2019 4th International Conference on Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ICDME 2019)--EI Compendex, Scopus July 15-17, 2019 Deakin University, Australia http://www.icdme.org/ Dear Scholars and Researchers, Warmest Greetings from ICDME 2019! This is 4th International Conference on Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ICDME2019) conference committee. We are very pleased to tell you that ICDME 2019 will be held at Deakin University, Australia during July 15-17, 2019. The aim as well as objective of ICDME 2019 is to present the latest research and results of scientists related to Design and Manufacturing Engineering topics. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas face-to-face, to establish business or research relations as well as to find global partners for future collaborations. We hope that the conference results will lead to significant contributions to the knowledge in these up-to-date scientific fields. Call for Papers Product/industrial/engineering design CAD/CAM/CAE Concurrent engineering, agile manufacturing, rapid prototyping Material science and engineering materials Manufacturing technologies, production, control Mechanical transmissions Engineering management Sustainable development, lifecycle assessment, Eco-design, Eco-manufacture and renewable energy Web/Internet technologies Experimental and theoretical analyses, finite/boundary element methods, optimisation Soft computing, artificial intelligence, evolutionary computing, agent computing Computer simulation, multimedia, virtual reality Creative industries Engineering education etc. Proceedings All submissions will be peer reviewed by 2-3 reviewers. The registered and presented papers will be published into the ICDME2019 Conference Proceedings, which is indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus, Inspec, DOAJ and CPCI (Web of Science). History ICDME 2018 was successfully held in Monash University, Melbourne, Australia during July 16-18, 2018! ICDME2018- MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol. 221 (2018), ICDME2018 conference proceedings has already been published online! ICDME 2017 was successfully held in Guangzhou, China during August 1-3, 2017! Papers of ICDME2017 were published by IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 239 and proceedings of ICDME2017 is already indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus! ICDME 2016 was successfully held in Auckland, New Zealand during November 19-21, 2016! Submission ICDME 2019 is now accepting manuscript submissions. Submission Deadline:March 01st, 2019 Please submit your full paper to us: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icdme2019 [email protected] Conference Schedule Friday July 15, 2019: 10:00-16:00 Participants Registration and Conference kits Collection Saturday July 15, 2019: 09:00-12:00 Opening Remarks & Keynote Speeches 13:30-18:00 Parallel Sessions Sunday July 17, 2019: 10:00-16:00 Social Activity(Pending) Contact us Ms. Connie Young Tel:+852-30717761 (Hong Kong) / +86-18062000004 (China) Email:[email protected] Website:http://www.icdme.org/contact.html