Call for Papers |
2020 Information Technology & Applications Symposium (ITAS 2020)--EI Compendex, Scopus Xi'an, China | May 22 - 24, 2020 More details, please visit: ITAS is an international forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and concerns in the several perspectives of Information Technology & Applications. [Publication and Indexing] Accepted and registered full papers will be included in ACM Conference Proceedings, and in the major index: Ei Compendex, Scopus, Inspect, etc. [Venue] Grand Park Xi'an (pending) ADD: No.12 Huancheng South Road, Beilin, 710068 Xi'an, China WEB: [Call for Papers] - Included but not limited - * Advances in information systems modelling and design methodologies * Enterprise, business and technological process modelling * Data warehouse and multidimensional modelling, analysis and mining * Methodologies for continuous information systems adaptation and software evolution * Architecture patterns and models for design of large-scale information systems * Information systems architecture * Information systems development tools * Component-based information technologies * Semantic Web technologies in intelligent information systems design * Agent-based information technologies * Information systems integration and tools for supporting information integration * Practical experience with integration approaches * Information systems and telecommunication technologies * Modern database technologies and their applications * Process modelling for enterprises * Concepts, techniques and applications of electronic and mobile business * Customer relationship management, knowledge management and helpdesks: organization, automation, systems, experiences * Security issues in information systems * Web oriented business and technological process control and reengineering * ERP/MRP systems concepts and technologies * Information technologies for managing, modelling and simulating social, economical, environmental, and technical objects and processes * Information retrieval and natural language processing * Intelligent data processing and knowledge-based information technologies * E-Learning and Web-enterprise training * Management of information systems projects * Mobile computing and information systems * Pervasive computing and information systems * Open Source software vs. enterprise information systems * Visual information processing and information visualisation * Other topics related to the application of information systems technology *Submission By online submission system: *Contact Ms. Ting Wang [email protected] +86 139 8006 2041 |
Credits and Sources |
[1] ITAS--EI, Scopus 2020 : 2020 Information Technology & Applications Symposium (ITAS 2020)--EI Compendex, Scopus |