How Many Calories and Carbs Are Present in a Banana?

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: August 04, 2022

How Many Calories and Carbs Are Present in a Banana?

Have you heard about that yellow stick-like fruit? Well, that is a banana. It is one of the most nutritious fruit. But notions have spread that banana is not good at all. Let me tell you that it is not entirely true. Recent studies have stated that we shouldn’t eat bananas much. Because it is high in carbohydrates and sugar. Yeah, this is true, but not entirely. At least not enough to completely abandon this fruit. 

Banana is a factory house of several vitamins and minerals. But researchers might have completely ignored this fact. A banana might be harmful to a group of people like obese people. It doesn’t mean that everyone should avoid it. Other nutritional benefits present in bananas are worth more than their demerits. All we need to explore is just a little bit. It is a good source of energy. And, it can help us to get instant energy.

Let us cultivate more about bananas. What are its benefits? And, why should we eat it? Stay tuned to know all these things about it.

Why Should You Eat The Banana?

The banana is one of the most nutritious fruit. It was the first that was declared as the superfruit. The banana has been known for its nutritional value and calorie for many years. It might give you instant fuel to continue your work. That’s why women prefer to eat bananas to break their fasting. It gives instant relief and energy.

Potassium is the most essential element of bananas. Bananas are one of the most important sources of potassium. It can provide up to 12 percent of the daily need for potassium. Thus, adding it regularly to your diet might help you fulfill your body’s needs. 

Potassium helps to regulate blood flow, muscle contractions, and the nervous system. It protects us from strokes, heart diseases, osteoporosis, and kidney stones. There is a conception that only a few people in the world take the needed amount of potassium every day. Most people are deficient in potassium today. How can we ignore bananas in this condition?

Apart from this, the banana is also a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium, fiber, etc. About 72 percent of a banana is composed of water. That means it is a good source of moisture as well.

Types Of Bananas

Bananas belong to the Musaceae family of tropical flowering plants. It is widely grown in Ecuador, Costa Rica, the Philippines, etc. India is also a great source of banana production. A large population of south India is engaged in banana production. Their livelihood depends on it.

Well, bananas are a rich source of vitamins and minerals. But it is of different types. And, all of them have their features and specialty. Not even they share common nutrients. Yes, they are similar, but only to a certain extent.


This is the most popular kind of banana. It is generally produced in South America. And it tastes a little sweet when it is ripe. Earlier, it was green and tough, but when it started ripening, its color changed from green to yellow with a few black marks on it. It also starts to soften with time. And it continues to soften. The water content present in the banana starts fermenting. It is tastier when it has turned into golden yellow with some brown marks all over it. 

Plantain (Raw Banana)

the next name is plantain. It is one of the most famous and popular types of bananas. Because it is eaten not only as a fruit but also as a vegetable, flavor, baked, fried or cooked food, etc. It is a major calorie provider in many countries. It is the main source of carbohydrates as well. You can either make dishes or have them as snacks to feed your hunger. Check out some plantain recipes online.

Red Banana

Red banana is not much different from cavendish. Only, it is sweeter and tastes better when it is ripe. It looks quite red in texture when it is ripe. Also, it contains more sugar than cavendish.


Slightly shorter and thinner than cavendish. It is the sweetest type of banana. Often it is eaten raw as a dessert because of its sweetness. It contains the highest calories among different types of bananas. But people know very little about it.

Today, modern technology has increased hybrid agriculture. In it, plants from different varieties are cross-breed. Then, a new variety of plants is produced. This method was applied to bananas to produce various varieties. Today nearly thousands of varieties have grown in the market. However, the basic types of bananas are already mentioned above. Cross-breeds of plantain and cavendish are the most famous range of banana varieties.

How Many Calories Does A Banana Have?

Well, the calories present in the banana depend on the size. The medium size of banana contains 100 calories. But they vary with the difference in size and type. For example, red banana contains more sugar than cavendish. And plantain is the safest option because it can be eaten raw as well. Also, it doesn’t contain much sugar. 

Banana is a rich source of carbohydrates. You can have it in your diet to fulfill the need for calories. Try out exciting new recipes with plantain. Also, you can maintain the need for daily calories in your body. The calories that a banana provides depend on which form you are taking. If you are making recipes through it, you can use a simple calculation. About 120 gm of banana contains 100 calories. 

Take it as mashed or sliced, and calculate the weight of the banana. Or, you can estimate that a medium-sized banana may weigh about 100 to 120 gm. A small size banana is about 80 to 1000 gm. And a large one weighs around 120 to 140 gm. Now, you can easily speculate what amount of banana you should take.

 Apart from this, about 92 percent of calories in a banana are provided by carbohydrates, 4 percent by protein, and 3 percent by fiber. Also, it is a rich source of fiber, especially raw bananas.

What is a Carb?

Carb is nothing but a lighter alternative for calories. Since it is lightweight, it doesn’t add much to your diet. And hence, it helps in decreasing weight. Carb intake is often calculated when you are on a diet. It helps to make me feel satisfied. You can have calories without even calculating them in the form of carbs. Because carb is not going to allow you to eat much food. It makes you feel full without even eating much.

People who calculate their carb intake or want to manage their carbs either focus on weight or want to lose weight effectively. The carb is often effective against bad cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc. 

Let’s calculate the daily need for carbs in your body. Before, you need to consider certain points. It depends on various factors. And, no two people can have the same carb needs. Simply, carb intake is different for different people. The carb intake depends on our age, gender, activity level, environment, food culture, personal preferences, etc.

You can decide your carb intake depending on your conditions and needs. If you are willing to lose weight and become healthier, you should take a higher carb intake. Whereas, if you want to just get healthier, you prefer to add a lower amount of carbs. It will help you to retain extra fat.

How Much Carb Does A Banana Have?

Banana is a rich source of carbs. Banana is made of water and carb. And, it can provide a rich content of carbs. People who care about their carb content know how beneficial a banana can be. It is one of the richest sources of carb intake. Carb intake is different for different shapes, sizes, and types of bananas. For example, a raw banana has more carbs than compared to ripe banana. The large size of bananas has a higher carb intake.

Let us try to understand it with a simple example. A small banana of nearly 100 gm weight contains about 23 gm of carb. Either you take it mashed or sliced. You can now easily calculate your carb intake.

Well, we cannot say that bananas can fulfill the need for daily carb intake. Because the daily carb needs differ from person to person. You can calculate it as per your need. However, banana is not an ideal option for carb intake. Because carb intake is meant for weight loss. But the carbohydrate content of bananas increases the probability of weight gain.

Nutritional Value of Bananas

The banana offers various nutritional values. About 100 gm of banana provides 78 calories. 100 gm or a medium-sized banana contains

  • Dietary fiber 2.4 gm
  • Sugar 10 gm
  • Fat 0.3 gm
  • Protein 0.9 gm
  • Vitamin B6 0.3 mg 
  • Vitamin C 7 mg
  • Potassium 290 mg
  • Magnesium 21. 9 mg
  • Vitamin A 51.2 amu
  • Iron 0.2 mg
  • Calcium 4.1 mg

Apart from this, bananas contain about 72 percent water. Though quite low, it still helps to keep the body hydrated throughout the day. Keep yourself refreshed and energetic with bananas.               

Why Do People Consider Banana Is One Of The Worst Foods?

Earlier, reports have been published to warn people about eating bananas. It was even reported as one of the worst foods in the world. People have been warned not to eat bananas. Even many zoos stopped their animals from providing bananas as food. The reason behind this was claimed that bananas are high in sugar content that, throw people into the hand of obesity. Yes, it is true, but not entirely. Bananas can also be taken in the form of carbs. 

It can be an amazing food for those who want to lose weight. Dietician often adds bananas to gain weight. It also contributes to high sugar levels and nutrient deficiency. Some reports have also shown that bananas are radioactive. A higher level of potassium can cause radioactivity. Radiation poising may cause serious health problems. 

Apart from this, bananas’ nutritional value is quite less than other fruits. However, it is rich in potassium. And reports have shown that half of the population of the world is deficient in it. Banana even increases the sugar level of the body, creating problems for type-2 diabetes patients. Thus, patients who are suffering from it are generally advised to stay away from bananas. 

What Do Experts Say On This Thing?

Well, experts have different views on this topic. And we can understand this by dividing our answers into parts. We should eat a banana or not. It depends on our health condition. For example, if you are suffering from obesity, you should avoid it. Bananas are rich in sugar. It may cause heart problems and type-2 diabetes. However, sugar is not quite high. But it must not be taken by type-2 diabetic patients or prediabetics. It may increase the risk.

Next, the banana is rich in potassium. A higher amount of potassium may show radioactive nature. However, we are far from reaching the minimum amount of potassium needed in the body to show radioactive nature. The threat of reaching that criterion has a low probability. One may reach that place. Only if one eats about half a dozen bananas every day, which is quite difficult.

Bananas are rich in carbs. It is mainly made of water and carbs. And carb is an important method to reduce the daily calorie intake of the body. Thus, it helps even reduce weight in one way, but only when other low-fat foods accompany it. So, we can say that banana has mixed features. Experts say that, yes, bananas might be harmful to your health. But not enough to completely ignore it. The banana is an amazing food product and has various health benefits.

The banana is also known for anti-toxicity. It is a brilliant method to remove toxic materials from the body. Doesn’t it make banana an amazing choice?

What Is GI, And Does It Is Present In A Banana?

Glycemic index is the amount of sugar level increased after eating a particular food. Doctors recommend eating food with a lower glycemic index. It is generally calculated to ensure that diabetic patient is eating proper food. Normally, the 55 GI index is considered a low sugar level. Banana contains nearly 51 GI, which is lower than the minimum lowest GI. Hence, we can say that bananas can be eaten in type-2 diabetes. However, the quantity should be less in this case.

If you want to calculate the amount of sugar level in a food product, glycemic load is a more specific index. It calculates the amount of sugar present in your food. Normally, 10 glycemic loads are considered okay for type-2 diabetes. In the case of bananas, the glycemic load is about 11 to 14, which can be considered quite moderate. It may exceed the limit of low glycemic load but can be considered once or twice a week. The glycemic index and glycemic load both contribute to controlling the amount of intake of sugar in the body. It is extremely helpful for type-2 diabetic patients.

What is Resistant Starch?

Resistant starch is a type of carbohydrate. The body cannot digest this resistant starch. Hence, it reaches the colon in its original form. By reaching there, it works like fiber and feeds the good bacteria of the digestive system. Thus, it increases the number of good bacteria in the body and ultimately helps indigestion. 

The presence of resistant starch varies when the banana starts ripening. Normally, the content of resistant starch is higher in unripe bananas. Its quantity starts decreasing when the banana starts ripening. As the banana ripens, the sugar content in it starts increasing. This sugar content is produced by resistant starch. 

If the resistant starch is not completely absorbed in the body, then it gets converted into fat and absorbed in the body. Thus, even if we are eating a raw banana, it is not going to help us to lose weight.

Interesting Facts about Banana

Banana is a kind of creepy fruit and interesting facts. Would you like to know some interesting facts about it? Let us find out a few of them.

  • About 1000s of banana varieties are sold today all over the world. And, they are divided into 50 groups. The most common is cavendish.
  • A banana is a berry. A berry must contain a seed inside.
  • The monkey peels the banana upside opposite to the method we humans use. However, the method of humans is easier and less damaging.
  • Bananas are a source of antioxidants and phytonutrients.
  • Bananas are produced asexually because they are sterile that produces by cloning their parent plant.
  • The banana’s Latin name is Musa Sapianum which means the fruit of the wise man. Banana peels can be used as a leather shoe police. Just peel the banana, and rub your shoe from the inside part of the banana peel. Clear it off after a minute or two. 
  • The banana peels are slippery because of the polysaccharides present in the peels of the banana. It is the same substance that makes our joints move.
  • The banana plant is an herb rather than a tree.


The banana is an interesting fruit. It provides about 78 calories per 100 gm and 23 gm of carb. The quantity may change depending on the shapes and sizes of the banana. Apart from this, bananas are also rich in potassium, carbohydrate, vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium, etc. Bananas are one of the tastiest fruits. Though it is not juicy, it still contains about 75 percent of water. The banana is made of water and carb. The most interesting thing about the banana is that it comes in around 1000s of varieties. All these varieties are spread all over the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is There Any Difference Between Raw Bananas?

Well, they both are a banana. This makes them almost similar. But yes, ripe and unripe bananas are way too different than each other. The first is, that they do not contain an equal number of calories. Carbohydrates in the form of resistant starch are higher in unripe bananas. These resistant starches are highly beneficial for the digestion of food. 

The second is stiffness and color. Though being ripe and unripe, they are bound to be different in color. But the ripe fruit develops a certain type of black and brown patches around them. It is commonly missing in raw bananas. The unripe banana is harder than the ripe banana that is soft and creamy. Unripe banana is also less in sugar which makes them healthier than a ripe banana. You can take unripe bananas by boiling, baking, or cooking them.

Do Bananas Make You Fatty?

The banana contains about 10 gm of sugar per 100 gm of sugar. It also contains some fat and fiber. It provides a comparatively higher number of calories. Yes, bananas can make you fatty because of their sugar content. However, if you are taking it in a limited proportion, bananas can prove to be a good fruit. Also, banana contains carb that can be taken instead of calories. So, if used properly, bananas can also be used to reduce fat.

Is Banana A Carbohydrate-Rich Food?

Yes, carbohydrate is a main part of the banana. It contains about 14 gm of carbohydrate per 100 gm. In which about 10 gm is sugar and 4 gm is fiber. Fiber is an essential nutrient for the body. Even bananas are a source of resistant starch. It is a type of carbohydrate that usually feeds useful bacteria in our gut.

Carbohydrate is the main source of calorie. About 92 percent of calories are provided by carbohydrates, 4 percent by protein, and 3 percent by protein. You can have it to maintain the daily calories-need of your body.




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