IEEE-NSENS 2018 : The 1st IEEE International Conference on Micro/Nano Sensors for AI, Healthcare, and Robotics
IEEE-NSENS 2018 : The 1st IEEE International Conference on Micro/Nano Sensors for AI, Healthcare, and Robotics

IEEE-NSENS 2018 : The 1st IEEE International Conference on Micro/Nano Sensors for AI, Healthcare, and Robotics

Shenzhen Bao’an, China
Event Date: December 05, 2018 - December 07, 2018
Submission Deadline: September 30, 2018

Call for Papers

The future of micro/nano sensor applications across multitudes of consumer-related industries in the world is vast. Researchers across the world are currently looking at different ways to integrate sensing devices for future applications such as enhancing the performance of energy generation and storage systems, improving the stability and accuracy of wearable devices to monitor human health constantly, advancing safety and security levels in homes, building, and factories, augmenting robotics capabilities by improving motion sensor-based position tracking, as well as integration of sensors and artificial intelligence techniques to create advanced ubiquitous cyber-physical sensing networks.

On the other hand, futuristic intelligent systems are incorporating sensors to recognize tactile, visual, olfactory, tastes, audio, and other physical and chemical inputs. Many researchers worldwide are now developing novel sensing devices using MEMS and nano-fabrication techniques to advance their transduction capabilities. Without a doubt, the application of micro/nano sensing technologies will be proliferating in almost every aspect of our daily lives, including healthcare, virtual reality, autonomous, safety, and robotics products. For example, with the recent advancements in micro/nano sensing devices and micro/nano fluidics, biosensors are positioned to find useful applications in medicine as diagnostics tools, and as well as drug discovery and monitoring devices. On the other hand, when coupled with artificial intelligence, Smart Sensor Systems technology will revolutionize the world in the coming decades. By ensuring the integrity and reliability of the Smart Sensor Systems, this emerging technology will find applications in human-computer interaction devices, consumer electronics products, communication devices, home automation and monitoring, robotics, transportation, medicine, and military. It has been estimated that the global market for sensors will rise from ~ US$110billion in 2015 to an anticipated ~US$240billion in 2022.

Foreseeing the coming exponential growth for research and development activities of integrated smart sensing technologies, particularly focusing on the utilization of micro and nano sensors, the IEEE Nanotechnology Council will initiate a new conference series call “IEEE International Conference on Micro/Nano Sensors for AI, Healthcare, and Robotics” (IEEE-NSENS). This new conference will attract leaders and visionaries from industry and academia to disseminate their latest research results in intelligent micro and nanoscale sensing systems for applications in artificial intelligence (AI), healthcare, and robotics, including new scientific theories, computational algorithms, information technologies, and engineering techniques that enable the rapid development and integration of advanced sensing devices with robots, wearable health monitoring systems, the Internet, local or body networks, and intelligence systems.

IEEE-NSENS will periodically focus on special topics that are of importance to the global societies. For example, AI sensors, synthetic sensors, flexible wearable sensors and electronics, bio-sensors for healthcare, and micro-inertial sensors for robotics, etc. IEEE-NSENS strives to promote discussions in these areas as well as the integration of sensors, cyber physical systems, self-generating energy sources, and artificial intelligence algorithms to advance applications in sensors, artificial intelligence, healthcare, and robotics.

For further details, please refer to


IEEE-NSENS 2018 : The 1st IEEE International Conference on Micro/Nano Sensors for AI, Healthcare, and Robotics will take place in Shenzhen Bao’an, China. It’s a 3 days event starting on Dec 5, 2018 (Wednesday) and will be winded up on Dec 7, 2018 (Friday).

IEEE-NSENS 2018 falls under the following areas: AI SENSORS, SYNTHETIC SENSORS, LEXIBLE WEARABLE SENSORS, BIO-SENSORS FOR HEALTHCARE, etc. Submissions for this Conference can be made by Sep 30, 2018.

Please check the official event website for possible changes before you make any travelling arrangements. Generally, events are strict with their deadlines. It is advisable to check the official website for all the deadlines.

Other Details of the IEEE-NSENS 2018

  • Short Name: IEEE-NSENS 2018
  • Full Name: The 1st IEEE International Conference on Micro/Nano Sensors for AI, Healthcare, and Robotics
  • Timing: 09:00 AM-06:00 PM (expected)
  • Fees: Check the official website of IEEE-NSENS 2018
  • Event Type: Conference
  • Website Link:
  • Location/Address: Shenzhen Bao’an, China

Credits and Sources

[1] IEEE-NSENS 2018 : The 1st IEEE International Conference on Micro/Nano Sensors for AI, Healthcare, and Robotics

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