Call for Papers for May 2019: 2019 ISEHDF International Symposium on Ethical Hacking and Digital Forensics International Symposium on Ethical Hacking and Digital Forensics ISEHDF 2019 is co-located with ICSIoT. Proceedings of full papers of the in IEEE Xplore, IEEE CSDL and other places such as Scopus, titles of papers will be made available in Web of Science linked to ResearcherID and Clarivate Analytics’Publons etc.. The Areas of the symposium are Dark web Deep Web Surface Web Disclosure of new Hacking Tools New Vulnerabilities and Zero Day Exploits Cyber Forensics Password Systems Vulnerability Lock picking & physical security exploitation Web Application & Network Security Antivirus/IDS/Firewall/filter evasion techniques Social Engineering Metasploit Framework Web Browser Exploitation Mobile Application Security and Exploitation Wireless Security Denial of Service Attacks Hardware Hacking/ SCADA Hacking Honeypots Fuzzing Techniques Open Source Security Cyber Laws, Cyber warfare, Cyber Ethics Anonimity in Internet Carding and Black Market Analysis Applied Cryptography and Cryptanalysis Digital Forensics Disclosure and Ethics Embedded Security (health devices, IoT, SCADA, home/personal devices...) Exploit Automation Hardware Vulnerabilities* Malware Creation, Analysis and Prevention Mobile Security Network Security, Intrusion Detection and Prevention Penetration Testing Reverse Engineering and Obfuscation Security and Privacy in Cloud, P2P Networks Vulnerability Discovery / Analysis Web Application Security Satellite Hacking Web Security Privacy Embedded Systems Technologies GSM, GPRS and CDMA Security RFID Security VoIP Security IOT vulnerabilities Lockpicking Wireless Security Exploitation IPv6 Security Attack and Defense Techniques Reverse Engineering Application Security, Testing, Fuzzing Code Auditing Virtualization Security Malicious Code Databases Security Packet Pungas Viruses, Worms, and Trojans e-crime, Phishing and Botnets Malware Crimeware e-voting madness Banking Security Phreaking Hardware hacking Cryptography SQL Injection Forensics & AntiForensics Formal and theoretical techniques of cyber security and forensics Legal and policy issues in cyber security and defense Availability, privacy, authentication, trust, access control, and key management Social networks security and forensics Intrusion Detection Incident response techniques in networked and distributed systems Security and privacy in wireless and mobile systems Cyber security engineering Risk analysis and management in cyber security Storage systems protection and forensics Economic and management aspects of cyber security and privacy Automated reasoning techniques of incidents and evidence analysis Evidentiary aspects and forensics of digital crimes Cyber scenarios modeling, analysis, and investigation Hypothetical reasoning in forensics and incident response Collaborative and distributed techniques for cyber defense and cyber investigation Active, adaptive, and intelligent defense systems Embedded security and device forensics Evidence preservation, management, storage and reassembly Anti-forensics and anti-anti forensics prevention, detection, and analysis Multimedia security and forensics Lightweight security techniques Large-scale security and investigation in large networks and Big Data Innovative forensic services Data visualization in forensic analysis Vulnerability analysis and assessment of cloud services Techniques for tracking and trace-back of attacks in networked and distributed systems Data hiding, extraction, and recovery technique Security and forensics in distributed, virtual, and cloud environments Cyber security architectures Machine Learning-aided analysis Graph-based detection Topic modelling Improvements of existing methods Decision Support Systems Novel datasets New data formats Digital Forensics data simulation Anonymised case data New data formats and taxonomies Cyber Threats Intelligence Network Forensics Readiness Malware Analysis & Detection Emails mining & Authorship Identification Social Network Mining Events correlations Access Logs analysis Mobile Forensics Fraud Detection Database Forensics IoT Forensics Blockchain technologies Industrial systems Secure collaborative platforms Distributed storage and processing Technologies for data streams Hardware and software architectures for large-scale data -etc Proceedings of full papers of the International Symposium on Ethical Hacking and Digital Forensics ISEHDF 2019 will be added to 2019 ICSIoT conference full papers and will be submitted to IEEE Xplore, IEEE CSDL and other places such as Scopus, titles of papers will be made available in Web of Science linked to ResearcherID and Clarivate Analytics’ Publons etc. Registration for Full Paper $300 (Short paper 3-4 pages and Full paper 5-6 pages IEEE Paper template This covers presentation and conference participation. Registration for Abstract Only $100. (Title, Name of Authors, Affiliation, Abstract and Key words) This covers presentation and conference participation. All selected papers further qualified for future advancement/improvement of work-done for Special Issues in reputable Journals and Book Chapters to be indexed in reputable places such as SCOPUS. Authors will be contacted in the future for submissions to these call for papers. All selected abstracts qualify for such invitations. Submission link: Website : Deadline for full papers submission : 20th May 2019 Final notification of acceptance : 25th May 2019 Deadline for registration : 27th May 2019 Deadline for Camera-ready : 28th May 2019 Conference date : 29th to 31th May 2019 Venue : Ghana Technology University College, Accra Ghana.