18th International Conference WWW/Internet 2019 November 7 - 9, 2019 – Cagliari, Italy (http://www.internet-conf.org/) * Conference Scope The WWW/Internet 2019 conference aims to address the main issues of concern within WWW/Internet. WWW and Internet had a huge development in recent years. Aspects of concern are no longer just technical anymore but other aspects have aroused. This conference aims to cover both technological as well as non-technological issues related to these developments. The conference accepts submissions in the following five main areas: Web 2.0; Semantic Web and XML; Applications and Uses; Services, Architectures and Web Development; Research Issues. For more details please check http://www.internet-conf.org/call-for-papers * Paper Submission This is a blind peer-reviewed conference. Authors are invited to submit their papers in English through the conference submission system by June 28, 2019. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously. * Important Dates: - Submission Deadline (2nd call): 28 June 2019 - Notification to Authors (2nd call): 29 July 2019 - Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration (2nd call): Until 2 September 2019 - Late Registration (2nd call): After 2 September 2019 * Paper Publication The papers will be published in book and electronic format with ISBN, will be made available through the Digital Library available at http://www.iadisportal.org/digital-library/showsearch. The best paper authors will be invited to publish extended versions of their papers in a special issue published in the IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet (ISSN: 1645-7641) and in other selected Journals. The conference proceedings will be submitted for indexation (pending approval) by IET’s INSPEC, Elsevier, EI Compendex, Scopus, Thomson Reuters Web of Science, EBSCO and other important indexing services. * Conference Contact: E-mail: [email protected] Web site: http://www.internet-conf.org/ * Organized by: International Association for Development of the Information Society Co-Organized by: University of Cagliari, Italy