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Call for Papers |
CALL FOR WORKSHOP PAPERS WIN 2022: 2nd International Workshop on Intent-based Networking co-located with IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft) - 27 June - 1 July 2022, Milan, Italy Workshop paper submission deadline: February 28, 2022 ================================================================ Aim and Scope ============= Intent Based Networking (IBN) aims at technology-agnostic, fast and robust interaction between network infrastructure management systems and their users, in order to automate and speed up the deployment and lifecycle of applications. IBN as such covers mechanisms to recognize, understand and augment intents defining service or operational requests, so as to ensure their fulfillment, with the support of reliable system feedback enabling their execution within the expected quality limits. The concept of IBN appeared in the 2010’s with a focus on automated policy configuration. IBN now reaches out to OTT applications deployed on multiple and heterogeneous networks. IBN solutions do not aim at covering all applications and the entire network. Instead, they are deemed to run in a well-defined network scope and associated knowledge domains. That said, IBN solutions need to have enough flexibility to span and exchange with connected domains. The goal of this workshop is to gather research and experiments from industry, academia, and standards, to get a sense of where we stand, what needs to be addressed and what should be explored. To this end, the workshop will cover IBN aspects of all domains including applications, concepts, lifecycle, challenges, architectures, modeling, instantiation, robustness, etc. Topics of Interest ================== * IBN concepts, architectures, and frameworks * IBN enabling techniques: knowledge graphs, natural languages understanding, policy refinement, feedback control loops, smart telemetry, various artificial intelligence methods, etc. * IBN applications and use cases, including scenarios combining digital infrastructures and vertical industries * IBN proof-of-concepts, experimentations; report on field trials and real-world deployments * IBN implementations, tools, and user interface design * IBN applications for 5G, beyond-5G and 6G networks * Intent modeling, representation, languages, and intent translation techniques * Intent and intent-related information models (policies and services) * Intent recognition, recommendation, and abstraction techniques * Availability, resiliency, performance, trust, and security considerations in IBN * Interfaces and API for intent based systems * Recent advances in standards and open source Important Dates =============== * Paper Submission: February 28, 2022 * Notification of Acceptance: April 11, 2022 * Camera-ready Submission: April 25, 2022 * Workshops Date: Either Monday June 27th, 2022 or Friday July 1st, 2022 Submission ========== A selection of the best papers will be further considered for possible publication in IEEE Journals and Magazines with high impact factors. Only PDF files will be accepted for the review process and all manuscripts must be electronically submitted through EDAS: Organizing Committee ==================== * Laurent Ciavaglia, Rakuten Mobile, France – General Co-Chair * Sabine Randriamasy, Nokia, France – General Co-Chair * Eric Renault, ESIEE Paris, France – TPC Co-Chair * Molka Gharbaoui, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy – TPC Co-Chair * Pedro Henrique Gomes, Ericsson, Brazil – Industry Track Co-Chair * Danny Lachos, Benocs, Germany – Industry Track Co-Chair * Nicolas Herbaut, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France – Industry Track Co-Chair * Sabine Randriamasy, Nokia, France – Industry Track Co-Chair * Barbara Martini, CNIT, Italy – Publicity Co-Chair * Mohamed-Faten Zhani, ETS, Canada – Publicity Co-Chair * Kohei Shiomoto, Tokyo City University, Japan – Publicity Co-Chair * Nicolas Herbaut, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France – Publication Chair * Eric Renault, ESIEE Paris, France – Web Chair |
Summary |
WIN 2022 : 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Intent-based Networking will take place in Milan, Italy. It’s a 1 day event starting on Jun 27, 2022 (Monday) and will be winded up on Jun 27, 2022 (Monday). WIN 2022 falls under the following areas: COMPUTER NETWORKS, INTENT-BASED NETWORKING, etc. Submissions for this Workshop can be made by Feb 28, 2022. Authors can expect the result of submission by Apr 11, 2022. Upon acceptance, authors should submit the final version of the manuscript on or before Apr 25, 2022 to the official website of the Workshop. Please check the official event website for possible changes before you make any travelling arrangements. Generally, events are strict with their deadlines. It is advisable to check the official website for all the deadlines. Other Details of the WIN 2022
Credits and Sources |
[1] WIN 2022 : 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Intent-based Networking |