Original contributions from researchers describing their unpublished research contribution which is not currently under review by another conference or journal and addressing state-of-the-art research are invited to share their work in all areas of Data Science, Machine Learning and its applications but are not limited to Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing Web Intelligence and Computing Swarm Intelligence Mobile Computing Sensor Networks and Social Sensing Wireless Mesh Networks Wireless Networks Management Wireless Protocols and Architectures Multi-Agent Systems Human-Computer Interaction Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Knowledge Management and Networks Data Intensive Computing Architecture Resource Management and Scheduling Intelligent E-Learning Systems Smart Environments and Applications Genetic Algorithms Evolutionary Computation Soft Computing Machine Learning Neural Networks Pattern Recognition Intelligent Control Optimization Nonlinear System and Control System Theory and Control Theory Video and Image Processing Internet Security Big Data Cellular Networks Social Networks & E-Commerce Computer and Network Forensics Data and Network Outsourcing Services Cloud and Edge Computing Routing and Network Management Cyber Deterrence Strategies Mobile and Wearable Devices Social, Economic, and Policy Issues of Trust, Security, and Privacy Paper Submission Link : https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icdsml2019 SUBMISSION GUIDELINE 1.Full Text Manuscripts in Springer template (limited to 6-pages) should be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript online through Easy Chair https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icdsml2019. 2.Full text paper submissions will be peer-reviewed by the members of the Technical and Review Committee to assess their quality and relevance. The reviewers recommendation will be final. Online registration link will be sent to the authors along with the paper acceptance notification. 3.The conference is approved by Springer. All accepted and presented papers will be submitted to Springer for publication (Subject to quality of paper as per Springer guidelines). REACH US AT Convener DSMLA 2019, CMR Institute of Technology Kandlakoya , Medchal Road Hyderabad - 501401 (T.S), India Email:- [email protected] http://www.cmritonline.ac.in/springerconference-dsmla #For more information and updates visit Ph:- +91-7330860535, +91-9052000926