Call for Papers |
Embedded systems with multi-core designs are becoming increasingly important for signal processing, machine learning, and multimedia applications in recent years. While embedded multi-core systems will look to play an important role ahead for application designs, many challenging problems remain to be resolved. Applications, programming models, compilers, API designs, architecture designs, and software tools all need to contribute to the advance of embedded multi-core computing for signal processing, pixel processing, machine learning, and multimedia applications.
In this special issue, we aim to bring together researchers in the related areas to present the latest developments and technical solutions concerning various aspects of embedded multi-core computing for signal processing and AI applications. This special issue seeks original unpublished papers focusing on emerging signal processing applications, embedded compilers, AI compilers, embedded memory and architecture design, DSP/GPU systems, and embedded multi-core programming models. The topics of this special issue include but not limited to: • Architectures for embedded multi-core signal processing systems • Compilers for DSP processors • Compilers and optimizations with embedded multi-core supports • Special instructions for architectures to support post processing and pre-processing models • AI compilers for DSP architectures • Low-power numeric supports with DSP systems for AI applications • Partitioning and scheduling with AI compilers for AI models • TVM and MLIR Optimizations • Auto-Tuning for AI compiler Optimizations • OpenVX Optimizations • Compilers optimizations for Subword SIMD computations • Compilers for heterogeneous embedded multi-core systems • Programming models for embedded multi-core systems • Signal processing and machine learning on embedded multi-core systems • Multimedia signal processing algorithms on embedded multi-core systems • Multimedia applications on embedded multi-core systems • OpenCL compilers and applications on multi-core systems • Augmented reality applications on multi-core systems • OpenCL programming models with graph • OpenCL supports for DSP applications • Audio signal processing and recognition with multi-core designs • Numerical libraries and architecture supports for machine learning • Processing in memory / computing-in-memory architecture designs for AI models • Architecture-aware software designs for AI models • Embedded memory management for AI models Original papers from the above mentioned and related topics will be considered. Please submit regular full papers, including all figures, tables, and references, from the JSPS paper submission website Please select the article type "SI: Systems Optimizations for DSP and AI Applications" for submission to this special issue in the paper submission system. Authors are requested to follow the paper format specified in the above journal submission website. Submitted papers must not have appeared in or be under review/consideration for another journal or conference during the review process. |
Credits and Sources |
[1] SODAA 2022 : SI: System Optimizations for DSP and AI Applications in Journal of Signal Processing Systems |