potassium which helps in this case. Karen Collins, a renowned dietitian in New York, comments on this aspect of the fruit. However, grapefruits are not good when it reacts with certain medications like anti-cholesterol statin drugs. Consultation with a pharmacist is always advisable if one consumes such drugs and wishes to try Grapefruits. Otherwise, go ahead and reap the benefits of this fruit!

Your Nutrition Pack

Grapefruits add up to a super diet. It is loaded with several vitamins and minerals. The nutritional benefits of this fruit are associated with breakfast, the starting meal of the day. It can be added to a variety of foods, including fish or chicken. The lightness of the fruit added with these protein-rich diets benefits one immensely. It helps one to have their favourite food without suffering from gastric problems. Besides, Grapefruits are richer in Vitamin A content which is great for multi-organ functioning. One gets 64% of Vitamin C, 8% fibre, 3% Calcium, and 1% Iron from this unique fruit. Thus, it is a fruit that should never be ignored. Grapefruits are a high source of Vitamin A. Even Oranges fail to compete with Grapefruits in this respect. 

Don't Throw the Pith!

The pith of the Grapefruit is greatly beneficial. One should never be tempted to throw it away, for it can do miracles. Wesley Delbridge, an experienced dietitian, says that the fruit is highly rich in antioxidants, soluble fibres, and nutrients. Even though the pith tastes much bitter than the fruit, it is worth a try for it will supply one with fiber and other benefits such as lowering cholesterol, blood sugar levels as well as the danger of colon cancer. 

Prevents Cancer

Grapefruit decreases the risk of cancer, especially prostate cancer. Vitamin C, an antioxidant present in the fruit helps to prevent the development of cancer. The anti-inflammatory features of the fruit due to the vitamin restricts the multiplication of cancer cells. It may also assist in recovering damaged DNA that ultimately leads to tumours. The fibre present in grapefruit also helps in the prevention of colorectal cancer. Beta-carotene, the origin of provitamin A found in the fruit, is converted by the body into Vitamin supplying the body with antioxidant benefits. Frequent intake of Grapefruit might also help in reducing the risk of breast cancer in women. However, reports have also shown that Ingesting the fruit would lead to an increase in plasma estrogen, which might lead to breast cancer. In-depth research regarding this needs to be conducted regarding this issue. Otherwise, there are no hindrances in getting yourself a Grapefruit per day.

Acts as A Natural Band-Aid

Grapefruits help greatly in the process of healing wounds. Vitamin C present in the fruit promotes the formation of healthy tissues and renewed blood vessels. Dr. Chiasson comments that Vitamin C assists in speeding up the healing process of wounds and advises her patients to have 500 milligrams of the vitamin before a surgery. However, the results may alter in some cases as it affects the metabolism of some drugs. 

Promotes Aromatherapy

The scent of Grapefruit is therapeutic. The oil that is extracted from the glands situated in the peel of the fruit also offers various health benefits- aromatherapy is one of them. A study mentioned on the Healthline website stated that rats exposed to the fragrance of the essential oil of the fruit for 15 minutes underwent a fall in appetite and eventually body weight. Another research mentioned that the scent of the Grapefruit essential oil accelerated the gastric vagal functions in Rodents. Even though the results seem very helpful, it is restricted to animal experiments. Further research is required to prove its exact effects on humans. Nevertheless, the pleasant smell of Grapefruit is relaxing to the mind and boosts up the senses. Dr. Ann Marie Chiasson states that aromatherapy from Grapefruit might also help as a natural skin cleanser.

Dark Side of the Bright Fruit

It is to be noted that even such beneficial fruits have their weak spots. Therefore, one should be aware of its disadvantages and follow certain steps to prevent its occurrence. 

Highly Acidic

Reports have shown that having Grapefruit might lead to tooth enamel erosion. The Citric acid present in the fruit in a large dosage is highly acidic and tends to destroy the coating f tooth enamel, making the surface of the tooth very rough. Research stated in the Academy of general dentistry showcased that enamel loss is noticed when teeth are exposed to citrus for a long time. The juice of this fruit has a higher PH level than the orange and proves to be an anathema to the tooth enamel. However, it would not be useful if one discontinues the consumption of Grapefruit entirely because it provides several health perks. Nevertheless, limiting the intake of the fruit might help. 

Adverse Interactions with Medications

 Since the 1980s, Grapefruit has been guilty of affecting the metabolism of specific drugs. A study stated in the national library of medicine mentions that Grapefruit consist of substances that include Cytochrome P450, an enzyme known for the metabolism of medications. If one consumes Grapefruit while being on certain medications, the body will slow down its rate of metabolism and cause adverse effects. The names of the medications that are likely to interact with the fruit are Immunosuppressants, Indinavir, etc. The interactions are generally influenced by the number of Flavonoids and Furanocoumarins present in the Grapefruit type. Thus, it proves to be a challenge to predict the extent of these interactions. It is always advisable to contact your doctor if you are on medications and decide on the intake of this fruit accordingly. 

Allergies Can Occur

 Reports mentioned in the BMC state that Citrus allergy can occur although it is quite uncommon. Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that might occur but it is rare. Mild allergic reactions due to the acidic nature of the fruit are observed. One should always be tested and gain knowledge of the fruits and vegetables one might be allergic to. Before consuming Grapefruit, one should consider the fact whether citrus fruits irritate or not. If one is allergic, he/she may face the symptoms of reddening of lips and gums, tingling sensation on lips and throat on interaction with Grapefruit. These are called oral allergy syndrome(OAS). In such cases, people can consume the fruit if it is cooked. Contact dermatitis is yet another symptom a person with citrus allergy is likely to face. It causes the skin to release inflammatory chemicals after coming in contact with the allergen, Grapefruit juice. 

Having only Grapefruits is not beneficial

The low-calorie build of the fruit might weaken the bones and decrease the metabolism rate, causing fatigue and muscle loss. Even though the fruit is rich in nutrients, its nutrient is much low if one just decides to consume this fruit by itself. One should add other fruits in their diet chart as well and have the fruit in combination with meat and salads. It would add to greater benefits. 

Closing Comments

Grapefruit is an excellent fruit one can add to their diet due to the several health benefits it offers compared to the little disadvantages. It is a unique multi-vitamin dosage, the benefits of which are ought to be reaped. It is fibrous as well. One can easily add the fruit to their breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Dressed with salads and sprinkled with spices the fruit proves to be healthy as well as tasty. Adding to this low-calorie content fruit would help one lose weight healthily and help them digest food well due to the presence of Vitamin C. This vitamin helps the body develop new collagen to support the digestive tract tissues. Linus Puling Institute states that this vitamin present in Grapefruit helps in combatting the chances of colon cancer. A person should have 75 milligrams of this vitamin regularly, easily available from Grapefruits. Hence, it may be added that a Grapefruit per day keeps diseases at bay. Even though, Grapefruit acquired the name of the "forbidden fruit", its healing properties provide it with a different identity.

Some Frequently Asked Questions On the Health Fruit

Which Is Healthier, Oranges or Grapefruits?

Both the fruits are great when it comes to their health-accelerating properties. However, Oranges are a little richer in calories, vitamins, and protein content. It is finer in its content of Vitamin C, Vitamins B1, B2, and Vitamin C. However, it is to be noted that Grapefruits are superior to Oranges in one aspect – it contains higher Vitamin A content. Vitamin A, one of the most significant vitamins that help in promoting eye health is found in this magic fruit. Therefore, Grapefruit is no less than oranges. 

What Is the Best Time to Consume Grapefruit Juice?

Grapefruit is a whole package of vitamins and minerals and having it right in the morning helps one get rid of problems related to constipation. Grapefruit is also beneficial if one has it before bedtime during the night for it would help one to sleep tight because of the presence of antioxidants, Lycopene. It has been observed in recent research that people who had more Lycopene faced fewer problems of sleep. According to a study in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Lycopene benefits sleep and serious issues like cancer, especially prostate cancer. 

Does High Consumption of Grapefruit Juice Cause Arrhythmias?

Long QT syndrome is amplified due to the consumption of Grapefruit. The flavonoids present in Grapefruit may interfere with the medications taken by heart patients for Arrhythmias. Thus, it leads to unwanted and serious side effects. A study mentioned in an article by the national library of medicine confirms the fact. Therefore, consultations should be taken into account before eating Grapefruit if one suffers from heart-based issues.

Does Grapefruit Cause Thinness of Blood?

Blood thinners or Anticoagulants are chemicals when produced in the body that reduces coagulation functions of the blood and delay the period of clotting. In certain situations, consumption of Grapefruits might lead to the production of blood thinners like Xarelto and Eliquis. These might increase in the blood and cause the blood to thin and lead to side effects. One might bleed anywhere in the body, especially in the area of the gut. 

How Quickly Does Grapefruit Decrease Blood Pressure?

The research mentioned in Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine has shown that Grapefruit has a high Vitamin C content. A good amount of Vitamin C may help develop little steps in reducing blood pressure. Even though Grapefruit, a citrus fruit, helps in the reduction of blood pressure, it is best to consult a doctor. Grapefruits are known for interfering with certain medications. This might also mean interference with medications related to blood pressure. However, studies mentioned in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Cardiology have stated that Grapefruit juice resulted in a reduction of both Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) and Diastolic Blood Pressure(DBP) in hypertensive and normotensive people. Research also indicated that Grapefruit juice is much more beneficial than oranges when it comes to reduction of the mean arterial pressure (MAP).

Do Grapefruits Help in Losing Weight?

Grapefruit doesn't help in burning fat. However, due to its low-calorie content, it doesn't increase weight either. It serves to be a useful addition when added to a heavy meal, for it would help in enhancing the digestive process. Grapefruit is very high in water content. Water builds up 88% of a medium Grapefruit, and hence, it might make one feel full even after eating less. A study in Nourish by WebMD showed that people who suffered from obesity and had half a Grapefruit before their meal for nearly 12 weeks experience a greater weight loss than those who abstained from having Grapefruit products. Generally, the fruit does not burn fat but helps one eat lesser than usual. 

What Do You Mean by The Grapefruit Diet?

The grapefruit diet is not a very popular term, but its benefits are worth securing. It's a term to describe a FAD diet that came into existence in the USA in the 1930s. It consists of variations, but a Grapefruit is mandatory to this diet chart. It serves to be a popular low-carb diet and a classic breakfast containing eggs and bacon. The diet generally lasts for ten days, along with a break for two days. One can follow this plan in any part of the world. It is not only trendy but also healthy. 



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