STC 2019 is the first edition of the International Conference on Small Towns, which will take place on September 19th-20th 2019 in Salerno (Italy), University of Salerno, Campus of Fisciano. The conference, organized by the Architectural Engineering Division - Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Salerno, aims to share and discuss key topics related to the valorization of small towns in inland areas from the point of view of different scientific disciplines. The title of the event is “Small Towns… from problem to resource. Sustainable strategies for the valorization of building, landscape and cultural heritage in inland areas” and the main topics are: 1) The causes and consequences of depopulation 2) The knowledge of places for the development of the territory 3) Strategies, methodological proposals and designs 4) Sustainable recovery and reuse of built heritage 5) Appraisal and economic evaluation issues Abstracts must be sent to [email protected] before the deadline of 12th March 2019 (extended deadline). Visit the Conference website at for author guidelines and submission instructions. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact the Congress secretariat via e-mail at: [email protected] Pierfrancesco Fiore Conference Chair STC 2019 – University of Salerno