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The aim of the Keystroke Verification Challenge (KVC) is providing a public and reproducible way to benchmark keystroke-based user recognition systems in desktop and mobile scenarios, using large-scale databases and a standard experimental protocol.
The KVC is one of the selected challenges at the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2023), December 15-18, Sorrento, Italy. The KVC considers two different tasks based on popular and challenging scenarios: - Desktop task - Mobile task *** KVC in brief: what does it offer and what is new? *** 1) The size of the databases, suitable for deep learning applications: Desktop task: i) Development set: 115,120 subjects; ii) Evaluation set: 15,000 subjects. Mobile task: i) Development set: 40,639 subjects; ii) Evaluation set: 5,000 subjects. In both scenarios, the data in the development set consist in 15 sessions per subject, each of them containing a sentence of transcript text (variable content, but not fully free-text). 2) Easy participation: to simplify the process of approaching the challenge, we provide two Python scripts to start off, that include respectively the training of a baseline RNN model and the creation of the file with the evaluation scores, ready for the submission on Codalab, without the need to disclose your system. 3) Submission: you can easily benchmark your system in the Codalab platform by submitting your evaluation scores. 4) After the end of the challenge, the top-ranked teams will be asked for a 6-page report paper of their system which will be published in the proceedings of the IEEE Big Data 2023 conference, and they will be invited to present their system during the conference. Moreover, the winner team members will receive a certificate from the organizers. We encourage the participation of as many research and industry groups as possible, so that this challenge will provide a complete panorama of the state of the art in the field of user recognition based on keystroke dynamics. Please check the important dates and the guide to participation pages on our website! The KVC is organized by the BiDA-Lab at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Contact: [email protected] |
Credits and Sources |
[1] KVC 2023 : Keystroke Verification Challenge @ IEEE BigData 2023 |