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Call for Papers |
SAPD is part of the ICSOC 2023 in Rome, Italy.
This workshop aims to foster in-depth discussion on cutting-edge approaches in addressing security, privacy and accountability concerns in data-driven systems. Furthermore, we seek topics related to security governance, where security policies, compliance and requirements will be considered in SoC. Additionally, new approaches for securing SoC are welcome and encouraged, e.g., the application of approaches such as AI and blockchain. Similarly, for privacy, we also welcome case studies and research papers on topics such as privacy-by-design, and accountability in data sharing systems as valuable additions. Moreover, we consider software-driven trust and accountability as foundational building blocks for secure and privacy-preserving interactions in SoC. Thus, we welcome contributions highlighting the integration of trustless accountable systems in data-driven architectures. Lastly, we welcome topics considering efficiencies in data-driven while maintaining security, privacy and accountability in service-oriented architectures, e.g., carbon-aware data spaces, serverless data-driven data-sharing systems. Topics of Interest: We invite researchers and practitioners to submit original contributions related to, but not limited to, the following topics: * Adaptive Approaches in Security Governance for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing * Privacy and Data Protection in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing * Trust and Accountability in Data Sharing Systems * Trust Management in Cloud-based service environments * Application of Machine Learning (ML) in securing, optimizing, protecting Service-Oriented Computing * Energy and Carbon-Aware Secure Service-Oriented Computing Submission Guidelines: We welcome original research papers, case studies, and position papers. Papers should be formatted according to Springer's LNCS Formatting Guidelines, not exceeding 12 pages. Each paper must be submitted on or before the provided deadlines. The final submission should be formatted according to Springer's LNCS Camera-ready instructions. Submission through Conf tool: ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Sebastian Werner, TU Berlin Mattia Salnitri, Politecnico di Milano Program Committee: * Frank Pallas, TU Berlin, Germany * Andre Ostrak, Cybernetica, Estonian * Victor Casamayor-Pujol , TU Wien, Austria * Boris Sedlak, TU Wien, Austria * Alessio Carenini * Duncan Ki-Aries * Lee Seok-Won * Tong Li * Michele Carminati * Mouratidis Haris * Brucker Achim |
Summary |
SAPD 2023 : 1st International Workshop on Secure, Accountable and Privacy-Preserving Data-Driven Service-Oriented Computing (SAPD) will take place in Rome, Italy. It’s a 3 days event starting on Nov 29, 2023 (Wednesday) and will be winded up on Dec 1, 2023 (Friday). SAPD 2023 falls under the following areas: SECURITY AND PRIVACY, SUSTAINABILITY, TRUST, CLOUD COMPUTING, etc. Submissions for this Workshop can be made by Oct 13, 2023. Authors can expect the result of submission by Oct 22, 2023. Please check the official event website for possible changes before you make any travelling arrangements. Generally, events are strict with their deadlines. It is advisable to check the official website for all the deadlines. Other Details of the SAPD 2023
Credits and Sources |
[1] SAPD 2023 : 1st International Workshop on Secure, Accountable and Privacy-Preserving Data-Driven Service-Oriented Computing (SAPD) |