The workshop will be held in Regensburg, Germany on September, 10th 2019 in conjunction with COSIT 2019 (14th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory). ABOUT Archaeological data, and more in general cultural heritage information, are characterized by both spatial and temporal dimensions that are often related to each other and are of particular interest for supporting the interpretation process through which new knowledge can be achieved about ancient times. For this reason, several research works proposed attempts to develop new information management techniques, some of them directly inherit from geographical information science. However, cultural heritage and archaeology still require a tailored support to: * the collection of spatio-temporal data and their effective representation for enhancing interoperability, especially with the rise of 3D acquisition techniques that involves big data characteristics; * the processing of raw data in order to identify artifacts and define their allocation in space and time, in relation with ontological developments; * the reconstruction of ancient structures (buildings, walls, castle, etc.) or their temporal evolution, based on deep learning process allowing automatic reconstruction, segmentation, complex objects identification; * the integrated access and querying of the collected data in different formats, structures, data models; * the development of tailored representation methodologies or spatio-temporal archaeological information. The aim of the workshop is to bring together researches of the fields of spatial information science, knowledge representation and knowledge discovery to share their research results in order to draw the new incoming challenges in terms of archaeological and cultural heritage spatial information management applications. TOPICS This exploratory workshop deals with a hot topic in term of spatio-temporal information management. Organizers will pay particular attention to presentations with working prototypes and live result presentations. Knowledge representation * Modeling of spatio-temporal data in archaeology and cultural heritage * Techniques for supporting interoperability of spatio-temporal data * 3D digital artifact capture, representation and manipulation * Workflow design for supporting the archaeological interpretation process Knowledge discovery * Analytic tools to assist scholars' research on archaeological data * Tools for reconstruction and processing of spatio-temporal evolution * Spatial temporal data mining on spatio-temporal data in archaeology * Machine learning techniques applied to archaeological data Up to three best contributions presented at the workshop will be selected for publication on the ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), Such papers will be chosen by the workshop program committee together with the JOCCH Editor-in-Chief and authors will be asked to prepare an extended version to be submitted to the Journal for publication.