We are organising the workshop “Understanding of Evolutionary Optimization Behavior (UEOB 2019)” at the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2019 (http://cec2019.org/programs/workshops.html#cec-02) in Wellington, New Zealand. Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to present original research articles in CEC 2019. SCOPE The focus of the UEOB 2019 is to highlight theoretical and empirical research that investigates approaches needed to analyze stochastic optimization algorithms and performance assessment with regard to different criteria. The main goal is to bring the problem and importance of understanding optimization algorithms closer to researchers and to show them how and why this is important for future development in the optimization community. This will help researchers/users to transfer the gained knowledge from theory into the real world, or to find the algorithm that is best suited to the characteristics of a given real-world problem. More detailed information can be found at http://cs.ijs.si/ueob/. TOPICS OF INTEREST - Data-driven approaches (machine learning/information theory/statistics) for assessing algorithm performance - Vector embeddings of problem search space - Meta-learning - New advances in analysis and comparison of algorithms - Operators influence on algorithm behavior - Parameters influence on algorithm behavior - Theoretical algorithm analysis SUBMISSION GUIDELINES All submissions should be formatted according to the CEC 2019 submission guidelines provided at http://www.cec2019.org/papers.html#submission. All submissions will be handled through EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ueob2019) and reviewed by the program committee. In order to participate to this workshop, a full or a student registration at CEC 2019 is required. Selected papers will be invited to be extended for a special issue in Natural Computing (https://link.springer.com/journal/11047). IMPORTANT DATES - Paper submission: 15 March, 2019 - Notification to authors: 31 March, 2019 - Early registration: 31 March, 2019 - Final submission: 15 April, 2019 - Conference: 10-13 June, 2019 ORGANIZERS Tome Eftimov Department of Biomedical Data Sciences, Stanford Medicine Stanford University USA Peter Korošec Computer Systems Department Jožef Stefan Institute Slovenia Christian Blum Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA) Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) Spain