Call for Papers |
CALL FOR PAPERS HUMAN'23 - 6th Workshop on Human Factors in Hypertext Official workshop of the ACM Hypertext Conference '23 Sponsored by ACM SIGWEB * 04 Sep 2023 @ Rome & online ===================================================== HUMAN on Mastodon: @[email protected] -- HUMAN on Twitter: @HUMAN_HT -- Twitter hashtag: #HUMAN23 Workshop website: ** INTRODUCTION HUMAN'23 is the sixth workshop of a series for the ACM Hypertext conferences. It is sponsored by SIGWEB and affiliated with the 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media. It has a strong focus on human factors combining user-centric hypertext and artificial intelligence (AI) to create intelligent hypertext systems. The user-centric view on hypertext not only includes user interfaces and interaction, but also discussions about hypertext application domains. Furthermore, the workshop raises the question of how original hypertext ideas (e.g., Doug Engelbart's "augmenting human intellect" or Frank Halasz' "hypertext as a medium for thinking and communication") can improve today's hypertext systems. The HUMAN'23 workshop will be held hybrid, that is, taking place in Rome and being streamed via Zoom. For further information see the workshop website and follow us on Mastodon or Twitter. ** SCOPE Historically, hypertext is strongly connected to human factors. This can be experienced by the early work provided by hypertext pioneers, such as Doug Engelbart or Ted Nelson. However, recent research trends have shadowed this in parts. Therefore, this workshop combines original hypertext ideas with recent hypertext research trends. Furthermore, it tries to consolidate different hypertext areas by looking at those from a human factors viewpoint. HUMAN also encourages to submit work that has an interdisciplinary perspective. It targets both scientists and developers from various research and business areas who consider a critical and open-minded discussion of original hypertext ideas with the goal to identify and solve today's hypertext challenges. Relevant topics include (but are not limited to): - Systems for augmenting human intellect - Human-centered information systems - Human-centered AI - eXplainable AI in hypertext - User interfaces and interactions - VR or AR environments for hypertext - Cognitive aspects and hypertext - Collaborative hypertext and social media - Hypertext used for human communication - Hypertext and decision making - Information structuring - Spatial hypertext - Annotation services - Organizing information - Information structuring in digital humanities - User perspectives in adaptive hypertext - Social aspects of humans using hypertext - Intercultural aspects in hypertext ** SUBMISSION All papers must be original and may not be published, submitted, and/or currently under review elsewhere. Each submission will be peer reviewed in a double-blind manner. Papers must follow the new workflow for ACM publications -- see also the HUMAN'23 website for details. Short papers max. 6 pages, long papers max. 12 pages (1-column review layout), excluding references. Submissions must be uploaded via Easy Chair (HT'23) no later than June 28, 2023 (AoE): All accepted and at the workshop presented papers will be published at the ACM Digital Library. ** IMPORTANT DATES Submission deadline: June 28, 2023 Notification of acceptance: July 24, 2023 Camera ready papers due: August 6, 2023 Workshop (taking place hybrid): September 4, 2023 ** ORGANIZERS If you have any questions please feel free to contact the organizers: Prof. Dr. Jessica Rubart OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany [email protected] Twitter: @jrubart -- Prof. Dr. Claus Atzenbeck Institute of Information Systems, Hof University, Germany [email protected] Mastodon: @[email protected] -- Twitter: @clausatz -- |
Credits and Sources |
[1] HUMAN 2023 : Human Factors in Hypertext |