The fourteenth Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime 2019) will be held November 13th-15th, 2019 on the campus of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. This year's program is co-hosted by our event partner CyLabs. eCrime 2019 consists of a 4 day program. One day of Workshops and CTF followed by 3 days of keynote presentations, technical and practical sessions, and interactive panels. An overarching goal of these meetings is bringing together academic researchers, industry security practitioners, and law enforcement to discuss and exchange ideas, experiences and lessons learnt combating cybecrime. The conference offers travel grants to students of accepted work who are having issues finding the funding to attend. Note that there is a set final date for requesting the stipend, please get your requests in as soon as possible after hearing back about your paper’s acceptance. eCrime 2019 also has a best paper and runner-up award that is accompanied by a cash reward for the top papers submitted. Important Dates: Full Papers registration and submission due: August 30, 2019 Paper Notifications due: September 30th, 2019 Request for a stipend: October 10th, 2019 Camera ready due: TBA Conference: November 13th-15th, 2019 Submission topics include but are not limited to: Detecting and/or mitigating eCrime (e.g. online fraud, malware, phishing, ransomware, etc.) Measuring and modeling of eCrime Economics of online crime eCrime delivery strategies and countermeasures (e.g. spam, mobile apps, social engineering, etc.) Security assessments of mobile devices Public Policy and Law for online crime Instructions for Authors: Papers publication details will be posted soon. Cash awards will be given for the best paper overall and the honorable mention student co-authored papers. Authors will be asked to indicate whether their submissions should be considered for the best student paper award; any paper co-authored by a full-time student is eligible for this award. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be presented at the conference. A limited number of stipends are available to those unable to obtain funding to attend the conference. Students whose papers are accepted and who will present the paper themselves are given priority to receive such assistance. Requests for stipends should be addressed to the general chair after paper acceptance. Please submit papers on HotCRP using: Organizing Committee General Chair: Brad Wardman, PayPal Program Chair: Gianluca Stringhini, Boston University Markus Jakobsson, Amber Solutions Inc. Program Committee: Luca Allodi, TU Eindhoven Yun Shen, Symantec Adam Doupe, Arizona State University Shuang Hao, UT Dallas Alice Hutchings, University of Cambridge Chris Kanich, UIC Alexandros Kapravelos, NCSU Engin Kirda, Northeastern Nektarios Leontiadis, Facebook Federico Maggi, Trendmicro Damon McCoy, NYU Enrico Mariconti, UCL Gang Wang, Virginia Tech Shirin Nilizadeh, UT Arlington Elissa Redmiles University of Maryland Nick Nikiforakis, Stonybrook University Tobias Fiebig, TU Delft Hossein Siadati, Google/NYU Poly Najmeh Miramirkhani, Stonybrook University Platon Kotzias, IMDEA