First Conference Alexandria Pedagogical Innovation and Technology Enhanced Learning TRANSFORMING INTO A CULTURE OF STUDENT CENTERED LEARNING THROUGH ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Aim The Egyptian Administration declared 2019 the year of Education. In parallel to this, Alexandria University pioneered creating the first Pedagogical Innovation Unit in Egyptian Higher Education Institutions. Alexandria University has also declared starting a transformation into a Student Centered University; a decision that involves reviewing pedagogical strategies, policies and practices. This conference aims at gathering researchers, experts and practitioners who are practicing and promoting pedagogical innovations; and who are modeling, designing, prototyping, implementing and evaluating Technology Enhanced Learning solutions in higher education. Research papers, system descriptions, demonstrations and tutorials are all highly welcome. Special appreciation and attention are dedicated to proposals that emphasize the crucial role of Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Emerging Technologies, in general, in designing and building Technology Enhanced Learning systems and tools to serve the Student Centered University Objective. Call for Participation We welcome the submission of original work in the form of (1) long papers [6 to 8 pages], [2] short papers [2 to 4 pages] with possible virtual presentation, (3) posters, [4] tutorials and demos, (5) workshop proposals, [6] industry and academia showcases as well as [7] workgroups and project meetings that revolve around (but are not limited to) the following topics: Artificial Intelligence in Learning and Assessment Processes Bring your own device (BYOD) policies and strategies Business models for Technology Enhanced Learning Competency Based Education (CBE) Computer-supported collaborative learning Design and Development of Digital Learning and Assessment Environments Digital and generation divide and Student centered learning Ethics and data gathering, storage and processing for learning enhancement Game-based Learning and Assessment Higher Education policies, regulations and Bylaws ICT Inclusion for learning Innovative Teaching techniques and strategies for digital learning Interoperability and Open Educational Resources (OER) Inter-Professional Education Learning and Assessment Analytics Learning groups formation for Student Centered Learning Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) Mobile, wearable and pervasive technologies for student Centered learning Modeling and Knowledge Representation in Student Centered Learning Natural language processing and semantic web technologies for learning Network infrastructures and architectures for Technology Enhanced Learning Pedagogical innovations and employability support Pedagogical innovations to for visual, hearing and physical impairments Personalization and Adaptive Learning and Assessment Privacy in learning environments Problem- and project-based learning Psycho-pedagogic support for users: faculty and students Remote and Virtual labs Sensors and IOT for learning Serious Games, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Social computing and social media for Student Centered Learning Story-telling and reflection-based learning Teaching, Learning, Technology and Internationalization Technology Enhanced Learning Specifications, Standards and Quality Trust and reputation in TEL Visualization techniques for learning In parallel to the conference, an exhibit on Pedagogical Innovations and Enabling Technologies will be taking place for both academia and industry. Submission Link Contact [email protected] Accepted papers will be part of the conference proceedings available online kindly use the IEEE conference template (A4, doc format) available on for paper submission