The Tenth International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (10th ICCCNT 2019) aims to provide a forum that brings together International researchers from academia and practitioners in the industry to meet and exchange ideas and recent research work on all aspects of Information and Communication Technologies. Following the great success of 9th ICCCNT 2018, The 10th edition of the event, ICCCNT’19, will be held in IIT, Kanpur on July 6-8, 2019. The conference will consist of keynote speeches, technical sessions, and exhibition.. The technical sessions will present original and fundamental research advances, and the workshops will focus on hot topics in Computing , Communication and Networking Technologies. Note: Authors India or far away from conference location can present the paper through online. For further details, you can visit Proceedings: Accepted papers will be included in the IEEE Xplorer. It will be indexed by EI and Scopus Submissions. All papers need to be submitted electronically through easychair. Important Dates Submission of full papers : March 31, 2019 Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2019 Final paper submission : June 22, 2019 For further information visit or contact [email protected] Conference Chair Dr. Prakash Duraisamy, University of South Alabama, USA The topics of interest, not limited to the following, are: COMPUTING Computer Architecture Data Structure Quantum Computing Pervasive Computing Parallel Computing Grid Computing Cloud Computing Mobile Computing Big Data Data Mining Signal Processing Image Processing Pattern Recognition Soft Computing LiDAR COMMUNICATION Broadband Communication Wireless Communication Mobile Communication Optical Communication Remote Sensing Antenna / MIMO RF Electronics Nano-electronics VLSI / ULSI / MEMS Embedded Systems Digital System Design Smart Grid Control Systems Power Electronics / Systems Robotics NETWORKING Computer Network Wireless Network Mobile Network Ad-hoc Network Sensor Network Multimedia Network Internet of Things Information Theory and Coding Network Security Cryptography Optical Network Test-bed