We invite researchers and engineers to submit high-quality technical academic papers to the 6th Annual International Workshop on Innovating the Network for Data Intensive Science (INDIS) 2019. The workshop will be held in conjunction with the SC19: IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SuperComputing), which will be held in Denver, CO, on Sunday, November 17, 2019. We invite papers that propose new and novel techniques that increase the capacity and functionality of scientific computing and wide-area networks. This workshop encourages submissions that address one or more of the following networking research challenges; and developments that are essential in the information systems infrastructure for the scientific discovery process. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: - Data-intensive distributed application architectures - Software-defined networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) in service of data science applications - High performance data transfer applications and techniques - Science DMZs and other campus network architecture constructs - Requirements and issues for network quality of service (QoS) or experience (QoE) - Multi-domain networking, including hybrid clouds, multi-domain authorization, data sharing and data privacy - Network monitoring and traffic analytics, autonomous network control - Network management: diagnostics, troubleshooting, fault management, performance monitoring, configuration management and scheduling - High-performance network protocols and network architectures - Securing high-speed networks - Cross-layer network architectures and concepts We also welcome participants from SCinet to present high quality experimental papers on their latest designs and solutions. SCinet, as the high-speed network engine of the SC conference, represents state of the art, connects many demonstrators of big science data processing infrastructures at the highest line speeds, deploys the newest technologies available, and demonstrates novel functionality. The show floor network connects to many laboratories and universities worldwide using high-bandwidth connections. Important Dates: Paper Submission due: Tuesday, September 10 (extended), 2019 Notification of acceptance: Tuesday, September 27, 2019 Copyright completed by Authors: Monday, October 7th, 2019 Camera-ready version: Friday, October 11th, 2019 Workshop Date: Sunday, November 17, 2019 Submission Guidelines: Papers will be published in the SC19 conference workshop proceedings through IEEE TCHPC. Workshop papers are expected to be 8-12 pages and use the IEEE conference template and submitted via the Linklings system. Detailed submission guidelines will be provided in June 2019. Please check INDIS website https://scinet.supercomputing.org/workshop/ for detailed submission instructions. Reproducibility Criteria: AD Appendices will be mandatory for all submissions. AE Appendices are still optional, and both will be submitted via a standard form in the conference submission system. Three new Technical Program tracks, with their respective committees and chairs, are introduced in support of the SC Reproducibility Initiative. Please visit SC19 Reproducibility Initiative page https://sc19.qltdclient.com/submit/reproducibility-initiative/ Website: https://scinet.supercomputing.org/workshop/ Note also the call for Network Research Environment demos on the SCinet website: https://sc19.supercomputing.org/experience/scinet/ Registration: SC19 workshop registration is handled through the SC19 system. Please visit http://sc19.supercomputing.org for more information. If you have any further questions, please email: [email protected] Organizing Committee: - Michelle Zhu, Montclaire State University - Ilya Baldin, RENCI/UNC Chapel Hill - Paola Grosso, University of Amsterdam