The 23 Best Hangover Foods

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: January 10, 2023

The 23 Best Hangover Foods

Fortunately, hangovers tend to go on their own within an expected duration of 24 hours. However, by drinking and eating the correct beverages and foods, a person might feel better more quickly. This article will talk about some of the best foods to treat a hangover easily. 

A person must learn how to control the consumption of alcohol while drinking as it is not a secret that excessive drinking might end up causing major issues to his health. He must gain cognizance about controlling his alcohol consumption as excessive drinking might end up causing serious health issues. 

This does not necessarily mean that a person can not party. He must be cautious about the quantity of alcohol being consumed by him and he should always try to drink within a set limit. 

How Does A Hangover Begin?

A hangover is when a person tends to suffer from unpleasant mental and physical symptoms upon drinking too much alcohol. A hangover generally begins after several hours when a person stops drinking. 

The symptoms associated with a hangover can vary in intensity; this depends on the person and the amount and type of alcohol consumed by him. Typically, his symptoms tend to be the worst when the blood alcohol level gets back to zero. Such symptoms can last for a day or possibly much longer than that. 

A hangover is very common in people who tend to consume alcohol in large quantities. A study conducted by researchers discovered that more or about 75% of people who drank an excessive amount the night before ended up reporting hangover symptoms. The researchers also concluded that approximately about 25 to 30% of people who were involved with drinking alcohol might be resistant to any hangover. 

Complications And Symptoms Associated With Excessive Drinking

A person is more likely to come across problems associated with coordination, concentration, and memory while facing a hangover. In general, the severity of the symptoms he faces directly depends on the amount of alcohol consumed by him and the duration for which it was consumed. But his health and other such factors also tend to play a crucial role. Some people, even after drinking heavily, fail to get any symptoms. On the other hand, others end up getting symptoms from just a single drink. 

Excessive drinking can cause several unfavorable changes to the body of a person. Too much alcohol consumption can cause: 

  • Irritation to the stomach lining 
  • Dehydration 
  • Inflammatory reaction 
  • Low levels of sugar in the blood 

As a part of a hangover, he might experience several symptoms such as: 

  • Headache 
  • Tiredness 
  • Extreme thirst 
  • Nausea 
  • Dizziness 

What Causes A Hangover?

Alcohol causes a hangover, but it does not stop there. Extreme consumption of alcohol can affect the body of a person in several ways. Some of the direct effects of alcohol consumption are: 


Alcohol is a diuretic. As a result, it tends to make a person pee more frequently, so he loses a good amount of fluid from his body. A person can lose more or about a quart of urine in a very few hours after drinking 4 drinks on average. In addition, alcohol also helps in the reduction of the release of vasopressin. It is a hormone that balances the fluids present in the body. Dehydration can cause fatigue, headache, and thirst. 

Electrolyte Imbalance 

The body of a person requires certain chemicals, called electrolytes, to perform all the functions at its best. Passing a large amount of urine tends to create a disbalance of electrolytes. 


The consumption of alcohol increases inflammation throughout the body of a person. I can contribute to a general restless or unwell feeling coupled with a hangover. 

Gastrointestinal Problems 

Alcohol irritates the inner lining of the intestine and stomach. As a result, it tends to slow the rate of digestion while increasing the presence of fatty substances in the stomach, pancreas secretions, and liver of a person. All such processes tend to lead to nausea or an upset stomach. 

Low Blood Sugar Levels

This effect tends to happen in people who are suffering from alcohol use disorder. They might drink continuously and fail to consume food properly for several days. As the body processes the consumed alcohol, it tends to produce lactic acid. This substance is known for reducing the production of blood sugar; therefore, resulting in fatigue, hunger, sweating, shakiness, etc. 

Disruption Of Sleep And Other Such Processes

While alcohol is considered a sedative that is capable of promoting sleep, hangover symptoms usually tend to interfere with sleep. A person might have insomnia as his blood alcohol levels are reduced, as a result of which he feels fatigued. Alcohol also tends to make it difficult for the body of a person to regulate its temperature and interfere with the production of hormones by the body. 

More about Hangovers 

A hangover is the reaction of the body to a heavy consumption of alcohol. Symptoms associated with a hangover such as nausea, sensitivity to light, dizziness, fatigue, headache, or dehydration tend to last for several hours. The research done on a hangover is limited when its scope is considered; the exact procedure behind them is not efficiently understood by many people. 

It is generally thought that the body of a person experiences immune and hormonal responses at the time of a hangover that triggers several symptoms. While there fails to exist any cure for treating a hangover, several drinks and foods that will be talked about in the latter section of this article might help alleviate such symptoms. The first foods that a person allows to enter his stomach the morning after the consumption of alcohol can either wreck his gastrointestinal tract absolutely, or entirely cure his hangover, or at least that is how it tends to feel at times. So, a person is required to be strategic about what his morning hangover meal would be, as well as what his last meal would be before heading out that night. 

Some food items tend to be better options when it comes to soaking up alcohol, while others might contain crucial nutrients that can act as a buffer for brutal symptoms associated with a hangover. Comprehending the complicated effects of alcohol on the body can help a person be well-prepared for his next night out, so he feels less like garbage the following day. 

Can A Person Prevent A Hangover Or Reduce The Severity Of A Hangover?

If a person wishes to enjoy a drink without any unpleasant hangover symptoms, he can try the following hangover prevention ways: 

Drinking Less 

Symptoms are less likely to show up upon drinking alcohol in a small amount. It is always recommended to drink a little less that the amount that takes a person to feel intoxicated. Even if he ends up becoming intoxicated, drinking less can reduce the severity of hangover symptoms. 

Drinking Slowly

When a person is having carbonated beverages that contain alcohol such as champagne or vodka, he must consider drinking them at a slow pace. The bubbles of carbon dioxide might speed up the rate of absorption of alcohol in the blood while competing with the absorption of oxygen. 

Choosing Wisely 

Consumption of a drink with a lesser number of congeners is highly recommended. A person must know that drinks with a lighter color such as gin, white wine, vodka, and light beer tend to typically result in less severe hangover symptoms. On the other hand, a dark-colored drink characterized by a high level of congeners, such as scotch, brandy, red wine, bourbon, tequila, and dark beer tends to cause symptoms that are much more severe. 

Drinking Water 

Alternate beverages that contain alcohol with water. The presence of water helps in the prevention of dehydration. 

Eating Food 

Food helps to slow alcohol absorption. It is considered the best option to eat before you drink. A heavy meal can offset the effects of alcohol on the body of a person. The addition of ginger ale, fruit punch, non-diet cola, or fruit juice can help slow alcohol absorption as well. 

Pacing Oneself 

Limit the consumption of alcohol to a single drink an hour. That is approximately the amount a body can process effectively. This can help keep the blood alcohol level from reaching a point where a person feels intoxicated. 

Hungover and craving a greasy meaty cheeseburger? Although it might taste perfectly delicious when a person is hurting, it is not considered the best hangover food to feed yourself upon being hungover. Although there fails to exist any cure for fighting a hangover, there exist several healthy hangover food options that might help a person feel better quickly. 

23 Foods And Beverages To Consume For Getting Relief Against Hangover

The next time a person feels he has consumed a little too much alcohol, he can consider consuming the following healthy foods and drinks that can help in the alleviation of some of such hangover symptoms: 

Chicken Broth 

A hangover can set forth the stomach person to experience wooziness. If eating solid food sounds a little intense for a person, he can always give it a try and have chicken broth, either brought from a sore or made at his home. 

Warm chicken broth, either store-bought or homemade, is a liquid and can therefore be digested easily by the body while soothing his stomach and helping him rehydrate. 

He can also get sodium, which can help him replenish the electrolytes he might have lost. While purchasing chicken broth, a person must ensure that he chooses a regular- or low-sodium broth, but not the one without any sodium, or he will fail to replenish any lost electrolytes. 


Consuming alcohol tends to inhibit the production of a hormone called vasopressin; it is known to significantly increase the frequency of urine. Alcohol consumption can cause the body of a person to excrete up to about four times as much water, which might result in dehydration, dry mouth, and a dreaded headache post a hangover. 

To wake up feeling better and revitalized, a person must consider drinking a glass of water between every alcoholic beverage. Water can help him flush out the toxins present in his body while reducing the alcoholic content and thereby preventing a hangover. 

Technically speaking, water is not food but its value fails to be emphasized enough. Drinking a lot of water can be beneficial as a person might get dehydrated with alcohol consumption, causing his body to raise the level of urine production. A person should, therefore, consider waking up to pee a lot after a heavily hungover night as it can be exacerbated when he drinks more than an adequate amount of alcohol. 

Some of the most common symptoms coupled with a hangover, as mentioned above, are nausea, headache, and fatigue, which tend to happen because of dehydration. Before even thinking about food, chug down a glass or two of water. If not plain water, you can always turn to flavored lemon water or seltzer, or a sports drink with the presence of electrolytes. 


Magnesium is required by the body to sustain the presence of an alcoholic enzyme known as dehydrogenase, which breaks down alcohol to subsequently remove it from a person’s body. In addition, magnesium might also help relieve tension in the neck and head muscles that might aggravate the hangover symptoms of a person. An ounce of about 23 almonds approximately proves to be a great source of magnesium. To acquire extra sodium content, you can always choose dry-roasted and lightly salted almonds. 


Lentil is another food item with a high magnesium content. A cup of cooked lentils contains about 18% of the number of minerals that are required by the body daily. Drinking a simple lentil soup can help a person with rehydration. It includes protein and fiber, which can help him regulate his digestion and stay full. 


They are undoubtedly one of the finest cures for a hangover. A banana is rich in magnesium as well as potassium and helps provide a double dosage of nutrients that are known to be hangover-friendly. They are high in soluble fiber while being soft on the stomach. A banana tends to have 105 calories on average, and 8% and 12% of magnesium and potassium content respectively required by the body daily. Moreover, bananas also provide natural sugars that can help a person lower his blood sugar level. 


Ginger contains several qualities to fight inflammation. Apart from this, it is also known to provide relief against an upset stomach and nausea that can be caused by a hangover. A person can incorporate ginger is several food items: 

  • Ginger tea
  • Freshly squeezed juice
  • Fruit smoothie 
  • A warm bowl of soup 


Oxidative stress and inflammatory responses tend to take place in the body of a person as he consumes too much alcohol. Selenium is a potent material that is important to maintain a healthy metabolism rate and protecting the body from symptoms such as oxidative stress. This is an essential mineral that can be found in abundance in eggs. Consuming eggs in the morning after a wild night can help alleviate hangovers. 


A study conducted in 2009 revelated that asparagus presents itself with chemicals that might help with the alleviation of hangover symptoms. The efficacy of enzymes that helps in breaking down alcohol is quadrupled under the direct influence of extracts of asparagus. Such enzymes help protect the cells present in the liver from any injury. 

Brazil Nuts 

Minerals are presented unprocessed, while diets tend to play a crucial role in the management of inflammation and fluid balance. Brazil nuts are known to be high in selenium as well as an anti-inflammatory by nature. 


As stressed above, the consumption of alcohol tends to cause dehydration. Cucumbers are high in electrolytes and water which can help a person rehydrate better when compared to water alone after a night of heavy drinking. 


Alcohol can lead to a depletion of minerals and vitamins in the body which might cause inflammation. Salmon helps counteract such effects as it is high in vitamins B12 and B6 along with omega-3 fatty acids, which help in a significant reduction of inflammation. A three-ounce portion of salmon tends to have more than half of the daily requirement of vitamin B12. 

Leafy Greens 

Leafy greens like kale and spinach are high in fiber. They can help treat digestive issues like constipation and diarrhea that might develop with the consumption of a large number of cocktails in a single go. 


Several studies have reported that mango as a tropical fruit has natural sugars which might help a person recover from a hangover faster. It also replenishes the blood glucose level in the body. Mango is also high in water content, which helps in the prevention of dehydration. Other good choices of fruit to help alleviate the symptoms of a hangover are grapes, pears, plantains, and oranges. 

Lean Protein 

Hangover raises the cravings for fatty foods like cheese, bacon, eggs, etc. Consumption of lean meat like chicken proves to digest more effectively while making a person feel better. Lean meat not only increases the energy levels of a person but the amino acids present in it help in the stimulation of the brain cells that keep a person aware and promote alertness. 



A person can easily consume a bowl of white rice. Because of being rich in carbohydrates, it will help provide relief against symptoms such as nausea and diarrhea, while significantly increasing the level of blood sugar in the body. White rice is generally more effective for the digestive system when compared to brown rice. 



When a person has a hangover, one of the wisest things he can do is make a smoothie. When he consumes alcohol, he might cause oxidative stress in his body; this essentially means that he will be required to produce more antioxidants for countering the damage caused to his body. For this, he can consider eating fruits that are strong in antioxidants and vitamin C. raspberries, kiwis, strawberries, oranges, and blueberries are some good additions to a smoothie as they are high in vitamin C and water. For reaping additional benefits, a person might consider making smoothies with such fruits with the addition of flaxseeds and chia seeds which are high in antioxidants. 



Milk is high in fat and proteins; its consumption before drinking alcohol might reduce alcohol absorption from the gut of a person. Milk is undoubtedly a hydrating and refreshing drink for a person who is struggling with a hangover. 



Eating cucumbers that are pickled in salty brine can never be a bad choice when it comes to treating a bad hangover. Pickles tend to present themselves with a high content of sodium which helps fight a hangover effectively. 


Tomato Juice 

Tomatoes improve the function of the liver, which helps the body process toxins present in the system. Tomato juice is high in mineral content (such as potassium), which helps in the prevention of adverse effects related to dehydration including light-headedness and headaches. 


Coconut Water 

A contained filled with 11.2 ounces of coconut water has 660 mg of potassium when compared to a banana which has 422 mg. As per research done in 2022 published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, it was proved to be efficient as a commercial drink to hydrate a person after a tough workout. Coconut water can help a person gain the energy and hydration required to recover from a bad hangover. 



Honey is primarily fructose. Several studies have reported that the presence of fructose can accelerate the elimination of alcohol from the body. It can also help a person deal with low blood sugar levels produced by alcohol consumption (hypoglycemia). 


Green Tea

It is high in an antioxidant called catechins that help boost the production of detoxifying enzymes. They fasten the burning of fat with the process, along with increasing the capacity of the liver to convert fat into energy. 


Whole Grains 

Alcohol inhibits the use and absorption of essential nutrients like folic acid (Bg), B1, and B12. Low levels of such nutrients can cause lethargy and exhaustion. Whole grains are considered complex carbs that are not only higher in nutrients but also fiber. This helps offer a gradual release of energy instead of a spike and crash, which is the last thing a person will want while on a hangover. 

When Does A Hangover Need Immediate Emergency Care?

A person should consider calling 911 if he is with someone who has been drinking and faces any of the following signs: 

  • Slow or irregular breathing (less than 8 breaths a minute or a gap longer than 10 seconds while breathing) 
  • Hypothermia (cold to the touch) 
  • Confusion 
  • Unconscious (passing out) 
  • Trouble staying conscious 
  • Severe vomiting 
  • Seizures 
  • Pale or blue skin 


As provided several times in the article, there fails to exist a perfect cure for the treatment of a hangover post a heavy consumption of alcohol, but the foods and drinks talked about in the article can undoubtedly help a person feel comfortable. The best method for preventing the consequences of a hangover in particular is completely avoiding the consumption of alcohol or at least trying to drink in a moderate amount. 



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