Fungal Infections: Types, Symptoms, and Treatments

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: January 22, 2023

Fungal Infections: Types, Symptoms, and Treatments

Fungal infections occur when a certain form of fungus becomes overly dominant in a particular location of the body and our immune system becomes incapable of suppressing it.

A fungus (yeast or mold) is what causes this infection on the skin which is also known as mycosis. Millions of different species of fungi are found in the world. They can be found living in the mud, on plants, on household items, and also on the skin. They might occasionally cause skin issues like rashes and pimples.

A weak immune system puts one at a greater risk for fungal infections. They often impact the nails, skin, hair, or mucous membranes. They can spread to different parts of the body, including the lungs, throat, mouth, urinary tract, etc. These infections are typically treated with antifungal medicines. Occasionally, fungi that are not generally present on or inside our body might colonize it, resulting in illness. Furthermore, in some situations, fungi that are regularly found on or within our body might overgrow beyond control and lead to an infection.

There are advantageous and hazardous fungi as in the case of other organisms. Because they can remain alive in the air and again infect the person trying to recover, dangerous fungi which infect the body might be tough to kill. It is fairly common for several dangerous fungi species to produce fungal infections. These aren’t usually very concerning if properly identified and treated. However, these might be contagious, passing from one individual to the next.

In certain circumstances, polluted soil or surface, infected creatures can spread harmful fungi to humans which cause diseases. These microorganisms called fungi are distinguished by the presence of chitin in the wall of their cells. They are recognized as a different type of life form than plants and mammals. They travel all over by releasing spores or spreading out into the surroundings or air. Numerous fungi naturally exist in human bodies in the mouth, GI tract, the skin, however, they are capable of overgrowing in some situations.

Only some fungus leads to illness in humans, even though scientists estimated the presence of millions of fungi in the world. Some yeasts and molds fall into this category. Certain fungi like different kinds of mushrooms can be eaten. On the other hand, some fungi such as aspergillus might be severely harmful and cause fatal infections. Though most fungi aren’t toxic to human bodies, certain species can cause persistent illness in people with weak immune systems.

Additionally, it can penetrate our skin and cause significant internal organ damage. Skin infections caused by fungi might appear rough, puffy, or red. One might spot a lump beneath their skin or they may resemble a rash. The nails may become thick, brittle, or discoloured like brown, yellow, or white. Fungal infections inside the mouth or throat might lead to a white coating or spots. Anyone can contract a fungus, mainly the ones affecting our skin and nails.

Areas with high friction or moisture retention in our bodies are more prone to fungus infections. In case of poor blood circulation, weak immunity due to HIV/AIDS, cancer or its treatment, immunosuppressant medicines, and diabetes, one is more susceptible to these infections. Yeasts (like Candida or Malassezia furfur) or dermatophytes (like Microsporum, Trichophyton, and Epidermophyton) are the main causes of prevalent fungal infections on the skin.

Kids, old people, individuals who are genetically predisposed to developing fungal infections, those who perspire heavily (as sweaty attire and shoes might promote the development of fungus on the skin), and those coming into contact with someone having a fungal problem, can also catch fungal infections. Those who frequently use damp public spaces like showers, locker rooms, etc because fungi need moisture for growth and reproduction, and individuals who are obese due to many skin folds are also at risk.

Types of Fungal Infections

Even though the majority of fungi are not harmful to people, under certain circumstances few of them might spread diseases. By dispersing spores, fungi reproduce which can be breathed or picked up through direct touch. This is why our skin, nails, or lungs are areas of our body that mostly get fungal diseases.

Fungal infections might occur on the layer of nails, skin, or mucous membranes called superficial or mucocutaneous fungal infections, under the surface of the skin called subcutaneous fungal infections, or within the organs of our body such as the heart, brain, or lungs called deep fungal infections.

Some common types of fungal infections are-

Athlete’s Foot

Another name for athlete’s foot is tinea pedis. This particular fungus infection can harm the hands, nails, and feet skin. The group of fungi known as dermatophytes, which can flourish in the warm, moist spaces between our toes, is what causes this illness. It can be transmitted from person to person and is especially prevalent among athletes.

Because the fungus thrives in warm, wet surroundings like socks and shoes, and sporting goods, this infection is frequently related to sports. However, this can happen to anyone. Moreover, it can be acquired from polluted surfaces such as the flooring of locker rooms, pools, or public showers. In the summertime, it may easily multiply. Also, it is most prevalent in warmer conditions.

An athlete’s foot infection might lead one to itch and experience a burning sensation or sting. Furthermore, our skin might change colour, blister, peel, or crack. Symptoms of this might vary a little bit in the case of every individual. On a light skin tone, it may seem red and on a deeper skin tone, it may look dark brown. This infection can be brought on by several different fungi, at least four different types.

Trichophyton rubrum is the most widespread. The fungus that causes this thrives on the dead skin cells of the hair, toenails, and upper layers of skin. According to the particular fungus that is invading the skin, the illness may act differently. Different types of athlete’s foot are- Interdigital, Moccasin, and Vesicular. The former is also known as toe web infection. This type of athlete's foot is most prevalent.

It typically happens between the two smallest toes and reaches to the sole of our foot. Moccasin infection may start as skin that is irritated, dry, itchy, or scaly. The skin might thicken and crack with time. In addition to the entire sole, the edges of the foot may also be affected. Vesicular is the most uncommon variety of this problem.

The typical first sign is a sudden onset of blisters filled with fluid, mostly on the bottom of the foot. Additionally, these could happen on heels, on top of the foot, or in between the toes. Doctors might identify this disorder based on the symptoms one exhibit. A small patch of skin might be chipped off and checked for fungus if the doctor is not sure.

Athlete’s foot can be treated with many over-the-counter antifungal medicines like ointments and oral medications. The doctor might prescribe a stronger medication if these are not effective. To kill the fungus, one should take care of their feet, use good foot power,  and keep it dry and clean, giving the feet enough air for breathing. It is best to enter common restrooms or locker rooms wearing slippers to avoid fungal infections.

Jock Itch

The medical term for this common problem is tinea cruris. The moist skin in our body like the groin, buttocks and inner thighs may become infected with a fungus due to sweat or weather conditions. This is caused by a class of fungi called dermatophytes that prefers warm and humid environments, and is more prevalent in such areas, as athlete’s foot.

Though it can occur in girls and women, this kind of infection primarily affects men and boys. This is a mildly infectious condition that is frequently transmitted by coming to close contact with an individual who has the infection or an item that has fungus on it. Typical signs of jock itch include redness, itching, a burning sensation, discolouration of the skin, cracks and flakes in the skin, rashes, and extreme pain in those while exercising.

A region of the skin infected by the infection develops a rash with elevated margins and a circular form. Doctors frequently identify this by examining the skin that is infected. They might scrape off some skin cells and send them for testing to aid in ruling out other fungal infections like psoriasis. This infection has a highly distinctive appearance and is typically recognized by its features.

Most of the time, jock itch can be cured at home by keeping the region dry, and clean, maintaining proper hygiene, towel drying after washing, daily changing clothes (especially underwear), and using over-the-counter medicines, antifungal powder, cream, or spray. Consult a doctor, if, after two weeks of home care, the symptoms don’t get better.

They might prescribe powerful antifungal drugs. This condition can be avoided by wearing natural fibers with a loose fit like cotton innerwear. It is crucial to stay away from people who are infected and limit interaction with them. Avoid using shared products like towels and athletic goods. Consult a doctor if the symptoms don’t get better after home care for two weeks.


This fungal infection might infect the skin and scalp. It is brought on by dermatophytes which thrive on decaying tissues like the skin, hair, and nails, just like jock itch and athlete’s foot. Along with other fungi, ringworm is a type of skin condition that thrives in mainly damp and moist areas of our body. Commonly it begins as a rash that is red, itchy, and scaly.

Raised red rings might develop if ringworm patches continue spreading with time due to humidity or heat. With a ring-like appearance, this rash has a twisting, worm-like edge. It might even divide into many rings. Other symptoms include areas that leak and develop blisters, bald patches on the scalp, areas with a reddish outer edge that resemble rings, and thickened, discoloured, or broken nails (if the nails are infected).

On darker skin, the outer area of the ring might appear grey or brown and red on lighter skin tones. The inner portion of the ring might look clean and healthy, while the margins of the ring might spread outward.  Ringworm can be identified with a quick skin inspection because of its form. When a black light is shone over the affected area, the fungus glows and doctors determine this skin condition.

Another method is to scrape a tiny piece of the afflicted skin and send it to a lab for analysis. Over-the-counter antifungal gels, creams (like Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Terbinafine), sprays, or ointments are used for treating ringworm, just like athlete’s foot and jock itch. A prescription might be necessary for ringworm that becomes serious or affects the scalp. This can be prevented by maintaining good cleanliness and keeping the skin clean and dry.

When out in public, one should wear sandals in common showers or locker rooms and not use shared objects, combs, or towels to avoid the spreading of fungal infections. Ringworm is extremely contagious and can spread through direct skin contact or contact with animals, like dogs. Objects like towels, furniture, clothing, and brushes, may harbour the fungus as well. Those who play or work in contaminated dirt may potentially contract the ringworm fungus since it also affects soil and mud. 

Yeast Infection

A form of fungus called Candida albicans can affect our mouth, skin, urinary tract, armpits, gastrointestinal tract, or genitalia. This infection is most common in warm, damp, and wrinkled areas of the body. People with obesity, and diabetes, and those who consume excess antibiotics are at a greater risk.  It is natural to have some of this fungus present on the skin and body in modest numbers.

However, if these fungi increase excessively, they may result in a yeast infection. The usual balance of bacteria and yeast present in the vagina is disturbed by Candida overgrowth. This bacterial imbalance may be caused by stress, antibiotics, hormonal imbalance, unhealthy eating patterns, and other things. Diaper rash and fungal toenail infections are two more typical symptoms of candida infections, along with esophageal candidiasis and candidal intertrigo.

Oral thrush is the term for a yeast infection that occurs in the mouth or throat. The lips, tongue, and throat may develop white spots and cause pain as a result of thrush. Yeast infections in the vagina are rather typical in females. They may lead to itching, pain, swelling, redness around the vagina, burning or discomfort while urinating, and chunky discharge. Some people might get a rash over time.

This infection can happen in the skin leading to rashes, burning, itching, and bruises that discharge a clear fluid. In the case of yeast infection in nail beds, symptoms are swelling, discomfort, pus, or a yellow or white nail that pops out of the nail bed. Yeast infections are simple to identify because they exhibit typical symptoms. Doctors may inquire about a patient’s medical past, including the history of yeast infections, sexually transmitted diseases, or recent consumption of antibiotics.

To examine oral thrush, doctors might rub the afflicted regions with a throat swab. Doctors can have the swab cultured in a lab to determine what kinds of fungus or other microorganisms are present. For identifying a vaginal infection, doctors conduct a pelvic examination. They may swab the region and request lab testing if they are unsure whether a yeast infection is causing the symptoms. Depending on the kind of yeast infection one has and how frequent it is, the treatment methods would vary.

These fungal infections are not contagious. Oral antifungal medicines like pills, lozenges, or mouthwash are an option for treating thrush. Vaginal yeast infection can be treated with over-the-counter medications if it is detected in the early stage. Or else, doctors might prescribe creams, pills, or antifungal vaginal suppositories.

Moreover, doctors may advise probiotics like  Lactobacillus acidophilus. Good bacteria are present in probiotic pills, which may assist in restoring the balance of microbes in our bodies. The symptoms of yeast infections must be treated right away because if they are not, they could get worse. Complicated infections might need complex treatment and anti-yeast medicines.

Consuming a balanced diet, selecting comfortable natural-fiber clothes, and maintaining good cleanliness will help to avoid yeast infections. Another way to avoid fungal infections is to frequently switch out feminine hygiene products and wash the underwear in extremely hot water.

Toenail Fungus

A common fungal infection that might affect the nail beds, toenails, and fingernails is called onychomycosis. It is also called tinea unguium. Around 14% of people might contract this. Compared to fingernail infections, toenail fungus infections are more prevalent. Most nail infections caused by fungi are not dangerous. The typical first sign of toenail fungus is a little, light-coloured patch on the nail.

The form and colour of the nail change as the infection spreads deeper. With time, the nail may thicken, and become brittle and weak as a result. Some common indications are scaling beneath the nail, white or yellow streaks appearing underneath the nails, beneath the nail is flaky or cracked, broken or thick nails, and the nail bed is lifted. These microorganisms might enter the nails through tiny breaks in the skin around it or the nail itself and infect it.

Doctors will probably scrape out a portion of the infected nail to determine whether it is toenail fungus. In the lab, they will examine these scrapings under a microscope which helps in distinguishing between a fungus infection and other illnesses having similar symptoms. Treatment for toenail infection may take months, whereas treatment for fingernail infections may take weeks.

Typically, over-the-counter drugs are ineffective in case of these fungal infections. Doctors might advise either an oral antibiotic or antifungal medicines or a nail lacquer that can be used like nail polish. In extreme circumstances, a doctor might fully remove the nail. Avoid transmitting this kind of infection because it can be difficult to treat.

So it is necessary to start early treatment. The best way to avoid these is to keep the hands and feet cleaned and dried, keep the nails short and tidy, avoid going barefoot in public places like showers or locker rooms, and never exchange nail clippers with others. While going to a salon, make sure they clean and sterilize their equipment.

Symptoms of Fungal Infections

The type of fungal infection and its location on the body determines the symptoms. Most frequently, the nails, skin, or mucous membranes will exhibit the symptoms. Occasionally, one may experience the signs of a fungal infection in their sinuses, lungs, eyes, brain, or intestinal tract. Itching and skin changes are two typical signs of many fungal infections.

Common symptoms include rashes, itching, peeling or cracking of skin, swelling, blisters, and discoloured nails. In the case of lung infection, a person experiences muscle and joint pain, cough with blood sometimes, tiredness, respiration difficulty, and headache. Other symptoms of different fungal infections in the body include fever, neck pain, vomiting, discomfort to light, pain, and discharge from eyes, nasal congestion, abdominal pain, etc.

Treatment of Fungal Infections

In the case of fungal infections, doctors treat the patients based on the kind of infection and its severity. Both oral medications and topical antifungal medicines might be prescribed by them. The majority of fungal infections on the skin are curable using over-the-counter medicines or creams, oral pills, intravenous medication, lotions, powders, lozenges, mouthwashes, eye drops, and shampoos as prescribed by doctors.

However, in severe cases, physicians can prescribe additional treatments. One should consult with their doctors before self-treating a fungal issue using certain medicines available without any prescription.


Hence, fungal infections can be painful and cause discomfort. So it is best to consult a doctor immediately if one suspects an infection caused by fungus. Most of the time, treating skin infections is simple when done in close consultation with a physician. The dangerous fungus-causing infections don’t have to be particularly serious if recognized and treated appropriately and quickly.

Doctors can suggest the best antifungal treatment and also suggest dietary adjustments or lifestyle modifications for treating and preventing fungal infections in the future. Even after treatment, reinfection is possible because fungi can be rather challenging to eradicate. Additionally, following preventive measures like practising proper self-hygiene and avoiding fungus-prone environments can be highly beneficial to avoid fungal skin infections.

Thank you for reading!


  • ‘Fungal Infection: Symptoms,Types, and Treatment’. Practo Health-Wiki. Available from: < >
  • ‘A Guide to Fungal Diseases: Types, Symptoms, and Treatments’ by Team Acko. Acko, Oct 14, 2022. Available from: < >
  • ‘Fungal Infections (Mycosis)’ by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional. Cleveland Clinic, October 25, 2022. Available from: < >
  • ‘What you need to know about fungal infections’ by Jon Johnson. Medical News Today, January 4, 2023. Available from: < >
  • ‘Fungal Infections: Types, Symptoms, and Treatments’. Ciron Drugs, May 16, 2022. Available from: < >



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