Call for Papers |
1st Workshop on Domain-specific Modeling Methods and Tools - OMiLAB Nodes experience & knowledge exchange (OMILAB-KNOW) September 15th - Co-located with BIR’23 ( ====================================================================== Workshop description The goal of the workshop is to stimulate discussions on the requirements, use, design decisions, tooling and evaluations regarding domain-specific conceptual modeling methods in the context of Business Informatics Research. Discussions will be facilitated by the current activities and experience of nodes in the OMiLAB network and community of practice. Results from network members typically include modeling tools, modeling method components or extensions, model-driven artifacts, applications of domain-specific modeling, empirical evaluation strategies. OMiLAB nodes are invited to share such results, visions potentially leading to such results or project-based experiences where modeling methods played an enabling role. Both empirical experimentation and design-oriented research are welcome. The integration of conceptual modeling topics in curricular contents and associated teaching experiences are also typical concerns to be discussed in the workshop's scope. The workshop also welcomes researchers and educators from outside the OMiLAB network who are active in the fields of knowledge engineering, enterprise modeling and domain-specific modeling, having a general interest in the value of conceptual models and the diversity of modeling purposes. Knowledge exchanges with other modeling-centric communities are expected to drive debates and positions with diverse perspectives. Various stages of research progress can be reported in the workshop submissions - from (short) position and vision papers to (full) research papers and experience reports. Relevant topics • Domain specific modeling languages for business informatics • Modeling method requirements and evaluations • Design and deployment of conceptual modeling methods • Enterprise modeling for business ecosystems • Conceptual modeling for digital innovation • Developing modeling tools and tool extensions • From conceptual models to digital twins and knowledge graphs • Model-driven engineering and model-driven artifacts • Enterprise architecture modeling • Applications, scenarios and experience reports on model use and model value • Empirical studies on model and modeling method qualities • Teaching cases and experiences with conceptual modeling Submissions We invite two types of paper contributions: • Full papers: regular research or experience papers (12 pages) • Short papers: be position or vision papers (6 pages) Submission guidelines are to be aligned with the overall BIR 2023 guidelines for workshops, intended to be published as a joint CEUR-WS proceedings volume. Uniform formatting requirements for all BIR 2023 workshops and additional instructions are available at All accepted papers will have to be presented in person by one registered author. Important Dates • Paper submission: August 06, 2023 • Notification of acceptance: August 21, 2023 • Camera ready submission: August 31, 2023 • Workshop: September 15, 2023 Contact email: [email protected] Workshop chairs: • Dr. Anne Gutschmidt, University of Rostock, Germany ([email protected]) • Dr. Ana-Maria Ghiran, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania ([email protected]) |
Summary |
OMiLAB-KNOW 2023 : 1st Workshop on Domain-specific Modeling Methods and Tools - OMiLAB Nodes experience & knowledge exchange (OMiLAB-KNOW) will take place in Ascoli Piceno, Italy. It’s a 1 day event starting on Sep 15, 2023 (Friday) and will be winded up on Sep 15, 2023 (Friday). OMiLAB-KNOW 2023 falls under the following areas: CONCEPTUAL MODELING, MODELING LANGUAGES, DOMAIN SPECIFIC MODELING, MODELING TOOLS, etc. Authors can expect the result of submission by Aug 21, 2023. Upon acceptance, authors should submit the final version of the manuscript on or before Aug 31, 2023 to the official website of the Workshop. Please check the official event website for possible changes before you make any travelling arrangements. Generally, events are strict with their deadlines. It is advisable to check the official website for all the deadlines. Other Details of the OMiLAB-KNOW 2023
Credits and Sources |
[1] OMiLAB-KNOW 2023 : 1st Workshop on Domain-specific Modeling Methods and Tools - OMiLAB Nodes experience & knowledge exchange (OMiLAB-KNOW) |